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Realistic or Modern Matched

A girl bumps into to her while she talks to Jovelyn. They girl was super pretty, just like jovelyn. It made her feel kinda bad about her self, hair, skin color, etc. She would never be as pretty as the other girls. She had always been the second choice for guys. Brushing that thought off her train of thought, she turns to the brunette.

"Hey! I'm Luna! "She smiles then turns back to Jovelyn. "Yes! I have! He's fricken adorable.. I dunno what he thought of me though." She smiles brighter. " I hope we can all become the best of friends! NO secrets! Okay?" She puts her arms around Jovelyn and London leading them to the couch.

"SO!" She says clapping her hands together. " Where do you guys come from? I come from Virginia.. It's super boring. Well.. If you ask me, it is."

(@Keira Winston || @NessieAlways)
~ Oakland Randal ~

Being seated on the couch, Oak is suddenly joined by three of the girls, one of whom is Jovelyn. He fights the urge the jump up and walk away, as they are at the further end on the extended seat. Instead, he enjoys watching them and scoots closer to listen. He was too curious to strain his ears over the slight distance. Oakland forgets some people have a large bubble of personal space and kicks his feet up on the coffee table in front of the sofa.
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A sigh escaped his mouth as he heard the conversation of the two girls. How nice would it be for someone to call me cute, wouldn't it? Lucky dude, I wish I was that goodlooking he started to walk, like a zombie, upstairs. He wanted to see who his match was, but, he'd bet it was going to be a not-so-good looking girl. He always had bad luck, but, one part of him just hoped that.


As I sat sat up, my black jacket sleeves slips down showing off my red and purple cuts, old and the fresh ones. I quickly pulled my sleeves up and my face flushed red. "It's okay, Mitch. I'm willow.. And I think you already know that" I grabbed a piece of my red hair and tucked behind my right ear. I got a good look at him, his light brown hair was shaggy, he had a pretty green color eyes. He was pretty well bulit too. He looked like he might like surfing. "You can come closer, I don't bite. At least not hard" I let out a soft laugh and looked down at my Mitch matched sock clad feet. He was cute, especially when he smiled. I always liked guys that had dimples. I quickly walked over to my camera case and pulled out my camera. I put the camera close to my eye and toke a picture of Mitchell. I wanted to remember this moment. For the first time in forever, I felt like I could be myself in front of a guy.


Hazel Valentine

I started pacing nervously in front of my bags. I was thinking about my match. After this long, I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't seen my match yet. What's he like? Is he nice? Is he a perv? I need to calm down. He won't be that bad.... Hopefully...

"Just calm down." I spoke to myself. I need to distract myself. I thought and dragged my bags to the wall and rested them against it. "Maybe music will help." I mumble and sat against the wall and grabbed the bag closest to me to look for my Galaxy Tab 3 and earbuds. I made a mess of my case looking for it only to find it wasn't in this one. That'll make a great first impression if he sees that mess. Hopefully he won't walk it before I clean it up. Soon after starting the search, I found. Luckily with a lot less of a mess.

I tried to quickly plug in my ear bud, but I kept fumbling and dropping them. "For the love of... Would you stop being a pest?" I said to my earbuds. I tried again, and this time, they went it, "Thank you." I said. Searching though my music, I found Near's Theme A B and C and started listening to that. Then I started cleaning up my messy bag.

( @Keiser )
As he walked up the stairs, in the struggle of walking trough the dorms, trying to find the one that was his. When he finally entered, he saw a short haired girl, his eyes drifted off and he awkwardly waved at her. He tried to make no eye contact, he was nervous. She was very, well, cute, and he wasn't sure if she'd like to even talk to him. He started to unpack, without letting out a single peep, she had earphones anyways.
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Jovelyn was taken by surprise when the gorgeous brunette bumped into Luna. Jovelyn gasped and threw her hands in front of Luna to steady her, but Luna just brushed it off and continued talking to Jovelyn about already finding her match. Jovelyn gave Luna a reassuring smile. Trying to communicate to her that she was really pretty and that from what she's seen there is no possible way that someone wouldn't like her.

