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Realistic or Modern McKinley High (Rebooted!)

Zane just smiled at his name. His name was nice and it fit him. "It's nice to meet you Jamie...you have a very nice name...and want to go for some smoothies or something to eat...if you don't mind that is...I just want to get to know you more~" Zane said smiling. He let go of his hand and finished packing his bags then changed his shoes into some sandals.


He heard the question, why would he be asking me this question, unless he was Bi? Should he be honest, or lie? He thought telling the truth. “Well, to be honest, I’m bi. You just so cute, and had to take the chance. So I’m going ask you the same question. Are bi or not?” he asked with the cutest smirk he could give him.


We could, if we did, we’d be late for the first class,” he said to his roommate. He sat down at the computer for moment, and looked at the websites that were actually blocked on the school internet. Man the perks of being an employee here. “But I could go far a coffee.”
Zane took out his schedule along with his glasses then put them on. "Ummm...I have Earth Science today" He tells him with a sigh. He was already good at science but he'll just have to go with it for now. "Oh about the coffee thing...I would like to go with you..." Zane told him smiling and picked up his messenger bag that had all his materials in it and the books he needed.
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He was stocked and was right the whole time that he was Bi. He would then say. "I Am Bi but don't tell Nina Because she doesn't know" he said looking at him

Good thing, there is a coffee shop right here on campus right?” he asked his new roommate. He smelled like he literally just got off the ocean, man would he love to be at the beach right now. Everyone here at the school, knew that he was bisexual, his little brother also was. But not everyone knew about him. “So, are we going to get that coffee?” he asked as he noticed that Zane was bent over, he took this situation, as a chance to look at his ass.


He couldn’t believe that his roommate was bi-sexual. He would have to see if he was telling the truth later. “O
kay, I won’t tell if you won’t tell my brother. He knows I like guys, but he wouldn’t be happy that my roommate was bi too,” he told Ricky. Since they were in their room, this was a private conversation. Thank god.


He would look at him and said "Okay Deal" he said Looking at Sav. If Nina found out she would tell the whole school because Bina is Like one of the Popular Kids in school. And If his parents found out he would be in very Big Troble and now he has to Hope that Sav wouldn't Tell Anyone. He said to himself

He took this chance while they were still in private, he ran up to kissed his cheek, and opened the door, and stopped. “Well aren’t you coming?” he asked playfully. He was wondering what his reaction would be to the kiss on the cheek.
Zane finished getting all his school work ready and stood back straight and turns back around to look at Jamie. "Ready when you are Jamie..." He told him with a smile on his face. He made sure he had everything and quickly looked at himself in the mirror to make sure he looked good and there was nothing nasty on his face, hair or clothes.
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He started to walk out the door, and thats when the power went out. "Ah, what the hell is going on?" he asked Zane. Why the hell is the power out, and my cell signal just went away. What is going on? "Hey lets walk to the main office, and see whats going on."

Timeskip is about to happen, after the next post done by @PaigeAmbrose

Ricky would look at him shocked and smiles at Him and said "Yea can we just go before we will be late for Class I don't want to miss my first day of school, he would walk out the door and was playing on Knock on Nina door like every year but this year was different for him.
Zane just sighed at the power going out. "This is so freaking perfect" he said sarcastically. He just looked at Jamie and nodded when he suggested they both walk to the main office. "Let's just hurry up and find our what's going on...maybe we can find my brother there" He told Jamie and started walking out of the room. Even though he didn't like the black out it was an opportunity to get to know Jamie more.
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Timeskip time!


The entire day has already went by, and yet we still have no power. School officials are saying we are telling us we can’t leave, because students might endanger themselves. They said the only way to leave is with permission of a staff member. Guess what Jamie is a staff member, but he has to be reasonable on who he lets out. He and his roommate Zane are just hanging out in their room, and he starts to speak. “Hey, you wanna go and grab a bite to eat uptown?” he asked. He knew he was abusing his powers. He wondered if Zane knew that he worked for the school, his computer setup should have said it right away.


Since the power was out, and he couldn’t leave school property without permission, he was stuck in his dorm room, and Ricky still wasn’t back. What could someone do in a dark school? He knew as soon Ricky walked in, he would get up and give him a real kiss.
Zane looked up from his book he was reading and looked at Jamie. "Sure I don't mind grabbing a bite...but what if they catch us and fire you or something?" Zane asked him putting his book down but not standing up. He wanted to make sure they wouldn't get in trouble if they left the campus he did not want to get a lecture from his parents because he played hookie.
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Ivy Ayumi Tanaka


Ivy was in the hallways looking out the window blankly. Hearing what the school officials said she thought,'Then we can't leave school then? Unless I found a staff member....like I would know who are the staff members.'

She sigh and wondered what she was going to do then. Walking down the hallways she had now plan to read and do her studies.

