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Realistic or Modern In The Wild

Iasc was down by the lake with the cubs. They were messing around and she was trying to keep them all in order. It was proving very hard. She spotted Nitalie "oh hey Nitalie, how are you?" She said and picked up a cub by their scruff out of deeper water.

Red trotted down the rocks looking for Talon, she passed river, as he growled at red, red continued on just to catch Talon before he was gone to far,"hey are you gonna go check out those human camps?"
Nitalie raises her snout from the water and looks at Iasc. "Oh, I'm fine. Just thinking about some things. I see you have your paws full, as always." Nitalie says, chuckling as one pup splashes towards her.
(i didnt know if it was ok if i posted but..yes..hi O.o )

Freyja was perched outside a human camp watching as they walked around and made all kinds of loud noises. She made a snuffing noise and and stretched waiting for the moment she could go through their things. So for the meantime she decided to lay down. She rest her muzzle on her paws and looked at the humans patiently.
Nitalie gives off a loud yawn and stands up. She nods her goodbye to Iasc and walks back towards the healer's den. She tries to ignore River, but she stops dead in her tracks when River says her name. "Hey, you! Nitalie right?" She asks, and Nitalie gulps, then turns towards Red. She doesn't say anything, but she didn't have to. "You're friends with Talon, right? Well guess what." River asks, standing up. Nitalie looks around furiously to try and find the guard, but he was nowhere to be found. Every step River takes forward, Nitalie takes one backwards.

