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Realistic or Modern McKinley High (Rebooted!)


He looked over at Ricky who was sitting own next to him.
Damn is he cute. I love his hair. He thought to himself. He put his hand on his cheek, and stroked it. "I really, really like you Ricky," he told him, and that was when he kissed Ricky on the cheek. "How about we go and chill in our room," he said.

Ricky would look at him after he toub his face and after he kissed it he said "Yea sure why not I mean we are mainly in the dark" he said Looking at him and laughing
((Do you wanna run into Nina, on the way back to the room?))


He looked over to Ricky, and took his hand, and stood up.
Oh my god, I can't believe that I'm holding hands with the cutest boy ever! He thought to himself. He just kept looking over to Ricky, who looked like there was something going on in his mind. Am I pressuring him to much?

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Zane looked at the corner of his eye and caught Jamie staring at his butt. Now this is something he really hated. I just met Jamie and he's already staring at my butt. Zane rolled his eyes and looked at Jamie. "I would like it if you'd stop looking at my ass please...we just met and you're already focused on there then up here..." Zane told him a little upset.
(Notifications are being dumb sorry.)

Shay smiled at the classic reaction. His bike was a beauty and it seemed most people loved it just as much as he did. He took her hand and began to lead her towards the door "Yeah, one of the only things t hat came with me when i moved out here." He said, pride heavy in his voice. The two of them made it to the main door where a member of staff stood purposefully, blocking the way. He was almost half a foot shorter than Shay, skijny and appeared to be in his late thirties. A pair of glasses sat on his nose and Shay smiled, he knew an easy target when he saw one.

"Sorry guys but no leaving during the power outage." He said apologetically.

"Bro come on we'll only be gone a few minutes." Shay tried, the lie was obvious.

"No one leaves! That comes from the top." The member of staff stressed.

"But what if someone was injured?" Shay said innocently.

"Someone is injured?" The member of staff said, concern flashing across his face.

"No, but they will be if you don't move the fuck out of the way." Shay answered, a sinister tone creeping into his voice. The member of staff gulped and stood aside. Shay knew he would pay for that later but he couldn't help but feel a small sense of satisfaction. Still the second they were out the door he made a point to release a deep sigh.

"Sorry you had to see that, but as you could probably tell I'm not the best liar" He reasoned. Violence to him was a tool, amd though he didn't necessarily enjoy using it, it came in handy.

Olivia let him hold her hand, very little resistance on her part. She hadn't actually held hands with anyone in a long time, even if this was just a sort of friendly 'let me show you the way' type deal. Not paying much mind to anything else, she was surprised to see that a staff member was actually trying to stop them from leaving. Frowning slightly, Liv was instantly filled with worry that they wouldn't be going anywhere. Listening to the conversation, partially in a state of shock, Olivia felt herself smirk and giggle softly to herself as the man simply stepped aside. Shay definitely had guts, she'd give him that. A little bit terrifying and probably stupid in the long run, but efficient and note worthy. Shrugging in response to his comment about lying Olivia simply said, "I don't like liars, anyways," she said, sticking to her true feelings about honesty. No matter the situation, Liv always did her best to keep things open and honest, even if the outcome wasn't ideal, and she admired others who did the same.

Shay let out a laugh as he lead her to his bike. "Well said." He replied simply. He to admired honesty more than anything else and held a deep hatred for those who made their way in the world by spinning fables and stories to get what they wanted. Reaching his bike he held out his hands in a sort of 'tada' motion smiling as he climbed on, before patting the seat behind him. "Have you ever ridden a motorbike before?" He asked, genuinely curious.
Olivia smiled, letting out another small laugh at his response. As soon as they reached his bike, Olivia was filled with excitement. No, she had never ridden a motorcycle before in her life but she had always wanted to. Something about them made cars seems so boring and just not as satisfying. "No, I haven't, actually," she said simply after a long pause, still admiring the bike. The design of his bike appeared to be somewhat older yet it looked near perfect, as if he had just bought the thing yesterday. Then again, if you really cared about something as much as it appeared Shay did his bike, Liv was sure you could keep it in very good condition.

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He realized he offended his new roommate. "I'm sorry, my eyes are always wondering places, where they don't belong," he tried to lie his way through this one. For one: whenever he lied, it comes out like it wasn't a lie, and second: he had pearly whites. He unlocked the car door, and sat in the drivers seat.

