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Fandom Hunter x Hunter: The Beginning


An Icon

The Beginning

Arc I - The Hunter Exams

It was a slightly chilly day, as it was early January. Zaban City was alive with the laughter and talking of people, and plotting and excitement of Hunter Examinees. Everyone ran about, as ships came from all over the continent, docking in Dolle Harbor. Not unloading goods or cargo, but unloading aspiring hunters. Houses lined up opposite the dock. Zaban City was a regular sized city, not too small, but not too large. There were so many people it seemed that the whole population of the island was walking around outside shopping and eating out at restaurants. The captains of the ships docked there waved goodbye to the people they carried there. Some would grow up to be genius scientists, famous investigators, and infamous criminals. In the middle of the town square, there was a billboard. The Hunter Commandments were listed, so the test takers knew exactly what their privileges, rights, and regulations were.

1. Hunters must hunt something.

2. All Hunters require a minimum level of martial proficiency. Being able to use Nen is the minimum level necessary.

3. No matter what may happen, one who has become a Hunter will never have their title revoked. However, no matter the circumstances, a Hunter license will never be issued a second time.

4. Hunters may not hunt their fellow Hunters, except for those who have committed atrocities.

5. Hunters who achieve extraordinary accomplishments in a certain field will receive a star.

6. Veteran Hunters who have received a star, become superior officers, and have had their students receive a star will receive two stars.

7. Hunters with two stars who achieve extraordinary accomplishments in multiple fields will receive three stars.

8. If the Hunter in charge does not receive a minimum level of support, then they will have their post removed. In this case, the minimum level is the support from the majority of his fellow Hunters. If the seat of chairman becomes open, an election for the next chairman must happen immediately. The vice-chairman is to be left in charge until the new chairman is decided.

9. The chairman decides how new Hunters are chosen. But in order to make a great change in the existing method, he must receive support from the majority.

10. Everything not written here is to be decided by the chairman, vice-chairman, and their advisers. The chairman has the right to choose who becomes the vice-chairman and advisers.

Next to the billboard, a holograph appeared. It was a woman, the guide.

"All aspiring hunters should have gotten a badge from their ship captain with a number on it. If you have a badge, please proceed to the examination site." She extended her hand to the left, motioning to a small house. The holograph disappeared and the hunters were left to do just that.

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Clemont Santo

Clemont polished his knives. They were a perfect silver with a brown and gold handle. They were beautiful. He still wasn't used to being without his mother, but he managed. The door opened behind him.

"Are you ready?" It was the circus' ringmaster, Toby. He sat down without being asked, but Clemont didn't mind. Clemont turned to face him, spreading out his knives on the table.

"Definitely." Clemont replied. He was as ready as he could ever be. He was in his prime fitness-wise, and trained for years. To be honest, he was just ready to get it over and done with so he could have a life outside of the circus. He gathered his knives and sighed as the caravan stopped right outside a random port town. He stepped out of his car and sighed. The whole circus was there to wave him good bye. "It was fun while it lasted." He said, as he walked away from his circus life, and towards his life as a hunter. But first, he'd have to clear the exam, and little did he know that the exam just began.

He walked to the dock and climbed onto a ship. The captain was a large, dark-skinned, burly man. He was smoking, eyeing every person who boarded his ship. He assumed everyone boarding it was going to take the exam. He waved, but the man did not wave back. He was unsure of exactly how common courtesy worked. I mean, he tried to be like a normal citizen, but it just wasn't working for him. He figured staying to himself would be better. He found a spot sitting atop a box in the lower deck. It didn't seem to be in use, as the ship workers squabbled and ran around, preparing the ship for departure. He sighed, trying to get in the most comfortable position on the box. There were hammocks, but they were full of people. He'd rather not share that much space with people he didn't even know. Most of them were eyeing Clemont like a piece of meat anyway.

"Hey kid, where ya from?" If a bear could talk, that would be this guy's voice. Everyone in the room could hear his breathing because it sounded like a bear sleeping, and his foul odor filled the room. Clemont soon learned there was going to be a problem between himself and the bear-man.

"None of your business~" He sang as he exited the room. He didn't feel like using his clean knives just yet, especially not on a man like him. Clemont searched for another room. Before he could find a place though, the ship rocked. He heard the workers calling that a storm was coming. Clemont sighed.

"Great. Fantastic." Clemont hated storms. He hated his clothes getting soaked, he hated trudging through the damp earth, he hated the loud thunder strikes. Everything about storms was bad. The problem was magnified on a ship. Clemont quickly went into a room and grabbed hold of a column that was supporting the ship. Everyone else in the room grabbed onto something, but not as extremely as Clemont hugging the column. He released his tight grip on the supporting beam, leaning on it with one hand now. He wanted to float under the radar for the time being. He wondered what being a hunter was like. There actually weren't any certified hunters besides the chairman and the examiners who also acted as the chairman's counselors. If he passed, he would be one of the first hunters ever. He grinned, and the ship rocked again. He almost fell over, but he caught his balance and his thoughts returned to the situation at hand.

