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Realistic or Modern Matched


Jovelyn was surprised when the blonde hair guy she had yet to meet and the cute red head girl agreed to go with her. Jovelyn smiled and stood up from the couch with a little boost of confidence. "Great! I'll go get my keys. Anyone else want to come?" Jovelyn looked around the room for any last volunteers before rushing into her and Oakland's room to get the car keys the producers oh so kindly provided her with. This could be fun! Just you and a few others shopping for bonfire stuff. This will be great! Now if I can just find...ah here they are! Jovelyn fetched the keys out of one of the side table drawers and headed back to the living room her confidence still high. She was panting a bit from the rushing but the smile was still bright on face. "Ready when you guys are!"

@ChloeeGracee @jewelboy


I smiled at the overly excited girl, that I had yet to know her name. I quickly got up from the couch and slipped on my black converses. I walked back over to the girl and Mitchell. I fiddle with my Braclets and pulled my red hair on one shoulder before walking out of the front door. "I wonder where the cars are?" I said, looking for any sign of a car. Where would a car be? In the driveway? In the garage? Oh, the garage! I looked over at the building a little far from the house and opened the door. "I found the cars"

@jewelboy @NessieAlways
(HEY. I haven't been getting notifications!.)

Luna smiles and fixes the strap of her over the shoulder bag. The idea of them hanging out and getting to know each other was great. It made luna happy to see people get along and to not fight, she already had enough of that. Jovelyn's voice snaps her back in reality and out her dark thoughts.

"I'm definitely going!" She says tucking a piece of pink hair behind her ears. She walks out a warm breeze hitting her face. A girl, who looked innocent, sweet with red hair says she find the cars, that brings joy to Luna's ears. She walks over to the garage

"Thanks for finding the cars! I'm Luna, What's your name? I also realllly like your hair and you freckles"

"Hey mind if I tag along?" I said running behind them, hopping that they didn't mind if I came along with them, it seemed like a nice way to get to know the other people. I followed the girls into the garage seeing all the cars. wow... I thought to my self and smiled at the sight of the beautiful cars. "They really gave us nice rides," I muttered and eyed the army green Jeep at the far end of the garage.

I looked up at the girls with bright pink hair, my smile began to form a little bit more as she said her name and she really liked my red frizzy hair that adorned my face and my annoying freckles that dotted my pale skin. I thanked her anyway, my voice just below a whisper. "I really like yours too, plus your eyes are beautiful" I said, gaining a little bit of confidence in my voice. I was still shy about being around people I hardly knew, plus having a match, I think might have a panic attack at this party bonfire thing that were having. I started to quietly hum to my favorite song by Crown the Empire 'The One you Feed' and walked over towards the girls with cotton candy light pink hair.

(@ArtisticKwittyKat234 )

Jovelyn smiled as Wren also included herself in the grocery run. "Great!..Let's go then." Jovelyn followed the girls and guy to the garage. She stared at both Wren and Luna curiously. It was quiet peculiar seeing two girls with their similar colored hair in the same room. Sure she'd seen all shades of hair, but never at the same time an place. It was a pretty interesting site.

Jovelyn found her way to the car and started the ignition. "Hop in!..I promise I'm not a horrible driver." Her shyness from before was fading away every minute as she got more excited for this trip. Just a couple of youngsters shopping for a party. Please don't make me regret this.

Once everyone was in Jovelyn backed out of the garage and headed to the nearest shopping mart.

@ChloeeGracee @ArtisticKwittyKat234 @Shy Shadow @jewelboy
I smiled as a girl with fiery red hair and little freckles that where spread across her face, walked up. She seemed shy, and I could hear a familiar tune being hummed from the girl. She has a nice voice from what I could tell. What was the song called again? Well whatever it is it's nice. "Hi, sorry I don't think I caught your name. Mine's Wren," I said holding my hand out for her to shake. "Oh okay, lets go!" I say jumping in the car excitingly. I look out the window as cars pass by us and we pass by different shades of colored houses. "So what do we need exactly?" I ask the group.

@ChloeeGracee @ArtisticKwittyKat234 @jewelboy @NessieAlways
((Sorry everyone. I've been busy moving and getting ready for college to start up again. I'm settled in now))

Mitchell Devon

I watched as everyone made their way into the car. I felt relieved that we were all starting to get know each other. It felt good to make some new friends. I climbed into the car next to Willow who I noticed was humming a song. Getting to know her would be great. "So I just realized that I never introduced myself. I'm Mitch. Nice to meet you all." I said as we took off down the road.

