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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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  • Total voters
Jasil said:


Luna was happy to hear the news of Inka but was busy with her task at hand.

"Anyone know where Diana or Dante are?"

She muttered and began pulling the male inside her home.

"Isis grab the pup."

Luna growled out slightly as she got the man through the door.

@Supermegabrenda2 @djinnamon


Isis stuttered something, picking up the boy. Running to the kitchen, she chopped up some ginger, and pressed it to the boy's wounds.

"I know it hurts, bear with me."

She muttered, tearing a chunk of her shirt off. She tied the boy's arm, and set him on the coutch. Kneeling next to the man, she checked him over after Caua told her to.


Caua set Inka next to the wounded boy, and helped Luna drag the man near the coutch.

"Isis, get over here. You're the one with the basic medic skills."​

@djinnamon @xxbetaspiritxx @Jasil



Luna scooped up Inka and brought her inside.

"I'm proud of you darling."

She whispered and placed the pup on the ground.

Walking to the couch and staring between the man and pup, Luna wasn't sure what to do with the strangers.

It was cold in her cabin, she felt it on her bare legs under the baggy shirt.


Amber subconsciously shifted into wolf form and he wrapped himself around the little boy. Aldis wrapped his short arms around his 'mother's' head.


"They are going to be fine."

She said, quickly falling asleep.


Caua picked Isis up, placing her in a guest room. Returning, he looked at Luna.

"Should we take him into the guest room too?"

He asked, glancing down at the wolf and the baby.​

@djinnamon @Jasil


Luna bit her lip and nodded.

"There is a cot in the closet in Inkas room. We can put the child in her bed, and him on the cot.

Inka can sleep in our room for now."

Luna wrapped one arm around Caua and looked at the sleeping people.
@Supermegabrenda2 @djinnamon

Inka-Grace happily looked at the open door, mischief glinting in her purple eyes. Leaping away from the man and his child, she leaped away from the couch, momentarily skidding across the floor in small circles. Without a second though, and with her claws clanking against the ground like ice in glass, she ran outside, small spurts of dirt following her small paws.

Now sprinting, she disappeared into a random field of long grass and wild flowers. Her scent was completely overthrown by the strong smelling lavender like plants. The golden coloured grass had hidden her too.




Caua looked at the door, seeing a small flash of a tail skids out.


He shifted, and quickly chased the pup. His paws thundered against the floor. As he reached the field, he couldn't see or smell her anymore. Half-shifting back, he growled out.

"Inka-Grace Forest, you better get back here."

He looked around frantically. She might get taken by someone.​

@Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx


Luna saw Inkas tail as she slipped out the door and yelped.


She yelled after her and began running.

Getting to the field Luna couldnt see or smell her daughter.


She cried out in distress.

"Caua there's too many dangerous animals out here, she could get killed."

Luna called out again and felt fearful tears form in her eyes.

@xxbetaspiritxx @Supermegabrenda2

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Little Isis dashed around the field frantically. She could feel his breath at her heels as she dodged the corn stalks. Feeling a massive paw against her side, she was thrown off balance, and rolled. She howled in pain, the dried corns digging into her skin. The lion approached her, and she quickly whirreled around, managing to run out of the corn field. Feeling two paws on her back, she fell over, Moldrik ontop of her.

Isis's eyes snapped open, and she panted, frantically looking around. Grumbling softly, she stood, drying the tears from her face. Walking out of her room, she found that Caua was gone, and so was Luna. Walking over to the man and his pup, she slowly dragged the te to the guest room she was in. Placing a cover over them, she layed down on the bed, and didn't sleep, scared as to what would happen.


Caua walked to Luna, still half-shifted. He wiped her tears away.

"We're going to find her, okay?"

He said, looking around. The golden field could hide her now, but can't hide her for long. He fully shifted back. He began humming, walking around the field as he searched for her.​

@Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx @djinnamon
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Inka-Grace only kept quieter, hiding in the long grass with ease. She heard her mother and father calling, and that only made her continue her little game, feeling even more playful. Being so small made it even easier to roam the undergrowth without the grass moving too much to be noticed.

All of a sudden, she heard Caua's humming, and she couldn't resist but try and hum back. However, she did manage to be extremely quiet, almost silent in her small singing session. Her small paws gently caressed the soil as she continued to roam, finding herself at an abandoned rabbit burrow.