Then, out of the blue, Luna's smile turns so big Jovelyn thought she was going to loose it right there and then. Luna grabbed both girls by the shoulder and rushed them to the couch stating how they were to be best friends. Jovelyn was feeling awkward and self-conscious once more. Those feelings only escalated when Jovelyn saw Oakland sitting on the couch Luna was heading to. Jovelyn ducked her head trying to avoid eye contact. What am I supposed to do? Say hi? Wave? Smile? Give him a hand shake? Hug him? Did he see me? Does he know I'm here?

Jovelyn was grateful to be on the farther side from the guy. She felt as if she was being rude for not saying anything, but, in her defense, he didn't say anything either. Jovelyn was lost in thought she missed when Luna began talking again. The last that she caught was "well it is if you asked me". Jovelyn tried to figure out what the girl had just said so she turned to London for some help. That was when she noticed Oakland was closer than he was a moment ago and with his feet up on the coffee table. Manners!
Mitchell Devon

I thought it was cute on how shy Willow was acting. I couldn't help myself give off a soft smile as she took my picture. I was normally uncomfortable with having my picture taken but I thought it was way more comfortable than appearing like a creeper in front of my match. I chuckled as her joke, "Well, I guess I'll have to not get on your bad side lest I find out you do bite." I joked lamely.

I started to move towards her and realized she was sitting on the only bed in the room. "Oh, jeez." I thought, "No way. Am I suppose to share a bed with her? I just meet her." I blushed a little at the thought as I leaned against the night stand which sat right next to said bed.

I was finally able to get a good look at her. She had beautiful brown eyes which I was always a sucker for. She also had light freckles which brought out her smile even more. And the way she moved her red hair out of her eyes was really adorable. I couldn't wait to get to know this girl. The thought brought a stupid smile to my face.

I cleared my throat, "So," I paused, "I'll be taking the floor by the way. Bed is all yours." I stuck my tongue out playfully to let her know there was no use in debating it. I chuckled, "Anyway, I just realized I left my stuff outside. So, I'm gonna go and get it."

I made my way toward the door towards the lobby and stepped out but not before glancing back once more and saying, "I look forward to being matched with you these next couple of weeks." and stepped out the door.

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Hazel Valentine

The song was already on the "B" part when I finished cleaning. There we go. That looks better. I set my bag back and leaned against the wall. I should probably unpack. I thought, looking towards my bags. Meh... they'll get unpacked eventually. I rolled my head upward to look at the ceiling. I wonder when my match is going to get here?

I lazily looked over and saw him standing there. Surprised, I yelped and jumped at least an inch off the ground. My hand almost immediately went to my chest. My heart was pounding, "When did you get here?" I asked, half-laughing and half-trying to catch my breath. I yanked my earbuds out, but forgot to pause the song, and stood up, "Are you trying to give me a heart-attack?" I asked, still laughing. How embarrassing... I thought, feeling myself starting to blush

"You're Dylan, right? I'm Hazel." I said, sticking my hand out.

( @Keiser )

"But.." I said, pausing "You cant sleep on the floor, I dont want you to sleep on the floor. You can sleep on the bed" i protested before he left the room to get his stuff from outside. A soft sigh escaped my lips and I pulled down my jacket sleeve, rubbing the now itching cuts. But I couldn't itch them they would start to bleed again. I hastily pulled it up again and laid back on the bed, closing my eyes. I wonder what it would be like to live with all sorts of different people, including my match.

Luna looks at Jovelyn and London she has a sad look on her face. She feels super pushy and clingy. "Sorry" She mutters and sinks into the couch, looking at the both of the look really uncomforable.

"I'm sorry.." She thinks in her head before shouting, "WE SHOULD HAVE A PARTY! It should be a bonfire" She says getting quieter at the last part. She hoped that the whole housed heard her, they probably did.

