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Realistic or Modern Matched

~ Oakland Randal ~

Although Oakland was expecting a handshake, he pretends Jovelyn's bow is a normal response and tires to bow back to her, but he just ends up giving himself a headache from moving his head too fast. He steadies himself before he falls forward and peeks into the envelope as it is handed to him. Oak still does not understand why Jovelyn is so nervous, but he smiles kindly at her, attempting to tell her that he means no harm.

After she suddenly leaves him standing alone, the male goes back to the sofa he was perched on before. He assumes Jovelyn is bored with their conversation and wants to be alone for the time being, and he fiddles with his set of keys. His mind daydreams and comes up with future questions to ask the girl. Questions are his favorite way to communicate, although they sometimes make others uncomfortable.
He very slowly made his way up the steps, but stopped mid-way through and turned to take a seat on the very steps. Hell... seemed like he was the last one to arrive at the party. That was a real bummer. Being that he reached into his leather jacket for a cigarette and lit it up, inhaling the almost instant stress-relief. He needed this right now, there was no doubt about it. Around this point, he considered turning around and walking away. It wasn't like he knew what he was supposed to do anyways. Walk in there and be confronted by a horde? No thanks. He wasn't about that. Sighing, he exhaled a puff of smoke and ran a hand back through his hair.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into?" Maybe he ought to run and hide. Or bail on this show. That was possible right? Not like they planted a tracking chip in him or anything. Errr... least not that he knew of. He glanced at his ruck sack and frowned, briefly poking at it with a middle finger for good measure.

Willow Eleanor Dawn Laurence

My body lunged forward as a Boy with dirty blonde hair landed with a thud on to the wooden porch and he proceeded to the glass door and then slowly open it. "Uh. Hello? Are you Mitchell? " I stuttered, my voice cracking at the end. He was really cute, but his face was a bit red.


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There was a sense of relief as Jovelyn walked down the hall. She was finally in a private setting where she could freak out in peace. There was a slight lingering feeling of guilt for just having ditched Oakland like that, but if she didn't abandon ship as soon as possible she'd end up sinking it. Jovelyn walked around the house trying to find her room. She thought about what had just happened between her and Oakland and how it could have gone so many different ways. For one, if she had taken the envelope since the beginning she would have saved herself the trouble of the awkward encounter. Then again, if she had gotten it from the beginning she might have not even seen him until he walked into the room.

Jovelyn made it to the room and unlocked the door. It was a beautifully adorned room with a great view. There was only one problem. The room only had one bed. Jovelyn was raised in a very old fashioned way so sharing a bed with a complete stranger was way out of the question. "It's okay don't worry...we'll fix this. He can have the bed and I'll just buy an inflatable mattress or something. No biggie." Jovelyn smiled at herself reasurring her that everything would be fine.

So she was a bit of a wreck at this point, but bringing a small city girl across the country, to a place she only ever dreamed of visiting was more overwhelming than some might think. Jovelyn dropped her stuff on the right side of the room and sat on the bed. "So I'm rooming with a guy named Oakland. He seems nice. He has pretty eyes if that counts for anything. The few housemates that I have seen seem pretty nice too. Nothing to crazy. I mean except for the single bed, but it could be worse. It could be a twin bed. Oh sush you don't say such nonsense. Okay all you need to do for now is unpack and keep calm. Everything will come with time. All you need to worry about is moving in."

Jovelyn grinned after the little pep talk she had with herself and began unpacking. As she unpacked, Jovelyn sang a song. She had a fair voice which she kept in at a medium volume. She wasn't loud enough to be heard across the house, but she was sure she could be slightly heard from the hallway. Either way it helped Jovelyn relax and become more comfortable with being in this house. It had been a big change for her, but she'd get used to it.
Mitchell Devon

I fully opened the door but didn't enter the room right away. I looked at the girl sitting on the bed, it was kind of hard not to; she was really cute after all. I grinned and brushed the back of my head. Letting off a small chuckle I said, "Sorry, didn't mean to spook you." I finally stepped into the room and closed the door behind me. I made sure to keep my distance so not to appear as a murderer or something. "I heard you taking pictures and thought I would introduce myself in a creative way."

"Uh. Hello? Are you Mitchell?" I heard.

Swallowing hard, "I said, yeah, that's me." I glanced over at the envelope sitting on the bed and noticed that it had my name on it along with the name that had been haunting me for the past few night: Willow. My face rushed red, which really unusual for me. Of all the people for me to drop in on unexpectedly, it had to be my match.

