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Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

Enarian, I don't know if you are looking for us, but we are ready to fly of on Griffons! So I will wait to Roleplay if you want to find us before we take off :)
Jack notices someone eying him. "Do I have blood on my face?" Jack yells. "Actually I probably do." He whispers. Jack gets ready to take off.

Please try to do a paragraph. But it's okay for now, because you just started.

I also just noticed we're getting close to 1000 posts on this Roleplay! Only 272 more! And 100 pages!
Enarian says "Who is that?" and then runs to the Jack. He sees blood on Jack's face and then says "Is this...Blood? Is he a Vampire?"

"Hello! Who are you?" he said.
"No. I am just a human with 2 sharp teeth that likes blood." He says sarcastically. "A lot of people are surprised when they see vampires up north." He says. "Hello. What's your name?" Jack says, shaking Enarians hand. "We're off to get the Sword Of Haven. And the cliche part is we are going to 'Wipe out all evil'." I guess you're an adventurer so... you wanna come along?"

"I'm Jack." He adds
730 posts! <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-1.jpg.df11ad0036f2b9cb395e9f326dec2cc5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39824" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-1.jpg.df11ad0036f2b9cb395e9f326dec2cc5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Jack Lake." He says. He tosses Enarian 100 gold. "Buy gold and hop on a griffon!" Jack hovers up to Kane. "This is Enarian." He says. They all fly off towards Finelstein. "We're going to FINELSTEIN." He shouts. "Let's get going."

"The sword of Haven is a light sword, or a good sword. It has the eternal power to wipe out all evil!!" He yells.
"There is now actual 'Gods of evil'. It was made up by evil leaders threatening to wipe out humanity." I should know. Vampires are an evil race." Jack tells him.
Kane looks at the new elf, " hey I'm Kane. It's good to have you on board!" Kane yells over the wind whistling past their ears. " DUCK!!!" Kane yells. An arrow flies past, just missing Kane's head, " demon riders" Kane says pointing at a half dozen demons riding small furnace whelps , " turn back now, this is your last chance!" One of the demons yell! " I hope you guys are ready to fight! The closer we get to the sword the more demons will be on our tail!" Kane says shooting an electric spell at one of the demons.
"Well...I know..." Enarian says. "I am searching the Book Of The Light. It's the book, that has all of the light and good spells. I think it will help everyone." And then Enarian shoot's a firebolt at the demons.
Using his vampire bred Griffin Jack stands up while flying towards them. He tells them, "I was just trying to rob those elves when one injured my Griffin." He lies. "Can I hop on yours?:

"Ergh... Sure. I guess you are a vampire." Jack hops on leaving his griffin. While the demon flies he stabs him. The others notice and Jack hops on another and stabs him. He jumps back on his griffin. Dodging spells and arrows. "FLY!" He yells. "We can't take all of them head on!
Kane's griffin bolted forward to match jacks speed, " that was too close, we better keep going. The sooner we get to finstien the sooner we can put this all behind us." Kane says as the demons slowly go out of view. " you relize, they will be back right?" Kane says,trying to prepare mentally for the next battle they will face, who knows when it will be.
"And when they're back we have 2 options- well 3 1.Kill them 2.Run 3.GET Killed." Jack says. "But for now they are gone so doesn't matter anyhow."

67 miles later.

