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Fantasy Island Of The Unknown.


Being a dick wont make yours any bigger.
This is an island far away from any civilization that is invisible to the human eye. No boats travel there because once one gets near the island reacts and causes the boat to sink to protect it's creatures from the human race. Humans across the globe have called it the "Dead Mans Curse" for how many people have died around that area.

You are one of the creatures on the island that could have lived there for thousands of years or only a few years (You can be what ever you want to be. If you want to be a human then you are going to have to be washed up on the island after a ship wreck.)

Build relationships, Make enemies, Fight, Have a crush, Survive, Find your loved one. It's up to you what you do on the island just don't destroy it for god sake. xD

Forest Village:




Mountain Village


Underground Village


Underwater Village

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Akkora lives in the forest village, and much prefers to stay around in. She hadn't explored much else of the island, thinking that it would be far too dangerous. Though her daydreams do lead her to adventurous thoughts, she lacks the confidence or drive to seek out the unknown. Besides, her lonely little home might get untidy if she wandered away for too long!... But still, she can't keep out the thoughts forever.

Especially not when her daily routine starts to drag on her. "I'll call it a vacation!" Akkora tells herself, as she starts packing a bag full of things. "A vacation is different from an adventure, right?" She asks to no-one in particular, standing at the 'exit' to the village.
Mist was walking through the forest area with one of the forest creatures. It was a large creature that looked like a giant tree. He was on it's shoulder conversing with it whilst he was heading to the village to check if there was any trouble lately. The creatures steps were large so it had to watch out for animals that live on the floor. "So. You said you come from the west side of the forest?" he asked the giant. "Yes. I come from a large group for forest giants." His voice was old. He must be an elder from his group. "What are you doing out here?" He replied back to him and watched as the village drew closer. "I decided to leave the group. I wanted to explore more of the forest so I came all the way out here. And thats when I met you." "Well thank you for the ride." He said and jumped off the shoulder onto the floor. "See you around." He waved to the elder tree and he waved back before turning around and slowly leaving back the way he came.

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He walked up to the villages entrance and looked inside before finally walking through. "Morning miss." He said as he walked past a girl that he saw standing there. He did not want to draw to much attention to himself so he put on a hood and observed the village more closely.



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"Morning, Sir..." Akkora replies, distracted by the large creature. She'd seen such things before, but never that close. "I didn't know you could ride those things." She says, with her head tilted, looking confused. Akkora had thought the forest giants looked mean and scary. Akkora heard it speak, so she thinks, What better time to learn more about them?

She tries to hurry and catch up with the creature strange to her. "W-wait!" She tries to call out to it.
Mist could not find any trouble here. So he decided that he would take a break for a while and head to the tavern that was located in the middle of town. Once he reached the tavern he opened it's door and looked inside people turned their head towards it. Others just ignored it and carried on conversing. He walked through the crowd of people until he reached the bar. "One water please" He said as the maiden nodded walking off to fetch it.

"W-wait!" is what the forest giant heard behind him. The voice was not the same person so he was confused. He stopped and turned his head around to looked onto the floor to where the voice was coming from. "Yes?" He replied with his voice booming throughout the forest.
"Well... I was ah, just, curious about what you are!" Akkora eeps, afeared by the giants voice. "I've never talked to a forest giant before, I didn't even know they could!" She says, trying to manage a smile. "Do you have a name? I'm called Akkora. What do you do all day?" She's fidgeting with her hands, belying the girls nervousness.

She thinks back to a moment ago. "A-and, why was that man riding on you?"
"My name is Triko. It's a pleasure to meet you miss Akkora. We forest giants converse all the time." He said to her and managed a smile himself. "Well my comrades back at home protect their land and strive to achive greatness. We are a peaceful kind and only ever attack when really need be." He replied to her next question "And for that man. I was giving him a ride to the village. I have to pay my respects to him. He is the Guardian of this island after all.