The voyage became more turbulent. The ship thrashed about. People began to get sick, running up to the top of the ship to throw up into the ocean. He maintained his composure, mostly because he didn't want people to see him ill. He heard the captain call for all hands on deck, and the workers ran to the deck, pulling on ropes and the like. Clemont had no idea what they were doing, as he never rode on a ship before.

"Pirates!" He heard someone call.

"Oh no." He responded. He ran to the deck to see for himself. A ship was heading their way, with a jolly roger on the flag. "A storm and pirates." He ran back down to check on the rooms. Everyone seemed to be ill, except a few people who kept going strong. His stomach was hardened from seeing Igor from the circus eat literally anything and everything. Soon enough, the pirates jumped onto the deck of the ship. Clemont ran back up to the top of the ship, rain hitting his hair, soaking him. He brandished his knives while shooting them down.

"BOY! GET BACK!" Clemont refused to let the ride to the exam be inhibited by the pirates. A few crew members took up arms against the pirates as well. Swordfights broke out across the deck as Clemont took a throwing knife and began weaving through the waves of pirates, slicing them down. Soon enough, the pirates were taken out, and the sun shone once again. He collapsed on the deck, his energy drained. Looking up, he saw the face of the captain grinning and helping him up. "Nice job." The captain took a badge with a number on it out of his pocket and gave it to Clemont. Clemont's eyebrows contorted to convey confusion.

"What, why?" He took the badge from him, looking at the number. "51." His number was 51.

"You passed the first part of the exam." The captain looked down at all the people who didn't make it. He sighed, turning back to Clemont. "We'll be at our destination in a few hours." Clemont was surprised that the exam had already started, but fell asleep soon after.

When he awoke, he was at a port. It was bustling, people walking everywhere. He was kind of intimidated. He hadn't been in a big city since he was a child. He cleaned his knives before hopping off the ship that was docked in Dolle Harbor. Before leaving, he turned to thank the captain.

"Oh wait, what city is this?" He asked the captain.

"Zaban City." The captain replied before the ship departed. He looked around at the other ships. They seemed to be unloading people too. They were here to take the exam no doubt. He had no idea where to go, but most people headed to the city square, so he followed, his number on his chest like most of the others. He looked up at the Hunter Commandments. Reading through every one, and grinning when he came across the word "Nen". He knew about the innovation, and was excited to get his own Nen. Well, he wasn't exactly familiar with it. Did you have to buy it? He shrugged. A holographic woman appeared, directing them on where to go. It was a small house. He heard people groaning and shouting. Nevertheless, they entered the small house. The door shut as the last person from the group entered. Suddenly, the floor ricocheted downward. The house turned into an elevator, going down. Deeper and deeper underground. He grabbed a wall, trying to keep his breakfast from coming back up. It finally stopped, and the door opened. They stepped out into a large gray room. There were other people there, and a lot of them too. A large crowd, at least 200 other participants. He sighed, thinking that the small group he was in was all that there were. He sat down on a chair, crossing his legs, and waiting for an examiner to come in and tell them what to do.

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Toyohisa | Zaban City | Gray Room

"Where'd you learn to fight like that?"

The question stirred participant #4, Toyohisa, from his brief nap, back resting against one of the walls of the expansive room he and the other participants had wound up inside. The opening of his eyes eyes, and the almost scathing look which followed posed their own silent question; what was that supposed to mean? The disruptor was a kid from the boat he had been on, no older than fourteen if he had to guess, dressed in the garb of a thai boxer. Only him and the kid actually passed on his boat, the rest left to less than fortunate fates at the hand of their test. After shutting his eyes once more and a moments silence, the boxer-kid elaborated.

"You've not exactly got the look of someone who could do all of that." He said rather bluntly, earning no disrespect from the scruffy swordsman. The boy was not wrong, in all honesty. He'd been wearing the same sets of clothes for years now, only cleaning them occasionally when he had the opportunity. Even with the occasional wash, ends had frayed and colours faded - his coat was actually a very different colour once-upon a time, but now it was just a weird off beige with the combined smell of wet and a stale closet about it.

"I got into a lot of fights when I was younger." The vagabond replied calmly, voice starting with a bit of a tired croak, and not yet reopening his eyes despite being completely awake. He was trying to ward off the headache from the boat ride and following plummet into the room with a few moments of quiet, but that failed. "It is experience." He answered vaguely, not exactly lying but definitely omitting a few key details. What'd happened on that boat was a bit more than the result of a few childhood scraps, after all. The boxer-kid furrowed his fuzzy brow but said nothing more, just nodding with an affirmative grunt.

