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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
((Thanks for the explanation :P ))

Quincy smiled, "no, I'm trying to get myself fucked up, to put it in my language." He laughed and downed his Jack and Coke, and poured himself another, downing that too. " the wine coolers here are good, you should try one." @akumashioni
Micky laughed out loud at the display, "Easy choice! You're gonna end the night bloody knackered!" He grabbed the bottle of jack and took a long gulp, matching Quincy drop for drop.

"Wine coolers ain't my thing.." He said as he busted one open, sipping it.

"But this shits fantastic!" He heard a beat that he couldn't resist and dragged Quincy by the hand onto the dance floor. He was a very skilled dancer, making other guys start eyeing him as well.

Quincy stumbled after him and just watched Mickey, his mouth going dry. Another man, bigger than Quincy sidled up to Mickey and leered at him, "hello there, you sure are a pretty little boy.." The stranger said in an oily voice that smelled of stale tobacco and vomit. Quincy growled and his eye glittered in the dim light, "back off, boy." He snarled, his teeth flashed, having sharpened to wolf like points, the other make looked to Quincy like he was going to say something, but then meeting the Wolf's eye, he backed off to the shadows to prey on a different boy who was dancing alone. He glared after the man as if he was going to attack him. @akumashioni
Micky laughed as Quincy curved the man for him, "bloody hell! That bloke reeked!"

He settled for dancing on Quincy and the next man who asked to dance he complied, but only for a moment. He would dance on them so expertly that they would stumble and he would playfully shove them away, returning to his choice.

"Guys round here can't dance for their life!" He wasn't really drunk yet, or even tipsy. He was a bit of a heavy weight and planned on doing much more drinking.

Quincy, on the other hand, was a lightweight. He was already slightly drunk. He tried hard to move along with Mickey, but found it hard as his almost-drunk status coupled with a huge depth perception issue only having one eye caused him to keep stumbling, grabbing onto Mickey to stop from falling. @akumashioni
Micky held him with one arm around his waist and slowed down to a rythm that Quincy could match, starting an easy two step while they talked.

"I'm having a lot of fun, choice! Thank you for bringing me here!" He had to shout to be heard over the music. Before long he pulled Quincy back towards their table and began pouring more drinks for himself.

Quincy grinned at him, "I'm glad you came with me." He poured a drink for himself and downed it, then opened a coconut flavored wine cooler, he laughed when he realized the neck of the bottle was shaped like a follicle object of the male variety. "Wow Jet... Just wow" he mumbled to himself before taking a huge drink from it, ignoring the shape. ((My original idea was to have the cups shaped like that- I watched a movie once where that happened)) @akumashioni
((See I have a decent vocabulary, just horrid spelling skills))

Quincy smiled, "yeah, he's mated to the bouncer Tyrrell." He ripped his head, "couldn't you tell they were wolves too? They helped me find Luna's pack, and my sister. They're Street dogs- as they like to put it." He explained. @akumashioni
Micky had noticed but didn't care to put two and two together.

"That's interesting, choice. They know this city well eh?"

They were the ones he needed to talk to if he was looking for a good time.

He chugged the rest of his wine cooler and sat back, looking Quincy up and down.

"Quite the charmer, you. I imagine you've been with plenty of guys.. And girls." He knew Quincy wasn't totally gay, though he himself was. He was turned off by women, something about them just didn't do it for him."which did ya meet with first huh? A man or woman?" He wondered if Quincy would be uncomfortable with these questions.

He blushed deeply, "no actually, the first one I was ever interested in was the head defender of the wolfswood pack... But he was straight and repulsed by me. Then... I was into Luna... But then... Things changed when I convinced her to spare the life of the cougar that killed her previous mate... And now.." He took a lathe swig from the bottle of Jack, "I know to stay away from the female variety. I'm also positive my True mate won't want a ruined hunter " after the last statement he took another generous swig, trying to kill the pain he felt at the out loud admonition to his thoughts. @akumashioni
MadameRedWolf said:
He blushed deeply, "no actually, the first one I was ever interested in was the head defender of the wolfswood pack... But he was straight and repulsed by me. Then... I was into Luna... But then... Things changed when I convinced her to spare the life of the cougar that killed her previous mate... And now.." He took a lathe swig from the bottle of Jack, "I know to stay away from the female variety. I'm also positive my True mate won't want a ruined hunter " after the last statement he took another generous swig, trying to kill the pain he felt at the out loud admonition to his thoughts. @akumashioni
Micky was taken aback by his confession and a little let down when he said the bit about his true mate.

"That's.. You.. I" he didn't know how to respond.

"Luna? And now?" There was far too many questions to ask and he hoped Quincy would fill in the blanks.

He began taking shots of jack, forget the chasers.

