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Fantasy Lawrence Academy

[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]Once Crow was in the room Mel closed the door and locked it, "Just be silent, they'll go away soon enough." She whispered to Crow.

Crow nodded. She kept as quiet. You couldn't even hear her breath.
The knocking soon stopped, "Alright, I think they're gone. But we should stay upstairs just to be safe."
[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]The knocking soon stopped, "Alright, I think they're gone. But we should stay upstairs just to be safe."

Crow nodded and sat on the floor.
[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]Mel blew a hair off her face and sat on her bed, "What now?"

Crow shrugged and looked out the window. It was starting to get hot so she took off her jacket and hung it on a chair.

"Do you have an air conditioner?" She asked looking at her.
She would normally be irritated by the phrase, but forgave him without words. He was free spirited, and she decided not to let it get to her.

She trotted to the school library, ignoring the confused looks and glares from fellow students along the way. She knelt down for him to hop off, turned back human, and the two if then slumped into two armchairs, facing each other.
Shunko happily reclined in his chair and said,"Thanks, I owe you one." He then relaxed so much he changed into a small lizard and almost nodded off on the chair.

She watched him calmly with loaded eyes as he relaxed, a soft smile on her face. She allowed herself to relax as well, turning to her original fox form, wrapping herself in her tails, and nodding off.

Shunko awoke a few minutes later, completely forgetting that he had fallen asleep. He then changed back to his human form and felt much better. He saw the fox on the chair sleeping, and couldn't help but chuckle at what he saw.
[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]
"Sadly, no." She opened her closet, "Need a tank top?"

"Na it's good. This T-shirt should do fine."
"Alrighty, I'll be back." Mel said and grabbed a tank tops and jeans. She walked out of her room to the upstairs bathroom and started changing.
Mel finished changing and walked back in the room, she couldn't find Crow, "Crow?"
Maylen looked around in study hall, checking the time. It had been 30 minutes since she came in her, and dozed off on the desk. The random girl in the room with her had already left, probably to another class. She sighed, checking her phone for any texts from old orphans that she had lived with. Nothing. Had they forgotten her when she left? No one has texted her in a yet since a year ago, but she'd been gone for 2 years. 'Maybe they have forgotten about me.' She sighed, and got up from her desk in "study hall" and left the room, heading towards the nurse's office to check up on Sho... and Haru.

@Nenma Takashi
[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]Mel finished changing and walked back in the room, she couldn't find Crow, "Crow?"

Crow looked up at Mel, and cawed. She lifted one of her wings. She then bounced over to the window and pecked at it.
[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]Mel looked at Crow, "We can't go out, remember? The cops will find us."

Crow cawed sadly and hopped on the bed. She looked around the room, and quickly turned back into her human form. (With clothes still on, i'd like to mention.)
"Sorry." Mel said, when she was in the bathroom she had cleaned her cut so it looked sort of like a cat scrath now.
[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]
"Sorry." Mel said, when she was in the bathroom she had cleaned her cut so it looked sort of like a cat scrath now.

"Ehh it's fine. that was the crow part of me. I'm not even hungry."

She says hugging her knee up to her chest.
The fix shifted and suddenly sat up, having heard a chuckle. With a shake if the head she turned human again, her white tails still flowing about her, and tossed a pillow at Shunko, still laughing. "What are you laughing at?" she teased.
Shunko caught the pillow and simply said,"Oh, nothing..." He then said,"I feel nice and relaxed now...I think I can shift some more."

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