(@MorticiansDaughter it's fine xD I just forgot to reply to your post)
Talon got up, shook his maned neck as he always did, and trotted off. He caught a scent trail of an injured elk, and he knew it would be a bad thing to spare. Talon stalked the elk, and knew he could take it down on his own. Talon then begun sneaking to the front of the elk, and while it didn't notice, Talon jumped on it and started chasing it. He quickly brought down the old, injured elk, and carried it back to the camp for the pack to eat.
Freyja's ears perked at the sounds she hears behind her, she wasnt close to another packs territory was she? the last thing she wanted to do was get attacked by a group. She wasnt seeking a fight but the smell of an animals blood attacked her sense and she couldnt help but drool at it. It could very possibly injured and therefore easier than waiting for a bunch of humans to leave. She decided to track the smell deeper in the forest only to realize it was elks blood. And she realized it had been a long while since she had elk.
Talon began dragging back his elk. Considering the elk being old and injured, it was fat and good to eat. A nice meal for the week. He then noticed the blood dripping from his kill, and he knew it would bring other predators in search of the meat. Talon shook the thought away and continued his way to the pack camp.
Freyja stopped when she spotted blood then the mixed sent of another wolf. She flattened her ears and knew the deer mus have been another wolfs kill. But she had not had anything to eat in such a long time and she was not yet used to hunting in dense forest such as this. She whimpered quietly and decided to follow the scent trail and see where it led. She was strong after all, one of the strongest in her pack. So she could take care of herself, she just needed to tell herself that she wasnt looking for a fight.
As talon continued dragging the elk back, he scented a wolf. Not one of his pack, for sure. It was a lone wolf, he then concluded. His bright yellow eyes widened as he spotted the white she-wolf following the scent trail from far away. He stopped dragging and waited for the white wolf to realize she is very close to his kill.
She snuffed again as some of the blood stained her muzzle and got on her nose. She had her hackles raised as the scent was very strong and she stopped mid stride and lowered her ears. it took all her will power not to growl at the ever closing in scent of the wolf she smelled earlier. No fighting she though. and she looked up catching the glimpse of a deep black wolf.
She cursed silently to herself and lowered her head. She should have known this was near another territory. But with other humans so close she figured it was a safe place for her to wander and not intrude. "do forgive me..i mean no harm to your pack. i was simply drawn to the scent of blood"
Talon let another silent moment slide in. He wasn't very hostile to lone wolves. "Drawn to the scent of blood? You must be hungry. Here," Talon took a big piece out of the elk's leg, "eat this. My pack surely can spare it, or hunt more." Talon said as he pushed the chunk of meat towards her.
Nitalie lowers her head as River bares her teeth. "Please, River don't do this." She says as a small whimper comes from her throat. "This is the perfect way to get back at Talon. He shouldn't be the alpha, I should!" River whispers menacingly, then she gives out a loud bark and lunges at Nitalie, biting into her neck as she gives off a loud whimper. River keeps biting at Nitalie, and when she finished Nitalie lay there, blood seeping from her wounds. She had just enough power to raise her head in the air and give off an ear piercing warning howl.
Instinctively she took a step back, his scent was strong..what was he to his pack? He was also being quite kind to her which back in the mountains is unheard of if your a lone wolf. Which is why she had to leave that place. But the meat was so tantalizing, "I really shouldnt, it is for your alpha and pack and i do not wish to give a whole pack any reason to hunt me down or have you get punished" She walked a little closer sniffing the elk and her stomach growled.
Talon closed his eyes, then said, "I am alpha, and I think you should it it, it will gi-" his words were cut off by the howl coming from the camp. His eyes were wide open. He quickly started running and called the white wolf to follow him as he ran to the camp. He couldn't mind the meat now.
Her fur raised as a piercing howl came from somewhere in the forest, she whimpered and lowered her head pawing at her ear. It was a cry she had heard before, another wolf was injured and calling for help. And when she heard he was an alpha she stood her ground. It was not right for her to be in the presence of an alpha especially if the female was around..she knew all to well those punishments from her old pack. And though his words had no dominance over her she followed anyways, unless another predator ran off with the meat they could get it later.
Nitalie lay on the ground unconscious, her ribs moving up and down rapidly. Her paws twitch every few seconds as she feels the pain. A chunk was taken out of her ear, and blood was coming from her neck and shoulder. River had really done a number on her.
Talon entered the camp and then immediately ran towards Nitalie. She told him what happened and he then ordered a healer to stop her bleeding. Talon spun around and faced River, and he was more furious than ever. River had no right to hurt his friends like that! Talon stepped towards River and began growling. "River! You do know what this means! I told you there would be consequences!" he snarled
freyja panted as she finally caught up and she felt like she was in danger from all the smells around her. It made her go into her hunting stance and prepared herself for anything. She looked at the wolf who was receiving treatment and seeing all the blood caked to her fur made her stomach flip. The growls drew her attention back to the alpha and a wolf that was in a very disapproving posture to be confronting their alpha. Disrespectful she thought though the wolf was only slightly smaller than him.
Nitalie closes her eyes as the other healer helps her wounds. "So much pain" she says in her mind, then opens her eyes again to see Talon growling at River, and there was another wolf as well. One Nitalie had never seen before, she tilted her head a bit as she looked at the other wolf, but the pain in her neck makes her move it back. "I'm so weak." She whispers to herself as she lays her head back down, ignoring the pool of blood she was laying in. She was used to blood, but it usually wasn't coming from her own body.
Talon stopped growling and stepped up the Meeting Rock. He knew what he had to do. Once all the wolves were there, he begun. "Today, River has crossed the red line. She attacked Nitalie and she is now badly hurt. I have no choice but to kick River out of the pack, for commiting such crimes on many members of the pack."
A growl formed in her throat, even though she had not been part of a pack for awhile now just the sight of such acts towards a fellow pack member and an alpha sickened her. A disgrace to wolf kind is what she was. She looked from the injured wolf to its attacker and felt it was best if she waited here.
Nitalie carefully stands up with the help of the other healer, then limps over to the newcomer. She sits down and wags her tail kindly, as if nothing had happened. "Hi, I'm Nitalie." She says, allowing her tongue to flop out of her mouth as she pants. "It's hot out today, isn't it?"
Freyja was shocked how easily this wolf approached her, she wasnt sure hat rank this wolf was but it was still higher than hers as an outsider. "um..hello there, my name is freyja" She was pretty hot, her winter coat had yet to shed off her but at least her fur wasnt to dark as to attract heat but still her tongue lolled out as well. "yes, it is much hotter down here. i must grow used to it though"

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