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Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways


"Sadly enough it's mostly myths, so who knows what we'll find." Rosa says with a shrug, after everyone had breakfast they should probably head off "I'll check on Elephe, she came in here looking pretty miserable." she says while standing up, putting the book back.

After figuring out which room the girl's using, which is easy since everyone else is already awake and in the main area, she knocks on the door "Elephe? I wanted to check in on you after yesterday, you doing okay?" she asks after knocking on the door. She's half expecting Elephe to leave or try to leave, all the animals were heading towards the woods, but if she was willing to walk she could go to wherever her home is.


Aruna nods "It's fine though, there aren't many animals in Garudo Town she can interact with aside from the sand seals, but she doesn't like walking on the sand, so that's out of the option." he explains, watching Carrot lay down comfortably "And yeah, at least we know that." he mumbles. He wished he could contact his mother though, since he doesn't know his father he can't worry about him "I've already eaten my breakfast, so I'm good to go whenever."

DracoNightshade DracoNightshade Lost Echo Lost Echo
Awareness came slowly. A small shift caused her muscles to scream and she froze. She couldn’t remember being beaten. Had they knocked her unconscious again? Careful not to move, she opened her eyes. She had a feeling she didn’t want to remember yesterday. She was blocking something out.

The room told her. It wasn’t hers. Thankfully, the memories came instantly, preventing her from freaking out further. The festival and following flight might have been terrifying, but at least she wasn’t kidnapped. Snorting out a laugh, she sat up.

Her brown hair flopped down over her shoulders. Running a hand through it, she grimaced when it caught in the tangles her curls were in. No wonder those guys didn’t take her seriously. She must have been such a mess. She hoped they didn’t hurt Professor Addison’s horse to get back at her. Or something worse. Her eyes flicked to the locked door. Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself that most people weren’t like that. Though she didn’t really believe it--some of those people were the age she and her bullies had been--but she’d done it. Rolling her eyes at her therapist--he really helped, but some of his tactics seemed silly.

She had to get ready. Get out before that silver haired girl could catch her. She stood up, grabbing her clothes, careful to avoid looking at her body as she dressed, tucking quickly. Her hair was doomed to stay a tangled mess, but she just piled it into a bun. She’d deal with it when she got home.

She flinched at the knock as she was shouldering on her backpack. A swelling feeling so strong, it almost covered up her aches, grew as she hoped. Did the silver haired girl actually care? She sounded like it. Elephe’s hands raised up to cover her face, breaking the dream. Rough stubble scraped her sore palms. What if she saw?

She looked around. The lights were still out. It was likely the girl--what was her name again? Had they been introduced? How did she know Elephe’s name? Whatever. She probably couldn’t see. The inn still didn’t have electricity, maybe no one would notice.

With a deep breath she opened the door. “I’m fine.” Her smile was a bit brittle, but it could be passed off as pain, “I’m just sore. How are you feeling?"

Flame Demon Flame Demon DracoNightshade DracoNightshade

"I'm good, though you came in looking quite... worrysome yesterday, I understand if you've never ridden a horse before, but usually you'd get more of a explanation. Speaking of, the horses are fed, but Gale, my horse, refused to go back where we came from and Carrot and Shadow seem to go towards the forest as well. So don't be too disappointed when the horse you came on also refuses the leave this inn." Rosa explains, she's certain that Elephe remembered the day before.

She then remembers that this person came in after the introductions were made "I'm not sure we've been introduced, I'm Rosalyn, but call me Rosa if you want, the others are up as well, Sara wondered where you were, that's the other girl by the way, Aruna's the Garudo and Wulf is the blind one with the dog called Shadow, though I'm fairly certain there's wolf dna somewhere in that doggo, but that's just my theory. Oh by the way, I enjoyed the science display at the festival, figured you should know that, couldn't watch too long though, I had to help at the food stall my class had set up.".

DracoNightshade DracoNightshade Lost Echo Lost Echo
“The horses aren’t moving? We’re not the only people here, right?…has anyone been able to leave?” Maybe the animals were scared. They had superior senses…maybe the monsters were closer than Elephe would like to contemplate. She couldn’t stay here long: her funds weren’t enough, though maybe she could help cook to pay her way. Though why would they head to that dark forest? Surely that wasn’t any safer.

The girl decided to introduce herself and the others: a blur that Elephe tried to keep track of. She could remember Carrot and Shadow, but she’d likely call the Gerudo Sara or something. Names were not her strong suit. It came from no one wanting to talk to you for four years. She was rusty: her friends at college had accepted the quirk like all her others, but she didn’t want to look stupid in front of this group. Or at least any worse. Maybe she’d avoid names…

“Well, you already know, but I’m Elephe. I--” But Rose apparently actually recognized her. “You…remember me?” Then she realized she’d came in wearing the lab coat she’d left folded in her backpack. Though to realize she was from the Hyrule Castle Festival… “Did you get any? What flavor?”

Flame Demon Flame Demon

"I sadly enough wasn't allowed to eat while helping out, but I got some food from the other stalls." Rosalyn explains and she shrugs "But my class sold crepes, I was outvoted on my suggestion.". On the topic of the horses and says " They're either not moving or moving towards the forest, but so far, aside from the people working here, we're the only ones, but if there had been monsters in the forest they would've attacked by now, so I think we're actually in one of the safest areas right now." she explains. Though she mentions to the main area "I paid for breakfast by the way, in case you're hungry, apparently you get discounts for groups, didn't know that.".
Lost Echo Lost Echo


After another attempt to see if there's a signal Aruna gives up, turning his phone off and pocketing it "Well... it's official, we're out of any technology that's connected to somewhere, I mean, I can still refill my bike, but I think there might be monsters at the gas stations." he says, frowning "And without the animals wanting to leave we're either now living here or indeed heading to the Lost Woods." he grumbles. He wanted to go home, he really did, but he can realize that they're stuck somewhere.
DracoNightshade DracoNightshade
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Wulf & Sara

Wulf sighed as he heard Aruna's assessment. "Figures. I wonder how things are going at Hateno Village."
"At least you're hometowns are still within Hyrule's border, Orden Village is just outside of the Southeast border and a long way off from here." Sara reached down and started lightly petting Carrot, enjoying the feeling of his soft fur. With little else to do, Wulf got down on the floor as well and started petting Shadow. The two animals seemed to enjoy the attention as they let it happen.
Flame Demon Flame Demon

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