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Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways


"Yeah actually, this is my house." Rosalyn tells him as she dismounts the dog and she runs to the window, peeking inside, giving a sigh of relief to see her grandparents save and sound, though she knows that if she goes in they wouldn't let her leave, so she walks to the stables at the side of the building and quickly saddles her horse, a beautiful white horse "Come on girl, time to go." she whispers, leading the animal back to Wulf before she mounts the horse. "This is Gale, she's pretty fast, should be able to keep up with your dog." she explains, knowing Wulf couldn't see her horse, she figured she could at least tell him the name.


"Where ever is savest I guess." Aruna tells her and he tries to catch Carrot when the bunny jumps out of his hoodie and stands on the steering wheel of the motorcycle "It seems that Carrot knows where I'm heading, come on little guy, you can direct me from the safety of my hoodie or the basket." he says so Carrot jumps in the basket that's especially made for him.

He looks at Sara "I don't know if we're headed the same way, but we really should get out of here before monsters start swarming the gates, who knows maybe I'll see you later." he says before starting his mototcycle and heading off towards where Carrot is leading him.

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"Your house?" Wulf was incredulous. Shadow had somehow brought the two of them to Rosalyn's home in Castle Town. Wulf dismounted his dog and stretched, Shadow doing the same. It was maybe about ten minutes before Rosalyn returned, riding a horse she introduced as Gale. "It's nice to meet you Gale. C'mon Shadow, let's get a move on."
Wulf once again mounted the large canine. "Any ideas after we pass through the gates?"


Having no particular place in mind, her home a long way off and just outside Hyrule's border, Sara shrugged and urged Onyx to go after Aruna. The equine did not need to be told twice as he galloped after Aruna, shortly catching up with his motorcycle. Sara called over. "So much for see you later!"

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"I think I'll let Gale guide this time, I think that'd be the same as where Shadow wants to go." Rosalyn points out as the pats her horse "Though if we're going to guess it'd be one of those inns at the roadside." she explains, apparently Gale was eager to get going to somewhere "Try not to run too fast girl." she mumbles, she had done some competitions with her horse, mostly sprints, so if they encountered monsters she wasn't worried "If the monsters are too confused about what cars are we can take the horse paths that go just about everywhere, they're also covered so that could be dangerous too.". Sure it was safe for them to use the special paths made for horses, but monsters would be just as camoflagues as they are, though monsters would be on foot and they weren't "Come on girl." she says so Gale starts walking towards the gate.


"You'll likely lose me once I get on the road." Aruna points out, most cars were standing still and monsters were somehow interested in that, he has enough fuel, hopefully, depending on where Carrot was leading him. If not he'd stop to refuel his motor, though something tells him he wouldn't have much need of it for a while. He turns to the road, the pathways for horses going a different path and he gives some extra gas, racing off, he'd have to if he had any hope of getting to his destination without an arrow in him.

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Wulf shrugged as Shadow padded after Gale. "Yeah, I feel like they have a better idea of what's going on right now."
Shadow gave a short bark in greeting to Gale as he walked along side her. Sure, he was closer to the ground, but that did not mean he was intimidated by her. He then noticed the small form that lead him to Rosalyn's home and started after it again, barking for Gale to follow him as they headed for the gate.
"Whoa!" The sudden movement nearly threw Wulf off as he quickly righted himself and leaned forward.


"Not likely." Sara called as the two split up, the horse path diverging from the main road. Onyx galloped down the path, still heading in the same direction as Aruna and Carrot. The foreign scent of monsters prompted him to pick up the pace as he took his rider to safety. Sara leaned forward in her saddle, hoping to make herself as small a target as possible in case they were followed.
"I hope you know where you're going big fella, because I don't."

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Elephe felt like she was undercover. She forced a smile at the students who came up to their stall, pretending not to recognize them. With her long hair falling in her face as a mask, they didn’t recognize her. She appeared female. She was female. But everyone in this hellhole knew her as the clumsy freak, Keton. They wouldn’t think to find her here.

