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Fantasy Hybrids

Braull spots the deer and looks at Fisa so she knows the deer is ahead of them. Braull makes multiple gestures with his front paws and head, hoping he can get his message across. He meant to say: You chase it first. If you can't kill it right away, I'm going to go ahead and wait for you to chase it towards me so I can kill it. With that, Braull sneaks ahead a little farther, lying in wait.
Fisa flicks her ear in reply. She crouches and creeps closer to the animal, one paw at a time. Then she pounces and lands on the deer's back, and her jaws close around it's throat.

(HAve you guys read the OOC lately)
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(I just read, nice flirting skills xD )

It looks like Fisa can handle it, so Braull walks out of his hiding place. Just to be safe though, he crouches in case he needs to attack.
The deer bucks in an attempt to fight, but Fisa holds on and crushes the deer's windpipe and it falls to the ground.
Aurath looks up at Fisa pulls a dear back. Not a bad catch. His was biger though. And he was willing to share. They had too much as it was.
Braull barks his congrats and wags his tail when Fisa takes the deer down. Nice! He didn't even have to do anything! Braull helps Fisa drag the dear back to where Aurath was. He stares at what Aurath caught... It's huge!
Braull settles to eat the deer with Fisa. It didn't taste too bad, the flesh came off quite easily. Once Braull ate enough, he lifts up his head and licks the blood off of his lips.

Fisa has blood matted in her fur everywhere from the brief battle with the deer, and she attempts to clean it off by bathing (like a housecat does)
Braull was relatively clean unlike Fisa, so he simply shifts back to his humanoid form so he can properly ask a question. "What do you guys wanna do with all these leftovers? I'd hate to see it go to waste." Braull crosses his arms while his gaze goes between the partially eaten carcasses.
Fisa shifts too, but she has blood spattered on her face and arms still. "Most villages have a prey pile for the people who can't hunt on their own. We could put hem there."
"Think about it Fisa. Humans and Hybrids need to interact in positive ways if we are to ever live in harmony. This Could be a good way to do that." Aurath said, now looking serious.
"But still, that would require going out into a human village where we will most likely be captured and killed."

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