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Realistic or Modern Matched

((I try not to post too often so no one gets left behind, but if you insist ;P ))


"Sounds like a plan!" Jovelyn pulled over to the front of the small country styled grocery store. It reminded her of a farm she and her dad had visited when she was younger. Arthur, Jovelyn's dad, had been hired to repair an old beat up chevy out in the country side. While her father worked, the land lord showed Jovelyn around the farm and taught her about raising farm animals and growing crops. After that trip Jovelyn went months reading about farming and agriculture. She wanted to become a farmer for sometime and live in a cute country house where she would provide for herself.

Of course that dream went down the drain fast when Jovelyn discovered her love for adventure. "Will an hour be enough time?" Jovelyn looked over at the people getting down at the grocery store hoping they weren't the type to spend an hour looking at one isle.

@ChloeeGracee @ArtisticKwittyKat234 @Shy Shadow
"Yeah that should be more then enough time," I said cheerfully and unbuckled my seat belt before jumping out of the car. It shouldn't take us long to get what we need and get back to the house, then the real fun could start. After jumping out of the car, I fix my black t-shirt with big yellow letters in all caps spelling NIRVANA. Then I started to walk up to the grocery store.
(Yo! Sorry I haven't posted in a long time.. )

Luna looked at the bunch she had before her. They all had thier weird quirks and unteresting back stories. She really hopes she gets to know each and one of them personally. She loved here people's back story even if it was boring. It takes a lot for her to get bored. She's always the lie of the party. She hadn't always been. She used to be a shy girl with daddy issues. She was never really rich, she wasn't the poor girl in class either. She always felt bad for the self harm, because there were always people with bigger issues than she had. But she did it anyway. Because it made her felel better about her life and the situations she was in.

A few seconds they pulled into the parkinglot of a cute little country looking grocery store. "Aw! It's so cute!" She mumbles watching everyone pile out of the cars door. " I that will be enough time to get what we need and then go back to the house and get this party started!" She shouts making a few poeple who were loading thier groceries into thier cars, jump. She mumbles a quiet sorry then giggles. "Okay! So who's going were? to get what?"

Mitchell Devon

I continued to sit in the car with the driver as everyone piled out of the car. It felt weird to be sitting in the back by myself especially since I was convinced I wasn't on good terms with her. It was at this moment I realized that I still didn't know her name. "Weird." I thought, "I usually know who someone is by now."

The car started moving and I felt like that this next hour would feel like weeks. The hardware store was only down the road. "Who knows, maybe we could be best friends by the time we get back." I thought as I looked at the buildings passing by.

After a few minutes of silence, we pulled into the lot. I hopped out of the car and leaned against the hood waiting for her lead. "This is going to be interesting." I thought placing my hands into my pockets.

(( Didn't Mitchell's parents teach him not to get into a car with strangers =P ))


Jovelyn waited as the girls paraded out of the car starting to feel a bit self-cautious about being in a car alone with a boy whos name, by the way, was still unfamiliar to her. This was a bold move Jovelyn wasn't comfortable with. Jovelyn waited for the guy to move up to the front seat, but he didn't A sudden wave of awkwardness overwhelmed her. She was somewhat glad that he was in the back that way she couldn't see her red burning face. This was too nerve wrecking for her to handle and he wasn't helping by just sitting in the back awkwardly. Jovelyn just shook her head and began on her way to the hardware store. Maybe an hour is too much...I'm not going to last an hour with him...I don't even know his name!..I knew this was a bad idea...me and my big mouth...I should have just agreed to go grocery shopping with the rest of the girls...is he looking at me...stop looking!

Jovelyn eyed the rear-view mirror but the guy was staring at the buildings. Okay so maybe I'm just a bit paranoid...That's fine just go in and get the stuff. No need for awkwardness right? Ugh why is this so awkward! Jovelyn's hands tightened around the steering wheel not really knowing what to say at a moment like this. He was back in the safety of the back seat lost in thought while she was staring doe eyed at the road trying not to crash.