"...Get moving. You don't want to miss anything important." He muttered awkwardly, uncertain of what else to say, before leaving Toyohisa to his devices, only getting a similar affirmative grunt in response.

And so he sat and did nothing. An internal struggle was occurring, one side telling him to get moving while the other was demanding five minutes more rest - like a child on a school morning. In the end, the sensible adult in him won out, reasoning that he had come here for a very good reason - sleep could wait. Forcing himself up onto his feet with a painful sounding click of his back, Toyohisa stretched out his legs and back before reaching down to pick up the weathered koshirae which held his faithful blade, holding it by his side as he quietly scanned the other potentials without trying to draw any attention.

There was a jarring number of young individuals among their number - one of which was a clown? - but it should not have been surprising to him. Young hunters were not exactly uncommon, but the idea of children not out of their teens facing some of the things he knew existed in the world was concerning, to say the least. Not that he'd ever let that show.

Moving a weathered hand into a coat pocket, he awaited sign of an examiner with his back against the wall.
~Mint, #25~

Mint could not believe her eyes. Hundreds of people were here to participate in the Hunter Exam. Her mother was next to her, just as dumb founded. A few minutes went by, until finally Mint decided to actually get ON the boats. Giving her mother a hug before she left, she grabbed her satchel and started making her way towards a boat. After getting on, she started immediately brushing her hair anxiously. People tried communicating with her, but at that point a strange event started occurring. The ruckus happened when shouts were heard about pirates. At least, that's what she thought she heard. As people started to freak out, she got confused.

A pirate approached her among the chaos, cackling as if he'd just won the lottery. Mint was even more befuddled until he drew a sword. She ducked below it, looked at her surroundings for a split second, grabbed a spare rope, a bottle, and kicked a barrel at the pirate. He barely avoided it, throwing himself to get out of the way. Mint then tackled him in the moment, rope at the ready. She wrapped it around his arms before he could recover, rendering him defenseless. She then kicked his head to knock him out. Casually, she opened his palm and placed the bottle into it. She put a few empty bottles around him as well, all labeled ale. She stacked a few boxes in front of him to conceal the ropes, placing a few down as traps attached to barrels near her. She waited for a moment, hiding behind the stairs while resisting against the rocking ship.

Two more pirates descended down the stairs, eyeing their friend with the wrong suspicions. As they approached the scene, one of them placed his foot in the rope loop. At that moment, Mint used the ships turbulence to shove the barrel down the other stairs. Before they could react, his scrawny friend was pulled and knocked out as he was hit repeatedly on the head. The last remaining pirate (as the others had been taken out by other people, Mint presumed) drew his cutlass and looked about the area. As he finally spotted her, he let out a blood curdling cry and ran at her. She carefully grabbed a bucket of water at her side and dumped it in front of her. He lost his balance, slamming into an open barrel beside her. She then shoved the barrel along with the disoriented pirate down the stairs to his companion. 'That takes care of that problem!' She thought, the proceeded to go above deck.

A man approached her, telling her that she had passed while giving her the number 25 as a badge. She placed it on herself.

"Oh! That was a test? Odd. Thank you, though."

She stated, smiling at him and spotting an island not too far away. As they finally stopped, she noticed how many people had failed the test and how many had succeeded. A large number had not succeeded, to say the least. Mint looked about at the ones who had done well, intrigued by how many were young like her. She didn't blame them. She wanted to know what this Nen was all about.

Her brother had never given her the details, just that it was something like a fantasy. He'd gained abilities he'd never dreamed of. And now, she wanted to know what he meant. She proceeded towards the house as the hologram said, looking about curiously. The elevator part surprised her, but she moved on quickly when she saw the other participants in a grey room. She sat on the ground, brushing her hair again as she waited for something to happen.

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Tristan J. Taylor

Right at the stern of the boat they were cruising on, Tristan stood there glaring down at the waters. He wasn't usually good with the sea but he managed either way. The boat was filled with a bunch of hunter's, a lot had already died on the way and were tossed over-board. It had been a long trip already, giggling at the fact he lasted this long already he could only imagine what had to come next

He laughed to himself turning around he almost lost his balance, seeming to lean back with only one leg on the ship he drives his body back up straight and hopped down as if nothing happened. "That was close" he mused with a sigh of relief at the end as he continued closer on deck. He looked up to the Captain who took the wheel of he ship. He seemed to look directly ahead, he was a fairly large man and seemed to be pretty old, and tough. Running up at the middle, he went to jump and grab hold of the rail right in front of the Captain, he pulled himself up and swiftly landed on the rail with both feet. Smiling right into the Captain's face "Hello~". For a moment the Captain made no reaction, however over a few seconds his expression quickly turned agitated "What do you want, kid." the Captain said in a deep intimidating tone.