The maiden brought back the water that Mist had ordered. He picked it up and gulped some of it down before placing it back onto the bar top with a "Thank you" escaping his lips when she walked back past with drinks for one of the tables with drunks on.
"Guardian you said, huh? He didn't look like much, especially after the stories I read." Akkora's a bit skeptical, but she's got no reason to think Triko had been lying. She makes her ears flick, smiles up at the forest giant, says "Thanks for your time!" and starts walking off, no destination in mind, only further away.
"That is what my thoughts were to. But then something attacked us that could have killed me. He used his powers to ward it off away from us." The forest giant explained and then waved a good bye to her. He walked off making the ground shake with each step like he did when he came here first.

Once Mist had finished his drink he stood up from the bar and walked back through the crowd of people until he was outside. He sighed and looked up through the trees. "They stunk." His voice was deep with and slightly croaky. He wiped himself off and pulled his hood back over his head. He then set up for his next destination since the village here did not have any trouble he should deal with. Just drunks that could start bar fights. But he was sure that would be dealt with my the bar maiden. He could tell that she could defend herself just from the look in her eyes.

(( Fairy Tail 2014 Gajeel eats Rogue's shadows English dub - Youtube On Repeat Skip to 1: 10 for his voice ))
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Small lightning-bugs fluttered around him as he makes his way along a beach head, which seemed to be rather abandoned even though it seemed to be an adequate spot to set up a domicile. After he had time to think he did figure it would be a risky spot seeing as how there were little to no defensible spots in sight, except for the water which would be both an asset and ones doom. With that in mind he shrugs that thought off and crosses his eyes as one of the bugs land on his nose causing him to sneeze, a double blink quickly following that as he shakes his head. "Not much around," he says aloud as he looks to the sea, him seeing no sign civilization or mark of life except for the bugs. His eyes scan the horizon and then move over to the forest that hugged against the shore it only parting to the sandy beaches, him shrugging as he makes his way further along the beach.

He thinks to himself as he continues, 'Perhaps I should venture in the forest, If memory serves there are supposed to be three prominent villages nearby.' With that in his mind he shakes his head and slows his walking a small bit thinking again, 'Nah, I will give the beach a few more moments before I switch it up.'
Victoria quite enjoyed the days when the maids and butlers let her take a few days off and let her explore the world beyond the castle borders. At the moment she stood with her bag hanging at her side full if all the blood she would need for the journey, she had poked a straw in one and was drinking one right now. With her eye patch on her left eye to cover up its perminat red hue, her right eye sparkled blue as she entered into a small beach village. She had always wanted to venture here and visit for a bit, and now she could. Though a few people stopped and curtsied or gave small bows, since the whole island knew of her and where she ruled since she was the youngest ruler in her entire blood line. And most everyone knew how kind her parents where.

She held an umbrella over her head since sunlight bothered her skin a bit. She gave a nod of her head to each who bow smally. She didn't want to cause to much attention, she had even worn something casual...she sighed.

((She's wearing the outfit presented in her first picture on my CS))
Keeping with her intent to have a vacation, Akkora goes to the beach first. No fear came to her, walking alone in the woods she had known all her life. Even if she couldn't avoid something that felt like eating her, she could at least defend herself from it, maybe. There were still doubts, Was this even a good idea? She'd ask herself, the answer always being a quick No. She had a smile on her face. Akkora likes to meet new, interesting people, and was meeting a massive forest giant interesting!

Though, all the walking was... difficult. "Maybe I over packed." Akkora complains to the forest around her. Too many things, too heavy of a bag for such short a trip. But the journey itself was refreshing to her mind at least. A break, a walk through the eerie, yet tranquil at most times, forest to distract her from the daily routine needed to survive in the village. But the beach was close, the journey almost done. Her real vacation could begin.


After a bit of a walk he notices a village in the distance, it seeming rather small compared to the other larger ones that dotted the inner island. With a light sigh he starts toward it, him rather happy that he had found somewhere on his travels that he had yet to find. He would have been fairly annoyed if he were to have to go back to one of the villages that he had previously found, seeing as how that would be a wasted walk in his mind. After a bit he made it in to the village and looked around, his eyes scanning the people that were passing by him and the wears that were being sold in the town center.