"Relax, Mitchell, you knew this was coming." I thought to myself, "Quit the worrying. You have no reason to think she will not like you. Just be yourself." and took a quick breathe. I chuckled, "But most of my friends just call me Mitch." I dug my hands into my pockets and leaned against the door. "I assume you a Willow, correct?" I gave a genuine smile and let go of the worry I had built up. "Nice to meet you." For the first time since I was signed up for this, I felt like myself.

London Jessica Diaz

London pulled out her two light purple suitcases and looped her Nike duffel bag, the one she usual put her dance things in, over her shoulder. The ocean breeze whipped up her wavy brunette hair as she made her way out of the car. She dropped few bills into the outstretched hand of the taxi driver through the half opened window before turning toward the mansion. The house was big, she had to admit. It was a tad bit bigger than every house she ever lived in, but it didn't quite impress her. Sure, it was huge and elegant, but it was just like every other house she ever lived in. She came from an upper middle class family, and she wasn't easily impressed.

She dragged her suitcases to the mansion door and simply rolled her luggage inside. London though she was pretty stupid for even agreeing to be on this show, but her parents somehow persuaded her to come here to correct her 'partying' and 'cheating' ways. She didn't quite understand how coming to a reality show and living with a bunch of other young adults would correct anything. This reality show was supposed to be a "social experiment", she didn't see how it would make anything better. She made her way over to a bunch of envelopes.

Most of the envelopes had been opened. Wow, I'm pretty much the last to arrive. Now, let's hope my match isn't some type of hooker or some man whore. She grabbed the envelope with her name written on it. She teared open the envelope quickly. Her match was some guy named "Tyler". She hoped he wouldn't judge her or anything, and she was starting to have an urge to just bolt out the door. She looked at the other envelopes. Tyler's wasn't opened yet, so she assumed he hasn't arrived.

She made her way into the room pulling up her suitcases. When she got to her room, she noticed that there was only one bed.
"Fuck...," she muttered quietly to herself. The producers never mentioned that the contestants would be sharing a bed with their match. "Well, let's just hope he isn't a creep," she said to herself

She threw her suitcases aside, she figured she'd pack later. She felt a bit sticky and itchy. It was quite humid and stuffy even in her crop tank and highwaisted cropped jean shorts. She turned up the air-conditioner hoping the others wouldn't mind. She then plopped down on her bed with her legs dangling a few inches from the ground. She unzipped her guitar case and took out her shiny and slick acoustic guitar. She began strumming, hoping the others wouldn't mind. London eventually disappeared into her own world, and found herself singing along after a few minutes.

@Brynn )
Jonathon Wilson

He watched her as she unpacked with him noticing that she was just carelessly shoving things inside. Jonathon gave a soft laugh seeing as she was speeding things threw. 'she must be excited' came into his thoughts as he continued to unpack. About midway through his luggage he saw that she had finished and was now waiting for him. Feeling bad for being so slow and making her wait, he just finished putting away the clothes that were in his hands and headed to the door thinking he could always finish unpacking later. "Yea let's go see everyone." feeling slightly nervous as he said this. Walking over to the door he held it open so Luna could see that he was ready to go down with her.

(( @ArtisticKwittyKat234 ))

Tyler Jackson Henderson

Tyler rubbed his eyes as the taxi he was in halted to a stop in front of a mansion. He had quickly opened the door and retrieved his suitcase that was next to him and opened the taxi door. Tyler had quickly closed the door and paid the man the owed money for his drive to the mansion. The window had quickly rolled up as the taxi had drove off in a flash. He had shrugged his shoulders and ran his fingers through his hair before walking to the door to the mansion. He had quickly opened the door and was greeted with envelopes that were already opened except one that had his name on it. "Looks like I'm the last one to arrive. Lets just hope I don't get some crazy person." Tyler had thought internally sighing.

He had quickly grabbed his envelope and opened it to see that he was matched with a girl named London. " That name doesn't seem so bad. Lets just hope she isn't some lady whore." Tyler had thought before he had walked up to his room to hear a guitar playing. He shrugged his shoulders and quietly opened the door, he had noticed that there was only one bed in the room. " Well isn't this dandy. How do they expect us to sleep in the same bed when were strangers that only know their names." Tyler had thought to himself before placing his suitcase somewhere in the room, he would pack later, when he was in a better mood. " I have a bad feeling about this." Tyler had thought before he had ran his fingers through his brown hair and tapping London's shoulder to get her attention.

