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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Felix notices Hayabusa's yell. "He's Nico? What are you-?" He then looks at Nico and back to Hyabusa. "Y-you notice it too? You see it too?" Felix looks at him, this time with admiration and a smile. "Maybe I wasn't ENTIRELY hallucinating."
A thin skin of green lined the armour where Nico had slammed the sword against, shimmering as it revolved around the skin. His barrier was useful in situations like these. Raising an arm, it slammed it in Nico's direction, but lumbered and merely missed him.
As Nico recoiled from the ineffective strike against the titan's head he managed to see the arm it raised about to slam into him coming. With this knowledge and his fight or flight instincts kicking in, he hurled the shadow form of the Executioner's blade far up above his head. Meanwhile he braced himself and put up both of his hands as he prepared to put all his strength into stopping the blow.

Nico attempted to dig his feet into the giant's shoulder as much as he possibly could to get all the traction he desperately needed to keep from getting knocked off. As the titan's arm finally slammed into him Nico tried with all his might to hold out...

While this was taking place one word seemed to slip out of Nico's mouth without him even realizing it because of what he was doing.


It was inaudible to the point that nobody other than Xavier could of heard it. More over, it didn't even sound like Nico's voice when he said it. It instead came out as a voice that was far more well known to Xavier...
Ken was on a roof, with a few satellite dishes on it, he was bored, sitting next to one. "Well.." His voice was calm and relaxed, he got up, he drained video from the dish. Back up. "Time to run!" He runs at full throttle, jumping when at teh Dish, he turned into a pixelated curved line in the sky. The way he traveled, it was being upright half of a circle. Landing on a Roof, Ken stretches, walking over to a ledge and sitting down, hanging his legs off it.

"I don't believe anything that can disturb the piece of this world, so calm!" He was bored, instincts brought him to a ledge. He rotates his wrist, cracking it a bit. "Well, time to go, again." Ken got up, backing up, he ran again, he jumps off the Building, pixelated wings form on his back, as he soars through the sky. "Ya ha!" He lands on a roof, taking a barrel roll. "Well. Time to rest." Ken coughed a bit, sitting again, next to another satellite dish.
"ogh... oOoooGgh..." The giant's murmurs grew louder, at least audible enough for Nico, before it suddenly roared. The roar was deep, muffled by the armour, and did not seem human.

The giant raised its arms tried to swing Nico off, before it conjured several circles, firing thick lasers at the attackers in the giant's vicinity. The giant's movements slowly becoming more frantic as it focused on Nico.
Felix quickly summoned a large shadow ball and shot it in Xavier's face. When it hit, it would leave a big cloud of darkness, effectively blinding the beast. He then attempted to run between its legs and stab behind its knees.
As Nico could no longer keep his grip upon the behemoth's shoulder he was knocked back down onto the cold, unforgiving concrete yet another time. If it kept up at this rate, Nico felt like he was going to gain an irrational fear of concrete for all the times he's hit in now. However, his timing was still more or less perfect for the shadow form of the Executioner's Blade that he had hurled up into the air and was spiraling above him finally came back down to Earth.

As the sword hit with all the force of the fall it impaled itself within the titan's armored shoulder. "Sorry," Nico instantly muttered underneath his breath as he was getting up from the cold pavement yet again.

From there he jumped atop another street light in close vicinity, waiting for his chance to strike again at the giant's head or at least get onto it's shoulders.
The black shadow struck it's target. Yet, the strangest sound escaped: the sound of cracking glass. Suddenly the giant's arm split off where Zabuza had struck, and a low hiss came from the giant as the blood that spurted off the amputated shoulder began to boil and steam.

"This is dragging on for too long..." Anya stood in front of the giant, blocking Felix's path with a hand outstretched. She had ditched the purple coat, wearing only a white dress. A patterned circle rotated in front of her hands, a great crack running across it. Walking forth as the barrier dispelled, the fog twisted around her ankles, her crimson eyes glinted, and she smiled at Felix as she spoke, revealing fangs, "Leave him alone. His aim isn't to kill you, or you three." She turned her head towards Jacob, Hayabusa and James, sighing as she looked at the three, "I don't like welcoming parties, ya know?" Her voice had suddenly deepened, turning into a male's voice as she turned to fit Felix and the trio in her field of view.
Felix just stared at the girl. Okay, obviously a conduit, but I can't tell for the life of me what her power is... she apparently has some form of vocal manipulation, possibly illusionary abilities... And... are those fangs?! "Goddamnit!" Felix yells. "I'm tired of all these mother fu**ing vampires in this mother f*cking city!!"
As the girl appeared and claimed the battle to be over Nico finally sat down on the top of the street light to watch as events played themselves out. He took note of the fact that the girl hadn't mentioned him, or his name, upon the list of people that the giant didn't want to kill. Nico also noticed the fangs, but no memories were ripping themselves into his head at present moment.

Thinking back Nico also realized that wasn't this the girl that was crushed by the behemoth earlier? At any rate it was more likely somebody else would ask her the question and he could simply keep to himself while he watched events play out.
"Vampires?" Anya chuckled, "You don't know the half of it..." She stretched out an arm, facing her palm downwards, "This fog here was initially meant for me validate something, but I guess it's not needed. You are very much like Zabuza after all, that blade confirms it..." She smiled at Nico, before turning back to look at the others, "This fog certainly isn't water, after all, it would have frozen, but you guys didn't put any thought into what you've been stepping into haven't you?" A flame suddenly sparked in her hands out of a red burst of code, "It's got a name too: Liquid Nitrogen..." She smiled as the flame dropped into the fog, igniting the fog into an eruption of steam and explosive flame.
Felix spreads out his shadow armor into a shadow dome. "You think I'd leave myself unprotected? I put one around Nico too. We're both good..." I hope the others are okay.
Nico could not of been more delighted or terrified that he had chosen to sit atop a street light out of the fog covering the ground now that it erupted into a massive flame. For while he seemed to be initially all right, all the others would be down on the street trapped among flames. When Felix put the shield around him instead of the others, Nico screamed as loud as he could to get Felix's attention.

