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Realistic or Modern In The Wild

[brb, I need to eat. I can RP now though for a while, maybe not] 
Talon padded off of the Meeting Rock just to find River waiting for him at the bottom. She growled and said, "Just because you defeated me doesn't mean I will listen to you!" "well," Talon said, growling, "you'd better listen to me. I am your new alpha, and you WILL listen to my commands, or face the consequences." He padded off towards Nitalie, only to be knocked down by River. "Now we will see who the REAL alpha is!" she snapped. Talon bit her throat and knocked her down to the ground. More wolves started crowding, sending River warning shouts. Talon fought her off and put her in a surrender position. He snarled and let her get up. "Well, looks like you are nowhere near being alpha now!" Talon snapped at her. She just growled and padded towards the hunter den, ignoring the snarls from her Pack mates.

(are you still RPing?)
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(So sorry, I was off for a while because my internet went out.. Again)

Nitalie sees the scuffle between River and Talon, so she runs towards Talon. "Talon! Talon what happened? I saw what happened." She says, panting as she tries to catch her breath.
(it's ok with the internet :3)

"It's river... She thinks she can disobey her new alpha. She will have to learn how to live by our costume if she wants to continue living with us..." Talon said. He had no patience with River. 
I gotta go to sleep. See ya in the morning, maybe.
Nitalia nods knowingly and yawns. "I know, maybe you can get some of the other hunters to talk to her or something. Look, it's just your first day, don't get down on yourself. I think you're going to make a great Alpha, Talon." She says and wags her tail reassuringly.


Red was wandering through the forest she was close to the pack, she could smell em'.

She had been gone on an over night hunt and was carrying the carcass of a small deer.

She crawled up the rocks and lay down.

"OH, oops." she moaned, she remembered she had missed the alpha battle. Goddamn.

At least she had food. she licked around her mouth, to try and clean dried blood from it.
Talon woke up the next day and shook his black fur. He remembered that he was the new alpha, and a stab of frustration shot through him. He wished he knew what to do as an alpha. Talon padded slowly towards Nitalie, greeting some of the elders and the apprentices on the way.

"Hi, Natalie!" Talon called for her.
She wags her tail places a layer of moss on one of her patients before turning to Talon. "Hey Talon! Don't you have a missing hunter? I heard from a couple other healers that she's been gone for over a night and she missed the Alpha Day." Nitalie says and tilts her head to the side.
Talon padded closer to Nitalie. "You must mean Red. Yes, she has just returned. She was hunting alone overnight. She always was like that, going alone at night... I bet she just likes going out at night."
Nitalie sits down on her haunches and one of her ears turns backwards in confusion. "It must be hard for her to see out there in the middle of the night. Oh well, I guess if she brings in enough food for the pack it doesn't matter what her methods are." She says and turns her head to her patient as he whines in pain, she then heaves a large sigh and stands up to tend to him.
Talon shook his head around to ruffle his fur, that was too well groomed, and said: "I guess you are right... Anything from River? Anyone she attacked recently, accept for me?"
After licking her patient's wound she looks up to Talon with sad eyes. "She kicked a cub today." She says and sighs sadly. "Somebody is going to have to tame her, or something. She's getting out of hand."
Talon twitched uneasily. He couldn't be an alpha and let that happen in this pack. "Kicked a cub? She is out of her mind! I will suspend her to the elders' den until she learns how to behave!" Talon said. He was furious of Lake not following orders.
Red wondered who the alpha was, of course everyone was talking about it but she didn't want to talk to them, waste of energy.

she trotted along not really looking for any one in particular. She headed to the healing unit, the were nice.

She spotted Talon and Nitalie. "hey, I was gone all night, lost track of time. hehe, anyway how'd the fight go?"

(sorry for lack of replies internet! D:)
Nitalia looked at Talon worriedly. "Be careful, Talon. I don't know what I'd do if she hurt you. I know what the rest of the pack would do, but you're my only close friend. I don't want you hurt." She then looks over to Red. "Hi, Talon won! He's alpha now, how did your hunt go?" She asks the female hunter.
[it's alright]

"um..yes. I won..." Talon said uncomfortably. "you have been gone for the night. Caught any prey?" 
[i knew I should haven't replied xD ]
"Oh, well done Talon!" she said happily and playfully nudged him. "oh, I got a small deer, it's back up on the rocks." she explained.

"who's this hurting people? Over heard a bit of your conversation." she asked.
"ugh, see? it's wolves like that, that stopped me from talking much with others." she frowned slightly at the thought.

"it'll probably be fine, show who's boss." she said as her ears perked up.
"I am trying." Talon said, a bit humorously. "She will stick to the elders' den until she knows how to behave. I really hope that will help." 
[sorry, drifted off for a while]

Talon left the den and quickly padded to find River. "River!" he growled. She snapped in response. "River, you will live in the elders' den until you learn how to behave." Talon said. River's eyes opened wide and she said, "What do you mean, learn how to behave?" She was furious. "I behave perfectly!" Talon bared his teeth. "Is kicking a pup behaving perfectly?" Talon said, louder then before. River spun around and entered the elders' den, not before giving Talon a furious snarl. Talon still wasn't sure. "And if you make trouble there, you will sleep in the center of the camp!"
Nitalie looks at Red, then walks off after Talon. Before she can get to him, though, she runs into Iasc with a couple of pups. "Hi, how are things Iasc?" Nitalie asks her kindly, watching as the small pups play around Iasc.
[isac, wow, that's a nice NPC name xD ]

Talon sighed, and made his way to the Red. "Hey, Red, can you keep an eye on River for me? She should be in the elders' den, but don't let her get out for noting put food. And make sure she doesn't fight or bothers others in there."
[iasc means fish where I come from xD ]

"oh yeah, fine, always got my paws full, haha, I hear your busy, with all this River business." she said inbetween cleaning a cub.

"oh yeah sure, that's fine, River won't get past me." she wandered to the elders den and stuck her snout inside.

she spotted River, Damn, why would someone go through so much trouble to seem like an idiot?

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