(@Keira Winston)​
>tfw no alerts

A cough escapes Dylan's mouth as they were arriving to the house. He was wondering whit who was he going to be matched. It was going to be a long time here, so he hoped it was someone he actually would get along. As the taxi driver shouted that we were here, he simply nodded at him and got off, walking towards the house. He turned the knob and the door opened, he was thankful for that, keys were a hassle. He walked in and saw a bunch of envelopes with names, so he grabbed the one that had his name. It gave him a key and his dorm room, along with that he would be matched with

London Jessica Diaz

London looked up from her guitar and immediately stopped singing her heart out when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned slightly alarmed. "Woah..... uh hey. You're.... Tyler, right?" she asked raising and eyebrow. She pretty much assumed the person in the room was her match. "Hey, I'm London," she said slipping a piece of her hair behind her ear with a flirtatious smile. He doesn't look like a hooker, that counts right? He doesn't seem like a creep, let's hope he actually isn't one. I gotta admit though, he was pretty cute. "Yeah, sorry about the whole guitar thing.... I guess it must've been pretty awkward to walk into," she said biting her lip.

(@Brynn )​
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Tyler Jackson Henderson

" Woah..... uh hey. You're.... Tyler, right?" The girl had asked raising a eyebrow at him. Tyler slightly nodded. "
Yeah, that's me." He had said offering London a slight smile. " Guessing she my match London." Tyler had thought to himself observing her a bit before running his fingers through his hair. " Hey, I'm London" The girl that was named London had said. " Nice to meet you London." Tyler had said smiling at her warmly. " She doesn't seem that bad, not like how I expected her to be thankfully." Tyler had thought to himself internally thanking the gods for not giving him someone who was sane.

Its fine don't worry about it, your actually pretty good at playing the guitar." He had said smiling at London. Tyler wouldn't admit but the girl was pretty good looking. "Lets just hope she has a good personality, so far so good." He had thought to himself.
He sighed to himself and put out his cigarette, putting a boot to it to kill the sparks. So many people had walked by him sitting there on the steps and not noticed him, well... he was a really unnoticeable guy, he guessed and started second thinking being here even more than he had. Within his best interest, he decided to just stay outside and see if he could catch another cab and bail on these guys. He decided he didn't want to be here anymore. He'd made a really big mistake.
Luna rosemary leaa faye

I see that he was holding the door. "Thank you." I walk out of the door way and into the hall then down the stairs. Once she gets down the stairs she sees people huddled into the groups. Without second guessing she yells. "HEY! I'm luna! Nice to meet you guys!" She smiles and walks around looking at the beautiful interior of the house.
As he was reading all the information the envelope had, he heard someone enter and yell. He slightly shaked, before turning around and seeing the beautiful girl. His mouth slightly opened before he shut it back up and waved at her. Is this girl Hazel? I wouldn't mind at all if she was. he said, after he giggled to himself. He started to roam around, looking around the giant house.
Jonathon Wilson

Stepping into the hallway as Luna walked out he could catch a whiff of a burning cigarette. Looking around he saw a guy who had just finished putting it out as there was smoke hovering over his head. Jonathon walked over and tapped the guy on the shoulder just as he was getting up. "Sorry to intrude on your relaxation, I know we're all over 18 here but some may have different views and probably don't like the second hand thing to be exposed to them. Try to keep it outside next time and make sure to invite me." He told him in a calm and settle tone. Living with his sister ment he couldn't smoke wherever he wanted and he just brought the habit over with him here. He cringes a bit at the yelling of Luna introducing herself to everyone. "Come then, I think everyone is getting acquainted down stairs." With a pat on the back Jonathon leaves the guy and begins to make his way down the rest of the stairs, trying to guess the rest of the matches as he looked over everyone.

London Jessica Diaz

London put down her guitar and slipped it back in her case. Okay, so Tyler seems okay. Let's hope I don't make things awkward, she thought to herself crossing her fingers. She zipped up the guitar case and leaned it against the wall. London smiled to herself when Tyler complemented her guitar playing. "Well, I guess you could say I'm okay. I mean, I've always kinda knew how to play. It's no big deal," she said shrugging. "So........" she said awkwardly. She got up from the bed and unzipped her suitcase starting to unpack.

@Brynn )
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Her books were neatly placed in a bookshelf, her some of her clothing was hung up in the closet, taking up only half of it, the rest was in two of the four drawers in the dresser, her toiletries were placed in the right side of the bathroom, and her pillow and blankets were neatly arranged on the floor. Jovelyn looked around the room and smiled. This was going to be great! She went over to the window and just stared at the ocean waves gently crashing into the shore. "This is your adventure Jovelyn. The one you've always waited for. Go out there and have the time of your life. Oh and note to self go buy a mattress and curtains."