Instead of sneers, she met bored gazes and a few smiles. After a perfunctory greeting, she explained the experiment they were going to do: make candy. It was amusing watching interest bloom at the idea of sweets. They barely listened to her explanation of how the molecules worked, but most managed to not burn themselves and get their resulting candy. (The Sweet Science of Candymaking - American Chemical Society)

Elephe hated it. There were so many people. Sure, when she was told to set up an experiment for the students, she picked something she knew she’d have enjoyed. She hadn’t expected it to be popular. It made her skin crawl to be polite to some of her previous bullies. She wasn’t sure if it was with fear to be found out, or disgust at her submissive behavior. A part of her had dreamed of standing up to them. Of calling out their behavior, protecting whoever they found in her stead.

But the feeling of pressure, like something was really wrong grew. She kept looking back at the building, trailing off what she was saying. Her premonition held true: the castle seemed to lock down and red mist started to seep out around it.

Everything went nuts. The skies turned red and a man burst forth, his malevolence almost to the post of lunacy. Elephe froze. It was only her professor--who she’d assumed hated her, for why else would he have chosen her to go along?--that grabbed her. He practically dragged her, as she clung to her backpack, pulling the strap over one shoulder, before she could get her feet under her enough to run with him. She bumped into him when he stopped suddenly at a stable.

She managed a “What?!” As he manhandled her into a saddle on a horse and snapped, “Go!”

Elephe had never ridden a horse before. All she could do was cling around its neck, her backpack bouncing with each gallop. Though they left through the Southern gate, into the town, the horse turned immediately, heading what had to be northward.

The girl was pleading with it. “Someplace safe! Please! Just take me back home.” She prayed to every Horse God she knew of Epona, Rhian…something, Malania… Desperately wishing she’d paid more attention to the beasts, she just clung as the horse galloped on.

Seeing Shadow run off first gives her enough time to prepare for the second Gale follows, which is seconds after the bark, it almost seemed like something was leading them somewhere and she could only hope it was safe "Wow Gale, slow down a bit , you're faster then Shadow is.", it's true and Gale seems to realize that, so she slows down to keep pace with Shadow " Where ever we're going it's away from most of the monsters it seems, but we don't know how many are on the paths." she says to Wulf, sure the dog and horse could outrun the monsters, but if one had good aim the running wasn't really an option and she doesn't have any combat experience against living creatures that are trying to kill her.

Quickly losing sight of Sara Aruna focuses on the road and the directions Carrot are giving "Why are we headed North, home is west." he mumbled, well he trusted his animal companion, but the only thing he knew that was north was something called the Lost Woods, a place he honestly had no intention of ever visiting, but it seems Carrot has other plans then going home.

Luckily most monsters are too occupied to really care or notice him, but he spots a half horse half lion monster like creature that is watching him, of course it has a bow and arrow "Fuck." he mumbles seeing the electricity coming from the arrow tips. He sighs in relief when it doesn't consider him a threat and thus, doesn't fire, but that doesn't mean it's safe to let his guard down.

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~2-3 Hours Later~

It had been quite some time since Sara left Castle Town and Onyx was beginning to tire as they continued North. For some reason, the black stallion seemed to be heading for the Lost Woods. Sara could only guess as to the reason, but she trusted her steed. Luckily, there was an inn/stable near the entrance to that place so Onyx would be able to rest. Upon arrival, Sara noticed a familiar motorcycle after she dismounted.
"Wait here Onyx." Sara patted his neck before walking through the entrance.
"Welcome to the Woodland Inn!" A man at the counter called to her. "Are you looking to stay the night?"
"Um, yeah. I'd also like to set up my horse in the stable if you don't mind."
"Of course! That's what it's there for after all." The man smiled as he wrote up a note and handed it to her. "Give this to the stable hand and they'll set up your horse."
Sara smiled back as she took the paper. "Thank you."
About ten minutes later, she returned to the main building and got her room number. As she was about to head up, Sara noticed Aruna sitting at one of the tables in the dining area and walked over to him. "Hey! Haven't seen you in a bit. Glad to see you're still in one piece."


