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Fantasy Into the Night

So, my character's up, as soon as most of you guys put up your characters then I'll start the RP.

Intro time, YEAH! Okay, here's the deal, New Vampires around the city have been hearing talk about a takeover for the last few months. Of course, vampires are already strong, but they don't have control of the city, which is what some of the younger ones want and word is that tonight, at a night club called The Echo, there will be a gathering/meeting about this uprising. I have it on good authority that this is true, so that's where we're all going to be. Now if your character is not a new vampire, they could be somewhere else, but all the action is happening at The Echo. And that is about it.


Red walked down the street in black tank top and jean shorts, her bright blonde hair loosely tucked into two braids that ended at her waist. She was alone but wouldn't be for long. Tonight was a very big night, the events that occurred tonight would change the future. It would also probably result in a lot of people getting killed, which would also be fun. The club was just a block away and she could hear the music and feel the pulse of pumping blood. Humans were so unaware of the danger they were constantly in, that would also change soon. Soon, they would know exactly how helpless they really were. Red walked into the club, looking around any trying to judge how many of her kind were actually here.
Klem was on the roof of a building just nearby "The Echo". He gazed at the building with his black jacket on and some skinny jeans, his hair was black with a few dyed bits of red here and there. He wasn't having very much fun sitting on the side of the roof and he didn't want to leave it either in till someone would notice him ,because there was no way they could unless the had super hearing which he had the misfortune of having. He was trying to drown out the noise of the music by simply whistling. He hoped it would attract others of his kind. He wasn't all to sure about this meeting, but he had no other choice. He simply wanted someone that shared the similarities as he did. So he just sat there and waited.....
Kayleigh was being dragged by her friends to some club shes never heard of,"Youre going to have fun! Ive been here so many times." One of them said. Kayleigh replied with a nervous laugh. She tucked a piece of her long platinum blonde, almost white, hair behind her ear. She adjusted the white skater skirt she wore, then fixed the sleeves of a blue crew neck sweater she had tucked in the waist line of the skirt. She had black socks that reached her thighs, and white sneakers on her feet. She wasnt one for heels, too bother some.

Soon enough, there it was. Bright neon signed spelled, 'The Echo'. The bumping music and lights from inside brought a smile to her face. She wasnt one to party hard, but she liked to have a fun time. She followed her friends in, and it was crowded. Her pale skinned hand found the hand of her friend, and she clung on to stay close. They found some seats against one of the walls of the place.

"What do you think so far?" One of her friends yelled over the music with a big smile on her face.

Kayleigh shrugged,"Its pretty nice." She said indifferently.

"Nice?" The friend took a sip of a drink that was offered to her,"Nice is what you call a dinner, not a club."

Kayleigh shrugged again.

Her other female friend, turned to the first friend,"Lets go dance!"

"You coming Kay?" They asked.

"Im gonna stay here!" Kayleigh yelled.

Her two friends went to dance with the rest of the crowd.

Kayleigh sat awkwardly by herself, ocassionally giving a nod or a smile to people she made eye-contact with. She looked around at the place, something felt...weird to her. She tried to ignore it but it was still poking at the back of her head...
Well, tonight is the night.” Kimi thought to herself. She put on her jeans, a white camisole, and a black zip-up hoodie over it. Kimi was never one for clubs, she didn’t like being around so many people that she didn’t know at once. She had to try to get over her discomfort for at least a little while, she knew how important this meeting was supposed to be and she wanted to make sure she knew everything first hand. Kimi finally made her way to The Echo nightclub. Upon getting closer, she started feeling the discomfort setting in, so she decided to wait off to the side of the entrance to see if anyone she knew or recognized may stop by.
Giving up on his strategy of waiting on the roof. He scaled down the wall of the building and was now in a ally way. Muttering to himself "here goes nothing" he walked around the corner of the building and simply entered the club. When he walked into the club all he could do was gaze around at the utterly horrendous drunks. He found them disgusting....Primarily because of the fact that he hated the smell and taste of beer and when he drank from the drunks they always tasted slightly like the drink he hated. So as he gazed around the club he look for an empty table a sat therein till something interesting happened.
Kayleigh started to grow uncomfortable. Blue eyes scanned for her friends in the club but she couldnt see them. She sipped on a glass of water that she asked for and waited for their return. "They must be having a good time..." She thought to herself. Her eyes darted to the door as even more people came in! "Can anymore people fit in this place?". She put her chin in her hand and rested her elbow on the table she sat at. Being with a room full of strangers wasnt much fun, and made her a little nervous...
Aella revved her motorcycle at a stoplight as she rode through the night air. Her destination "The Echo." She leaned as she turned a corner and ahead she saw the bright sign. The Echo. Aella find a thin spot to park, and swings her leg off in a practiced manner. She stood next to the bike as she pulled off her black helmet. Long hazel nut brown hair gently and perfectly fell to her shoulders, its ends swinging near her hips. She opens up the seat and places the helmet inside. She then takes off her jacket off to reveal a blood red dress shirt. Together with her flexible and breathable black leather pants, she deemed her outfit good enough for the night club. She pulled out a small palm sided mirror. She checked her makeup quickly, reapplying some dark red lipstick. She popped her lips before putting it away and headed over to the club.