"So what do we need exactly?" asked the girl with pink hair. It kind of hit me that I didn't think that far ahead. All I thought about was firewood and a lighter.

I chuckled, "Well, you know, campfire stuff. Normally, my friends and I would just get basic stuff like Drinks, hotdogs maybe, and you can't go wrong with s'mores."

Memories of past bonfires rushed into my mind. Scenes played in my mind like they just happened yesterday. There was the time Jake and I had a contest to see who could pound back the most s'mores in a minute. My stomach felt like a log for a week. Also, the time Andy and I tried to freestyle rap for the first time while Alex beatboxed behind us. Or the time Faith and I shared our first kiss. I decided to shake that last memory away. No sense on dwelling on that closed door, especially since this experience might lead to something else.

I snapped back to where I was and added, "We also need firewood, lighter fluid, and a lighter. I'll handle that last bit though, if you girls want to handle the groceries?" I hit myself myself mentally thinking that came off a bit sexist, "But I could use a little help with carrying the wood if one of you are willing to help."

Jovelyn rose an eyebrow at Mitch's last comment. "I'll handle the last bit though..." She was familiar with the 'guys do the tough work' idea, but being raised by a single father who worked in auto repair Jovelyn took a bit of insult to that comment. She knew he didn't mean it, of course, but she couldn't help it. Her father had always treated her as an equal instead of treating her less for being a girl. She wasn't a tomboy however, working as a maid helped her learn the mannerism of being a girl. Jovelyn smiled back at Mitch, "I can help you out of you need... My father and I used to go camping from time to time so I know a thing or two about this." Jovelyn her voice was still a bit soft from her introverted nature, but she wasn't stuttering as much as before. She gave a small wink letting Mitch know that she didn't agree with his "Girls get the groceries" deal, but she wouldn't hold it against him.

Hazel Valentine

Dylan seemed to like my idea about going downstairs. Well, it seems I won't have to make awkward conversations with him. I mentally sighed with relief. He waved me over and I followed. He was already running down the stairs by the time I got there. He seemed just a little bit eager and it was kinda cute. I hurried down the stairs and joined him, walking down the hall to where everyone was, "Hey." I said waving to everyone in the room, "What's going on?" I asked.

Luna climbs into the back looking at the unique bunch of people who were coming to the little grocery trip. She wonders what store they were going to. The houses that they were passing by were colorful, but nothing out of the ordinary. They were almost all the same. Same path, same shutters., same little sprinklers. It was all boring to her. She didn't like boring. It was well, boring. She liked things that were out of the ordinary, things that were different not the same old same old.

Slumping her head against window, people voices woke her up from her thoughts, making her jump slightly. People asked the same question "What do we need?" Their voices were like little tiny annoying bells asking the same stupid question, which she hated.

"I think we need. marshmallows, bars of chocolate, firewood, drinks, chips, maybe a party food plate? Or maybe we could make our own with candy or something? Or maybe veggies? I dunno." She says rambling off random ideas for food.

"Okay! So, what drinks do you guys like? Um and what food and candies? Is anyone allergic to any food items?" She asks looking around. She felt like she was in charge, she liked the feeling, but then she doesn't. It put to much pressure on her as a person.

" Guys! We also need games? What games should we play? Like team build exercises? But in game form."
Mitchell Devon

I got the feeling I was on the driver's bad side now from the way she looked at me in the review mirror. "Way to to go, Devon." I thought to myself. I hoped she didn't take that suggestion wrong. I just said it because it was usually my job when my friends and I did that type of stuff. Getting firewood with her was going to be interesting. I let off a barely audible sigh and decided to just to watch the buildings go by.

Thoughts rushed into my head about my last bonfire. It has been almost a year since then. I was excited to have one again, but up until this point I've been avoiding them. I had spent more time in the ocean than on the shore. It was the only place that I could feel free. It was the only place that I could forget. It was the only place that I felt guiltless. But most importantly it was the only place that didn't remind me of Faith. "I kind of don't want this." I thought to myself trying to force down the pointless guilt that had built up inside.

A voice broke me out of my trance, "Guys! We also need games? What games should we play? Like team build exercises? But in game form."

I looked back at the girl, "Three words: Capture. The. Flag." I said lifting a finger with every word until three fingers were up. "You'd be surprised as to how fun Capture the Flag is in the dark. That's a good team building exercise. But if you want something more 'get to know ya', Truth or Dare and Two Truths and a Lie are good ones as well." I let off a smile remembering all the good and crazy games I've played with friends. It helps me fell a bit better but I still try to hide what ran through my mind a moment ago.