After a few moments of simply looking around he sees someone that is out of place and simply cocks his head at the site, her quite obviously not from the area. With that in mind he contemplates walking over and introducing himself, although he did not know what approach to take. With that in mind he simply shrugs it off and walks over to the woman, him saying in a hushed tone as he stands next to her out of the blue, "So I take it you are not from around here, all this bowing is pretty noticeable." His tone was low enough to where she could only hear him, him the adding with a light smile, "Zereph but you can call me Z and at the moment you are the most interesting thing in this village Miss." Is tone wasn't threatening but inquizitive, it showing that he was rather happy to have found someone in his travels that wasn't mundane.
Victoria stopped when she heard a man talking next to her and she brought out a little handkerchief wiping her mouth she cleared away the signs of blood on her lips before turning to face the man she looked uo at him " No I've come to visit, im from Bloodrose... It's not to far away from here, forgive me for not introducing myself first but I founf tht answering. Your question might help when saying that I am Queen Victoria Van Winchester, but please, no formalities... Just call me Victoria or whatever nickname you seem fit, and to answer any future questions.... Yes I know I look like only a child, and that running a kingdom at such a young age should be hard...but believe me, I am over a hundred years old. You may have heard of my parents they used to rule before me, if you are old enough to remember. " she tried not to sound formal though it was a bit hard since she was queen and all of an entire kingdom


He double blinks as she says her name and then that he might have heard of her parents before, although he had never even heard of the place called Bloodrose before. To that he replies with a slight nod of his head, "Well it is a pleasure to meet you Victoria, although I have never heard of your kingdom or of your parents for that matter." With that said he pauses and then says with a slight shrugs as he moves a few feet in front of her, "I try not to trouble myself with kingdoms or local lords, such things have no interest to me seeing as how they change frequently." He pauses and then says with a slight raise of his brow, "I am much more interested in things that have to do with the world itself and those that inhabit it." He waves his hand in front of his face as he adds with a light laugh, "Titles and positions mean next to nothing to me, the people within the kingdom are far more interesting."

He takes a few steps toward a vendor and places some coin in her hand, smiling down to the old woman as he picks up a fresh fruit. With that he turns around and says with a light smile, holding the fruit up and then taking a bite after he finished his sentence, "Where nobles and kings take, those within the kingdom have the skill to make." As he swallows the bite he looks back at the old woman and says with a happy smile to her, "Simply marvelous Miss."

She smiles and then replies with a nod and bow toward him, "Thank you kind sir."

He lets out a light laugh as he taks a spot next to the queen again, him adding in a low tone, "Although I can see you are no normal queen, so I guess the useless noble title doesn't apply to you." He then smiles over at Victoria in a rather handsome way as he takes another bite of the fruit, him figuring that his display was either rude or interesting to the woman...although he really did not care as to which one it would be.
Victoria cocked an eyebrow at how this man presented himself and also had not a care in the world she was queen, that pleased her and she smiled back at him when he did. " Quite the interesting speech...did you practice in the mirror before you came? " she joked and giggled a little still holding the blood bag in one hand with the straw pokin out she was curious on how he didn't notice she was a Vampire, or he was respectful enough not to say anything. Still under the shadows of her umbrella she turned and began walking " My title as queen has no general meaning unless there is a king, so my only job is to sort out any confrontation's or sign some treaty...but since it is my time off, I can do as I please for a few days before I must return home....and sorry for my formal manner of speech I was raised to address everyone with a sort of dignity "
Laverna stared at the large doorway that separated the underground village from the rest of the island. She took a quick glance back to her familiar surroundings. She smiled as if she were looking at an old friend who she promised to return to. Her bright eyes glistened as she made her way out of the place she called home.

Light peaked through the branches of the forest, illuminating the area with an eerie glow. Laverna stared in awe. She struggled to find words to describe the beauty so all that came out was a soft, "woah."