Tristan's joyful expression quickly turned monotone
"How long is it going to take?" he replied with a blank stare. The captain shood Tristan aside "Get out of my way." he said, the man seemed to use few words but Tristan did what he said anyway. Hopping down next to him he clasped his hands behind his back and leaned in to look back up to the Captain again "You going to tell me now?" he asked for the second time. "Close" he replied, Tristan didn't seem very satisfied at the answer, choosing to take a different route to getting what he wanted out of the Captain "How much is 'long' in hours?" Tristan asked, the third time as he stared directly to the Captain.

The man seemed to be growing more agitated by the second, pushing Tristan's face to see in front of them. Tristan's eyes widening in shock at the sight of a storm. It quickly started raining down and the once calm seas suddenly roared, growing in large waves thunder strikes hit the ocean. Men started coming on deck and working the ropes of the ship, some fell off board either drowning of being shocked to death by the constant thunder strikes. The Captain still stood tall and proud as he took the wheel, his crew already knew what to do but they were quickly losing more men. Leaping back down the ship was thrown to the side by an incoming wave, Tristan grabbing a hold of a loose rope. Luckily he wasn't thrown off board as he was swung from each side of the ship until hitting the pole and crashing back down on deck. He was dazed for the moment, but once he got his bearings he was able to shake it off and start helping the other's. After half an hour, which seemed like forever in this storm they finally reached a calm sea, the clouds parted and the sun shining again.

There it was, right after getting through the storm Zaban City was right there. With a big smile Tristan started laughing as he ran his hand through his hair
"That was really fun!" he cried out to the other's who seemed to be shocked they were actually alive. The Captain walked up to Tristan, handing him a badge he scruffed "Good job.." he seemed hesitent to say it, however Tristan took the badge and took a look at it "One?" he wondered to himself what it meant, but decided to keep it anyway.

Making his farewells as he left to Zaban city, following his gut when he went there. Following to the town square looking at the Hunter Commandments he spotted out a strange fellow who seemed to be here for the Hunter Exams too, he was looking and grinned at something there. It peaked his interest and he read through them, coming to the word 'Nen'. He wasn't yet familiar with the concept of it, but somehow it seemed to ring a bell
"I wonder what it means.." he mumbled to himself below continuing on. The crowd was large, seeming to be hundreds of people that came to also contest. Tristan still seemed confident however where he stood in the crowd, which since he took his time he was at the back. Barely being able to follow the other's he ran inside as they went down a hall and entered a room of a kind. Running to the door he partially leaped inside with a quick gasp of breath "Made it." he said to himself, straining up he looked around the room, looking around he spotted the odd Clown looking fellow again. He was a curious one, there also seemed to be a few faces which didn't seem to belong but he didn't question it. A wide smile came about his face "I can't wait to start" giggling to himself as he sat in one of the spar chairs in the corner of the room, spinning around.

The hologram in the room continued to speak, although he wasn't completely listening he seemed much too concentrated on whatever was going in that head of his. Tristan was really just waiting for something to actually happen.

(Tristan's speech is the red writing, and the Captain was brown just so people know)

Lee Sungmin waved to the captain and called out a thank you before stepping carefully onto the gangplank and making his way down to the docks below. Once there, he let out a sigh, pulling out a badge with a number on it, simply to check that it was there in the first place. He had done that numerous times throughout the journey towards Zaban city; it was the main reason why he left the city of Peijin in the first place. This little badge was where all his hopes and family pride rested.

It had been a huge thing when he had declared to his family members that he was going to Zaban city to become a hunter. His family were great martial arts instructors and Nen practitioners yet it was the first time any of their number had attempted to become a hunter. Least of all Sungmin, normally derided for being the slowest and the most reckless, if they had even noticed him in the first place. They had laughed at first, it was true; they did not think he had what it took. Yet, the more he practiced, the more they saw how serious he was, and the more supportive they became. The day before he left, they had cooked up a huge feast in his honour, and the very next day, the entire clan had turned up to see him off. He still remembered his father's solemn instructions to, "Bring honour and renown to the Lee Clan, and make us proud."

So here he was, in Zaban city. He knew where he was supposed to go; he had asked the captain for instructions, and had been told to go to the hunters billboard. There, he would receive instructions on what to do next. He had even been given a map indicating where the billboard was. It was easy enough to find; the examination site equally so.

Sungmin frowned and rubbed at his eyes, a confused expression on his face. Was the site supposed to be that small? He was expecting something bigger, more lavish. Not... a small house. Yet, he had followed the instructions on the billboard to a T, and it lead him here. This was weird.

In the end, he opened the door, and stepped into a small room. He closed the door and waited. The next thing he knew, the room was going down, down, down and he along with it. After what seemed like an eternity, the downward movement stopped and the door opened. He stepped out into a huge grey room full of people. Crowds were nothing to him; Peijin was congested at best. He simply found a spot with less people, crossed his arms, and waited.
A quiet yawn exited Cece's mouth as she walked, every foot step she took echoed a sound, every sound reached her ears and he ears let her see much like a bat only better, most bats need to be in a cave or use a high pitched screech to be able to see but Cece can use any and every sound . Around her was not only her foot steps but the sound of eight others, four belonged to a mule carrying a heavy load, the other four belonged to two other humans one the person the mule belonged too the other another person who was hired to be a body guard much like Cece at this point in time.