"Sorry about this." Wulf apologized to Rosalyn as he rode behind her on Gale. Shadow had started to tire about halfway through their journey so he was forced to ride with Rosalyn to lighten the load on his canine companion. He had never ridden a horse before now, so he was feeling very nervous being so high up. Even if he was unable to see the difference, he could definitely feel it.
Anyway, eventually Shadow had stopped in front of the Woodland Inn, Gale stopping right behind him. Feeling this, Wulf asked again. "Where are we?"

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"We're at the Woodland inn, it's near the Lost Woods, it seems our animal companions led us here." Rosalyn explains "And don't worry about it, Gale can handle the extra weight, but she's a bit tired now.", she helps Wulf get off and says "Wait here while I get Gale settled in the stables and then I'll help you get a room for the night, we might need the sleep.".

Once her horse is safely in the stables she returns to Wulf "There's plenty of rooms left, so I asked if you could get the closest to the main area of the inn, it wasn't a problem and inns are pet friendly places, so Shadow can stay with you."

"Oh hey, yeah, most monsters were too interested in the cars to really attack, there was this big monster though, but it didn't shoot me, so that's something." Aruna explains, he's eating some food while Carrot is eating carrots from a bowl.

He'd been there a while and apparently due to the lack of Garudo that visit that inn the doors weren't made for your above average Human or Hylian, but it was fine. "Seems we're not the only ones here." he mumbles, seeing two other people outside, they look like students as well.

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"Thanks Rose." With some difficulty, Wulf was helped down from Gale's back. On the other hand, Shadow was panting with his tongue hanging out to the side. It had been a long while since he had traveled that far and long with only minimal breaks and he was understandably tired.
Wulf gripped his staff with both hands as he bent his knees and stretched his legs. Once he was certain they felt better, he placed a hand on Shadow's shoulder as the large canine lead him inside with Rosalyn. "Again, thank you."
Upon seeing Sara, Shadow lead Wulf to her and Aruna, almost pulling him down in the process. "Careful boy."


"Hey, it's my classmates." Sara pointed out to Aruna. "The one walking with a huge dog is Wulf, he's a blind musician. The girl with him is Rosalyn."
Just as she finished naming the newcomers, a thought occured to Sara. "You know, I just realized I never caught your name. I'm Sara."

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Elephe was exhausted. A sweaty mess, all she wanted was off this horse. She was lost. And as the beast slowed from its desperate flight to a soft trot, she worried she’d be left in the middle of nowhere. “Just to an inn, okay? Please?” It snorted heavily and she was familiar enough with disdain to recognize it. With a softly murmured “sorry.” She lowered her head back down, simply clinging to the hot neck of the creature.

She was half asleep, lulled by the rhythm of the horse as the beast slowed to a stop. Blearily, she looked up, yawned, and was surprised to see an inn before her. “Holy shit. You actually did it.” Shifting, she dropped her bag off the side of the horse, moaning in relief at the lack of weight. Her back felt bruised from how much it had bounced against her this morning. Now she just had to get off the horse. Gripping the saddle with blunted nails, she swung her leg over. She almost toppled off, except for some dude who stepped up behind her.

“Woah there! Long ride?”

“More like first ride.” Elephe leaned against the horse to avoid clinging to the random man, but her legs just hurt so much. “Something crazy’s happened in Castletown…”

“The whole of Hyrule has. There’s no power here, but you’re not the first to show up.”

Deciding he wouldn’t believe her, she let him take the horse–whose name she still didn’t know…did saddles have names like dog collars? She in turn stumbled inside, collapsing at a table. She'd check in as soon as she could walk better.

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"Aruna, I've been traveling for a few years and figured that I could visit the school festival." Aruna explains "Usually when we have some sort of festival at home mom used to make me stay inside, it was annoying, but at least she brought me food.", he understood why she had done that, eventually, but as a kid it was very annoying and he would've much rather play with the others his own age, even if it was for his ow protection or something.

When another person walks in, or more like stumbles in and he raises an eyebrow, did no one else at the festival had any other method of transportation then horses?


Rosa shrugs, before realizing Wulf can't see that "It's fine, if our roles were reversed you'd have done the same." she says and she follows him and Shadow, aside from them it seemed almost empty there "Must be one of those inns no one really visits." she mumbles, some inns were modernised, but this one seemed more like what it used to be, a stable "Okay assuming we're all here for the same reasons, that being that our animals brought us here, why do you guys think that is?" she asks.

