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Realistic or Modern In The Wild

"Yeah, did you hear? She kicked a cub today. It made me so mad. Talon put her in the Elder's den, but I don't know, I've got a feeling that it's not going to work." She stares down at one of the cubs who was rearing up on his back legs howling. "I see a future Alpha." She jokes and licks the top of the cubs head.
Talon just then remembered that he had to pick Beta. He knew it had to be done today. Talon hurried to the Meeting Rock and howled to gather the wolves around. The rest of the pack started to gather around, and once everyone was there, he shot a sharp glance towards River, and started talking: "I was thinking, that we needed a Beta wolf after I became leader. I made up my mind." he said, then took a breath to continue, "Our new Beta will be Red" Talon finally announced.
Nitalie wags her tail when Talon announces the Beta, then says goodbye to Iasc and rushes off to congratulate Red. When she reaches her she pants to catch her breath and sits. "Congratulations. You'll make a great Beta!" Nitalie says happily.
Red followed everyone to the meeting rock closely behind River in case she tried anything funny.

She wondered what this would be about, maybe to publicly shame River, Red would love to see that.

Talon was talking about who the Beta would be. Talon announced Red's name. Her mouth hung open, but she quickly closed it

many eyes were staring at her. "oh..."is all she could manage.
Talon shouldered his way to Red. "You will make a great beta, Red. I trust you to keep the peace here while I am gone or need to be replaced. Good luck" Talon smiled and wagged his tail
"thanks hehe" she thanked Nitalie. Red straightened up.

she walked over to Talon. "thank you, I hope I can, I'm not great with communicating but i'll try." her eyes full of excitement. 
"wow, well done Red." Iasc said happily.

"oh, hi Iasc, thanks." she said awkwardly as she tried to back away.
Talon bowed his head in respect of his new Beta, and he knew each and every one of the wolves in the pack would respect her, except for River. She respects no one.
SashaTheWolfFreak said:
[Yeah but i didn't create the role play x3]
(Well at least somebody is in control :P I had no idea what we were gonna do in the first place)

Nitalie looks over to Talon and Red to see them getting along, so she headed back to the healer's place to continue her work on the sickly. She didn't want to get in the way of official business.
Red's ears perked up, she was really excited, she wondered back to her rock chit chatting to passer byers, until she met River.

"what do you want?" Red growled.

"oh, nothing, congratulations. Red." she said sarcastically.

"okay great if I could just get pass-" before she could finish River pounced onto her back.

Red yelped.
Talon looked at her go and felt a pang of guilt. He then quickly said: "Red, there is an issue near the human houses. The prey that lives there smells horrible and is very deadly. I think we should go find out something about it" 
Talon, without thinking, jumped on River and clawed her ears. "what are you thinking, River?!"
Red wriggled way "what the hell!" she roared furisouly!

"RIVER I'LL KIL-" she stopped herself. "you are a danger to this pack." she said angrily.
Nitalie had heard the yelp, so she ran out of the healer's den and towards where it came from. She saw Talon, Red, and River standing and arguing, she stood and watched, hoping nothing bad happened. She hated River, but she didn't want to see her get killed for defying the Alpha and Beta.
"Talon. We can't let her do this anymore. We need to hold a meeting about her. I'm deadly serious, I think we need to kick her out of the pack." she said furiously. "she will end up killing someone."

She noticed her back, a trickle of blood slowly dripped down.
Talon spun around, looking nervous. "Kick her? Are you sure..? I know this is a bad reputation for her, but the rest of the pack don't really know anything about her...But you are right, I must hold a meeting on her now...."

Talon climbed up the Meeting Rock and howled for a meeting. Instantly wolves came, darting for a good spot under the rock. Talon began: "This meeting is about something not all of you know... River, the white hunter, has been behaving very viciously recently. Red and I fear she will end up killing someone." He paused, looking at their shocked faces and at Lake's bored face, but continued. "River has kicked a pup, attacked an elder and some hunters, and also attacked me and Red as well." He turned his gaze to River. "River, do you have anything to say that may be a lie on the truth?" Talon asked. She quickly answered, "No, and I don't have a problem with it. I should have been Alpha!" She snarled
Nitalie looked up at Talon with a worried look, she knew this was going to happen one day, she just didn't expect it to happen so soon. She takes a look at River's face and sees that the she-wolf was just fine with being kicked. No wolves survive out there alone, that's why the pack takes in any deserving rouges who show up on their land. She looks around at the other members of the pack to see them whispering to themselves, some agreeing, and some arguing. A part of her disagreed with Talon's decision, but she knew that he was Alpha now, and it was his call. Everything he was doing, he was doing it for the good of the pack
Talon sighed and looked around. Some of the wolves didn't agree, and he thought he should give River a second chance. And so he did. "But, I am not going to kick her out, at least not today... She will spend the night in the center of the clearing, but don't get close to her. I also need a guard for the safety of others. (calls out a random wolf from the crowd) Will be the guard. And that will be it. If anything happens with her, report it to me." Talon finished, signaling with his tail that the meeting was over.
A surprised glint shows itself in Nitalie's eyes, "He really gave her a second chance? I didn't see that coming." she thinks to herself, and her tail wags a little bit. He showed courage today, Talon did. Nitalie turns around and walks with her tail up towards the healer's den.
Red eyed River, and walked away. She walked to her rock. she lay down, River was bugging her so much.

Oh well. Red drifted off to sleep.

Iasc was worried about her sister. Yeah sure they weren't friendly but she didn't want her to die.

she settled the cubs down and went to sleep.
Nitalie lays on her back wriggling, trying to scratch her back as the other healer's laugh at her. It wasn't funny, her back really itched. Finally when she got the itch to go away she stood again and walked out of the den towards the lake, which led her right past the guard and River. On her way she heard River cursing Talon and Red's names, and growling. When Nitalie reached the lake she lay down on the bank and dipped her snout into the water, it was something she did to sooth herself. She wondered what would happen if she asked River why she was so angry all the time, but Nitalie decided against it. You shouldn't poke the wolf while she's angry.
Talon shook his fur as he always did. He walked out of the den and down the Meeting Rock. He padded outside the camp and headed for the Human camps. He figured he had to shed light on he deadly thing in the rabbits near the humans by himself.

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