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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Quincy whined and stumbled to a bush and got violently sick in it. He coughs and licked his lips, even on his Wolf's face be looked disgusted and like he wanted to sleep. He followed Mickey to the cabin and shoved his way through the door. He stumbled into his room, and jumped on the bed. He passed out as a wolf and mid sleep, faded back to a human form. @akumashioni ((I gotta sleep, I've started hallucinating shit from lack of sleep e.e))
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy whined and stumbled to a bush and got violently sick in it. He coughs and licked his lips, even on his Wolf's face be looked disgusted and like he wanted to sleep. He followed Mickey to the cabin and shoved his way through the door. He stumbled into his room, and jumped on the bed. He passed out as a wolf and mid sleep, faded back to a human form. @akumashioni ((I gotta sleep, I've started hallucinating shit from lack of sleep e.e))
(Lol why the hell are you up this late anyways? Goodnight.) Micky let Quincy sleep and strummed his new acoustic guitar, tuning it and preparing for tomorrow.

After a while he passed out as well, happily thinking of the night they spent together.

(This is gonna be a huge post lol sorry everyone)

Geralt walked through the forest,feeling the leaves smashing bellow his feet. Cats were ultimately free creatures and he missed being able to run around like he once did.

But his peaceful thoughts were cut shortly when he detected a familiar smell in the air,the smell of his old clan. Tigers. He growled threatening and run towards the source,finding a note stuck in a tree where the smell was coming from.

Find us in the North of the forest,little tiger.

Come alone,or Elise dies. You didn't think we wouldn't find her,did you?

Geralt felt a burst of rage as he punched the tree,the wood breaking under his hand. His decision was obvious,just like the obvious set up in that message. It was an ambush. But if there was even a minor possibility that Elise would be harmed...he couldn't allow that to happen.

So he run towards the North,following the faint scent of the tigers,until he came upon a clearing. He had left signs of his passage in the way,hoping that Dante would be able to find him in case something happened.

Five of the warriors of his clans came from the forest,smiling towards Geralt wickedly. Lino,Caius,Bruna,Mark,Letty. All of them loyal to his father and his aggressive ways. From the five of them,only Lino seemed to hold some hesitation.

Letty was the first to speak,her smile growing as she looked at Geralt.

"We knew you would fall for this trap,Geralt. Honorable soldiers...you are all so predictable."

Geralt scoffed,spitting towards Letty.

"I knew you didn't really have Elise. You would never have been able to capture her. Or me. Now my dad is playing dirt because he knows he can't defeat me in a honest fight. What an amazing fucking Alpha you all have. You all deserve that asshole anyway."

Letty's eyes burned with rage,her expression becoming dark.

"You know,Geralt...I was going to be nice. I was going to let the bitch go. But not anymore."

She gestured towards the trees and another tiger came from the shadows,but Geralt didn't see his face. His entire attention turned to the woman he was holding.


Her red hair was stained with blood and she had bruises all over,proving that she had given her captors a serious fight. Geralt immediately felt proud of her.

"You can either submit to us now and go back to the pack territory." Letty's voice pulled him back to the present. "Or you can see your little girl dying in front of us. You choose."

His eyes crossed with Elise's,and she gave him a complete calm stare. They didn't have to speak to understand each other. They had been raised together,fought together. He understood the message in her eyes immediately.

She needed a distraction.

So instead of giving Letty an answer,Geralt pulled his head back and growled,an immense sound that could only be made by an Alpha.

The tigers covered their ears in fear,Mark being so scared that he attacked Geralt,jumping at him in the middle of the shift. Geralt smashed his fist against his face,feeling with pleasure the sounds of bone breaking before he shifted into his enormous tiger form himself.

It was five against one. Mark was already raising from the ground and Elise was too busy with her own captor,headbutting him.

Geralt allowed his mind to slip into soldier mode,knowning that the battle was almost hopeless. But he would still fight it.

He attacked the tigers with his full rage,sending one of them flying against the trees. He felt the first bite in the back of his leg,but it only served to make him go berserk. He attacked the tigers with all he had,feeling the bites and claws like they were nothing but annoyances. He bit into the neck of Lino and shocked the life out of him,tasting blood in his mouth.