London Jessica Diaz

London smiled at the girls, but she felt slightly uncomfortable. It took a while to process all of this. It happened so quick. She felt slightly awkward though. She didn't usually get close to someone so quick. She bit her lip. Luna was extremely clingy. "Well, I'm from Malibu," she said slowly and cautiously. She slipped herself out of Luna's arms. God, is it just me, or did she get way to close to me? She raised her eyebrows and turned to Luna when Luna mentioned something about hosting a party. Honestly, London was getting slightly annoyed.
Mitchell Devon

As I made my way through the main room that everyone else had entered from, I felt excited. I was happy to be meeting new people, especially Willow. "I want to see who she truly is. She has me very curious." I thought as I made my way past I started to open the front door to go around back.

However, before I stepped through someone shouted, "WE SHOULD HAVE A PARTY!" she said the next part quieter, "It should be a bonfire." I quickly looked back at who was speaking. I glanced at the small group of girls and noticed how no one said anything in response. In fact, one of the girls looked annoyed at her. I couldn't resist but agree.

"Alright, let's do it." I said snapping the tension that hung in the air, "I do love a good bonfire on the beach. My friends and I used to have them all the time." I figured that this could be a good way for everyone to get together and get to know everyone else- especially our matches. I looked over at the pink haired girl who suggested it, "Let me know if you need help with anything." and I darted out the door to retrieve my stuff.

"WE SHOULD HAVE A PARTY!" Again, the sudden burst of joy from Luna made Jovelyn jump. If they were, in deed, going to be best friends as Luna had mentioned she would have to get used to that very quickly. A party? But we just got here? Shouldn't we talk about house rules and set some sort of schedule for cleaning or something? What about groceries? Will we get food for everyone or just ourselves? Jovelyn saw another guy who she hadn't even seen walk in the house jump on board with the party idea. Get to know everyone! I don't want to be sleeping in the same house as strangers! Isn't anyone concerned with this? No? I guess it's just me then. Way to go Jovelyn. Making a mountain out of a mole hill...like always. Jovelyn looked at Luna and spoke softly. "A party sounds...great!..I'll...help you plan." This is so against everything you stand for.

I jumped a bit when I heard a girl yell "WE SHOULD HAVE A PARTY" A party? im always up for a party it just depends on what kind. My smile faded as I thought about getting to know other people. I wasn't the one for talking to new people. But, I did like a good party. I stood up from the bed and ambled down the stairs, making little to any noise as I stepped down every stair. My face dropped when I saw a bunch of girls, especially the one with the sour look on her face. I grabbed my red hair and pushed it off to one side before walking up the little group of girls, seeing no Mitchell i sighed, i guess he could've helped me thorugh this situation.

@Keira Winston @NessieAlways

Luna's smile grew bigger on her face, she ignored what London said and looked at Mitchell, Jovelyn, and Some girl who just walked down the stairs. "Okay! It's just to get the know each other. I think it would be fun... I guess.. Sorry for yelling. I just get excited and splurt things out." She sighs. " Okay.. SO. Were gonna need food! And drinks." She Smiles. "I don't know what they have here, already.. So, could someone check?"
~ Oakland Randal ~

Seeing no one else diving into the kitchen, Oakland decides to find the food, himself. He steps over the table his feet were just resting on and heads to the refrigerator first. He opens the doors and announces its processions.

"It looks like they provided the basics....milk, eggs, fruit, oooooh ice cream bars in the freezer! Some salad stuff, I guess...assorted yogurts, some ground beef...soda..."

The male turns away from the fridge and starts to throw open cabinets.

"A couple of different types of cereal, a loaf of bread... err, assorted bags of chips, boxed cookies, and coffee beans. "

Oak shrugs and shuts all the doors. He walks back to the fridge and retrieves an orange soda. He sips it, walking back towards the others.
Wren Nicole Gray

"Hey everyone!" I say dusting all the sand off of my feet before coming inside, I had gone out and walked around the beach for a little while everyone got settled in to the house. I saw a lot more people then I did before I left. I pull my cotton candy colored hair out of it's pony tail before letting it hand down my shoulders.