Ricky realized the power was out on his way Back to his dorm. When he wanted in he said "Sorry I was Busy Studying a Bit and Nina Gave me a Candle So if you want to Light One Here is a Lighter" he said smiling at him. He would put his book bag Down and would walk to the Laptop desk and Loght the candle

He noticed that Ricky had re-entered the room, and he jumped at the chance to kiss his cute roommate. So he gets off his bad, and walks behind his chair. Then he bent over behind him, and moved his face in front of his, and then he landed a kiss right on his lips. “I really, really like you,” he told Ricky, and he went back to laying on his bed, and he patted his bed, gesturing to Ricky to come sit next to him.



“Oh trust me we wont get in trouble,” he told Zane. He felt very confident in his answer. So he got up and walked towards the door. He opened it, and he walked out into the lobby or the boys dormitory building. He knew his brother was right across the hall, but he decided not to bother him.


Ricky was shocked when he kissed him and when he said that He liked him everything changed and he said "I Like You to but your Brother and Nina would find out" he said sitting down next to him when he Finsh lighting the Candle

((Last Post for Tonight Sorry.))

He looked at Ricky in the dimmed light of the candle. He decided to grab Ricky’s hand, and intertwine their fingers. “Who cares if they find out, as long as were happy, that is all that should matter, right?” he asked the cute boy sitting next to him. He leaned over to him, and gave him another kiss, but this seemed to last slightly longer, before he decided to break it.

((Have a good night @PaigeAmbrose))
Zane quickly followed Jamie out of their room and walks next to him holding his messenger bag tight. "So Jamie...I think we should get to know each other more...so i'll start it...I'm a freshman but I bet you already know that. I have an older brother that you have met and an older sister. she goes here also so I'm the youngest. Hmmm what else...I love chinese and japanese food, yaoi, cosplaying, anime, and alternative rock music...I also play track and field and want to be part of the Student Council." Zane said to him with a smile on his face even though the lights were off. "So now it's your turn..." Zane said continuing to walk. Maybe we have something in common...hopefully do.

Mark sat in his room, surrounded by a thick darkness, the only illumination of the computer which still had enough battery life left on it sitting right in front of him. Mark had stayed in the past day for he has ran out of pills, he forgot to order the early so they won't be there for another day,

"Revolving doors, what have I done?" Mark quotes one of his favorite songs as his head is lying on the desk of which the computer sits. Mark had had a fun time with Frost yesterday, until the lights went out, that is. Mark really hates the dark, something about it really antagonizes his depression which makes it worse. He slowly raises his head up, Mark realizes his situation, he is in full depression mode, he hasn't showered in a day, and he hasn't had a full meal in a day. Mark then walks over to his bunk, songs play on the computer as he stares at the bottom of his roommate's bunk, he could barely see a thing in the dark. One thing that might cheer Mark up, is if he was visited by someone, anyone at this moment, even his roommate, Mark wasn't sure if his roommate was still there anymore.


So he wanted his back story. Alright he can have it. “Alright, I’m a sophomore, I have a younger stepbrother named Xavier, who lives across the hall from us,” he started out with just the basic stuff, and then it got better! “I’m apart the music area in the school, I also work for the school for the tech department. I’m on the student council as the secretary. Because I have gorgeous handwriting. Also, I have my own car, oh yeah. I’m bi,” he exclaimed at his roommate.
He just found out his roommate was bi! This is awesome now I can tell him his sexuality. After Jamie finished talking Zane was smiling from ear to ear. "I'm Gay so i guess it's a win win for both of us huh?" He asked him. This is probably one of the best days of my life so far. And he was on Student Council which is awesome. "You said you were student council which I think is awesome and I was wondering if there is still a spot open and if so who do I talk to to get an interview." Zane said and finally exited the darkness that was inside the building. The fresh air welcomed him with opened arms as he inhaled and smiled.

So his roommate was gay, this got me sort of excited. Plus he wants to on the student council, man could today get any better. So he sort of made the move, and wrapped his around Zane’s waist. Man was he adorable. He unwrapped his arms from around Zane’s waist, and decided to hold hands with him instead, his fingers intertwined with Zane’s.

Zane's life basically froze when Jamie wrapped his arm around his waist. He was blushing madly from the gesture. He felt a little sad when he removed his hand from his waist but he was content when he held his hand instead. He looked up at him and smiled holding his hand tight as they were walking to Jamie's car. "So by the way you wrapped your arm around my waist and then held my hand...you like me don't you?" He asked him a blush on his face.
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While looking through her Class Schedule, she seemed fairly satisfied with it. Sadly, she wasn't all happy-go-lucky about it due to her ever-amplifying depression. When she took note of who her Roommate was, she went to check if she was added on Facebook. To Sabrina's luck, Frost was added on Facebook. Sabrina decided to message her.

Looks like we're roommates this year. If you need me, I'll be in our Dorm Room. She then pressed enter.


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