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Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

Felix turns his face to Nico, and all he sees is Zabuza. "N-N-Nico..." He says, using all and more of his willpower to keep up the shield and prevent himself moving. The world around him turns blurry. Looking outside, he sees some movement. His friends. The behemoth outside turned into Shard in her crystal form. He then looks over at Zabuza next to him. Maybe I'm doing the wrong thing here... Am I protecting Zabuza... He knew what he had seen before the hallucinations though. He had the willpower to resist the control of other's minds.

Did he have the willpower to resist his own mind?
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The giant had stood motionless since it had punched the girl. Bullets of smoke pelted the purple armour, but the giant of a man stood unfazed. The frigid temperatures rendered the heat and ember of the smoke pellets ineffective, and it crashed its knuckles together. It raised an arm in Jacob's direction before another circle appeared. The smoke pellets crashed into the circle, rolling off of the patterns as it turned around, a small mumble coming from the giant.
Nico's mind was racing as fast as it possibly could. For whatever reason he recognized Felix having a massive panic attack. Nico had been slowly walking towards Felix with his hands clearly visible but even then Nico reasoned that Felix was afraid of him because of whatever he was seeing. He considered anything that could help this situation.

Fuck, fuck how do I help? How can I show I don't mean any harm...

And then without thinking any further he did the first thing that had popped into his mind. Nico made the final step forward and embraced Felix in a long kiss. If this didn't show that he meant no harm then Nico could not think of anything that could help.
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Felix just stared at Zabuza until suddenly, Zabuza lunged at his face. Felix screamed and shot Zabuza back as his dome collapsed. With that, his last semblance of willpower collapsed as he shot blast after blast at Zabuza.
I had all the best intentions...

Rejection was written all across Nico's face as he was shot back by the first blast. All he had wanted was to show he meant no harm. Wait, was that even the entire truth? Within his mind images played of what if. What if he had managed to connect and kiss Felix? Nico's face was colored a rather bright red as he thought about it.

What were you fucking expecting?

Nico had never been shown any compassion within the First Son's facility so why had he been expecting to experience any in the outside world? Nico saw himself as a monster. Was he destined to experience nothing but pain?

As he hit the now cold concrete for what felt like the hundredth time that day he looked up just in time to see blast after blast coming after him. Part of Nico just wanted to sit there and take it, for he deserved it didn't he? But his survival instinct took over as he rolled out of the way and began to run.

"I'm... not... trying... to... hurt.. you," Nico grunted out as he ran while trying to keep tears from swelling up within his eyes.
Tears stained Felix's face as he tried to reign himself in. If this was a friend, whom he knew could take it, he might let it go. But this wasn't. He didn't know this person could survive. The small, logical part of his brain fought back, that tiny part trying to tell the other person he meant no harm. "Why do you still try Zabuza." Logical Felix forces out that Zabuza to show that he wasn't right in the head. "You lost!" Felix's eyes suddenly widen as he realizes the cold and that shocks him back into his right mind. "I... I'm sorry... Nico, was it?" He says, before once more casting the shadow dome over him and Nico. "I... I looked at the fangs and... I saw an old enemy of mine. I started hallucinating that you were he... I'm sorry."
Nico stopped running and took in a deep breath as he tried to calm down and take a hold of the situation. He had been correct in that Felix was experiencing some sort of panic attack complete with vivid hallucinations. Nico also wasn't necessarily wrong in what.. his body had wanted to do? Maybe if Felix wouldn't of attacked and Nico would of been able to make contact with Felix then it might of helped. That's at least what Nico was telling himself within his head.

"Yes.. my names Nico. I don't know any Zabuza. If you don't remember, that's what you called me..." Nico said while staring down at the concrete in what he guessed was embarrassment.
Felix smiled. "Wow, you must be secluded. You didn't hear about Zabuza and the sires. The big vampire organization? Man, that was a ride..."
Nico went to laugh but it ended up coming out weak and mostly inaudible as he scratched the back of his head. He thought back on his short year and a half of his life spent entirely contained within the First Son's walls. All the horrible things he had to go through and do coming back to his mind.

"Yea, secluded. You could say I was very secluded..."

Nico said as he grabbed onto the very visible metallic collar around his neck. The scarf he had been wearing was long since lost somewhere among this battlefield. He had never even seen the sky before today because of how locked up the First Sons kept him.

"Are... are you sure you're fine now?"
Felix sighs as he continues focusing on the shield, ignoring the fight outside the dome. He then decided to take down the shadow illusion that he was using to make his body look different. His nice face suddenly looked ripped by a scar over one eye, another down his cheek. A long scar ran down both arms all the way to the fingertips. His mouth had scars from the corners of his moth down to his chin. More were revealed under clothing. He took the energy he had been using for that and put it into the shield. "Yeah, the cold shocked me out of it. Sorry again."
As Nico looked up from the pavement just in time to see Felix reveal his true self. Something about the scars... memories he could not place... made Nico's heart ache all the more in pain and rejection. His face began to glow a much darker shade of red as Nico turned around so Felix would not be able to see him blush.

Hold it together... hold it together, there is a fight happening right outside this dome..

"It's fine.. just water under the bridge Felix..." Nico spat out as he was trying to regain his composure.
Felix notices Nico turn away, but misinterprets it. "Hey, I know the scars must be... off putting, but I need to redirect the energy, and when you wage a two year war with vampires and the forces of literal darkness, you get some memorabilia on your skin."
Off putting is not anywhere near the word I'd use...

Nico had to stop thinking along these lines or Felix would no doubt eventually notice. Why did he feel like this? Why could he not currently look at Felix without feeling such strong emotions? Nico had no answer to any of these questions that were currently waging war within his head.