"I'm fine up here, focus on the others!" Nico yelled trying to get his point across to Felix. He didn't need his help but the others almost certainly did.
Felix looks up to Nico and nods his head, showing he understands. When Felix had lowered his shield, he had put the energy around himself and Nico, Nico being right there. As the flames spread, Felix put up random shadow domes and hoped to the nonexistent God that they hit their marks.
'Liquid Nitrogen' The name rang out through both Hayabusa and Jacob's heads just as Felix formed three shadow domes. One of them landed on target. James was the only one who was protected from the flames.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me..." Both Hayabusa and Jacob both said in unison, just as the flames erupted. Both of their screams could be heard against the crackling fire. After awhile, two silhouettes could be seen rushing out of the fire. As their flesh mended back together, Jacob put his hands on his knees using them for support as he regained his composure. Hayabusa simply stood, patting at a flame on his shoulder. "I HATE KIDS!" Jacob screamed as he stood, glaring at Anya, revealing his fangs as well.
Felix heard the screams, followed by Jacob yelling. He knew they got hit, and survived. "Watch the clothes!" Felix yelled. "I imagine they aren't fireproof!" He then noticed he only heard two screams. "James, are you okay?!"
James had his eyes covered and his back turned to his 'buck-nude' friends as he knew someone would put it. "Ya.... Uh.... I'm fine. Can you make some shadow clothes for these guys or something?" Jacob and Hayabusa both looked down at themselves before screaming. Sarah, who had seemingly come from no where, no stood in front of Hayabusa laughing. "Well, someone's grown a lot since we last met."
Felix had to think for a moment to process what james said over the roar of the fire. He then had a little flashback when he heard shadow clothes.

"You just HAAAAAD to pull me out of the shower" Felix said.
"We were under attack!" Shard said.

"You're lucky I got shadow clothes on in time."
"I could I suppose! But not when I can't see them!"
From Nico's vantage point atop the street light he was able to see most everything from above the flames. As his eyes watched both Jacob and Hayabusa safely leave the flames completely burned and nude they lingered slightly too long upon both of them before Nico had to stop himself. Looking back into the flames he attempted to find Anya who had lit them in the first place.

Nico reasoned that if she had fangs she more than likely could heal herself and was fine, but he looked for her just to ensure her safety. And also Nico wondered, was the giant just standing among the flames unharmed?
Jacob stared at Hayabusa as he ran around Sarah and tried get in front of Felix. "Felix! Felix! Clothes! Please!!" Jacob then stared at Sarah, who was still laughing at Hayabusa. He then spoke to her.

"Uh..... Who are you?"

"You don't need to know."

"I think I do."

"No, you don't. Just run away boy, you'll live longer."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Yes, I am."

"Your crazy aren't you?"

"Some people would say so."
Felix pushed through the flames as he found Jacob and Hayabusa. He looked them over before creating a pair of simple clothes. "I would still recommend finding clothes. Those'll only hold as long as my powers do, so if I tire, well... also, when I looked you two over, understand I was trying to find the dimensions for the clothes, not... you know."
"You're all pretty funny," Anya's voice rang out as the flames seemed to retract towards her. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/u021-1.jpg.ebff1bcb3b68f10ded06acc1db61a740.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/u021-1.jpg.ebff1bcb3b68f10ded06acc1db61a740.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Unfortunately, I'm here on business..." A circle appeared and rotated beneath Anya's feet, and the fires whirled around her as her newly-violet eyes glinted from behind the flame, staring straight at Nico.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/u022-1.jpg.adede26026a13c5ad60c3e297f6ef297.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/u022-1.jpg.adede26026a13c5ad60c3e297f6ef297.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/u023-1.jpg.a8c564875cd314fe6f6d1821658e3e41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/u023-1.jpg.a8c564875cd314fe6f6d1821658e3e41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I thought that maybe I had finally found Zabuza, but that was hopeless optimism on my part." The voice of a male resounded from behind the flames, and several silhouettes could be seen in the vortex. Covered in a yellow shimmering lens above their clothes, the flames simply seemed to roll off of them.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/u024-1.jpg.5c2440a517a52537d9266bcab4720be7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/u024-1.jpg.5c2440a517a52537d9266bcab4720be7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Now..." The figures in the flame could be seen clearly now, "You're going to tell me who you really are..." The flames suddenly dispelled, revealing the figures inside.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/k003-1.jpg.84f8529c9e24adc00de848e7b66fa8ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/k003-1.jpg.84f8529c9e24adc00de848e7b66fa8ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Luxembourg1.jpg.129a7badfe80a6372ec629a412c949f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46266" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Luxembourg1.jpg.129a7badfe80a6372ec629a412c949f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Felix suddenly jumps in front of Nico. "Back off, or I WILL fight to kill."
"Pfft," The lady who had appeared simply chuckled, "We're not here for you." She smiled slyly at Felix.

"Don't mock people so lightly." The blonde next to her scoffed, his violet eyes staring straight at Nico, "We're not here to harm him. Well, at the very least him, I don't care what happens to anyone else here."

"Xa... Vier..." The giant in armour looked down at the blonde.

"No. Unfortunately, you can't eat him." The blonde replied to the giant, "I'll feed you someone later, so just wait for now."

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