At a commotion outside she looks through the window and frowns seeing someone else, who apparently had never ridden a horse before and she has to stiffle a giggle at seeing the girl stumble in and sitting at a table.

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Sara & Wulf

"You mean because of the whole first male Gerudo in a century kind of thing?" By now, Sara was sat down at the same table as Aruna while the others arrived.

Shadow lead Wulf to a chair nearby where he sat down before the large canine decided to investigate Carrot. Not because he was hungry mind you, he was just curious. Wulf heard the unsteady footsteps of the latest arrival and turned to face them. "You alright over there?"

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Elephe ignored the suppressed laugh, with a silent thanks the girl tried to cover it up. She wanted to curl up, sit with poise to blend in with the rest of the scenery, but her legs hurt so much. Still, she was surprised someone actually checked on her. Glancing at the man, she hesitated before answering truthfully. “Not really. Today was…unreal.”
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Aruna & Rosalyn

"Yeah, last recorded male born was Ganondorf, which is way way back and that's also who caused the blackout and all the chaos." Aruna explains, though he wondered why they were all called towards the woods where no one entered because no one could navigate it "Oh well, I aasume there's a reason we're all here, my intention was to go home and check on everyone, but Carrot here disagreed." he points out. Carrot, after deeming the dog not dangerous, holds out a carrot as if asking if Shadow wanted one.

"Yeah, somehow Shadow stopped by my house, so I could grab Gale, my horse, but I felt like that if I entered my grandparents wouldn't let me leave again and while it may seem impossible there has to be a way to stop that maniac." Rosalyn explains, so if they were all 'chosen' to stop Ganondorf, then why them? They'd never worked together and in some cases never saw each other before now "Apparently there was this goddess Hylia, I'm not sure how true it is, but if it is true then that might be why we're all here." she mumbles.

"Well regardless of who or what happened why we're here, we should try to stop him before people get killed." Aruna points out and he looks at the newcomer "Am I literally the only one who had a normal vehicle with me?" she asks, he was just curious, horse riding was a luxery in these times after all.

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Sara & Wulf

Sara shrugged her shoulders. "I'm originally from an agricultural town just beyond Hyrule's border, my family just happens to run a horse farm and boarding stable. I didn't want to leave Onyx behind and he doesn't listen to anyone else back home cause he's so stubborn."
While Sara explained her situation, Shadow gratefully accepted the carrot from the rabbit that was hilariously also called Carrot.
Wulf decided to speak up. "This was actually my first time riding a horse. I mean, Shadow is the closest thing I have to one, but he's a dog."
Wulf decided that he wanted a better idea of his surroundings and began echolocating with a series of sharp clocks all around. As each sound bounced back, his ears would instinctively twitch to find each one.
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Aruna & Rosalyn

"I mean... my parents had a car, but my grandparents are too old to drive, so I usually use Gale since you can get literally everywhere by horse, plus I don't mind staying at the inns when I have to." Rosalyn explains with a shrug, she had grieved her parents deaths, though she refused to believe it was an accident "I guess Shadow counts as a mount and companion since he's so big.".

"Well I can't use it in the desert, I have my own sand seal for that, though they're a dying species." Aruna explains, he's fairly positive no one has heard of sand seals in ages, which is apparently what Garudo Town was going for "Anyway, it's been a hectic day already, so I'm gonna take a nap and it seems we're stuck inside anyway, looks like it started raining. Oh, and don't feed Carrot too much, she doesn't need to become fat." with that he heads to the room he booked for the night to get an hour or two sleep.

At that Rosa walks to the window and frowns "Try storming, well let's hope there are board games cause we can't charge our phones and we may need the flashlights on them." she points out, they could also probably do with something to eat, though she does carry some snacks with her for when she's travelin it probably won't be enough.

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Ah, he hadn’t really cared. Elephe refused to even be surprised, let alone hurt. To be honest, the screaming of her body was enough to distance both. Her legs were like spaghetti, growing numb with fatigue, but having just tucked this morning, she felt like she’d been repeatedly kicked in the balls. A saddle was not comfortable and if she’d been alone she’d have been curled in a ball (no pun intended) crying.