He didn't know how long it took until the last tiger fell. His mind told him that Letty was the last to die. She had always been the strongest.

Now the adrenaline of the fight suddenly went away and Geralt stumbled,his entire body covered in huge biting and clawing marks,torn until he was covered in blood. Geralt fell to the ground,looking up at the sky without really seeing it. The cut in his throat was the most serious one,blowing blood out of him. His left hand had been completely severed. It was incredible that Geralt was still alive at all.

He felt a gentle hand across his face,and Elise looked down at him with rage and tears in her grey eyes.

You were supposed to let me die,you idiot."


It was the only thing he managed to say before he coughed blood,his vision darkening. The last thing he heard was Elise's call for help.

Felicity fell into a deep sleep, promising herself to never leave the cabin without anyone else with her. How could she? She was traumatised, it just made her eating problem even more of an issue. What if everything she ate did the same thing? Turning to her side, she whimpered slightly, feeling very embarrassed that the whole ordeal had happened.

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Shaw was sitting up in bed, his head in his hands when felicity turned over in bed.

"Hey dear, you feeling any better?" He placed his massive hand on her cheek, stroking her cheek bone with his thumb.

He had been up all night, too many feelings and things to worry about.

KaalysBR said:
(This is gonna be a huge post lol sorry everyone)

Geralt walked through the forest,feeling the leaves smashing bellow his feet. Cats were ultimately free creatures and he missed being able to run around like he once did.

But his peaceful thoughts were cut shortly when he detected a familiar smell in the air,the smell of his old clan. Tigers. He growled threatening and run towards the source,finding a note stuck in a tree where the smell was coming from.

Find us in the North of the forest,little tiger.

Come alone,or Elise dies. You didn't think we wouldn't find her,did you?

Geralt felt a burst of rage as he punched the tree,the wood breaking under his hand. His decision was obvious,just like the obvious set up in that message. It was an ambush. But if there was even a minor possibility that Elise would be harmed...he couldn't allow that to happen.

So he run towards the North,following the faint scent of the tigers,until he came upon a clearing. He had left signs of his passage in the way,hoping that Dante would be able to find him in case something happened.

Five of the warriors of his clans came from the forest,smiling towards Geralt wickedly. Lino,Caius,Bruna,Mark,Letty. All of them loyal to his father and his aggressive ways. From the five of them,only Lino seemed to hold some hesitation.

Letty was the first to speak,her smile growing as she looked at Geralt.

"We knew you would fall for this trap,Geralt. Honorable soldiers...you are all so predictable."

Geralt scoffed,spitting towards Letty.

"I knew you didn't really have Elise. You would never have been able to capture her. Or me. Now my dad is playing dirt because he knows he can't defeat me in a honest fight. What an amazing fucking Alpha you all have. You all deserve that asshole anyway."

Letty's eyes burned with rage,her expression becoming dark.

"You know,Geralt...I was going to be nice. I was going to let the bitch go. But not anymore."

She gestured towards the trees and another tiger came from the shadows,but Geralt didn't see his face. His entire attention turned to the woman he was holding.


Her red hair was stained with blood and she had bruises all over,proving that she had given her captors a serious fight. Geralt immediately felt proud of her.

"You can either submit to us now and go back to the pack territory." Letty's voice pulled him back to the present. "Or you can see your little girl dying in front of us. You choose."

His eyes crossed with Elise's,and she gave him a complete calm stare. They didn't have to speak to understand each other. They had been raised together,fought together. He understood the message in her eyes immediately.

She needed a distraction.

So instead of giving Letty an answer,Geralt pulled his head back and growled,an immense sound that could only be made by an Alpha.

The tigers covered their ears in fear,Mark being so scared that he attacked Geralt,jumping at him in the middle of the shift. Geralt smashed his fist against his face,feeling with pleasure the sounds of bone breaking before he shifted into his enormous tiger form himself.

It was five against one. Mark was already raising from the ground and Elise was too busy with her own captor,headbutting him.

Geralt allowed his mind to slip into soldier mode,knowning that the battle was almost hopeless. But he would still fight it.

He attacked the tigers with his full rage,sending one of them flying against the trees. He felt the first bite in the back of his leg,but it only served to make him go berserk. He attacked the tigers with all he had,feeling the bites and claws like they were nothing but annoyances. He bit into the neck of Lino and shocked the life out of him,tasting blood in his mouth.

