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Realistic or Modern McKinley High (Rebooted!)


Ricky would look at him and started to tie his shoes to make sure hat he would fall to embarrass himself in front of his Friends and also his roommate. Ricky would look at Sav with out him looking he would think in his head and say "Damn He is Pretty Cute" he said with a smile and then he said in his head "What are you thinking Ricky He Is Nit Bi I mean He Looks Straight, just get it out your head Ricky" he said to himself he would look at Sav and say "Okay I am Ready To Go Now" he said smiling
We are now skipping to the actual first day of school


The alarm clock went off, and he looked over to his roommate sleeping in his bed. He decided to just lay in bed, and relax for a few minutes. About ten minutes after the alarm went off, an announcement came over the loud speakers.

Welcome back to another year At McKinley High! Class will begin in two hours, so be prepared!

He crawled out of bed, and still in just is underwear, he picked something out to wear. He kept looking over to Ricky, to see if he’d notice him just being in his underwear. This was just a test for Ricky, to see if he was in him. He threw on a pair of skinny jeans, a graphic tee, and a pair of Nikes. “
You should get up and ready for school, breakfast is going to start in a hour,” he said awkwardly to Ricky.
Denise groaned as she rolled out of bed and she had woken up early so she can go down to the cafeteria and gotten break fast she quickly got dressed and she put on her shoes than gotten her dorm key along with anything else as she slid out the room. Andrew was still in bed not wanting to go to class he grabbed his phone and putting on some music than scrolling on twitter before actually getting up.


When he heard Sav voice he said "Time For School Already" he would get out His Bed With out his Shirt on. Ricky was just wear Underwear and shorts on. He would then hop in the shower and gets dress by Putting on A Nice V neck and shinny Jeans with black and blue Nikes.. When he got ready he said "Okay Ready For school"

((What HeLooked Like when he woke up))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.14097902ea5f89efc90f2e435164d3f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36445" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.14097902ea5f89efc90f2e435164d3f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((His Outfot for the day))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.571c94edd0255ba306fa0a602560aa20.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36446" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.571c94edd0255ba306fa0a602560aa20.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Nina was already up she had on a cute outfit and she doing put her shoes on yet. She was just waiting for Ricky to pop at her door like he does every year. Nina would go throw her book bag to get the things ready that she needs for school today.

Her outfit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.54573117e43fd23df6f0d898827f0288.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36444" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.54573117e43fd23df6f0d898827f0288.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Evelyn woke up to the sound of her phone's alarm going off, and sat in her bed for a while, before turning on the lights and getting herself dressed. Her roommate was still sleeping, and Evelyn assumed that she probably didn't want to be bothered, so she grabbed her phone and applied her makeup in the bathroom while texting her friends, Denise and Nina.

Denise, Nina
are you guys up yet? meet @ the caf??

She left her room after grabbing her bookbag, keys and slid her phone into her pocket, shutting the door after seeing that Ivy was still sleeping. (@PaigeAmbrose )


It was hard to believe that his roommate still hadn’t arrived at the school, and damn it was first day. He did enjoy the silence that the room gave off, other than him yelling at the damn alarm clock, and then the annoying announcement. He let out a loud yawn, and stretched. He crawled out of bed, not from free will, only because his mother would kill him for missing the first day. It was slightly chilly in the room, well you’d be cold too if you were only in your underwear. So he went ahead and grab a pair of grey skinny jeans, with a blue stripped shirt, and his classic grey beanie. He looked at himself in the mirror, and thought to himself, damn don’t look that bad for the first day of class. He was hoping that this year he would find some new friends, and maybe a loving relationship?


All he could think of was how good Ricky looked in his underwear this morning. Why did his roommate have to be so good looking? Is he testing me, to see how will react? He felt really good for the first day of class, he had token a shower last night, unlike his roommate. He thought since he had some time to blow before breakfast he’d play some keyboard, just to make his day a little bit better than what it already was. He started to play “All of me” by John Legend, it was basically the hit of the summer, and practically knew every damn word to the song.


