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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Assailant said:
"Heh, Hayabusa already gave me a training offer." Felix smiles gently and looks at his hands. "But honestly? If I never have to use my powers again, it'll be too soon. Aside from the occasional robber, I never need, or want to use them again. Besides, I've become a kinda icon." Felix says with a grin. "As long as people know I'm still here, attacks shouldn't happen." @AvidElmV2 @Son of Crota
"Right..." Dax and Twilight say together.

AvidElmV2 said:
James, after observing Felix for a few minutes, walked over to him and rest a hand on his shoulder. "Long time, no see, 'Bane Of Evil'. You were all over the news, pal." Hayabusa and Jacob both smiled before Jacob let out a chuckle . "I guess we don't need to introduce you two now. You've obviously met before." James looked to Dax and Twilight and smiled. "Hi, I'm James. You are?"
They then turn their attention to James. "Hi, I'm Dax." "And I'm Twilight, Nice to meet you!" She said to him.
James smiled and looked to Felix before ruffling his hair. "So.... I heard you and Sphinx got married...... Ya, I know. I have my ways of getting information. Anyways, congrats. I always thought I would be the one slipping a ring on Sphinx's finger, but I guess I was wrong...." He said, biting on his lip. Jacob put down the menu and looked around. "We're so behind schedule, Hayabusa....." Hayabusa finished his food and looked to Jacob with a smile. "Hey, calm down. We have a good reason to be behind sedhule. We just found Felix! Aren't you hap-"

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not, I'm talking to you right now, Jacob!"

"Uh....... Okay?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing..... Are you feeling okay?"

"Ya.... Why?"

Felix pats James on the back and smiles. "All's fair in love and war, and believe me, I know both." He says with a smile. When Hayabusa freaks out, Felix takes notice. "Are you okay Hayabusa? You seem to be experiencing auditory hallucinations. You asked me if I whispered in your ear earlier, and now this. You know, auditory hallucinations can be caused by schizophrenia, PTSD, improper medication, a-" He stops and blushes. "Sorry, I'm having a Twilight moment."
Felix smiles at her. "A scientific mind is a scientific kind, miss Sparkle. Don't forget, I enjoy good science as much as you do."
Nico wrapped a scarf around his neck entirely covering the metallic collar around his neck. It was something uncomfortable, both physically in that it hurt his neck and mentally that it was a constant reminder he could be killed at any moment if the First Sons wished, that he preferred others did not see. It's not as if he hadn't tried to remove it before in the past, but each time ended in failure.

Putting all of this behind him as he finished the last of his preparations into the outside world for the first time, he remembered vividly the mission that he had been demanded to perform. He was given three hours to go to the sight of some famous battle and dig up as many of the corpses as he could find. This large amount of time more than pleased him, as he knew he would end up spending as much of his time as he could exploring around.

As he walked out of the front gates he took in the outside world. He expected to be surprised and confused of the outside world, but everywhere he looked small memories flooded into his head of what he was looking at. The city itself, although he had never seen it for himself, felt all too familiar because of these small shards of memories.

He had been given directions to the site written upon a slip of paper, but Nico ended up dropping the paper to the ground as he walked down the sidewalks. Some memory was guiding his way instinctively to the battlefield and Nico wasn't sure how he felt about this.

As he walked he encountered a newspaper stand that he glanced at. As he saw the name "Felix" upon the front line of the newspaper emotions that weren't Nico's built up inside him. Feelings of hatred, admiration, envy, and all sorts of other confusing emotions that Nico didn't understand swelled up inside him but he continued walking all the same.
"It's dark again," Anya was walking along the streets, smiling as per usual. It was dark pretty often, all of a sudden, every screen and light would burn out, but they always returned to normal sooner or later. The only thing that bothered her wa—

Clank... Clank... Clank...

The sounds of metal clanking resounded through the emptied streets, and it was growing louder. She could see the lights in the far distance behind her returning. He's moving? Well that was no reason for her to stand around, she had better move. She picked up the pace, and her boots' muffled footsteps on the pavement was the only thing she could hear apart from the heavy scratching of the metal in the distance. Buildings in the distance were beginning to grow dark. Hmm? That way? She turned around the corner and continued down the street. This is just—uuuuuugh... She pouted, as she began panting, her tiny legs carrying her past the buildings as fast as they could.
"I don't have any of those illnesses. I'm perfectly fine." Hayabusa said, slightly angry at how his friends were acting towards him about his..... unusual behavior. He stood and slid past Jacob before turning to walk out the diner's door. "I'll see you guys later, I'm gonna go get some fresh air." He wandered around the district for awhile before noticing that buildings were dark. He heard the clanging of metal in the distance and immediately reached for his shurkien before-