It was a common tactic of her bullies before. She could deal with the pain that radiated to her stomach. She could. In the relative privacy of being ignored, she closed her eyes, letting out a shaky breath.

Still, unable to resist eavesdropping, she turned back in to the group’s discussion. The silver haired girl mentioned some myth like it was true, and then the Gerudo was talking about stopping that monster! Elephe’s face lost her control, coughing out a incredulous laugh. They might think they’re hot stuff, but seriously, they were going to be killed. They needed to let the military do its work.

Though Elephe could admit, maybe they’d be out of their element too. Those beasts were terrifying, some of them were small enough to be trampled by the horse, but others were huge.

Instead of sensibly questioning him, the others were answering about their animals. She glanced at the rabbit. Well, those that could be ridden…damn that dog was huge.

She got up, asking the innkeeper if they had dinner, and paying extra to get it. It was expensive. Elephe was a broke college student, normally she’d have prepared to find every discount, but she was just too tired. Sitting back down at “her” table, she waited for her meal.

"Oh by the way, dinner's on me!" Rosa calls after Aruna, she had the money, more then she knew what to do with if she's being honest. She rolls her eyes at Elephe "Laugh what you want, but all those missiles the military have in storage will be in lockdown, they probably won't have enough fuel to last very long and what they can use should be used to protect the people. I'm aware we may be far out of our element by looking for a way to stop Ganondorf, but we didn't arrive here by personal choice. I bet if I get on Gale to go home she'll refuse to move. Besides, what are the odds of us, this ragtag group of people, meeting up at an inn that's very rarely used?".

She's used to people laughing at some of her ideas, but honestly, she liked to believe they were there for a reason other then being away from the monsters, Garudo town would've been the best choice then. Though she wonders what's so special about the Lost Woods, no one ever manage to navigate it properly, just ending back at the entrance "Anyone here experience with navigating uncharted woods? Because I think our trip tomorrow it to the Lost Woods.".

She's worried about her grandparents, but knows they'll be able to handle themselves, she often laughed at all the non perishable foods they had stored in their basement, she just wished she could get in touch with them "Excuse me, can I send letters from here? I know some inns do that too." she asks the owner, who points her to the mailing service "Might take a while to get to the location, but we have the best people working on it." he explains, so she nods "Thanks." she tells him before going to write the letter, though she leaves enough him money to pay for everyone's dinner, including Elephe's.

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Elephe flinched, raising her hands in defense. She hadn’t said anything! Her eyes widened as the girl talked about some sort of destiny. Worse, she was including her! “You don’t even know me.” The feeble protest was ignored as the silver haired girl went off to speak to the innkeeper.

Looking at the others with trepidation, she timidly asked, “Why you guys? Some of you are just kids, right? I mean, fuck adults, but seriously, why you?” She grew more confident as she spoke.

Shaking her head, she turned to accept her meal. She had to check on Professor Addison. Was he dead? Why would he save her life? She thought of all the times she’d come close to ending it. Picking up a fork to eat, she tried to breathe. She might have wanted to die a year ago, but college was going well. She was able to be herself finally. That’s why she didn’t want to throw it away.

Tomorrow she would get back on that horse and have it taken her home. Or well, likely Addison’s home. Regardless, she’d be better.

The next day Rosalyn is eating breakfast, accompanied by Carrot as Aruna had left to grab something, yes it made no sense that they were there, and she had tried to get Gale to bring her home, but the stubborn mare had refused no matter what, only wandering towards the woods, thus confirming that something or someone has plans for the ragtag group of people there.

So she's flipping through a book, one she had taken so she could read after the dance performance the day before, but shit went to hell, so she's trying to find clues on what's going on and if they really need to fix it, how they should do it "Magical artifacts would've lost their magic by now, also why does it keep going back to something called the Master Sword?" she mumbles under her breath. She decides to stop researching for now and focus on eating her breakfast, so she closes her book and puts it back in her bag.