Cece was here for two things number one to earn a little money number two to make her way to where the hunter exam is being held and finally because the job said for inspiring hunters only. She guessed they was several ways to get there some by air, some by boat and others by walking Cece picked walking since the other two messes with her senses for the first hour until she gets used to it. The owner of the mule placed his hand up and muttered the word stop causing Cece to stop completely in her tracks.

It wasn't long after before Cece saw well heard why, a group of six men where on the road ahead with small chatter coming from them until they went silent and instead foot steps heading closer and closer could be heard. "Hey lookie here boys another group walked right into use, must be our lucky day." One of the men spoke before the foot steps were getting louder and louder. "They must be a family I mean look at them a pretty little wife, their little child and the old man cowering behind them easy pickings." Another of the men spoke one slightly behind turns out they must have looked like a family Cece couldn't tell what the three looked like after all she could only 'see' and out line of people.

The group of six got closer and when they were a few steps away three of them stopped but three continued before a slight clanking of swords being drawn could be heard. "Oh no please don't hurt us i'm shivering in my boots." Cece said mockingly heck she wasn't even wearing shoes never mind boots. "Oh looks like the little girls got some spunk lets beat it out of her." The man closest to her said he must have been less than five steps away before he took a large step towards Cece and swung at her strangely enough however it wasn't Cece who fell but the man. In that split second where the man readied his swing Cece had already prepared to counter it she hit the un-bladed side of the sword to the left of her and in the same swift motion hit the man in the neck causing him to not be able to get oxygen and choking.

A sly smile covered Cece's face as she walked forward. "So who's next?" Cece asked before she picked up the commotion next to her turns out the other body guard wasn't having such an easy time and it wasn't long before the other body guard was knocked out however not without taking two of them with her. A slight sigh exited Cece's mouth it was three on one but Cece knew this would be easy. The three all went for her all with swords drawn however shock struck their faces as they noticed they didn't hit Cece but instead stabbed one of them all with a little help from Cece. What she did was simple when they went to swing at her since all three swung at the same time she simply misguided two of them with her hands the guy on the right and left she pushed into the guy in the middle before disarming the guy in the middle and instantly swinging sideways along the threes chest before beckoning the owner to continue along the road.

The mule's owner clapped and handed her a badge with the number 12 on before he smiled. "Congratulations you passed the first test." He said. The two made it to the to Zaban City with no more problems and the man directed Cece to the billboard. From the billboard they were directed underground via a elevator which was pretty damn fancy. This was the type of area that Cece loved as it allowed her to use her echolocation to the best of her ability. Judging from the amount of sound in the area, feet moving and people breathing she estimated a good two-hundred people must have been in the room.
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Clemont Santo

Clemont sat. Waiting and waiting... But there was no examiner in site. Was there even supposed to be an examiner? At this point, Clemont was questioning everything. It felt like a whole hour had passed, but in reality, it was only a few minutes. His brain and his heart acted like two separate beings. His brain was impulsive and hyperactive, always looking for something to do or focus on, while his heart was cunning and observant. This time, his heart won over. He began to scope the people that entered the room.

The first person that piqued his interest was a samurai. Man or woman, he couldn't tell. The samurai's hair was long, as most were, but they weren't wearing traditional samurai clothes, or regular clothes for that matter. Their clothes were ragged and worn. Maybe they were a homeless person that thought they were strong enough to make a living off of becoming a hunter. Near that samurai was a kid that seemed to be a Thai boxer? Impressive for his age if he could really fight.

He saw another person sitting on the ground. A girl, this time he could tell. She was brushing her hair, out of anxiety perhaps? She only interested him because 1. She was pretty, and 2. She was probably the most groomed, and the youngest girl there. Originally, he thought the participants would be all adults, him being the youngest, but he was wrong.

Clemont spotted another person. A boy that looked rather average, but he caught Clemont's attention because he was spinning in a chair in the corner of the room and talking to himself.
'A psychopath?' Clemont thought. He looked away, not wanting to get caught staring at him. That could result in the black-haired boy killing him if he really was a psychopath. Right then, he noticed that someone fell down in the crowd of people. Blood was leaking from their neck, and someone seemed to be standing over them in triumph.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-1_22-55-27.png.68565c8f9fd0417e81defcbb8245fbd8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96081" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-1_22-55-27.png.68565c8f9fd0417e81defcbb8245fbd8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The man standing over him seemed to be the offender. His eyes widened as he looked away from his too.