"Why is that thing the first thing you reach for? The lights are out, shuriken! Your hear something, shuriken! You need to cut your pizza, shuriken!" A woman walked out from behind Hayabusa and stood in front of him smiling. "Long time no see, handsome. Tell me, what's so important that you can't spend some time with your one and only lover?"
Assailant said:
Felix smiles at her. "A scientific mind is a scientific kind, miss Sparkle. Don't forget, I enjoy good science as much as you do."
Twilight rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Null enjoyed it more than you, and he was annoying. Bearable, but annoying." Twilight said to him.
Felix frowned. "I don't think that's the case Twi. He enjoyed mind games." Another flash through his mind. "Not unlike someone I knew..." He looks in his glass and only sees those white and black, almost glowing eyes staring back at him in his reflection.
The lonely sidewalk streets Nico found himself walking down painted a rather dreary picture. All the lights Nico could see were burned out, leaving him with no other assumption than he was walking down the rougher streets of New York. The dark didn't exactly bother him, for he had long since been forced to live within it. His "Room" back at the First Sons facility was smaller than even the janitors closet with no bed within it or even belongings of his own. There was no light either, forcing him to simply curl up into the corner and wait until their next batch of tests to perform on him.

These were memories Nico preferred not to remember but that wasn't saying much. Given the choice he would rather not remember any of his past within the First Son's facility. Nico's senses one again returned to attention for while he was engulfed thinking about his past he hadn't noticed the sound of clanking.

"Fucking idiot," Nico muttered just underneath his breath. If he had been paying more attention he would of noticed the unusual sound as soon as he first came within range of it. Now his mind was reeling with all the possibilities of what that sound could be while he stood motionless on the street corner.
The heavy armour clanked down the street, breathing heavily. Looking up, there was a black-haired youth, by the street corner, angst clouding the boy's face. It was no matter, he would just have to walk on. The boy was unimportant, but something burned within him. His hunger was growling, and the armoured man took a couple steps forward before coming to the boy, his huge set looming over the black-haired male.


Anya hid behind the corner of the alleyway. That boy! Who is he? More importantly, does he not hear that clanking? Anya doesn't usually stop him, but this one was a special case. About to step out, she suddenly retreated back into the alleyway, as the purple-armoured man raised an arm and swiftly smashed it down, moving at a speed that seemed unlikely of a man as massive as him.
Nico looked up at the armored behemoth approaching him but stood his ground all the same unsure of what exactly to do. It would figure that the one time he wished for even just a shard of a memory that could give him some sort of insight as to what this titan was he was getting absolutely nothing. Just as the behemoth was about to approach him Nico attempted to say something.

"Can I help yo..."

Yet he didn't even get to finish his question as the titan crashed one of it's arms swiftly down towards Nico. He hadn't been expecting such hostile reactions which gave him no choice but to jump with all his strength. It cracked the sidewalk beneath him as Nico landed atop a street light. The scarf that had been covering his kill-switch collar had fell off revealing exactly what Nico had wanted to keep hidden.

"Please, I don't want to drain you.. but I'll defend myself if need be."

The behemoth may not of been able to see it, but nico was revealing his fangs to the creature that had just attacked him.

How nostalgic...

The giant simply turned to the young boy, before it crashed down another hand, smashing the pavement into large chunks of concrete. The concrete seemed to appear a blue for just a moment, before a line of code flashed above them and they floated up. Surrounding the giant, they suddenly hurled themselves at the dark-haired boy.
Felix smiles at the diner. "You know... even if this isn't the happiest of occasions, I still enjoy being with all of y-" Suddenly, the lights blacked out and a massive tremble shook the diner. All the patrons tried to flee, but immediately ran back inside after going outside. Felix runs outside to see...

Oh god... more conduits...

"Okay, what in the name of Cthulu is going on out here?!"
Lines of code...

Another shard of memories was carving itself into Nico's skull but the images it showed flashed by far too quickly for Nico to understand what he saw. More importantly though he had to grab a hold of his head in writhing pain and nearly lost his balance from where he was standing. This caused him to be unable to get out of the way as he was struck by the concrete that had been hurled up at him.

As he fell off the street-light back towards the ground time slowed as he tried to think of what he had saw. If he had gotten hit for this information he might as well know what he got hit for.

As he focused on the single image more and more a blond haired and blue eyed young-adult holding a laptop began to form... and then Nico struck the ground hitting it hard. A loud and drawn out "Fuck" being more than audible from Nico's mouth as he tried to stand back up, his body mending the injuries and cuts he no doubt received.

He wouldn't let this happen again, the next time this Behemoth attacked Nico would be prepared to attack back.
Felix notices the line of code and clenches his teeth. Xavier! "Xavier! What are you doing?! Stop before you do something I'll MAKE you regret!"
The giant stopped suddenly. His head turning from one man to another. Who were they?