Aella walked through the VIP line and winked at the guard. He instantly recognized her and let her in. She blows him a kiss before disappearing inside. Aella looks over the club once before heading to the bar. When she gets there, the bar tender greets her with a smile. "Hey Janie," the bartender greeted her, using her cover name. "Hello Drake," she smiles. "Your regular Mimosas?" he asked with a knowing smirk. "Oh you know me to well," Aella says playfully. Once she has her drink, she sips and leans her back against the bar to watch the mass of people. She had lived long enough to easily pick out the dying and undead.
Kimi felt the presence of multiple other vampires in the club. Some must have just arrived after her because she didn't feel have this feeling when she arrived. She was just glad that she wasn't the only one here for this meeting. Kimi slipped past the bouncer to get inside and immediately went up the stairs. She looked around for an unoccupied area and leaned against the railing that overlooked the ground floor. Kimi was just people watching now, waiting to see where this meeting was to take place and when.
Red danced while she wanted for more vampires to come and kept a mental count of those she saw entering the club. There were a few, but it was painfully obvious to her that there weren't enough. Including the two from her crew and adding the three she saw walk in, it just added up to disappointment. She decided to wait a little longer, more were bound to show up. This small amount of vampires couldn't be the only ones that we're on board with taking over the city. What's the point of having all this power if you had to keep it hidden?

(sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for 2 hours. I'm in the process of making an app, so I had a thing for coding and stuff.)
(Thats alright :D )

Kayleigh kept watch on the door, she kept seeing people come in, and immediately dissappear in the crowd or go somewhere on their own. She lifted an eyebrow,'Thats strange..' she thought as she noticed that some of these people were coming in by themselves,'Who comes to a club by themselves?'


The calling of her friend disrupted Kayleigh's thoughts,"Yea??"

"Are you alright? Do you not want fo be here? Wanna go home?" Her friend wobbled a little and spoke sith slurred words.

Kayleigh laughed at the sight of her tipsy friend,"No," she giggled,"Youre having to much fun, ill stay." She smiled.

"O-Okay..." She went back into the crowd.
There was no way they were going to be let in. Matthew realised that the closer they got to the door. Besides the fact that it looked like The Echo was already bursting to the seams with people, Isono was way too young to get in.

"Matt..." Isono tugged on his hand, "There's no way they'll let me in."

"I know that." Matthew replied, sharply, "But we have to try. Just try not to be so cute for a second." The girl beside him was very small with her hair tied up in bunches and wearing a frilly black dress. There was no way they could pass her off as fourteen, let alone eighteen.

They stopped where they were. Matthew reached down and tugged the hair ribbons from Isono's hair. He brushed her out over her shoulders and pulled a few strands in front of her face. She looked marginally better.

"Ready?" Matthew said, and he took her by the hand. Together, they pushed through the crowd and made their way towards the door of The Echo.

"Woah, woah, woah." Isono was grabbed by the bouncer waiting on the door, "No way, girlie."

"I told you I wouldn't get in." Isono crossed her arms.