'Everyone here is crazy.' He went back to observing other people. He found a girl that invalidated his conclusion of the girl with the hairbrush being the youngest girl in the room. This new one took the cake. She was 15 at the maximum, and her eyes were gray, so she was probably blind. Is this really a place for a blind girl to be? He sighed, closing his eyes, rolling his head back, and hoping no one comes to kill him while he relaxes until the examiner starts the test.



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Sungmin turned his head in the direction of a sudden thump sound, and his eyes widened in shock. "What the..." he stuttered, as he saw someone fall to the floor, blood leeking from their neck. He was too far away to see what gender the person was, but he did see another person standing over the person's fallen form, in what seemed to be a triumphant position. This man was obviously responsible for the downing of the other person, right down to his appearance; he even looked insane enough to attack another person without provocation (or at least, it seemed that way). Sungmin immediately marched over to the strange man, nudging people out of his way, which was quite difficult because people had already noticed, and were rooted to their spots, just staring.

After some struggle, he was finally near enough to see that the downed person was a young man, and he was still twitching. "He needs medical attention," he called out, then turned to the strange man. "Who the heck are you, and why would you do something like this?" His hand immediately went to the staff he carried on his back, yanking it out of his sheath, and resting the base on the ground, in case the strange man tried something.
~Mint, #25~

Mint, at first, didn't really look at her surrounding because the amount of people in the room freaked her out. But, she decided to observe her surroundings after a few minutes of brushing her hair. There were a few people glancing at her, with one in particular catching her eye. A clown-looking sort of guy, who also just so happened to look at her as she looked at him. It was odd, but she just sort of dismissed it. Before she could blink a second time, a man collapsed with his neck gushing...

Mint looked on in disgust, putting her hand over her mouth as she scooted away. She looked at the man responsible, and scuttled away just a little further. She chewed the gum in her mouth, popping another piece in for good measure anxiously. Mint averted her eyes. That was... Horrendous! Why would you kill someone, just like that? Did he have a reason? Did he even...


a reason? No. She shook her head, dispelling those thoughts. That didn't matter. She just needed to stay alive... But she knew she couldn't lie to herself. She did care, and other lives DID matter... Might be considered a weakness to others, but not to her. She decided against questioning him about it. She personally didn't want to die, and she hoped others felt the same... B-but hey! At least she'd made it here. That was a good thing...

A person suddenly approached the person responsible for the injury, questioning him. Mint felt almost compelled to warn him, to tell him no. But it had already happened. All she could do now, was wait for something to happen... She wanted to help, really, but... She was afraid she'd fail. So, she watched with open eyes. Mint hoped he would be okay. Nobody deserved to die, at least not this early...

@Anyone, really
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Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan was so caught up in wondering what it would be like, it had been his first time trying out the Hunter's exam. To start off with becoming a Hunter held no interest to him, however after hearing that the Hunter Association consisted of immensely strong fighters. Tristan couldn't resist himself, it felt like it was slowly scratching away at his flesh every passing moment he had to wait. His chair come to a steady halt however once Tristan caught glance of a stranger in the crowd with blood gushing from his neck. His eyes widening in awe he mused quietly to himself as he watched the situation unfold. No one seemed to really do much but stand and watch, taking a few looks around the room he especially noticed an odd Clown fellow who seemed more or less shocked at the scene, that was until someone started shouting out like an idiot. Tristan found the guy the rather 'cliche' hero, it was normally against his nature to get involved with such things but he simply could not help his needs.

Getting up and out of his chair, stuffing his hands slowly in the pocket's of his coat with an uncanny smirk on his face, he flapped his arm around in a slightly goofy fashion as he walked directly up to the scene.

First walking to the guy who asked the other's to give the man medical attention, Tristan placing his hand gently on the guy's shoulder. The smile hadn't shifted from his face and seemed some what painted there "Put your sword away 'hobo-swordsman' you don't want to be next do you?" he said in a rather mocking tone, however his eyes showed seriousness. Whether or not Tristan was joking about the situation what he was saying had been true, they both had no idea what the other was capable of and things like this were always better off left till later when the right time comes.


Clemont Santo

Clemont was unsurprised that no one came to the poor man's aid. Actually, he might've already been dead. His eyes were still and his body was motionless, it seemed to be so. However, someone did get up and was challenging the man who kill the other. He probably had a death wish. He hadn't noticed this man before, but it seemed he had some spunk behind him. He had the fire to get up and challenge the other guy who looked very feral and intimidating. 'Did he kill him with Nen?' Clemont wondered. Maybe that's why the mysterious man had such an imposing aura. Nen was to do with the aura if Clemont remembered correctly.