"ROOOOOOAAAARGH" The armour giant howled. A circle lined with geometric patterns appeared underneath the giant's feet, as the entire scene grew even darker. The entire atmosphere seemed to fade into a shade of indigo as a dense fog began to encircle them. Crystals of ice began filling every crevice, even the joints of the armour, and the temperatures dropped even more. Dropping... dropping... The frigid cold was way below freezing, and a white liquid seemed to begin pooling around the slick sheets of growing ice on the pavement.
Felix created a shadow dome around himself as he felt the temperature drop, and then noticed another man fighting. He quickly ran over and put the dome around him too. "Hi, my name's Felix, i'll learn yours later. We have a common enemy, and we might die. Ready?" The shadow dome did a good job of keeping out the cold.
Nico was preparing to thank the new arrival for the dome protecting him from the cold until he finally saw him. As if dread had just engulfed his entire body Nico recognized the man before him, Felix. His body dropped to the now cold ground while he held onto his head and blood began to drip out of his nose.

He seemed to shake violently as the most memories he had ever received at one time burst into his skull. All he could see was Felix horrifically dead, three different times. One time he watched helplessly as a hand seemed to trace the scars on Felix's dead body in what seemed to be a mall. Carefully moving across all the scars as Nico felt rather strange emotions of what the person at the time must of been feeling.

While this was happening Nico spoke,

"Fel..ix you're... dead" repeated over and over again.
Felix did a double take. "What? Are you oka-?" He then notices something. The fangs. Those horrible fangs. And now that he thought about it, this kid looked familiar. His mind flashed and standing before him was a real demon. The ice turned to blood. Mist choked him and his vision became blurry. He fell to the ground, trembling as mist washed over him and a true demon stood above him. Felix channeled all of his power into keeping up the dome.

"H-He's n-not r-real. H-he's dead! Y-you aren't him!" It took maximum effort to keep up a weak shield. Oh God... please...
Jacob and James both stared at the window, ignoring the drop in temperature. "Bad fortune follows us everywhere, huh?" James said, walking towards the door. Jacob silently followed after him. "Hey!" James said loudly, "Metal Head! What the hell do you think your doing!?" Jacob was able to hear slight spinning in the distance before a large circular blade came into his view and dug itself into Xavier's back. "Fight someone your own size! Okay, I take that back, I don't know anyone your size....." Hayabusa said, walking up behind Xavier until he was 9 feet away.
The giant reached across his shoulder and extracted the large circular blade that had dug itself into its spine. Blood oozed out of the cracks in the armour, before the crack was filled by a 3D grid of blue euclidean-spaced lines, until purple metal replaced the cracks. Clenching the blade tightly, it cracked under the pressure from the giant's fists as the giant swung the blade around his back, turning around to face the silver-haired man.


"Stop this!" Anya called out from behind the alleyway as she walked out into the open. Her blood-red eyes stared at the giant and the four that had gathered. She glanced at the beast, and her eyes glinted for a moment before she stepped forward, "How many mo-"

The giant's hand suddenly flashed green, as a hoop of code encircled its raised arm, before it crashed down upon Anya. Her small body completely covered under the fist. As the fist raised from the crater it had made, all that was left was a mix of red and purple cloth.
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"Oh, your so gonna pay for that. Jacob? May I have my sword back?" Jacob kept his eyes on Xavier as he pulled Hayabusa's katana out of it's sheath and tossed it to Jacob.

"This is war."

"Hayabusa, calm down, it was just a piece of metal. Kaine can make you a new one."

"It was my piece of metal!"

Hayabusa began to walk around Xavier, as did Jacob and James. It would be suicide to rush this guy but if they could flank him from behind, they'd be golden. Jacob was the first to strike, shooting bolts of smoke at Xavier, hoping to distract him long enough for James and Hayabusa to strike. James knelt down and put out his palm. Hayabusa ran straight for James, stepping on his palm and jumping up, James pushing up to send Hayabusa flying through the air and hopefully onto Xavier's head. "Alley-oop!"
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As Nico stopped shaking and started to regain his composer from the overload of memories he began to look around at the battlefield that was slowly beginning to form around him. He saw just in time a small girl get crushed by the giants fist. He wanted to be angry and wanted to label this behemoth as a monster.. but Nico was no better.

He remembered all to vividly the innocent people he had to drain in order to survive at the First Son's facility. Their last faces of pain and anguish will never leave nor stop haunting his memories. Then his attention turned back to Felix...

"You.. can call me Nico," he said as he slowly approached Felix who was still in the midst of what seemed to be one of his PTSD panic attacks.

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