Without further thought, she scrambled into it, crawling down the small tunnel with an exasperated yelp.


xxbetaspiritxx said:
Inka-Grace only kept quieter, hiding in the long grass with ease. She heard her mother and father calling, and that only made her continue her little game, feeling even more playful. Being so small made it even easier to roam the undergrowth without the grass moving too much to be noticed.
All of a sudden, she heard Caua's humming, and she couldn't resist but try and hum back. However, she did manage to be extremely quiet, almost silent in her small singing session. Her small paws gently caressed the soil as she continued to roam, finding herself at an abandoned rabbit burrow.

Without further thought, she scrambled into it, crawling down the small tunnel with an exasperated yelp.




Caua heard the soft Yelp. Rushing to where it came from, he found a small rabbit burrow. Shifting, he stuck his paw into it, feeling around for Inka.​

@Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx


Luna sniffled and nodded, shifting wolf.

She heard the Yelp and ran with Caua.

"Here let me try."

She shifted human and slipped her slim hands into the hole.


She yelled and her fingers barely touched the pups fur.


Inka-Grace pouted when a paw nudged her back legs, causing her to topple over. Even more so when she then felt a hand skim the edge of her tail. Squealing, she scurried deeper into the burrow, her back curving in so that she could crawl down it. Her eyes narrowed as she saw another break of light, signalling to the exit of one tunnel, she crawled towards and out of it, getting stuck when the beginning of her chest met the outside grass. She roughly attempted to pull herself away, but she was firmly wedged into the dirt.




Caua sniffed around, trying to find the other end of the burrow. He heard a few pats on dirt, and followed the noise. He spotted the pup stuck in the other end of the burrow. Towering over the pup, he held her by the scruff and dug the hole wider, pulling her out. Heading towards Luna, he held the pup out in front of her.​

@Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx


Luna yelled again.


Pulling her hand out she Panicked until she saw Caua with Inka.

"Oh my gods."

She sobbed out and held the pup to her chest.

Her hands stroked her fur and waves of relief and sorrow rolled off her body.


Skip taken by small shock when cana kissed his lips because it was his first time doing so. He just let out a small chuckle of acceptance while he rubbed canas back. His eyes opened up again when he ask the question "im used to slow days, so i guess i hadn't noticed really. As soon as your clothes are done we can leave, Yug-yug-yug! Unless you wana go outside now, im sure it wont be too windy" skip said teasing him as he grabbedthe bottom fo the shirt a flapped it a little like there was a draft going up into it

"Mehh..." Canagan groaned, "We can wait until tomorrow. I'm in no hurry.. Just pointing it out." Then, he giggled, "I still have to dry them, y'know. That's going to take a bit." He squeaked when Skip grabbed the bottom of his shirt and began flapping it, and he quickly grabbed for his hands to pull them away. "No, stop. I'm not going outside. Already spent to much time out there, I might've gotten a sunburn~!"

Inka-Grace whimpered when she saw Caua, even more so when he gripped her scruff. When her began to dig in the soil, and widen the burrow, she whined, knowing she was in trouble, or hoped she wouldn't be.

After, finally, she had been released by the grasp of the soil, she felt Caua carry her to Luna. Pouting, she winced, awaiting her mother to be somewhat angry for her actions. Inka was surprised that she began to cry, and it made her feel terribly guilty. Lapping up her mother's tears, she nudged her muzzle against Luna's cheek, hoping to cheer her up.




Luna nuzzled her daughter.

"You never go anywhere without me again!"

She scolded her child.

"Oh my darling."

She kissed her fur.


Skip stopped playing with his shirt and let him pull his hands away "You seemed Alright to me mate, does sunburn hurt?" Skip knew what sunburn was but he had never actually had it before despite his slightly darker than fair skin tone. Then he softly puts his hands back around cana and was rubbing his back.



Caua shifted back, now naked.

"Let's get going back."

He whispered in Luna's ear, running his hand through Inka's fur. He shifted, and brushed his tail on her leg, walking towards the house slowly.​

"No, I'm not sunburnt, which is actually surprising.. And it kinda depends on how bad the sunburn is. To me, at least.." He shrugged, "You've never gotten it before?" Canagan, once again, pulled one of Skip's hands off of his back, but intertwined their fingers. "That's surprising."

"Sure haven't mate, maybe it's because i spent my whole life outside. Body just got used to it or something" he said but he really wasnt sure how it was possible. He let out a big grumbling yawn and stretched a bit, but not letting go of canas hand. "This really is comfortable here"


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