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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Nuuchi said:
They stood there in the kitchen, cana up in his arms. Skip had one hand on canas back and in the pther hand rested canas butt for support while he held him. Skip now knowing cana trusts him fully didnt know what to think. Sense the day they met that was what he wanted more than anything, and here it is. He had finally shown him, and cana has came out of his shell for him. "It will be a while before your clothes are ready. Im kind of curious how laying on a bed would feel as opposed to sleeping on the ground for many years. You want to go and check out our new bed with me?" He asks while he was rubbing canas back
Canagan let out a small sigh when Skip began rubbing his back, and nuzzled his face into the other's neck. He listened as he spoke, though didn't bother to raise his head, only move away some, to speak. "Yeah, yeah, I know. And- It's just a bed, but.. Sure! I like laying down." Cana said with a giggle. "But you're carrying me there."

Dragasis said:
-his eyes widened, had his nose been wronged once more? He spoke once more-"Duth the moon arouse your other side my dear?" @Supermegabrenda2



She rubbed her eyes, yawning.

"Barely got any sleep. Who are you, anyways?"

She said, looking up* at him. Her blue eyes shone with wonder.​


Luna mouth opened in shock as her face was sprayed with water.


She yelled out and wiped the water off of herself and Inka.

"My mate is a child."

She muttered to herself as she dried Inkas face.
@xxbetaspiritxx @Supermegabrenda2

(Pretend like my earliest posts don't exist , I'm reintroducing my characters cause I have been generally long.)
Skip made a small laugh "of course mate" he says as he starts walking. "I never layed on a bed before. Hopefully i dont go through it" he said playfully but was still a bit nervous at not knowing what to expect. Once they got into the room he stared at the bed for a moment "looks well enough" he stated just before tossing cana on to the bed and watching him fly over to it



"That would be pedophilia then, huh?"

He said, untiyng the towel from his waist. He dried Inka with it, and covered Luna's face, rubbing it all over the place. He took the towel back, tying it aroud his waist again.​

@Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx
Inka-Grace chuckled, smiling as the cold liquid splattered over her. Her hands came together as they clapped before her, and she calmly allowed her mother to wipe away the icy water. "A......gen!" She giggled, allowing Caua to dry her with the towel, but after pouted, watching as her parents dried each other. Inka wanted the attention, and so balled her fists, crossing her arms against her chest.


"I doubt you're going to go through it." Canagan murmured, finally lifting his head from the other's shoulder. "Define 'Well eno-" He was cut off as Skip tossed him onto the bed, and he let out a surprised, high-pitched shriek. Landing on the bed, he stared up at the ceiling for a few moments, before sitting up and glaring softly at him, though he wore a smile. "What was that for?" He chirped, "I only have a shirt on, you know!"

xxbetaspiritxx said:
Inka-Grace chuckled, smiling as the cold liquid splattered over her. Her hands came together as they clapped before her, and she calmly allowed her mother to wipe away the icy water. "A......gen!" She giggled, allowing Caua to dry her with the towel, but after pouted, watching as her parents dried each other. Inka wanted the attention, and so balled her fists, crossing her arms against her chest.



Caua looked down at Inka, crossing her ams. He smiled, picking her up. Raising her in the air, he swung her up and down diagonaly, making small plain noises.

"Bruuum.... Bruuuuuum."

He smiled as he swung her.​


Luna smiled as Caua played with Inka.

At his comment about pedophylia she scoffed.

"Shut up."

Luna laughed out.

Her hands rested on her hips and she watched her mate and daughter play.


Inka-Grace excitedly chuckled, waving her arms. "Again! Again!" She repeated, her voice full of enthusiasm. Soon enough, her stomach dropped, and she vomited onto the floor. Immediately, she began to wail, her large eyes scrunching up with the rest of her face. She had never been sick before, and so it scared her. With her bottom lip quivering, she continued to weep, even though it was only a little dribble.


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(Dude whyyyyyy)

Luna's smile disappeared as she watched Inka get sick.


She yelped out and immediately went into action of cleaning it.

Luna held her breath as she used a wet rag to clean up the small area of sick.

Hearing Inka cry behind her she spoke out.

"I know honey just give mommy a second."

@xxbetaspiritxx @Supermegabrenda2

Skip laughed a bit at how disgruntled cana got. "Its just us mate. Besides i didnt see anything(this time) honest!" He said reassuring before sprawling out on the bed next to cana. "This is kinda nice, yeah! I think i can get used to this!" He looks over at cana and winks at him then looks away quickly. He could see right up the shirt the way he was sitting and didnt want to embarass him by him knowing he peaked even though it wasnt on purpose



Luna finished cleaning the mess and washed her hands.

"Next time be more careful Caua, she's still too young to do those kinds of things."

Luna scolded him as she dried her hands.

The worried mother cupped Inkas face in her hands and made sure she was alright.
@Supermegabrenda2 @xxbetaspiritxx

((Because I'm evil:) xD ))

Inka-Grace continued to softly cry until Caua began humming. It immediately soothed her, and she gently sucked on her thumb, resting her head against his shoulder limply. Her thumb met her mouth, and she gently suckled on it, that also helped to calm her. "Mama," she mumbled, and then proceeded to continue, "Dad...a," she smiled a little, her words slurred because her thumb was in her mouth. "Mama, Dada." Quickly, her eyes closed, but then reopened as her mother clasped her face. She gently stared at her mother, before yawning.




Caua grinned sheepishly.


He watched as Inka spoke, words a bit slurred, her thumb in her mouth. He smiled.

"Yes darling. Mama and Dada."

He whispered, kissing Luna's forehead as he rocked Inka slowly.​

@xxbetaspiritxx @Jasil
that post confused me slightly bUT REPLIES ANYWAY))


He huffed at him, before laying back down. He somehow managed to bring his knees to his chest, pulling the shirt down to hide them. Curling into a ball has evolved into hiding in a huge shirt. Canagan said to himself with a giggle. He looked over to Skip with a confused expression when he turned to wink at him, but looked away quickly. Then, his face flushed a deep red, and he sighed. "Let's get duct tape! Tape the shirt to my legs!"

Inka-Grace pouted a little, rubbing her eyes with a balled fist. Again, she closed her eyes, leaning her head against her mother's hand. She chewed on her thumb a little, her other fist tightly gripping onto Caua's shoulder. "Hmmmm," she grumbled with a frown, her eyes opening slightly.




Luna blushed and smiled when Caua kissed her forehead.

It was a simple gesture but it made her heart flutter.

Looking down at Inka lovingly, she continued to caress her head. "I think it's time for the princess to get some sleep."


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"Yug-yug-yug-yug! Well what did you expect wearing only a shirt?" Skip asked as he sits up and stretches. He pulls cana closer to him gently just so he could feel him in his arms again. "Your clothes shouldn't be too much longer right? Then we can head into town and go crazy with stuff for our place!"



Caua smiled, nodding. Grabing another towel, he placed it over Inka, walking outside. He made his way back to Luna's cabin. Their cabin. He opened the door quietly, and headed into Inka's room. Placing her down on her crib, he hummed quietly, watching her.​

@Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx
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