"Wait out here, Isono. I'll come back for you." Matthew promised. With one last look at the girl, who was standing to the side with her arms crossed, he entered The Echo. He was right, it was heavily crowded with people.
The smell of alcohol was getting stronger with each minute that passed. Kayleigh was under age so she couldnt drink, infact she wasnt even sure if she could be there. I guess she could pass as a tad bit older. But more people were coming in and it started to get hot, the walls even seemed to be sweating. Kayleigh sighed and got up. She made her way through the crowd,"Excuse me.....sorry.....pardon me....so sorry..." She tried getting pass people, and make her way outside. Once she got through the crowd, she made her way to the door and stood by it,"Fresh air!", there was an obvious change in temperature and humidity by the door. She fanned her self with her hand and bunched up her wavy white, lower back length, silky hair and put it to one side, allowing her slender neck to catch the cool breeze and breathe as well.
Aella finished her drink and placed the glass on the bar. She looked around bored. She decided 'why not?' and went onto the dance floor. A few males instantly flocked to her side and she danced with them. It was amazing how she didn't even break a sweat with all the body heat around her. Aella's body twirled gracefully and danced with the boys like tonight was the last, and it might very well be their last. Might as well make it enjoyable. She might need a little snack later. She smirked to herself as she danced just thinking about sinking her fangs into something, more accurately someone.
Kiana smiled as her and her friends approached the club door. They had a free night and the last of them had become single once again as Sasha had just dumped her boyfriend after he'd cheated on her, fair play to her. As such they'd decided to go and party till the sun came up as they did occasionally. This was their usual place to go at a time like this and they knew most of the staff, such as the bouncer Kiana grinned at as he let them through, slightly curious about the girl he had hold of but she shook it off as they headed inside.

Making it through the door and too their usual booth right tucked out of the way in the back corner, she peeled off her leather jacket revealing the little white dress she had on underneath in contrast to the dark colours all her friends were wearing. Like it bothered her, the girls still took her as she was so she didn't mind.

After a quick discussion, Kiana headed to the bar to order everyone's drinks.
Still bored, still annoyed and wanting to go home. Klem walked off into the dancing crowd shoving past and pushing others just so he could get to the back wall of the club away from others, maybe even sneak into a employee only area..he didn't really care about dancing or having fun at the moment, but instead he found himself heading to the bar just so he could rest his head down on the counter. So he sat on the oh so comfortable bars tools and laid his head down.
They were strangely easy to spot- the other vampires, that is. Matthew looked around and took them in one at a time. Most of the vampires didn't look particularly different from humans, just a little awkward and out of place. Like rats amongst mice. He leaned against the wall and wondered how Isono was doing. He always worried about her; she was so small, young and gullible. One sharp hit to the head and Isono would be down for six hours. He knew that for a fact. He cast a wary eye around the room and sighed. He shouldn't have come here. He should have left Isono back at his apartment- their apartment, as she constantly reminded him. Matthew could leave now and take her home. But he didn't. He stayed. Why? He wasn't sure.

~ Meanwhile ~

Isono was thirsty. Isono was bored. Isono was tired. All in all, she was done with this. Where was the fun in hanging around outside The Echo, watching other people easily surpass the bouncers? Just because she was so small and cute. Isono pouted and crossed her arms. How long had it been? It felt like she'd been standing outside this club for ages.

"Matthew...." she whined, even though he probably wasn't within hearing distance, "I wanna go home..." She paced back and forth, scowling at the ground.
Selene walked down the sidewalk, her head high and her stride confident. Even from here, she could feel the energy of the blood from the club radiating towards her, drawing her in. Her lips twitched up in a smirk. It was tonight. The breaking point for all and the turning point for this war with these humans. Tonight was when everything would change.

She approached the club and made her way through the crowd of people by the door and most of them backed away as she walked past. There was something that humans could sense about Sel that made them wary of her. And so they should be. She walked up the bouncer and immediately let her in, giving her a quick nod as she walked past. Inside the club, Selene made her way to the bar and sat down. Soon after, a martini was placed in front of her and she picked it up as she turned in her seat to survey the club. It was packed tonight with both humans and vampires. She sensed a good amount of vampires too, more than there usually was on a regular night. And there were more coming in every minute. Some caught her eye like the two girls she saw dancing and the boy leaning against the wall. Most of the humans here were small and weak, nothing to threaten them as long as more showed up. Selene sat and waited to see who else would come through.
Kayleigh went back to her table and her friends were there, they finally decided to take a break from their fun. "Kayleigh, sweetie, could you be a dear and get us some more 'beverages'" their words slurred as they giggled. Kayleigh nodded,"Sure sure," she smiled nervously. Once again she had to pass through the massive crowd. "Sorry...coming through," she felt bad for having to disturb other people's fun time. She made it to the opposite end (finally). She sighed and leaned against the bar counter. She smiled gentley at the bar tender,"Five beers please."