He took another shot and looked at Mickey. Quincy's vision was swimming and his voice was loud, "well, this guy... I can't tell you who it is, but he had the most adorable way of speaking, and he's very attractive... There's feew around me that don't treat me like a traitor after me treating Guinevere, but he doesn't, and he had the most enticing scent about him. But he's way too attractive for a hunter who can't even hunt by himself anymore." He slurred, taking another shot of Jack. @akumashioni
MadameRedWolf said:
He took another shot and looked at Mickey. Quincy's vision was swimming and his voice was loud, "well, this guy... I can't tell you who it is, but he had the most adorable way of speaking, and he's very attractive... There's feew around me that don't treat me like a traitor after me treating Guinevere, but he doesn't, and he had the most enticing scent about him. But he's way too attractive for a hunter who can't even hunt by himself anymore." He slurred, taking another shot of Jack. @akumashioni
Micky was jealous, and extremely curious as to who this man was.

"I.. I see, he uh.. Like you to?" He wondered if he had been coming on to Quincy and he was only interested in being friends.. Roommates.. @MadameRedWolf
Quincy thought, "I don't know... I wish he does, he sometimes acts like he does, but I can't see someone like him, in his physical perfection loving a damaged creature such as myself." He said, in the process of downing another shot. He was drunk to the point that it looked almost as if he was losing control of his physical form, his eye periodically switching from human to wolf, his form shimmering at the edge like he was struggling to hold human form. @akumashioni
Micky smiled, he still had a chance if the other guy wasn't showing interest.

"Hey choice? Why don't we hit the road eh? Got a long walk ahead." He took his hand and lead him to the bartender.

"Oi jet, can I nick my things?"

He waited for the man to comply and turned to meet Quincy's gaze.

"Keep your wits about you choice, we aren't home.." @MadameRedWolf
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"No problem Hun" Jet went to unlock his cabinet, when Quincy lurched like he was going to vomit, but he dove behind the counter, and shifted with a whine, and Jet looked around, a look of relife crossed his face when no one noticed, he wrestled the tipsy wolf into a harness and leash, "your dog is very lovely, Mr, but we don't allow dogs in our establishment, I'd love to have you back, but leave the lovely canine at home." He said smiling at Mickey, "take care of him Hun, he's a good boy, a loving boy, just a broken one." He handed the guitar and the leash to Mickey, then the bag. "Also tell him the tab will be paid off, a gift from Jet." Quincy whined and licked Mickey's hand his single eye glazed as he panted, his human mind was dead to the world. @akumashioni
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Reptilesandromance said:
Kate trembled and slid her self to the floor, she felt sick in her bones. She noted the blood on the floor and got back up, instantly giving him her full attention. She pulled a rag from one of the kitchen drawers and applied a light but firm pressure.
(My bad didn't realize I didn't hit post)
"I'm fine really Kate those will close back up by themselves." He complained. "Please you are sick or....something I don't know and it's driving me sick with worry"
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate trembled and slid her self to the floor, she felt sick in her bones. She noted the blood on the floor and got back up, instantly giving him her full attention. She pulled a rag from one of the kitchen drawers and applied a light but firm pressure.
(My bad didn't realize I didn't hit post)
"I'm fine really Kate those will close back up by themselves." He complained. "Please you are sick or....something I don't know and it's driving me sick with worry"
MadameRedWolf said:
"No problem Hun" Jet went to unlock his cabinet, when Quincy lurched like he was going to vomit, but he dove behind the counter, and shifted with a whine, and Jet looked around, a look of relife crossed his face when no one noticed, he wrestled the tipsy wolf into a harness and leash, "your dog is very lovely, Mr, but we don't allow dogs in our establishment, I'd love to have you back, but leave the lovely canine at home." He said smiling at Mickey, "take care of him Hun, he's a good boy, a loving boy, just a broken one." He handed the guitar and the leash to Mickey, then the bag. "Also tell him the tab will be paid off, a gift from Jet." Quincy whined and licked Mickey's hand his single eye glazed as he panted, his human mind was dead to the world. @akumashioni
"Christ..." "Right-O thanks jet!" He led Quincy by the leash until they got outside and undid the hook. "The fuck mate? How the hell do we get home?" Micky had an idea of where he was but was unsure, the smell of the city drowned him out. He looked around and readjusted the guitar on his back, refurbishing his grip on the bag and guitar case.

"Can ya lead us home choice?"

Quincy looked up at Mickey and whined, he weaved slightly as he walked but lead him confidently through the busy streets and too the edge of the forest. He turned back and barked at Mickey. He may have been all wolf at the moment, but he knew where home was. @akumashioni
Micky tagged along behind him, "Right-O! You're good choice!" He knew where he was from here as well and so he began to pick up his pace a bit.

"Tonight was massive! I had a great time, and we can make music!" He shook his guitar case affectionately and didn't even seem that drunk.

Quincy noticed Micky eyeing his wolf every now and again, smiling and then looking ahead.


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