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When Nina was Going to Grab her shoes her phone started to Ring and she saw that it was Evelyn texting her. She would text her back Saying "Yea I Am Up I Be at the Caf in a bit" Nina would Put her shoes on and some make up on and would grab her book bag her keys and her Phone and walked to the Caf.


Ricky would look at Sav while he is Playing the Piano again. He know that Sav was Stright no matter wha. Nina dnot know that he is Bi sexual, he think that if he tells her then she would be mad at him and not talk to him any more. Ricky would start putting his things for school In his bag.

He didn’t realize that Ricky was pretty much standing over his shoulder until the song was done. He was glad that Ricky got to listen to the song, and he finally though it was time to flirt with him a little. “
Hey, so you wanna go and grab some breakfast?” he asked as he winked in the direction of Ricky. Would Ricky, realize I was flirting with him? So he decided to take it one step further, and bend over and grab his bad in front of him, making sure he noticed.
Ivy had instantly woke up at the sound of her roommate's phone. She stayed lying in her bed waiting for her roommate to get out of the bathroom. Ivy stared at her book before thinking of what to wear, what to remember, and how to quickly get ready. She stretched a bit in her bed yawning when Evelyn exit the room and got up. Ivy quickly got ready in 10 minutes before putting on her beanie that she seem to wear everyday.


She looked in the mirror and nodded to herself before going out with her bag.

Ricky would look over at him and when he asked that question to him he was very happy inside that he asked him out but he didn't show it in the outside and he said "Yea sure why Not" he said smiling at him he would look at him and said "When ever your ready" he said with a smile

((Going off Line My IPad is Dieing))

Mark jolts awake, he hits his head on the bottom of his friend's top bunk in the process,

"AGH! BLOO'Y HELL!" Mark yells before rolling out of his bed and onto the floor. He quickly stands and goes through the clothes that he has at a brisk pace, he finds some and puts them on quickly,

'Ey, wha's-your-face, we be'er ge' a move on before we're la'e." Mark says, his accent was still thick despite all of his time spent in the USA. Mark grabs what he feels would be necessary for the day and heads out,

Stand easy with myself, with myself, jumpin' up I'm lo-ow-ow, sho-w me down." Mark sings 'Starshine' as he walks to where he told Frost they could meet up. It only took them one conversation to become friends, and she was a pretty good one, she had all the qualities that a friend should.

(I can change if you want,

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Zane quickly runs inside the school and finally makes it to the front desk office panting heavily. He and his family were on a vacation and they returned the day before but he was still tired and decided to go to school the next day. His older brother just casually walked inside the school holding Zane's bags and just looked at him smirking. "I told you to wake up but nope you wouldn't listen to your big brother." Zane just growled at Zachary and took his bags. "Shut up..." Zane mumbled. His brother Zachary graduated from this high school two years ago and now it's Zane's turn to start. After Zachary finished he walked Zane to his dorm so he can get settled in before he left. Zane was embarrassed...he bet money that his roommate was wondering where he was and how come he decided it was cool to just arrive late. He could see it now his roommate yelling and asking questions just like his mom does which annoys him. Once they were at the door the unlocked it and entered seeing it's a nice room...not to big not too small. I could get used to it but I wanted to know who my roommate is and if we will get along smoothly or have bumps in the road.

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Frost was stood in front of the mirror. She was tying her hair back into a messy bun and smudging on a bit of pale lipstick. Today was a special occasion, as she was meeting Mark. As he had had knocked on her door, they had chatted for a while and it had surprisingly not got awkward once. She had invited him to meet her in the library just before the first bell. She noticed that they had the same first class, and she wanted to meet him before hand, so they could maybe walk together.

Picking up her hat and pulling on her boots, she began to walk out of her dorm room. She hadn't talked much to her room-mate, but from what she had already gathered, she noticed that she was very into cars. Frost had never thought about cars as a hobby, or something to spend your life on, but she supposed some people enjoyed that, and she knew that her room-mate did.

