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Fantasy Knights of The Old Order (Always Accepting)

It was dark, just about midnight and I was hunting down a witch with my partner. Witches were a dangerous foe and it was one of my first times hunting one. We were some where inside of a crowed town, people still were every where. "Do you think we will find her?" My partner was currently in her human form, that way we didn't attract attention oe frighten anyone. We were turning corner after coner looking in for her.

"who knows...she or he could be anywhere in this town it could take days"i walk around with Erik in search for the witch to take there soul,all we needed was a witch and a couple other souls but the witch soul was the hardest to get.

Wyatt said:
It was dark, just about midnight and I was hunting down a witch with my partner. Witches were a dangerous foe and it was one of my first times hunting one. We were some where inside of a crowed town, people still were every where. "Do you think we will find her?" My partner was currently in her human form, that way we didn't attract attention oe frighten anyone. We were turning corner after coner looking in for her.
CreepyKiller said:
"who knows...she or he could be anywhere in this town it could take days"i walk around with Erik in search for the witch to take there soul,all we needed was a witch and a couple other souls but the witch soul was the hardest to get.
We kept walkinh trying to find the witch, "maybe we should contact my father. We can't risk messing up now or else we will have to forfeit the souls we have gottens so far." I look around trying to find a empty ally or street to contact the grim reaper, but every where I look is packed full of people.
Wyatt said:
We kept walkinh trying to find the witch, "maybe we should contact my father. We can't risk messing up now or else we will have to forfeit the souls we have gottens so far." I look around trying to find a empty ally or street to contact the grim reaper, but every where I look is packed full of people.
i look around and see people everywhere "why is it so crowded today..is there some kind of event or something"i look at all the people around and try to find a place that there wasn't no one around.
CreepyKiller said:
i look around and see people everywhere "why is it so crowded today..is there some kind of event or something"i look at all the people around and try to find a place that there wasn't no one around.
I see a flash of light ahead of us and I sense a storng wave length. "Jinx, I think we found her, you ready." I hold my hand out to her and wait for her to shift. I could tell the witch was right in front of us.
"ready"i transform into my scythe form and look at the flash of light,"i believe that is her...i can feel it".i wait for him to do what he does.
I immediately grab Jinx and chase after the light, when we reach and old evil looking witch is awaiting us. Without saying a word I swing Jinx at her, oy to be stopped by some form of magic. I swing again and again I am stopped I notice that a bird made of magic has grabbed the scythe stopping it in its tracks.
i could see a bird was holding me in its claws and stopped Erik from killing the witch,"ew-ew-ew bird claws GET IT OFF OF ME"i squirm in Erik's hand to try and get the bird off of me.
I fight off the bird using some wave length atracks to counter the magic. The bird evaporates into nothing and I once again swing my scythe nearly hitting the witch. She barely escaped and set a barrier around her self. I look at Jinx and say, "are you for witch hunter?"
as the witch escapes and i transform back to human and look at him "what...i hate birds and things on me...and it was on my face"i back at the witch and sigh"sooo are we going to chase her or not".
I look at Jinx, "she isn't foing far she set a barrier a round her self. We need to do witch hunter so thath we can break through it, are you ready?" I hold out my hand again waiting for her to change back.
"i guess...but no birds this time"i turn back into a scythe and go into his hand,"lets go"i watch as he attacks the witch again.
I swing with as much force as I can muster and barely starched the barrier. "Okay Jinx I need you to do Witch hunter." I say as I use her to strike at the barrier again.
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"ok got it"i do the witch hunter and break the witches barrier.she falls to the ground as the barrier disappears.
I swing at her, slicing her in half. However, the witch's soul took the foem of the witch. "What are you going to deplete your own soul?" She then sends magical missels at me and I deflect them with Jinx. I swing Jinx at her again, but this thim we destroy her soul. I look at Jinx and say, "sorry, we are going to have start over since we didn't get the witch's soul."
i transform back to human once again and look at Erik"it's ok...it was either her life or ours...looks like we need to collect every single soul again...well we should get started as fast as we can".
I hold my hands out and use my powers, "Lord death. Fathure we failed. We destroy the witch along with her soul." He looks at us blankly, "well that is to bad. You just have to start over, won't you. At any rate you and your weapon should get some rest and prepare for tomorrow."
"HEY JUST BECAUSE I'M A WEAPON DOESN'T MEAN YOU CALL ME WEAPON I HAVE A NAME"i scream,(why do people always got to call us weapons,sheesh).
Lord death looks at Jinx, "Now thats now how it was meant. I know you have a name it just easy to refer to you as a waepon. Okay?" He says this in his goofy way.
"yeah-yeah-yeah...i'm going back now i'll see you there Erik"i begin to walk away dodging the groups of people in my way.
Lord death says his good byes and I follow slightly behind Jinx. "You weapon is a honorable title, you should ve glad that he calls you that. Not just anyone can be called a weapon."
i stopped and sigh"you just dont get what it's like to be a weapon...all you do is transform into human and weapon while your partner gets to have all the fun killing...and everyone just calls you a weapon"i continue to walk.
"Jinx, think about how strong you will be when you are a death scythe. Everyone will envy you." I follow behind her as she walks away. The crowds of people were thinning and it was easier to get around now.
Michi watches the two with keen eyes. she has a hood on but her light blue eyes can still be seen, although the top half of her face can not. She was walking a bit behind them with a basket in her hand. She was heading back to her forest home but these two seemed a bit off. Since she was already walking down the path, she decided to follow them.

@Wyatt @CreepyKiller

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