He shakes his head and walks with the girl, him simply staring off in to space as he stands there, "One can hardly change who they are after all, your speech is akin to your being." With that said he pauses and then adds with a slight grin, "I wouldn't change myself, and no one else should either." He pauses and then takes a few big steps forward in front of her, him turning to face her as he does so, "After all variety is the spice of life, conforming to an ideal of how you should be terminates free will and free thought." Zereph shudders and says after a light laugh, "That is not a world I would want to participate in, if that were to happen living in a human society would be preferable."

"In any case," he said with a light shrug sort of matter-of-fact like as he steps to the edge of the town, "I really should be off, can't stay in one place for to long it's just now how I operate Victoria." With that said he makes his way in to the forest, him at the moment on his way to the next discovery him calling out in a loud yell as he fades into the tree line, "Maybe I'll visit BloodRose some day missy."
Victoria had to stop again when he stepped in front of her and she looked up at him listening to him explain that it was ok to be herself and she smiled. Though when he started walking away she blinked and her smiled faded before she began following him " So where are you traveling to then? I would like to see more of the island and seeing that you travel a lot you could use some company, if you don't mind me coming with you? " She took a sip from the blood bag and wioed her mouth again as she came up next to him
After gawking for a good minute or two, Laverna felt her body heat begin fade slightly. With a shiver she began towards one of the trees. They were monstrous sights to behold; the lamia had never seen such things sprout up from the ground before. Roots always hung down from the ceilings of the village homes. She smiled, remembering how she would hang from them as a child. Never in her young mind could she fathom that the roots connected to such tall, elegant structures.

Shaking her head out of her thoughts, she slithered to one of the trees and began climbing. She hoped being towards the top would help her regain some body heat.


"You wish to tag along?" He asked with a slightly raised brow as he stopped just inside the forest, him pausing for a moment deep in thought as he replied with a light shrug, "In truth I have no given destination, all I know is that I am going that way." With that said he pointed in a direction and then grinned a rather determinitive grin as he looked over at her. He then added with a slight shrug, continuing his walk in to the forest, "If you want to tag along that's okay with me, but don't put it on me if your royal guard or what have you comes searching for you and calls me a kidnapper." He let a light chuckle escape his lips as he went down a path that the villagers most likely carved to make travel easier for themselves.

With all of that said he went on his way through the forest, him walking along with the Queen if she so chose to follow along.
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Victoria smiled again and stopped when he did before following him into the forest " Believe me, I can take care of myself...I taught the royal guard how to fight and can kick every single one of their asses....excuse the language that's one thing I actually enjoy doing " she giggled a bit and quickly finished the rest of the blood bag before wiping her mouth and putting the empty bag in her bag
Pack down on the sand, sitting beside it and watching the waves. Relaxing, but compounding a feeling of loneliness. Akkora kicks off her shoes, digging her feet in to the soft sand and leaning back. At least it was better than hunting for berries and flowers in the forest. Certainly less stressful. Stretching out her fluffy tail and legs with a yawn. Maybe a nap on the beautiful beach She thinks, starting to slip in to laying down.
@Deadly Darkness



"So you have a dirty mouth, good to know," he said with a light smirk on his lips as he turned a corner and walked in a different direction, him adding with a glance back towards her, "A queen with a potty mouth who would have guessed." With that said he let out a light laugh as he walked up under the tree that Laverna was sitting atop, her exit point from her underground home rather close by oddly enough. He turned to add with a grin on his lips toward Victoria, his expression mirroring that of a young child as he sort of teases her a bit, "You should be put in time out for that young lady." Zereph was having a bit of fun with this whole situation seeing as how he rarely has anyone around long enough to have a conversation with them.
Once reaching the top, Laverna grinned. "It's so amazing up here!" She couldn't help but squeal. She basked in the light, smiling with glee. "I should've checked out the surface world sooner." The heat circulated throughout her body. Suddenly she stopped; eyes slit, her forked tongue flickered in the air. She looked down to the ground below. She watched a a male and female talked below. She watched in curiosity. 'A queen?' She thought. 'Maybe he's her guard.' The thought reminded her of stories she used to be told by her mother; princes and princesses, queens in far off lands, dragon guarded towers. Her mind slipped into daydreams.

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