As she made her way to the library, she noticed that the school campus was pretty much empty. The car park was full or cars, but no people lurked around and no one was seen near the school building.

But, as she got to the library, there were a few people hanging around, probably studying in the early morning. She saw Mark immediately, standing there in a leather maroon jacket. She swallowed hard, and then started towards him. "Hey!" She greeted him as quietly as she could, considering this was a library.

After her Roommate left, Sabrina was both relieved, but at the same time annoyed. Why she was relieved was because she got to be alone, just thinking about her life and the chance to possibly cry or weep in private. What also fueled her desire to be alone was her depression and she didn't really want her Roommate getting involved in her life at the moment. Why she was annoyed was because her Roommate didn't take the time to greet her. Probably going to meet with some boys or something, which Sabrina had no interest in. Instead, she just grabbed her iPhone, plugged in her headphones, plopped herself onto her bed and just started thinking about her life thus far.


Shay let out a mumble as his room mate left. The early morning had come as to a hock to him and frankly he wasn't prepared for his first day at all. After dodging the problem with the trusty help of a snooze button he eventually got up and pulled on a pair of faded jeans, an fresh, sleeveless vest and a tattered pair of converse. He shoved his laptop and a few notebooks into a bag before rolling a cigarette and walking out the door, locking it behind him and lighting his cigarette in the corridors. Honestly he couldn't give two shits if he pissed someone off today, and exhaled deeply as he left the dorms. He had no idea what time it was but decided it would probably be a good idea to head towards his first lesson, plugging in his earphones as he walked.

(Notifications are being dumb so please tag me if you want to interact directly :) )
Olivia stood in front of the mirror, examining her outfit. Honestly, she could care less what she wore today but she figured putting a little work into her looks wouldn't hurt. As usual, her long brown hair was straightened and she had applied her usual eyeliner and mascara; nothing too fancy. Running a hand through her hair, Olivia shrugged and walked away. "F*ck it," she mumbled to herself, pulling off her previous top to replace it with a blue sweater. Posing once in front of the mirror, Liv laughed at herself and shook her head. Somebody call vogue! She thought to herself, mocking one of her favorite youtubers. Somehow, she liked her outfit twice as much now.

For the finishing touch, Olivia pulled on a beanie, now completely satisfied and comfortable with our outfit. Picking up her dorm key, Olivia headed out the door. To say the least, she wasn't happy about starting class today at all. She had spent the last couple days trying to brush up on past information but she failed quite heavily. The only other person she had talked to before today being Jamie. Her main goal today was to get to all her classes without any trouble and maybe meet someone new. The people here were just getting boring to look at, in her opinion.

Wandering down the hall quietly, Olivia pulled out her phone to check the time. Of course there was still over an hour before school started. Rolling her eyes, she plugged in her ear buds and hit play, letting the world around her drown out entirely. Finally hitting fresh air, Olivia was instantly met with the smell of cigarette smoke. Trying to think of who she knew that smoked, Olivia was at a loss. Shrugging it off, she continued on her way towards the school, deciding to take up a seat on a nearby bench and relax for awhile. Olivia was now fully immersed in her music, dancing lightly along while she scrolled through her tumblr feed on her cell phone.
Roxie's alarm went off and she threw her pillow at it she slept for another ten mins then woke up. There was still no sign of her roommate. She shrugged then got up and got dressed. She grabbed her things and her skateboard and headed out. Once

she got outside she got on her skateboard and headed to school

Mark stood by one of the shelves near the front of the library, he was reading a memoir about the Vietnam War. He had a small MP3 in one of the pockets on his jacket that was playing a rather nice song as he read and listened,

"This is the next century, where the universal spree. You can find it anywhere, yes the future's been so-" Mark was suddenly interrupted when Frost had just arrived,

Oh, 'ello deary, jus' checking ou' some books. 'fese look pre'y nice don' dey?" Mark says with a rather empty-looking smile. He then puts the book back into its place of belonging before looking around,

So, uh, where exac'ly are we goin'?" Mark asks as he pauses his music and returns his earbuds back into the pocket where his MP3 resides.