Zane just sighed and looked at Jamie before kissing his cheek softly then gives him a sad smile. "It's alright...I forgive you...It's just I get really annoyed when people look at my butt...I dont like it...it makes me feel like all they really want is my body and not me." Zane told him holding his hand. "Just wait until we're like official then you can look, grope and do whatever you want to my butt except tattoos....I dont want a tattoo on my ass." He told him chuckling and looked out the window.


We had finally arrived back at school, and he grabbed Zane's hand. He still couldn't believe what Zane told im in the car. Sadly, he couldn't wait. He was just dying to ask him out, but he waited to see where this friendship was to go. He slowly intertwined their fingers, and unlocked the door to the building, since the his badge couldn't unlock it til the power was back on.

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Zane blushed at their fingers being intertwined. He really did like Jamie a lot...he can actually see himself with him in the future. He can picture it now...their first date, first anniversary, first time making love, maybe their first argument he doesnt know about that one yet. But overall, he really likes Jamie and he wants to spend the rest of his life with him. It sounds weird but it's true...he moves closer to him smiling.

He noticed Zane walking ever so more close to him. He liked the vibe that came from Zane, it was like love at fist sight. They had finally got back to the dorm, and put his arms around his waste and kissed his soft lips, man why did this boy make him feel this way? He wondered this as he slipped his curious tongue into Zane's mouth.
Zane smiled kissing him back wrapping arms around his neck. He felt his tongue slip into his mouth and blushed then pulled him closer. He pushed him onto the small couch they had in their dorm and slipped his hands under his own shirt proceeding to take it off. After he did that he went back to making out with Jamie. This was going to fast for him but it seemed to good to stop right now. He found the man he knew he was going to spend his life with and he didn't want him to slip from his fingers.
((What do you mean? Like your not getting the notifications? Ricky and Sav at still at the same place, and I believe Olivia and @Stew's character at hooking up))
((Yea. Okay Thanks :D ))


Ricky would look at Sav and smile and would Hold His Hand and say to him self "I really Like this guy but I dont know if he wants to be with him and all".


Nina would walk around the school even when it was dark and not light. Nina has nothing to do because There is not elections to use when the power is off. Nina realized that she saw Ricky and she went to say "Hi" she then realized that He was hold a Guys hand. She looked at him surprised and folding her arms

He suddenly stop kissing his roommate,and looked at him. "I think we should slowdown a little, see that we just met today," he told Zane, as he put his shirt back on. He looked into Zane's eyes, he believed he was moving way to fast.


He saw Nina, it was girl he met on his first day here, is this person that Ricky was afraid of. "Hi, Nina," he said softly slightly embarrassed.

As soon as he heard Nina's voice he stopped and said while rubbing his neck "Ohhh Hey Nina" he said looking at Her while she folded her arms


She realized that Ricky really have not been telling her all his secrets. Even when she told him hers. Nina though "does he really think I will Be mad that he is Bi. She has a lot of Bestfriends so she really doesn't care" she would look at Ricky and say "Why didn't you tell me about this Ricky" she said looking at him.
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He looked at Nina like he was scared of her, she acted like she legitly didn't care, but some people have ulterior motives, lets hope he was wrong about that with her.

He would look at her and say "I understand that I tell you everything but Nina your the most popular girl in school and you think I would tell you that, I mean Nina you are My Bestfriend But I had to Keep this secret away from you, your like the Eyes and ears in this school you have Followers" he said looking at her


She would look at him and say "So I don't mean anything your the most popular guy in school, you have followers to. I knew you since you was a Kid Richard I really did, and all this time." She said looking at him. "Look Ricky I really don't care I mean it not my fault that all the girls want to go out with you in school, but I want you to be happy okay" she would smile and hug him.

He couldn't believe what Nina just said. Ricky was one of the most popular guys in the school, and did Ricky want a relationship with him, he knew that he wanted one with Ricky. he didn't care if the whole world knew, he just wanted his friend to be happy. He then realizes, if they were together, how all the girls would be jealous of him.

He would look at Nina and smiled at Sav and said "Okay what if I say that I want To Have a Relationship with Sav" he said Looking at Them Both


Nina would smile at him and say "Yea I don't care really I know a lot of Bi People so Why would I care I still Have A Friendship with you Ricky" she said smiling at him

He just heard what Ricky said, and it made him blush, because that was the one thing he wanted the most right now. He let go of Ricky's hand and put it in his back pocket, and put one hand on his stomach.

Ricky would look at him and say "Are you Okay Sav" he said looking at him he though he had done something wrong or something to him

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