"It's not your fault, Mitch. Forget about it and enjoy this experience." I told myself in my head. But it didn't stop the guilt.


I stopped humming to the song as I tried to tune into the conversation. But I couldn't help but let my mind wander else where, back to the last time I had a bonfire: The last time I saw Riley. My eyes watered at the memory, wishing that I could just go back to my grandmas house. He was the reason I signed up to do this stupid thing, I didn't even wanna go and leave him.

The strong sense of someone wrapping their arms around me made me jump and the touch sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but smile a little. "I think capture the flag would be a great idea" my voice was low and soft, I really hoped that someone could hear me.

My smile faded as I heard Mitchell let out a barely audible sigh and scooted closer towards him. "Hey are you okay?" Despite me being shy and not talking that well, im acutally good listener.

((Welp I didn't get any notifications so I didn't know this much had been developed but I'm sneaking back in))

Jonathon Wilson

Jonathon being the observer he was, he just watched as the others conversed with one another. He would have liked to introduce himself to each one individually but didn't want to be rude so he thought it would be best and wait till someone was free so he wouldn't disrupt a conversation. As he listened he could hear Lunas voice from within the crowd announcing having a party and a kind of bonfire. He enjoyed how spontaneous Luna was and how she was quick to get things started.

He watched as people scrambled around, some going into the kitchen, others leaving the front door, but the majority getting things together to have a party. 'What a great way to get to know each other.' He thought to himself as he moved towards the couches seeing as everyone else had gone up to do something. Jonathon felt useless but he couldn't help being awkwardly shy and quiet, or maybe it was his appearance that scared everyone away.

Jonathon was going to volunteer to tag along on the grocery run but saw that there were already enough people to fill up a car and it would be no use to take two cars for one trip to the store so he just stayed quiet as the rest continued on their mission for party supplies. Just when the group of grocery hunters left the door he heard a voice call from the stairway and turned to look. He waved back at the girl and said "A few went to get groceries for a party that Luna suggested we should have, as a way to get to know each other." Jonathon put his hand back down next to him and looked up at the guy who was by the girl. "Are you each other's match?" He asked bluntly at an attempt to get to know people as he failed to speak out with the ones who left and didn't want the same thing to happen again.

(( @Blue Puppy and @Keiser since I don't know who else is left inside the house and I want to continue the rp))

Jovelyn looked back at Mitch and something seemed to cross his mind. Something that appeared to be a disturbing memory. The chirpy voice of Luna took her mind and eyes off of Mitch. Games? Like Ice Breakers? Jovelyn looked over at Luna, "Well there's always 'Never Have I Ever'. That's a good way to get to know people." Jovelyn looked back to the street seeing a market just a few feet ahead. "So who's shopping for groceries and who's going to the hardware store?"
Mitchell Devon

My mind snapped back to reality when I felt Willow's leg brush up against mine. My heart skipped a beat as she leaned over and asked if I was okay. I mentally shook myself, "You can't lay this on her. Especially since you are her match and being that you only met her." I thought to myself as I looked at Willow. Her brown eyes felt like they were staring right into my soul and it caused my heart to skip a beat again. "Why do I have to be a sucker for brown eyes?"

I grinned and ran my fingers through my hair, "Sorry, I guess I just got a little homesick." I felt bad for lying but I couldn't tell her, at least not now. "Thinking about this bonfire just reminded me of all my friends that I haven't seen in a while."

I looked back into Willow's eyes. I couldn't tell if she believed me or not, but I could tell she was definitely concerned. I gave her a soft smile and softly spoke, "Thanks for being concerned though." I resisted the urge to think about it again, at least for Willow's sake.

It helped when the driver asked the question, "So who's shopping for groceries and who's going to the hardware store?"

"Well, we don't need much from the hardware store, so you and I should be good for getting everything we need there." I replied making sure not to sound as misunderstanding as last time. "Are you three okay with getting groceries and game supplies then?" I asked relaxing back into my seat.

@ChloeeGracee @ArtisticKwittyKat234 @Shy Shadow



I listened to him intently, often nodding. I could tell he was lying but I didnt want to keep bugging him, so I sank back into my seat, scooting back over to give him so space again. "Your welcome" I said just above a wisper and looked down at my shoes again. "I'm okay with getting groceries" I half smiled and looked over at Mitchell again. Studying him in a non-creepy way, just simply looking at his features. He was really cute, but he would never like me. I'm too messed for anyone to like me. My mind flashed with the painful memories, the ones of me and Riley sharing our first kiss, he was my first for everything. My lips trembled and my eyes watered, threatening to spill over.


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