"LET'S REST DOWN THERE!!" He yells over the wind as he descends. They land in Wooksburrow a small village. "Let's get some food..." Jack just stares at Kane hungerly. "Blood." He says. He snaps out of it. "SORRY! Dragon blood side effect."
Kane said, " I'll catch up with you guys in a bit at the pub, I've got something I have to take care of. He descends into the forest grabbing his stomach. Now that he was a blood elf he had to kill or he would become weaker and weaker. He saw a deer of a ways and instincts took over. He ran over broke off its antlers and brutally stabbed it. It didn't completely help but it would have to do. He used some fire magic to cook a small portion of it up, ate it , and left the rest near a ogre cave. " don't want it to go to waste, do we." Kane said as he walked to the pub. He stumbled on the ground," Oooo" he moaned. " have to hold back the urges, or your no better than the demon inside you!" Kane screamed at himself as he stumbled to the bar.
Jack sees the rest of the deer. "What the hell! I'm hungry too! Don't tempt me." He jumps into the bar chuging down blood paying the clerk." His eyes go from purple to white. He yells and blinks a lot. They turn to yellow. "Ugh. Dragon blood!" He says knocking things over. The clerk yells. "Oi stop!!" Jack leaves clenching his head. His eyes turn completely red. He pukes the blood up. "WHAT KIND OF DRAGON WAS THAT." A vampire sword materializes in his hands. "Aw!" It disappears and he passes out.
Kandy jumped down from the tower and made a indent in the ground and looked up and saw Jack "Oh hey boss, how ya doin¿?" He looked at Jack and Smiled
"Oh nothing." Jack says coughing blood. "Just usual- cough- stuff. How are you doing?" He asks. "I have had enough to drink. When do you want to head out?"
Kandy "Well I'm breathing" he gets up and pops his back and looks in his back and makes sure the dragon scales are there "Whenever you want boss, I just need a black smith spot then I can make me some new armor, dragon scales." Looks at Jack "And besides your in charge ain't ya¿?"
Kane limped over to jack trying to hide his weakness. " how are you guys doing, when should I plan to pack my things?" Kane hiding the pain smiled waiting for an answer. Moments after he said that he felt something drip from his eye to his check, it's a little cool out side to be sweating he thought, as he wiped what he thought was sweat. He looked down at his hand, he gasped at is finger smothered with blood. He quickly cupped his hand and told a lie so they wouldn't suspect anything. " those .... Drunks at the bar punched me, I really tought them after that little stunt." He lies as blood starts to fill his hand. " we'll I'll see you guys at the pub, we can talk then" Kane says quickly walking the best he could away, feeling like his body was about to give out.
"I guess so. See ya later." He tells him, and looks around. He finds another blacksmith shop. He asks the man, "Do you know of there is a sword from Jack Lake here? I sent it to Finelstein. Did it stop here first?"

"Lemme check." He says. He goes to the back and comes back to the front. "You're in luck. All swords sent to Finelstein, and other northern cities, stops here first." Jack stares at the expensive sword. It is enchanted further, and has a diamond plating. Jack stares at it. It has been sharpened very cleanly, drawing blood at the lightest touch. Jack pulls out a slip of paper, proving it was his sword. He walks out bewildered and dual-wields it with his Dawnbreaker.

Jack gets a glance of the blood on Kane, "That's strange." He mutters to himself, "Since I'm the vampire."
Kane walked until he was behind a building, he collapsed to the ground bleeding everywhere. " this is how I'm going to die? Against a wall surrounded by trash cans!" As his eyes started to stoop down and things went dark he heard a high pitched scream. His eyes lit open. He balanced him self and moved to the source of the scream, and there he saw it. A young forest elf, like what he once was held down by a drunk from the bar. He was trying to rape her. Without thinking Kane walked behind him and snapped his neck, it was like primal instinct took over. The girl screamed even louder when she saw Kane covered in blood. As she ran away Kane felt a surge of power and stopped bleeding, he even felt stronger than before. Kane stared at the lifeless body disgusted with him self, " I HATE DARK MAGIC!" He screamed. He heard guards approaching. He ran to his hotel and got changed. He felt strong enough to take on a whole army, he tried to be angry at himself but he felt to strong. He felt his feelings dull. He was heading down a dark road, and it was only going to get worse. " I might as well get as strong as I can so my group can get the sword and kill evil..... Like me." He looked at him self in the mirror and smashed it, before walking out off his room.... Smirking.
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Jack watches Kane, "You have more blood on me then I do. And thats weird cause I'm drinking the guy you killed." He says bending over. "Mmm..." The elf girl is staring at him. "What?" He says. "o aeyway uysh au e eavin? (So anyways guys are we leaving)" He asks drinking blood. He stops. "But seriously Kane, what's up?!" He wipes blood away from his face. The elf is still standing there.

He notices the gaurds trotting over. "Helloooo." Jack says innocently.

"Did you kill that man??!!"

"No I only-" he stopped. "Drank most of his blood."

I'll be drawing my character Jack Lake. If anybody wants me to draw theres, tell me and give me any details you want for them. (Example: long hair, orange eyes, cat ears)

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