Jovelyn locked the room behind her and walked back down the stairs to meet up with the rest of the housemates. She wondered who would be the first couple to hook up and who would be the first to throw in the towel. Hopefully she wasn't either of those, but with the way things had started between her and Oakland she was almost positive he labeled her as kooky. Jovelyn shook the thought out of her head and put on a brave smile as she walked in to a girl introducing herself really loudly. If she heard correctly the girl's name was Luna. Jovelyn jumped a bit from the sudden outburst of happiness the girl displayed. This is going to be harder than I realized.
Hazel Valentine

When someone yelled, I turned to look at a girl with pink hair. She seems lively. I smiled and waved at her before turning to Wren, "Well, I'm going to find my room. Later." I said. Then I rolled my suitcases down the hall. This house sure got crowded fast. I wonder if Dylan is here yet?

I look at each of the room numbers until I found mine. When I opened the door, the first thing I noticed was there was only one bed. My eyes went wide and my mouth dropped a little. They want me to sleep in the same bed as a total stranger?!

"I'm taking the floor." I mumbled to myself as I went further in. I set my bags on the left side of the room. I contemplated going back out, but decided to stay and meet my match. Hope he's not too disappointed.

( @Keiser )
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When a girl bumped into me and she jumped a little. She had a look of surpised, mixed with nervousness. She was super goreous, all the girls here of gorgeous. She sighs but brushes it off hoping now one heard it.

"Hey! I'm luna! Sorry I bumped into." She smiles, rubbing the girl's shoulder, kind o motherly. " What's your name, love?"


Jovelyn felt on the spotlight suddenly even if it was only Luna talking to her. She took a gulp and swallowed her nerves. Luna was rubbing her shoulder sort of like a mother would do. It felt strange. Jovelyn didn't remember much of her mother, but she in her head she imagined her doing something similar to Luna's action. Thinking about her mother made Jovelyn feel relaxed. She had only been a child when she passed away, but the few memories she had of her were enough to soothe and bad thought she had.

"Hi Luna...I'm...Jovelyn. Nice to meet you." Jovelyn curtsied and, again, regretted it the moment she realized that no one did that anymore. Jovleyn straightened up her cheeks already burning pink. Note to self...don't ever to that again! Jovelyn felt like she should say more to Luna. Probably ask her were she was from or if she's met her match yet, but no words came out of her mouth. She just stood there awkwardly wishing she wasn't such a social wreck.
"Ah! Pretty name! I like it. " She smile and pats her shoulder one more time and then puts her hand down by her side. "Nice to meet you too!" She could tell the Jovelyn was the shy type. " SO! Have you found your match? Is he cute? I wanna knowwww. Give me the details." She giggles.

~ Oakland Randal ~

Oakland shakes his head out of his thoughts and notices several people around him. He isn't great at starting conversations, but he does listen to everyone else's, however, so he can catch everyone's name. He begins to make rhymes up for all the names he has learned so far and whispers them to himself, possibly sounding like a song to listening ears. He struggles to rhyme Jovelyn's name successfully and has to pronounce words oddly to make them work.

"Robbin...Dove skin... clove grin..."

He laughs to himself and drops his game.

The girls enthusiasm made Jovelyn giggle and feel a little relaxed. Jovelyn smiled nodding her head to answer Luna's question about having found her match. Jovelyn looked around to see if Oakland was anywhere near and even though he wasn't Jovelyn kept her voice low enough for only Luna to hear. "I...met him when I was about to...open my letter. I was like...a magical moment!..I was going...crazy about the letter...and he showed up...when I opened it...it had his name." Jovelyn was blushing like crazy and she couldn't wipe the silly grin off of her face. Her voice was soft and almost dreamy. "And...yes...he's cute!" Jovelyn giggled again feeling like a little girl eating candy for the first time. "Wha...what about you?.. Have you met your...umm match?"


London Jessica Diaz

London finished unpacking most of her clothes. She decided to finish unpacking later, she wanted to explore the house and meet a few of the others. "Hey, Tyler, I'll see you in a lil' bit. I'll finish unpacking later, sorry for the mess and all. I'm going downstairs to meet a few people," she said to Tyler. Let's just hope he doesn't mind the open suitcase...... Hopefully he doesn't get the impression that I'm a slob. London walked down the stairs hoping to meet a few people. She took out her phone and texted a few of her friends. As she was texting, she accidentally bumped into some girl with pinkish hair. "Oh, my god, I'm so sorry!" she said with wide eyes. She ran her fingers through her long, wavy brunette hair. "Hey... uh.. I'm London," she said introducing herself.

(@ArtisticKwittyKat234 )


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