When they arrived to the hardware store, Jovelyn pulled up to a parking stop, turning off the ignition. She stepped out of the parked vehicle and made her way around to meet up with the guy. He was leaning against the car as if he didn't have a care in the world. And I'm over here freaking out! Jovelyn stared at the guy feeling she should say something, but it was as if the cat ate her tongue. She settled for a smile that came out with a slight crazy feel. Noticing her mad woman smile, Jovelyn abruptly stopped, gave a 180 degree turn and walked to the hardware store completely and utterly embarrassed. Why do I have to be so socially impaired? Why can't I just up to the guy and say 'Hi I'm Jovelyn!'?..I'm a stupid social wreck.

Mitchell Devon

I raised an eyebrow at how awkward the girl acted. Was she that mad? I thought that I was a little bit on her bad side, but she straight out ignored me. I sighed. "Come on, Devon. You're being a bit harsh on her." I watched as she made her way towards the store. I was still leaning against the car fiddling with the charm I had in my pocket. "You are better than this. What would God want you to do?"

Wires began to connect in my mind. I had been a little rude over the drive. I practically ignored everyone, lied to Willow, and judged this girl for a stupid comment. And here I was excited to meet new people. I wasn't going to doing the things I was doing now. "You owe her an apology. Try to start over."

I cleared my throat and darted towards the door. I ran up and semi-blocked the entrance just as she reached the door. I took a short breathe, "Hey, look, I think you and I got off to a rocky start." I said making eye contact with her. She looked really friendly, but also really shy. I hoped I wasn't scaring her. "That was my fault though." I looked to my feet, "I was being stupid. I was wrapped up in my own little world and I judged you before even knowing your name." I looked back up into her eyes, "Can you forgive me?"

There was a bit of silence as I waited for an answer. After a handful of seconds, I said, "How about we try this again?" I extended my hand out for a shake and gave her a genuine smile, "I'm Mitchell, but you can just call me Mitch."


Jovelyn stopped cold in her tracks as the guy she was shopping with walked in front of her. "...I think you and I got off to a rocky start." Jovelyn looked at the guy with a confused expression...Off to a rocky start? Does he mean the comment he made? Oh dude I'm serious don't sweat about it. I'm used to- The guy continued talking saying more than what Jovelyn needed to her. "That was my fault thought" Jovelyn's mouth would have dropped if they weren't in a public place...It most certainly wasn't! Just stop please... The guy looked down obviously feeling bad for the situation. Oh honey no. Please stop. It was just a dumb comment. You don't have to insult yourself. Please don't feel bad. Jovelyn slightly lifted her arm in attempt to comfort the guy, but his head coming up and his eyes searching for hers made her jump a little sending her arm back to her side. Her eyes went wide as the guy asked if she forgave him. Forgive you? Honey you've done nothing wrong!

She was still in too much of a shock at his sudden display of emotions making the silence between them a bit awkward. Noticing she had to say something Jovelyn began to open her mouth when the guy began talking again. "How about we try this again?" Once again the confused expression found its way onto Jovelyn's face, Pardon? The guys hand reached out in front of her and he introduced himself as Mitchell. Finally! A name! Jovelyn stared at Mitchell for a moment, before raising her eyebrows and laughing. "Oh my gosh...Haha...I'm sorry...haha..." Jovelyn looked up and fanned herself trying to control her laughter. After a while she stopped laughing and looked at Mitchell with a sweet smile. "I'm not mad at you silly!" Jovelyn took his hand and shook it, "I'm Jovelyn, but you can just call me...Jovelyn...guess I don't' have a nickname" She chucked on last time before motioning to the store, "How about we actually do some shopping now?"

Luna looks at Jovelyn, Mitchell and, willow. She could sense some tension. She frowns and bites her lip. She shoves her hand in her back pockets walking over to Jovelyn.

"So.. Whats up? I mean like, I can tell the awkwardness" She reaches up and touched the air to symbolize the air as the awkward. " Give me the juicy deets. Also, is he your match? I can see you get bashful." She giggles cover her mouth with one of the hands from her back pockets. The warm air whipped her hair from her shoulders. She walks into the store with a quick tug of the door handle.


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