He didn't know how long it took until the last tiger fell. His mind told him that Letty was the last to die. She had always been the strongest.

Now the adrenaline of the fight suddenly went away and Geralt stumbled,his entire body covered in huge biting and clawing marks,torn until he was covered in blood. Geralt fell to the ground,looking up at the sky without really seeing it. The cut in his throat was the most serious one,blowing blood out of him. His left hand had been completely severed. It was incredible that Geralt was still alive at all.

He felt a gentle hand across his face,and Elise looked down at him with rage and tears in her grey eyes.

You were supposed to let me die,you idiot."


It was the only thing he managed to say before he coughed blood,his vision darkening. The last thing he heard was Elise's call for help.

Dante didn't like how long it was taking him to get back. He decided that he would go off looking for him. He grabbed one of his medical bags and said look for. He decided to pack a few morn thing just in case. He went out into the forest and called out. "Geralt! Tiger where are you! If you reinjuried yourself I will kill." That when he noticed small sign of geralt's path. The occasional footprint Or torn Branch. As he approached he caught the scent of Geralt. He smile but then frowned when it was mixed with the scent of death, blood and sadness. He ran full speed til he came up on the clearing. Ignoring the dead body, he quick ran to Geralt and pushed the girl away from him. " get away from him." He growl with such power and pain. He looked him over and quickly went to work. He took of his belt and wrapped it around his wrist to help stop the blood from the missing hand. He then noticed the gaint cut on his throat. "Shut if you live this then in going to kill you." Dante had slight tears in his eyes. He gathered a bunch of leave and twigs to start a fire. He then injected geralt's with a sedative and painkiller mix. He went to work cleaning and stitching the throat gnash first. Once that was done he took out a small blade and began heating it up. "I hope the medicine took full effect. Because if not then I'm sorry." Once the blade was heat he went and pressed is to the place where his hand should be. The smell of blood mixed with burning flesh was now in the air. He then wrapped the wound with white bandages. Now he went to working closing the other wounds and getting then clean. He was fine but had to get him back to his cabin. Geralt needed blood and a respirator. He put him on his back and used his adrenaline to rush back to the camp. He got him into the cabin and hooked him up to the machines. He locked the door and sank slowly to the floor. He was have a breakdown and wanted to be left alone.
Felicity nodded, looking up at him. "How about you?.....are....are you okay?" Gently, she nuzzled her cheek against his hand, worried about him. "Shaw, you should get some sleep." She mumbled, her eyes focusing on his. Felicity felt as though it was her fault, and she wanted him to feel better. She would do anything to help.

Shaw turned fully and his eyes were red and irritated looking.

"Sleep? Nah.. I've been having these feelings all night.." Feelings of inferiority, of betrayal, feelings of guilt.

He looked at felicity and for the first time, he cried. Silently at first, but he soon leaned his head against her chest and began heaving with sorrow. He felt awful, his family was dead, he never truly mourned them, he felt terrible about him and Dante and he felt as though he couldn't even protect one person in his life. "Felicity.. I'm not ok.." He clutched her shoulders and sobbed, warm tears rolling down her chest and landing on the bedsheets. He was incredibly weak at the moment, feeling even worse now that he had broken down in front of her.

Geralt was unresponsive through the entire treatment,unconscious from the blood loss and the injuries. But he gave no sign of giving up. He had killed five powerful warriors and was still breathing,and that by itself was an extreme achievement.


Elise growled when she felt the approach of the an wolf smell,but gasped when she was suddenly pushed away. The man was trying to help Geralt,and she had no idea why. But she wasn't in the place to argue,not when he was saving Geralt's life.

She looked at the place where Geralt's hand once was and felt tears on her eyes,looking away from all the blood. He had saved her life,but at what cost? He barely looked alive anymore.

She followed the unknown wolf into his territory,completely uncaring about the laws of the clan. She managed to sneak into his house before he closed the door and stood near Geralt's nearly lifeless body.

"Is he gonna...is he gonna make it?"

Her voice was heavy with pain as she looked up at the healer,her red hair messy around her face,now wet with tears.