Another person arrived on the scene, this time the black-haired psychopath that was spinning in the chair earlier. Was no one in this room sane? He looked at the samurai and the girl. The girl seemed to be backing away in fear.
'Correct response.' He then looked at the black haired boy that was talking to the challenger. 'Incorrect response.' Clemont wasn't going to endanger his life anymore, so he looked away, no matter how strong the urge was to see it all unfold. He knew that the black haired boy saw him. Actually, probably a lot of people noticed Clemont because of his rather flamboyant attire. His clothes were flexible, and a fashion statement, so you can't argue with it. He did his makeup, however, out of habit. Although it doesn't exactly look bad on him, he'd definitely consider wearing it daily if he became a hunter.

Clemont readied a knife in his hand. If things got frisky, he'd be able to defend himself.

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"Hobo... swordsman..." Sungmin's face turned red with suppressed rage as he spun around to confront the other boy who had just spoken up, still keeping the victim and the perpetrator in his view. He wasn't that stupid, he knew that the perpetrator would probably take a swing at him if he was distracted, which was why he insisted on keeping both of them in his view. His hand gripped his staff tighter and this time, he clenched his staff in both his fists, holding it diagonal while his feet moved apart in a combat ready stance.

"And who the hell are you?" he demanded of the newcomer, the one who had just insulted him. "Hobo swordsman? I'd like to see you call me that the moment I beat your face in," he snapped, a massive scowl on his face.

@Sinister Clown @Bunny

Tristan J. Taylor

Giggling to himself after hearing that the swordman got mad at his last comment towards him, taking a weary step back he placed both of his hands up as a sign of surrender with a cheesy smirk across his face "Who am I?" he asked with a questionable tone, leaning his head slightly forward before pulling back again and explaining himself "I'm a friend" he said rather politely to the guy in front of him "You could try beat my face in..Or take my advice and leave all the beating to later?" shrugging slightly at his comment he decided to use a well known phrase "There is a time and place for everything, remember? This poor man here is dead and unfortunately there is nothing you can do." he stated, trying to reason with the homeless looking swordsmen and also trying to draw attention off from him, He had been getting odd looks ever since he walked in.

As if summoned by the very mention of a hobo swordsman, Toyohisa pushed himself off of the wall by his foot and made his way through the crowd and over to brightly dressed boy who had drawn a dagger in preparation; an act which would have gone unnoticed by most, but he was arguably among the few in the room who could safely say he was not part of that 'most'. Normally he would let the situation go ahead without getting involved, and it seemed the boy had a similar idea - the right one, in all honesty - but he was going about it a bit wrong. Moving up beside the clown-like kid without much of a noise, he subtlety knocked the boys dagger-holding hand with his blade's scabbard, casting a look down at him from the corners of his tired eyes and shaking his head slowly. If we wanted to talk aura's, Toyohisa had one of the most contained in the room, a slight and unconscious application of the Zetsu principle developed from his life style over the years.

"Put your weapon back." Toyohisa spoke, his voice low but carrying with it a certain experience to it, "You have the right idea, but holding a weapon, even with intent to defend, makes you a more likely target among these individuals." He said, looking away from Clement and to the stranger who seemed responsible for the corpse on the ground, indicating that by 'these individuals' he specifically meant them.

"Others did the same, but look at those who have not."
He finished on a somewhat cryptic note.

Toyohisa brought a hand to the back of his head, tussling his long hair with a sigh. So many kids, he seriously hoped that he didn't have to fight many of them. He took the moment to look over the others, making on the spot assessments of those who stood out; the staff-boy and fancy-girl had reacted appropriately and in a way which almost deserved some respect, for starters. It was easy to get caught up in moments, to "freak out" as it were, and those who went with that reaction were likely to fail the test. Staff-boy had a just heart from the looks of it, immediately concerned with the stranger's well-being despite them being competition for the next few days or weeks, and even went as far to defend the honour of the corpse. He could only hope he had the ability to back it up.

Fancy-girl reacted well, but differently. She mostly kept her cool, almost the opposite of staff-boy, and remained aware of the situation around her instead of becoming lost in it. Not as immediately impressive as staff-boy, but it took some mental constitution to pull that off. Coat-boy was a different matter - he certainly deserved some credit for attempting to reign in staff-boy, but he went about it incorrectly. Children could not be expected to get these sorts of things right all the time, he supposed.

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Cece let out a smile it had only been a few moments but it seemed something had already happened which caused quite the commotion but of cause Cece could only hear it she had no idea fully what was going on. Cece tugged on the closest person to hers sleeve. "Hey hey whats going on?" She asked , she guessed the person must have looked down at her from the subtle crack of his neck when he moved it. "Why don't you see for yourself?" The man asked earning a response of Cece looking up rather annoyed. "You know I would love to see it only a slight problem with that." Cece quickly swiped her hand up and down in front of her face doing the ' you can't see me' action . "Oh your blind makes sense....I guess." The man said Cece could only guess the look of confusion on his face. The man informed her on the current situation the fact that someone was killed and that the 'Hobo Samurai' for what ever reason has confronted the killer.

