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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Gabriel just let her rest on his chest, and put his hand on the back of her hand. He planted a small kiss on top of her head. "Should we find the others?"
loyalwolf said:
Dante looked at both of and sighed. "its most likely for the best we scare you and that you get scared easily. it make you prepared for the worse plus us wolves can be very dangerous to other and even ourselves. On the bright side Faolin and I wont hurt you." he walk over to his bag and got out a shirt and change into it. not caring that other were in the room with him. He heard Luna and Gabriel screaming and wasnt sure what to do. he sighed "well the fact that you know this forest so well could be very useful. If you dont mind i would like to introduce you to the alpha." he never met someone who could turn into a deer before and need to read up on this. he signaled Faolin he had 5 mins left od stretching. @Lighthouse8477 @Queen of Fantasy
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Faolin listened. He stretched his leg then stated, "Just a suggestion Dante. Wait those Alpha's are having a fight and it's the worse subject to walk in on....Cubs. Offspring whatever I heard something miscarriages and that's never good coming from personal experience with my Alpha and his mate don't interrupt it's dangerous." He cracked a muscle and stated, "That actually felt good. As for researching Daisy's ability to change into a deer Dante. Take this." Faolin changed human reached into his back pack pulled out a book tossed it do Dante then changed back as he stated, "That should cover it my mother insisted I learn all possible combinations of offspring I could have for an odd reason."
loyalwolf said:
nod his head and keep a neutral face. "of course ill let them have there'll privacy. sadly they dont have much time. there alot that still needs to be done. including picking a beta, and setting up a patrol." he checked Faolin's muscles to make sure they were stretched correctly. "looks like your muscles are already healing up." he caught the book and smiled at him. "well glad that she had the forward thinking. I'm guessing she wanted you to be prepared for any type of mate." he then looked at the book closely. "By the way Faolin what is your story anyway? consider it an exchange of information."
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at him Faolin closed his mouth then shook his head. He sighed, "You had to ask. Take a seat this is a long story. Well it goes like this I was born to my father who was a Beta which meant I had certain responsibilities at a young age. Well one day while I was on patrol our Alpha female came to visit me. She began acting weird. She was staring at me in a way that made me squirm. I noticed she smelled weird two. Well of this combined with that...look on her face I bit her when she tried to nuzzle me. I fought her right their injured her badly then ran my pack pursued me for weeks I finally lost them and now I am here standing before because I attacked my Alpha when she...well you understand from my story I don't like to think about it much or at all." He laid down and sighed.
loyalwolf said:
Wow dante was not expecting that story from Faolin. he didn't come off like someone with a past like that. "Wow that not most optimistic story in the world. well i guess i should tell you my story. of course you didn't ask for it so you might not even be interested." he said with a small grin his face.
"I was the youngest son of the alpha of the blue moon pack. My older brother was in line to be the next alpha and i was just Dante. recently we were having issues with this neighboring pack. the alpha of that pack want someone from are pack as there mate but they didn't want him back. he demanded that my father gave up his mate but he refused say that he couldn't force someone to be his mate. After that we continued to have issues with there pack until we were on the brink of war. before that happen my father set up a meeting to see if they could settle this peacefully. But the night before the meeting the enemy pack attack us and caught us off guard. My mother was able to warn me before they reach are house. i'm guessing she want to get my brother out but he was busy fighting with the rest of my pack. i ran for as long as i could. i ran for about 3 days until i reached an ally pack. they told me that My pack was wiped out. from that point on i have been moving from pack to pack. being rejected and thrown out until i came here." he couldnt help but sigh. sometimes wolves are more dangerous to each other then hunters.
loyalwolf said:
"I tend to not tell people my business but it was only fair that i'd tell you my story since you told me yours. plus, chances are you'll come across a pack that knows my story and tell you about dante the weak wolf that ran away while his pack got destroyed. I will have to disagree with your mother there faolin, hope doesn't bring life back from the ashes. when something burns down the ash scatter to the wind and all thats left is nothingness so you just have to move on." he said with a stern face and trying not to offend him. "i doubt my mate is waiting for someone like me but it nice to wish but finding my mate is low priority to me. Friendship on the other hand are always welcome. Just got to warn you, im not very good at the whole friend thing."
Lighthouse8477 said:
Grinning Fang stated, "Neither am I but it's worth a shot and as for life from the ashes my mother was speaking the truth its just the life that comes from ashes is normally very burnt and weak after all when a forest burns down you thin its the end. Ten years later you'd never know fire had ever been through their and as for low priority on a mate I don't think you have to look far I've seen some of the ladies looking at you however it's none of my business I just tend to be overbearing sometimes. I'd better let you do your job Dante after all your needed."
loyalwolf said:
dante grinned "Glad to know i'm not the only one who is bad at friendships. your mother words are true, if your talking about a forest but said life isn't a forest." he looked around the cabin and notice no one else has come to him for anything. "No all they girl here are nice but i dont think they are interested in me. plus, i enjoy the company of my pack but i dont find an attraction to any of them. its been that way for me for a while now. Also i dont know what your talking about, no one has even tried to come to me for help."
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at him Faolin smiled and sighed, "Sometimes life is like a forest. Sometimes you stand strong sometimes your burned down to nothing sometimes your swept away but every time you come back more complex and magnificent then the last time because now your smarter faster and so on granted I am optimistic so I see the good side to most things. As for your job I was assuming you needed to do something however if you don't you could always tell Daisy and me how this pack works because if were going to be here a while we should know how everything works."
loyalwolf said:
he sighed "That may be true but my life is not forest sadly. it just a simple life nothing more. as for how the pack works i'm not sure myself. we picked an alpha, Gabriel so thats established. i mark are territory so are boarders are set. i've been keeping scouts of any wolves in the land and trying grow the pack. That all that i can say for now because there still alot to do. we arent that established yet but we are working our way up. I would next thing to do would be to pick a beta and set ranks. then set up patrols and chores for everyone. after that we need to try and scout out the pack in the area. try to establish alliances and then just work on building and strengthening the pack overall." he took a deep breathe, feeling exhausted after listing all they has to get done.
Daisy just stood there between their entire conversation. She was surprised whenever they mentioned her name. She heard them talking about how like with like a forest, and she had to add onto that. "YY-you know, there's a myth about a bird. It's called a phoenix. When it dies, it turns into a pile of ashes, but is then reborn from the same ashes it's died. If your forest burns, it will always be reborn. The ashes will not be a weakness, but a foundation to rebuild a new life or promise." She explained. She noticed that she was rambling and stopped herself from going any farther. "I'm sorry to hear about your pasts... Those seem like hard things to come from." She apologized.
She looked up and nodded, wiping away her tears. She slipped her shoes on and a coat, not in the mood to shift anymore tonight.