Nuuchi said:
"feelings mutual mate" skip wasn't around people much. most people were scared by the mere size of him and never gave him the chance so he was never really sure how to talk to people properly other than things he seen in movies. it warmed skips heart knowing he actually has a friend now. like, he called him friend and skip would never forget that. "you can read if ya'd like. here ill even kindle the fire for you to make it a bit bigger so you can see better. plus more warmth to dry up those clothes" he says while grabbing another log to toss on "yea that one is kind of dry so it shouldn't take long to light up" skip then laid back right next to where canagan was sitting and just looked up at the night sky and gazed at the stars. @Yewitz
He nodded as Skip spoke, and reached for his book. Canagan shifted to lay on his stomach as he flipped the book open and began to read, falling completely silent as he did so. He had already read a chapter in only a few minutes, and seemed very interested already.

After a while, though, after he stopped shivering, Canagan closed the book. He moved to sit back up, only to lay on his back and stare up at the sky like Skip had done, book clutched to his chest. "It's pretty, isn't it? I've always been intrigued by space, the sun, our planets, things like that.." His voice was careful and quiet, like anyone could be listening, even though none of this was private. "What about you..?"

Jasil said:
Luna pulled her hand away and the fire disappeared.
She placed her hand back on his chest and the fire was there again.

Luna swallowed.

"What else did she say?"


He watched as she placed her hand on his chest, and then pulled it back. Hs chest felt like it was on fire.

"She said that.... you feel a certain atraction to them... and it feels like your body is on fire when you are kissing. You feel empty when you are away from your mate. She also mentioned something about our beast forms knowing..."

He muttered, eyes darting through the abyss.​
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Yewitz said:
He nodded as Skip spoke, and reached for his book. Canagan shifted to lay on his stomach as he flipped the book open and began to read, falling completely silent as he did so. He had already read a chapter in only a few minutes, and seemed very interested already.
After a while, though, after he stopped shivering, Canagan closed the book. He moved to sit back up, only to lay on his back and stare up at the sky like Skip had done, book clutched to his chest. "It's pretty, isn't it? I've always been intrigued by space, the sun, our planets, things like that.." His voice was careful and quiet, like anyone could be listening, even though none of this was private. "What about you..?"



Isis sat down next to them. She stayed by the river to swim for a short while longer. She shifted, and layed down by the warm fire. She istened to their conversation, and pawed diferent patterns onto the sand.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


He watched as she placed her hand on his chest, and then pulled it back. Hs chest felt like it was on fire.

"She said that.... you feel a certain atraction to them... and it feels like your body is on fire when you are kissing. You feel empty when you are away from your mate. She also mentioned something about our beast forms knowing..."

He muttered, eyes darting through the abyss.​
Luna nodded and sat there limply, trying to soak all the information in.

"Crazy possibility man."

She muttered and tapped her finger on her thigh

Jasil said:
Luna nodded and sat there limply, trying to soak all the information in.
"Crazy possibility man."

She muttered and tapped her finger on her thigh


Caua looked down at her.

"One way to find out. Shift, and let your wolf take over. I'll just be here."

He said, and shifted into his lion. He sat down, looking at her. He felt his beast conscience scratch the back of his, but he shrugged it off.​
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Luna nervously got off the couch and shifted.

Relaxing her mind she felt the wolf come to the front of her brain.

Luna let out small whimpers of confusion but stayed still

Jasil said:
Luna nervously got off the couch and shifted.
Relaxing her mind she felt the wolf come to the front of her brain.

Luna let out small whimpers of confusion but stayed still



Caua allowed his lion to surface, his eyes darkening. The lion stepped foreward, sniffing Luna. He sniffed her face, chest, and flank. Stepping back, he nuzzled her neck, purring softly. It towered over the wolf, so it's back was slightly arched in order to reach down.​
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Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua allowed his lion to surface, his eyes darkening. The lion stepped foreward, sniffing Luna. He nuzzled her neck, purring softly. It towered over the wolf, so it's back was slightly arched in order to reach down.​
Luna's wolf immediately reacted and gave a small lick to the side of the Lions head.