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Sara & Wulf

Wulf yawned as he came to the eating area with Shadow, the large canine quickly making his way to Rosalyn's table and greeting Carrot as he sat down. Shortly after Wulf arrived, Sara walked in through the entrance, having checked on Onyx before eating anything herself. She was glad he was separated from Gale, as he seemed to show some interest in the white mare. She had a feeling Rose would not be too happy if the two horses hooked up.
Sitting down with the others, Wulf had gotten pancakes while Sara ate her omelette. Seeing Rosalyn's face as she flipped through her book, Sara spoke up.
"What's up Rose? You look like you have something on your mind."
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"Well my grandparents have a pretty nice collection on books concerning all the legend surrounding Ganondorf, or Demise as he was known as before the reincarnation shit, Zelda and Link, but I've been looking over this one and I can't find any way to stop him, all it mentions are magical items, something called the master sword and a bow of light." Rosalyn explains while resting her chin on the palm of her hand "And I've tried to get Gale to go home, but she either doesn't move or walks towards the lost woods, so I'm guessing that'll count for the other horses too, though there's only one person here who thinks it's a suicide plan to find a way to stop Ganon.".

She didn't mind being send to find some way to help out, but they had no clues and her book was useless, not to mentions that she doubted Ganon would be harmed by bullets, a tank might do it, but it might not.


"Still no signal..." Aruna mumbles while leaning against the wall outside, phones weren't something many Garudo used, but the younger ones all had one just in case, but it sucks that he can't call his mother to check up on her.

He catches a bit from the conversation inside and looks at the sky, he could go home, trap Carrot in the basket and ride home, but his sand seal wouldn't bring him to the city judging by the behavior of the other animals, but he swore to himself he wouldn't let history repeat itself and now it has, just not as expected.

He heads back inside and says "Regardless of what we know our next stop is the Lost Woods, rarely no one comes by this inn and we're all here, Carrot tried running towards it too, I stopped her.", he's also unsure if they know about Garudo tradition "And despite history literally repeating itself I refuse to let Ganondorf ruin the reputation my town tried to protect.".

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"I can't tell where Shadow's been trying to lead me, but it's likely the same place as you guys." Wulf stated after swallowing a bite of his pancake. "Though, I'm not all too familiar with the old legends so I can't say anything about the so-called Master Sword or the Bow of Light. All I can really do right now is say that wherever Shadow goes, I go."


"I haven't tried bringing Onyx out of the stable yet, but I also wasn't the one that steered him to here." Sara explained. "To be honest, I don't know why we're all here but I trust my horse. Even if he can be a pain sometimes."
Sara eventually finished her omelette. "Still, a legendary sword and a magical bow. What's next, some weird stone that turns you into some sort of animal?"
Sara then looked around, realizing they were one person short. "Hey, where's Elephe?"

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At that Rosa opens the book, after grabbing it out of her back, and flips to a page before putting it in front of Sara "There is actually, it's called the shadow crystal." she says there were some more items on that page belonging to whoever had owned the crystal, but nothing else had caught her attention "I don't know, do you think Elephe is okay? The one who came in last yesterday." she asks, she hadn't seen the other person yet and considering how she came into the inn that was a bit worrying.

The book has more items, but it's hidden between legends and what not "There's also an ocarina that could create storms or switch the time of day with the right song." she says.


"So going by the fact we're here by whatever logic, do you think some of these items are still around?" Aruna questions while sitting down, Carrot jumping on top of Shadow's head to lay down "I'm just wondering what's so important about the woods, sure it's untouched by the modern world, so that might be it, but no one even knows how to navigate that place, everyone who tries ends up right back at the entrance." he explains, then again, if there would be answers anywhere, it'd be in the only place untouched by time.

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Wulf shrugged. "At least we know where we'll end up if we do get lost."
With Carrot lying on his head, Shadow carefully lowered himself to the floor, not wishing to throw off the rabbit.
"Still, an ocarina that can control time depending on the song... Sounds interesting."

"I was seriously just joking about the rock, I didn't think it was a thing!" Needless to say, Sara was quite surprised to learn her little joke happened to be amongst the list of items in Rosalyn's book. Deciding to change the subject, Sara looked around for something, only to notice Carrot positioned on Shadow's head. Sara giggled as she pointed out the animals. "I think you're rabbit has a new friend Aruna."

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