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Looking at Daisy Fang smiled. He stated, "Yes but both of us have been reborn from the ashes. That story was helpful at least I thought it was. You hungry Daisy thirsty? I am sure Dante can get you anything you need to feel comfortable and well after all it's his job." He smiled and chuckled. He glanced at Daisy and stated, "And don't worry about rambling I do it all the time like now." He grinned.
She shrugged "Most likely all asleep. But we should go check on the injured wolves in our care. Dante should be with them but it's your job to check up with them as Alpha." She grabbed the spare blankets from earlier.

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Gabriel sighed. "Being the Alpha is tough. I'll need some tips from you." He scratched the back of his head. He then went to help her with the blankets. "Want some help there?"
"i could diagnose you both with brain damage. considering your both talking crazy. anyway yeh if you need anything daisy I would be happy to help you out, because im a host. Not because it's my job because im no ones butler." he said while unpack jar and bottle of medicine. (not sure what to say)
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Looking at Dante Faolin snorted and grinned. "Were not crazy were unique and special. Besides I would gladly help you get anything you needed. I don't mind being a butler it's basically what I was in my last pack only I had to do it while doing guard duty at the same time. Trust me you don't want to have to do that it's almost impossible but somehow I managed with my sisters help of course." He stopped. He didn't know if his sister was alive, dead, captured or what.
She smiled and handed him a few "Well my dear, behind every great Alpha is an even greater female." She laughed and started leaving the house, heading to Dantes. She arrived and knocked on the door, hoping she wasn't waking anyone up.


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Dante stared at Faolin as he made his statement. "Your right, you are very special. But dont think that your going to be a butler in this pack, there is no need to have one." Completely ignoring the statement about his sister. he heard the knock at his door and let out a sigh of relief. "finally someone has the good since to asked a professional medical opinion." he went to open the door and Luna with Gabriel at the door,. "well if it isn't the happy couple. welcome to my cabin please come in. what can i do you for?"
Luna smiled "Came to check on the new guys, and brought blankets." She held the blankets up. "How are they Dante?"
Silently Faolin looked at the two. They were both Alpha material. Even the way they held themselves was commanding. Deciding it was best to make a good first impression he bowed to them both formally but said nothing since they hadn't addressed him.
Gabriel also came in carrying blankets. He was about to say something when a new wolf bowed. He raised an eyebrow. "Who do we have here?"
Luna felt embarrassed, she wasn't used to gaining respect without earning it.

She shifted around, letting the males speak. She eyed the new wolf
Looking at the wolf Faolin asked, "You talking to me?" It was a polite question as his head was slightly bowed to them acknowledging that they were in charge and he was in submission. It felt weird to do but right to do at the same time he didn't want to appear a threat and that came out on his body posture.
Kate felt his eager desire and her curisity got the best of her. She hadn't been on the scent of this one after all, it was just to good of an opportunity to pass up. She turned her head as he nudged her and touched her nose to his before slipping back and laying down silently, it had been a gesture her and her father used to cue each other when hunting and she hoped it came across the same here, her eyes fixated with interest on him and his lust to hunt.@shadowz1995
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"Yes," Gabriel replied. "I am the alpha of this pack. Another newcomer?" He observed his posture, and nodded in approval. He had to ensure that the pack and any neighbours did respect them, but also make sure he didn't start a war. Not now.
"Here, let me take these inside."

Luna grabbed the other blankets from Gabriel and shifted then under her arm
Faolin smiled as he stated, "Yes sir I was chased by my pack for biting my Alpha female who tried well seduce me is the word. I ran for so long. I was going into a cave was found by Dante and he began to rehabilitate me luckily I have no injuries. So really right now I am a loner. My name is Faolin and I assume you Gabriel the Alpha."
dante observed that situation and was looking to see how Faolin dealt with his alpha. So far he was impressed with how Faolin was handling meeting a new alpha. "Alpha this is Faolin, one of the wolves in my care. I'm treating him for multiple muscles strains and just finished his treatment. i was also just informed that he has training as a guard." he then looked at luna and smiled. "If you want i free to examine you if you want. i told you early that i should have checked-up on you."
"A guard?" Gabriel took interest. "Yes, we could use a guard. Someone to patrol the land. You would be welcome here, Faolin." He also heard what Dante had to say. He nodded in approval.
Looking at Gabriel Fang asked, "What would I have to do to join? I mean besides asking?" He was sure their were rules and he needed to know them to do his job. One rule never disobey the Alpha unless the order goes against your convictions.

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