The wolfs tail moved happily and gave out small yips

Jasil said:
Luna's wolf immediately reacted and gave a small lick to the side of the Lions head.
The wolfs tail moved happily and gave out small yips


Caua (Lion)

The lion's tail swayed from side to side, and he licked her nose. Caua took control over his lion form, his eyes returning to the dark brown color.​
Luna shuddered as her human self once again came to the surface.

"Well then, that proves it?"

She said nervously and sat, her tail swishing on the floor.

Jasil said:
Luna shuddered as her human self once again came to the surface.
"Well then, that proves it?"

She said nervously and sat, her tail swishing on the floor.



((I COMPETELY FORGOT TO TALK ABOT HIS SCARS. He has claw marks across his chest, many deep looking ones across his abdomen, and a large claw mark going from his right shoulder down to his left hip. There are many other minor ones, but those are the ones that stick out.))

Caua smiled.

"I guess so."

He shifted back into his human form. He sat back onto the coutch and streatched his arms, his muscles rippling. His shirt was torn away when he shifted, and his boxers hung low on his waist. He looked up at her and smiled.​
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Luna shifted and stood awkwardly.

"What happens now? I mean it's not everyday you meet your.."

She couldn't get the word to come out of her mouth.

Her throat was dry and her brain went a hundred miles and hour as she tried to process it all.

Yewitz said:
He nodded as Skip spoke, and reached for his book. Canagan shifted to lay on his stomach as he flipped the book open and began to read, falling completely silent as he did so. He had already read a chapter in only a few minutes, and seemed very interested already.
After a while, though, after he stopped shivering, Canagan closed the book. He moved to sit back up, only to lay on his back and stare up at the sky like Skip had done, book clutched to his chest. "It's pretty, isn't it? I've always been intrigued by space, the sun, our planets, things like that.." His voice was careful and quiet, like anyone could be listening, even though none of this was private. "What about you..?"

"Ive always enjoyed watching the stars. I find it relaxing, but i also fear it. Not afraid, but ya never really know what goes on up there ya know? Fear of the unknown i suppose" skip was shocked at the words he just admitted. He never told anyone this before because he liked being known as fearless. He's used to people thinking hes some kind of legendary person, or bear for those that know he's a bear. Something about canagan, he just trusted him but want sure why. Skip let's out a big yawn and stretches his arms above his head and slowly brings them down but remembers canagan was next to him so he just keeps his arm stretched out. @Yewitz
Jasil said:
Luna shifted and stood awkwardly.
"What happens now? I mean it's not everyday you meet your.."

She couldn't get the word to come out of her mouth.

Her throat was dry and her brain went a hundred miles and hour as she tried to process it all.



((Is there heat here? Heat is when the female's wolf has a craving for the male, and keeps trying to get the male to complete the mating process, even if it is against her will.))

"...Soul Mate."

He completed her sentence. He shrugged.

"We need to complete the Mating Process someday... Preferably before you go in heat."

He said, remembering his mother when she was in heat. It was not pretty...

Nuuchi said:
"Ive always enjoyed watching the stars. I find it relaxing, but i also fear it. Not afraid, but ya never really know what goes on up there ya know? Fear of the unknown i suppose" skip was shocked at the words he just admitted. He never told anyone this before because he liked being known as fearless. He's used to people thinking hes some kind of legendary person, or bear for those that know he's a bear. Something about canagan, he just trusted him but want sure why. Skip let's out a big yawn and stretches his arms above his head and slowly brings them down but remembers canagan was next to him so he just keeps his arm stretched out. @Yewitz


Isis woke up from her nap, feeling cold. She looked voer at Skip and Canagan. She lazily pads over, and lays down on their lap, quickly falling back asleep.

((half of her wolf body is on Canagan, half is on Skip.))​

Supermegabrenda2 said:


((Is there heat here? Heat is when the female's wolf has a craving for the male, and keeps trying to get the male to complete the mating process, even if it is against her will.))

"...Soul Mate."

He completed her sentence. He shrugged.

"We need to complete the Mating Process someday... Preferably before you go in heat."

He said, remembering his mother when she was in heat. It was not pretty...

(No one has ever really brought it up.)

Luna's hands went up defensively

"Hey now, we will not be completing that process for a while."

A single brow raised and Luna stared at Caua.

"I'm sure I will have enough will power to be able to make it through the next moon cycle."


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