Ricky would go over to His Laptop and checks out his tweets on Twitter and he would post "Why Do School Have to Start now#BTS" he would then log off and would Get ready and say "Okay All Set I am Ready To Go" he said with a smile

He ran into a boy on is his way out of his dorm room. “
So you must be the mysterious Zane?” he asked curiously. He had no idea that his roommate would be such a good looking boy. He held out his hand, upon this he would try to make some eye contact, and flirt a little. He was interested to see if his roommate would be gay, bi, or straight, so he decided to wink, and giggle just little. Even though Zane was a freshmen, he still seemed appealing to be near.


Why do people use twitter? It’s kind of pointless if you ask me. He thought to himself, as he walked behind Ricky, they had the same class first hour. But this was breakfast, what other eighth graders, or attractive people will they run into? So he decided to do a bro sort of thing, and smack Ricky’s ass playfully, just to see if he would mind. Oh my god! I just touched his butt! He thought to himself, he was waiting to see what Ricky would say.


Okay, so I'm trying something a little different here. But lets cut to the point. This is going to be something coming up in the plot. Since I did remake the roleplay, from my original. I'd like to add something, and I don't want you guys to be surprised. So, I'm going to layout the Scenario. There is going to be a power outage that lasts a full week of school. Therefore, there is till school, but no air conditioning, no technology, its like McKinley just went of the grid. Thats all the information, I'm going to give you. Happy roleplaying!

Zane saw a young man enter his room and figured he was his roommate. I had no idea he was so hot. He smiled and shook his hand. When he winked at him his stomach started to have butterflies. Not only is this man hot but he is also very flirty which is what I like in a man. "Yes I am Zane...and you are?" Zane asked smiling looking into his eyes. Wow he even has beautiful eyes! I could get used to this hottie being my roommate. Zane didn't snap out of his daydream until his brother started to clear his throat. Zane looked at him with an are you serious look. Zachary stepped in front of Zane and looked at his brothers roommate. "Zach stop intimidating my new roommate..." Zane told his rolling his eyes. Zachary didn't listen and just continued until he backed away then spoke. "Alright...I'll stop...but if anything bad happens to you...I will handle it myself...ok?" Zachary asked looking at both of them. "Yeah Zach now can you please go?" Zane asked annoyed "How bout No! I'm gonna go explore my old high school and see if my old teachers are still teachin! Anyway have fun unpacking if ya need me...I'll be around here...later bro!" Zachary smiled and leaves. Zane just rolled his eyes and started to unpack his bags.
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Listening to his borderline amusing cockney accent, she smiled. "Pretty sure we have algebra." She noticed that he was trying to force a smile, or at least, this was his best effort at smiling. Frost knew that he had always seemed to be a little depressed. She knew this from the way he trudged around school, listening to his music, but she liked to talk to him and listen to that accent. Smiling, she lead the way out of the library. As she got to the door, she held it open and said, "So, how are you?" She made her smile more encouraging. "You don't seem one-hundred percent." Her voice was quiet, not wanting to pry but desperately wanting to hear his problem; maybe she could solve it?



Was it just him, or was his brother scary? As his brother left the room, Jamie just kept looking at him.
Why was his mind, telling he like Zane, and Olivia? The lunch they had him becoming more attracted to her, but now him, what will he do? He had this feeling that would be a man whore this year. Man, why does this happen to him every year? Just one normal year, is all he’d ask for. “My name is James, but you can me Jamie. That’s what everyone calls me,” he smiled at Zane. He decided to show of some teeth, he did just get his teeth cleaned, a week ago. Man I could go for a coffee right now.

Ricky would look at him and say "Twitter and I are Bestfriends." He said with a smile. When he turn back around the realize that Sav Toucb his Butt, he would turn around and look at him folding his Arms and said "Okay I Been Dieing to Ask you,Are You Bi Or Not?" He said looking at Sav.

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