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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

"I could carry her, but would prefer not to" He smirked with humor "How do they say it? Work smarter, not harder" He moved forward towards the horse, but then paused when Lily was startled, surprised by her reaction. Fortunately, he didn't drop the girl, but his eyes were wide with curiosity "Something bite you?" He questioned, intrigued "What's she got in there?" he moved over towards the bag
Redd took the girl into his arms, putting her onto the horse safely. "must be something important." he reached into a bag of his and gathered a few blankets he wrapped around Izumi's body. He held the steed's head petting his ears to calm him as he watched quietly.
Lily---*laughs* "yeah right....Magic." she said sarcastically brushing it off as a joke. She knew nothing of the supernatural world. *she shook her hand again, and bent down to pick up the bag when she noticed Izumi moving. "not sure...but.."

Izumi---*was coming to* "Where am I?" *she brushed her eyes*
He sighed in relief and stretched out his arms when Izumi was placed on the horse "Looks like she'd comin' around" he said, stepping back. "Lemme take a look" he grabbed the bag from Lily and opened it so he could see inside
Redd smiled with, keeping his lips closed. "Sorry dear. You passed out, we were trying to get help." he sniffled as he held his hand out to help her get more comfortable, his other hand came up to steady his horse with the reigns.
*Her bag shocked him when he tried to open it as well. the bag was in fact protected by magic, and it doesn't let anyone open it.*

Izumi---*heard the voices and jumped off the horse* "who are you people?" *glares at the person touching her bag.* "and why do you have my stuff?" she yanks her bag out of his hand*
He immediately jerked back from the shock, only to find it being taken from him. "Uh,," he stuttered, shaking his fingers slightly as he was still surprised from the zap "I'm Dirk,," he answered her question with an empty look on his face, then glanced at the others "The fuckin' bag shocked me, it's protected or something..."
Redd sighed folding the blanket up carefully shoving it back into a bag. "I shouldn't have came here." he groaned, pulling the horse towards him hopping onto his back as his hood fell off his bright red eyes caught in the sun and the tips of his pointed ears jutted from his soft looking hair. He scanned their faces and pulled his steel war-hammer to keep himself from harm in case it came to it.
Lily---not even looking over to notice the guys' ears she was looking at Izumi. "yo calm your role girl. you passed out we were, well they were just trying to help."

Izumi---"I never asked for help okay? so just leave me alone." she started scratching her left hand, which if you looked close enough you'd notice a symbol of her hand.
"You Couldn't ask for help, you were out Cold" Dirk spoke sternly "Unless it's normal that you just Pass out? Hey, this guy was about to give you a ride to help. We're obviously not looking for trouble. And you're Welcome"
Redd bit his lip and spit the blood at Izumi as he trotted by on his steed "In that case you wont forget me, you ungrateful slob." he hissed, glancing over at Dirk and Lilly, "it was a pleasure to meet you both. My name is Redd." he let the horse take a steady pace towards a calm trail into the woods.
Izumi--looked up at Dirk with black eyes "run you coward" her eyes went back to normal and she grabbed her stomach in pain. "I don't need your help." she signed and had a much nicer tone "I'm just..."

October---after she left the other people she showed up near you guys "looking for me?" she smiled softly "I heard your call I'm here to help you."
Dirk raised an eyebrow in frusteration, then narrowed them and lit up his cigar "Just my advise, get some food to eat" He smirked slightly with humor, then glanced over at October in surprise. It seemed that this forest was very active this time of the day
Redd slipped off the horse, angerly marching back towards Izumi "don't you speak to him that way" he barked at her, drawing his war-hammer giving her a warning swing strong and fear inducing close to her face. He looked over at Dirk, glancing at October.
October was in an instant by Izumi's side and grabbed the war-hammer making sure it didn't touch her. "please she doesn't mean any harm" her voice was calm and relaxing. she turned back to Izumi touching her face softly. Izumi felt something odd as October touched her, it felt like a spark, she knew it wasn't magic but couldn't figure out quite what it was. 

Lily--*shakes her head* "you guys are too weird"

October laughs a little, "you'll understand soon enough" she said coolly looking over at Lily.
Dirk widened his eyes as he watched, then he blew some smoke out of his mouth "I appreciate the backup, Redd, but I don't wanna see blood today. You got some quick reflexes though" he glanced over at October and Izumi, "Yeah, well, this entire forest is weird. I've seen a lot of things around here..." the lips on his pale face curved up to a smile
Redd sighed, pulling his warhammer back pulling his hood back up, hiding his eyes and ears. He looked at Dirk, "I'm sorry I got out of hand." he walked towards dirk and stood behind him. His right hand slid a note into Dirk's right hand and whispered in his ear "meet up later, she's watching you." He put his hand on Dirks opposite shoulder from the one his hand was slipping paper into. "Well, well, I'll be off. It's been a long day" He smiled at the two girls as he stepped back and pulled the reigns of his horse, hopping on carefully. And slowly trotting to his cabin at the outskirts of town.

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