(I'm so sorry I haven't replied in a while, I have been trying to read and catch up)

Jovelyn made a motion to stand up and go to the kitchen at the same time Oakland did. She blushed a bit and just shifted her position to look at Luna directly hoping she didn't give anyone her back. Jovelyn heard as Oakland called out a list of groceries that were already inside the house. Okay...bonfire party stuff...the chips and soda are useful...cookies and ice cream...those can work too...if we're having a bonfire we need s'mores so we need graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate...what else...oh cups and plates...something to build a fire with...aaand I think that should be enough. Jovelyn was about to speak when Wren walked into the room. Jovelyn smiled glad to see someone she had met before and looked back at Luna. "I think....we have enough...stuff to make a...party. I would suggest...buying stuff from...ummm s'mores maybe. If you want...we don't have too... and ummm somthing to start the fire." Jovelyn slapped herself mentally. These are young adults. You need to speak and stop pausing after every three words Jovelyn. Push down you nerves and speak! " Grocery run anyone?" I meant more than three words Jovelyn. Ugh...we'll work on it.
Mitchell Devon

I walked around the back once again passing a girl with cotton candy colored hair as I did. My guitar and bag remained right where I left them. I didn't pick them up right away. The idea of having a bonfire excited me. I looked over the beach and figured the best spot was the one I found earlier just a little further up shore.

I walked down to the shoreline and measured about twenty feet from the waters edge. I drew a large X in the sand with my foot. "This spot will work." I glanced around and noticed two logs nearby. I sighed with a smirk on my face. "I swear it is like they want us to have a bonfire together." I chuckled a bit as I made my way over to the logs. "Hey, I guess they made my search easy referring to whoever was recording us."

I moved the logs over to the X and placed them nearby the X. Sweating already, I said sarcastically, "Well, now for the fun part." I got on my hands and knees and started shifting the X. I made a good sized circle and started to dig it out. It didn't need to be extravagant, it just needed to work.

After about ten minutes, I had a nice sized hole for the pit. It wasn't deep, but it would do. I lined the circle with some hand sized rocks that I found down the shore line. "Well, I think that will work. We just need some firewood now." I moved over to the water and splashed my face to cool off. "I guess I'll head over to the hardware store and see if they have any." I quickly grabbed my bag and guitar and started back around the house. "I should see if anyone wants to come with.

Walking inside, I heard, "Grocery run anyone?" coming from a girl who sounded like scared lost puppy.

"I'm game. I was about to go to the hardware store for firewood anyway. Anyone else down?" I asked.


Seeing that this could be a good opportunity to get to know new people with out it being awkward, I raised my hand walking up to Mitchell. "I'll come with you guys" I fiddled with the bottom on my green shirt and looked down at my sock clad feet again.

@jewelboy)sorry it's so short!
Dylan reached for her hand, and grabbed it, shaking it. He slightly smiled, for about a second, before nodding and awnsering ''Yeah, I'm dylan, and hello, Hazel.'' he said, in a serious tone. He was noticeably bored, so he talked in a carried away tone. He then looked at the left and saw the bed, asking. ''Are we going to sleep together in a bed?!'' he said, surpised.
Hazel Valentine

I let my hand fall to my side after he shook. Ah.. He has a cute smile. I smiled back at him. Though, I could tell he was bored and started to regret talking to him. I'm being a bother, aren't I? He looked off to the side and I followed his gaze, though, I already knew what he was looking at. At his surprised, I laughed awkwardly, "Ah... Yeah, you can take the bed. I can sleep on the floor." I said, looking down at the ground with a burning face. Seriously, though, why would they only give us one bed! Then I started hearing the commotion downstairs. I nervously looked back up at him, "Sounds like they're having fun without us. Wanna go see what's going on?" I asked.

( @Keiser )
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A smile appeared on his face at her comment of the bed. He nodded at her wanting to go downstairs, they were laughing and talking like if there was no tommorow, so, why not? He had felt the awkwardness fall off him, since he came here. The sighting of the person who he would be with didn't made him sad at all. He waved at Hazel for her to come over and ran down the stairs, waiting for her.

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