"All this for yourself?" The bartender looked surprised.

"Oh! No no! My friends back there...heh i dont even drink to be honest" She gave a nervous smile.

He walked off to get her drinks. She sighed and closed her eyes. She moved another piece of white hair behind her ear as she re-opened those luminous sapphire eyes. They rolled over to a particular guy next to her who had his head down on the counter sitting at the bar. She turned and leaned her back on the counter with her arms crossed,"Too much fun?" She asked him playfully, she might as well pass the time with SOME conversation.
Kimi could see everyone from over the railing upstairs. She looked around and picked out the vampires that she could see clearly. It was doubtful that they noticed her because no one ever looks up at night clubs. That thought made her giggle to herself, then she thought, "At least I'm not crowded up here.. that would make this much worse." Kimi pulled her phone out of her pocket to play a game so waiting wouldn't be so boring. "Time to get a new highscore."
After another half hour Red got tired of waiting, any others that didn't show would hear about what happened tonight. And she was hungry, so she wasted no time in putting her plan into action. She motioned at the few vampires that were already part of her group, and they moved towards the only entrances and exits in The Echo. No one would be getting in or out, not until she was done. Red grabbed the person closest to her and bit them, leaving just enough blood to let people know what was going on. Then she let him drop to the floor and licked her lips. It took a minute for people to realize what happened, but when they did Red couldn't help but laugh at the horror they so obviously felt. Before they could all get out of her reach, Red pulled a girl close to her and held her tightly. By this time the music had stopped playing, a few people were heading for the exits, and everything was going according to plan. "Running is pointless." She said in between bursts of laughter. "You won't be able to make it out the door, and you'll all die anyway." She paused of a second, picking out as many vampires as she could. "As for my friends that I invited to this party, I believe we have lots to discuss."
Klem lifted his head up and brushed his black hair from his eyes and said

"Yeah it's really fun drinking the night away and dancing till your dead.....so yeah having so much fun...." He returned to the girl with the white hair the added "My names Klem by the way" he finished off before looking at the girls neck because he hadn't drank blood in forever. He really just drank yesterday but whatever....forever and yesterday is the same thing right....?
Selene smiled and slid off the bar stool, dropping her martini glass as she went and let it shatter to the ground. She dashed towards the door to her left and reached it just as a man was approaching, his eyes wide with terror and confusion. She posted up against the door frame and smirked at him. "Where do you think you're going? Hmm?" She laughed and grabbed his head, twisting it to the side quickly until she heard a pop. The other humans that were behind him backed away quickly from her towards the center of the dance floor where all of the humans were quickly gathering to get away from the ring of vampires that were appearing from seemingly everywhere.

Selene laughed and walked to the blonde girl. She stood next to her and surveyed the room of humans. "I think they need to know just how bad it would end up for them if they struggled, don't you think? Make sure they know just how easy it is for their humanity to be lost.." She smiled and saw a small girl in the midst of all the humans. Selene crooked her finger at the human, calling her towards them. The girl, crying, slowly made her way towards the two vampire girls. Selene looked at her fellow vampire. "She'll do wonderfully don't you think?"
"So I assume this would be my time to shine" He muttered under his breath before standing up and patting the girls face. "Bye love" and then when his face was over her neck extended his fangs. And sunk his teeth in only taking enough just to satisfy him for a little bit. Then he pick up the girl and placed her on his shoulder for "safe" keeping....and then looking at the terror of the crowd he chuckled...."time for some fun I guess"...he spilled out of his mouth.
Kayleifh smiled,"Im Kayleigh, friends call me Kay," she stopped talking when a commotion arose. Kayleigh looked around among the screams of the crowd,"Whats going...on?" Everyone was running toward the exits. She stood up from leaning,"Whats happening?" She looked at Klem. She blinked as he patted her face and fangs extended. Her eyes widened and all she could think was 'Those werent just rumors..'

She tried to push him off but he was much stronger than she. She yelled in pain as the blood ran down her neck, the sight was like blood on white snow. She couldnt take it any longer, and passed out as he picked her up.

(I think he bit her, correct me if im wrong .-.)

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