"Ju.. just tell me what I can do to help you."
"Well... are you a conduit? You seemed to hold your own against Xavier. If so, what are your powers?"
"Yea.. I believe I'm a conduit. As for my powers.. all I've really got going for me is that I'm hard to kill..."

Nico shook his head at the thought of just how useless he really was in the end. He finally turned back around to face Felix now that his face returned to it's normal color. Still, Nico had to fix his eyes upon Felix's feet and the ground as to not have to go through this again.

Then some barrage of memories clicked within his head as if he had just practiced sword fighting for decades. Even though he had never held a single blade before in his life it felt like if he just had a sword right now he could accomplish anything right now. Nico felt like he could even take on any opponent.

"Wait, could you use your powers to create me some sort of sword? As long as you can do that I know I can contribute."

Nico spoke with such conviction and certainty that even he didn't know where it was suddenly coming from. But for whatever reason he felt like all he was missing...

Some instinct within his body made Nico's right arm reach behind him as if there was a sword strapped to his back. The reality however was that there was nothing and he had just made a fool of himself for a reason he didn't even know.
Felix noticed Nico looking at his feet and was about to say something about how he didn't have to be disappointed until he mentioned the sword and randomly grabbed behind his back. Felix had done the same, until he remembered he didn't carry his shadow blade anymore.

He smiled at that thought.

He quickly made a blade out of shadows and then made one for himself. While the one for Nico was basic, his own was ornate. It had an olive branch carved into it on one side and the word Smoker engraved on the other. Yet another reminder of what had almost been lost.
As Nico held the shadowy blade within his hand it felt only natural, as if the sword was an extension of his own arm that had always been there. Instincts that were not his began to take over as Nico effortlessly put on a display of his skills with the blade. It would have looked like he had practiced with that blade for years.

"It's lighter than what I prefer..." Nico muttered without even thinking. He barely even noticed himself say it which is what made it so strange. He had never even held a sword in his hand before today. Yet some feeling within him told him that he was use to swinging around a much larger blade...

"Regardless, I'm ready to fight. I don't wish for anybody to die but I will help at least knock out the Behemoth," Nico said proudly. As much of a monster as he thought he was, he didn't like to kill.
Felix looked at the fangs. Lighter than you'd prefer, huh? Well, let's see how ironic this is. Felix then changed the shadow blade into a near exact replica of Zabuza's old blade.
Both of Nico's hand instinctively placed themselves around the hilt of the massive two-handed sword despite the fact he was probably strong enough to hold it with just one. Nico swung the blade out in wide arcs that simply felt perfectly naturally as if he had always used a blade exactly like this. And that was when two words began to form in his head...

Executioner's Blade

What he hell is that? Was this an actual sword with a name? Nico thought to himself as he admired the sword in all it's glory.

"Alright, I'm ready," Nico said one last time more for himself than Felix. He would be relying purely upon instinct to fight but he wasn't worried.
Hayabusa brought his blade up over his down before bringing it down onto the Behemoth's arm, hoping to chop it off. Once he hit the ground, he heard a familiar voice. A voice he had ran away from a few minutes before he joining the fight. "I'm sick and tired of you running. You know I find it annoying. You always run from your problems, wimps." Hayabusa brought up his head to see the sickening sight of Sarah. However, her mouth looked as though someone had cut her mouth ear to ear. Her jagged, yellowed teeth protruded from her lips and her eyes were a deep red. He blinked, and her features returned to normal. "You had me sick and worried about you! What are you doing? Get away from that... That freak!"
The giant's arm hung limp from its shoulder. The armour had a giant crack, and beneath it was the visibly torn muscle and flesh. Pulsating... Beating... Just as the armour began replacing itself, the arm started mending. Strands of muscles and tendons wove under the armour, before ashen skin sealed the blood-oozing gash.

Turning to Hayabusa, the giant seemed to lean forward, before it turned to Nico. Lumbering forward, he left Hayabusa behind, the incoherent mumbling from beneath the helmet was slowly growing louder, and more frantic.
Hayabusa stood and turned when he heard the Behemoth stomping away from him. And it was headed for Felix and the child he had seen earlier. "Get away from them!" He said, running towards Xavier the best he could before driving his blade through his back, twisting it 180 degrees. "I said NO!"
The giant stopped momentarily. There was something in him. A blade? And it was twisting, or at least trying to. The flesh was too thick to twist the way it was trying to. His arm simply reached back and gripped the blade, not breaking his stare at Nico. The hands suddenly clenched, the sword beginning to whine unceasingly as sounds of cracking escaped the tight grip of the giant.
As the behemoth neared the shadow dome that Felix was struggling to keep up, Nico could stand by no longer. With the shadowy Executioner's Blade in his hand he charged out of the dome and ran towards the titan as he let his instincts take over. While the giant was distracted by whoever it was behind it, Nico attempted to jump onto one of the arms.

Assuming he made the leap he would run up the arm and shoulder until he would attempt to strike the head of the giant with the blunt side of his shadowy blade using all his strength.

Despite his instincts willing otherwise, Nico was determined to just use the blunt side of the blade. He intended to not kill anybody if it could be helped and he wished to keep it as such. With any luck he was attempting to knock back the giant or even knock it unconscious.
Hayabusa lets out a distressed screech when he heard the metal blade begin to crunch under the giants grasp. He let out another, louder screech when he saw Nico attempt to attack the Behemoth. "What're you doing kid!? Are you TRYING to get yourself killed! Get back over the-" He watches as Nico ran up the giants arm and across his shoulder intently, as if observing him. In reality, he is. He notices how Nico moves. He notices the blade that he carries, handling it as if it were any other weapon. He notices the repressed blood lust in his eyes. He notices that he looks just like Zabuza. "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!" He screams, angrily.
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