Cece bowed and thanked the man before smiling most would think that a small, young and blind girl would be easy pickings if they ever had to fight which means that she would be a target in any combat situations, it was time she did something to well prove she wasn't there by hiding or anything like that. Cece walked forward she could tell where the situation was taking place since a large amount of people had there eyes on it and the two were making the most noise. Cece dodged and weaved her way past most of the people in the room a feat which would normally be hard to do even for a person that could see but not Cece as strange movements is part of her fighting style.

Cece made it past everyone after a few seconds and approached the situation making sure to avoid the dead body alone the way. Cece put her hands on her hips and sighed. She began rapidly tapping the floor which could be seen as nerves but it wasn't she just needed the sound to make her vision clearer. "Whats the point in fighting over the dead?" Cece asked "As I see it the dead no longer care after all its not like their spirit remains on the planet or anything to be honest I think you just want to make a scene and prove that your not just as this guy put it a 'Hobo Samurai'." Cece said did she mean it yes well every part but the last bit he wasn't trying to make a scene but she sure was.

Sungmin's jaw clenched with irritation as this time, he deftly arranged his footwork to keep the cloaked boy, the perpetrator and the girl who had just simply butted in and accused him of trying to create a scene. The people in this room were starting to piss him off, and still nobody seemed to raise a finger to help the poor man on the floor, who had by now gone still. Sungmin was quite sure he was dead now, dead because apparently nobody other than him had tried to do anything. His grip tightened on his staff so hard that his fingernails were starting to dig into the wood.

"First, we are not friends," he snapped to the cloaked boy. "I hardly consider a first meeting and an insulting comment friendship." He glanced down at the man on the floor. "Sure, he's probably dead now, since none of you did anything to help."

"And you," his glare intensified at the girl in front of him, he did not even notice that she could not see it. Making a scene indeed. He was so angry it was pretty all he could do to not swing his staff in her direction. He could not even begin to articulate just what he wanted to say. That he wasn't trying to create a scene, that why the hell were people attacking him when it wasn't even him that attacked the poor man. And the whole time the perpetrator was just standing there, and no one was even looking at him.

@Sinister Clown @NekoChanBo

Clemont Santo

Clemont watched as the scene unfolded. The boy in the coat that approached the scene was apparently trying to calm the one with the staff. Although, he seemed to be sadistic about it. That's not exactly the way to go. Clemont was also confused on why he was calling the other boy a "hobo-swordsman". The other boy looked clean, so probably not homeless, and was wielding a staff, not a sword.

'So he's a psychopath after all.' Clemont sighed but suddenly noticed a foul odor near him. He looked up from his seat to see the real hobo-swordsman. From the sound of the voice, Clemont could conclude it was indeed a man. He was taller than he originally thought. He put away his knife with the advice of the swordsman. At that, the swordsman left him with a slightly enigmatic quote. 'Ooh, a philosopher swordsman.' Clemont turned his attention back to the fight. Only one thing was off, the mysterious man had disappeared. He looked around, but couldn't find the dark feathery boa nor his blood red eyes that seemed to glow at the sight of blood and death.

"Ohoho, what have we here?" The voice came from above. Clemont looked up, and there seemed to be someone standing on the ceiling. He guessed it was the examiner. "A death? This early? Hm." Suddenly, whatever was tethering him to the ceiling gave way and he began falling to the ground. He flipped in the air and landed upright, looking down at the man. "This'll have to be dealt with later..." He sighed under his breath as he made his way to the front of the room.

"Hello, participants of the first annual Hunter Exams!" A large roar erupted from the crowd. Clemont stood up, as he knew it was going to get exciting. He made his way past the group of people around the dead body, making sure not to push any of them. "My name is Woolworth, royal adviser of the chairman herself, making me the second strongest hunter!" Clemont rolled his eyes. Being the second strongest hunter wasn't an accomplishment when there were only four. "I will be the examiner for the first phase of the exam. Come along now." Woolworth twirled his staff and slammed it against the ground. The wall, or at least, it seemed to be a wall, ascended into the ceiling, leaving a tunnel in front of the group. Woolworth started walking, and everyone else followed. He made sure he knew the locations of everyone, making sure to stay nearest to the real hobo-swordsman and the blonde girl. They could be allies, you never know.

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~Mint, #25~

Mint was feeling very uncomfortable with the situation when suddenly a man dropped in. And he quite literally did, as he was on the ceiling when he appeared. This got her questioning how he managed to do that. Maybe it was Nen? Mint hoped so. That at least gave her a clue of some of its capabilities if that were the case.

A breach in the wall opened up, and in all her thinking Mint barely caught that he was the Examiner. Oh. A moment later, she promptly followed the strange ceiling-man. She made sure to keep an eye out for the one man who had murdered the other, while also making sure to follow at a steady pace. At least that little confusing event was over. In the meantime, she silently un-braided her hair then re-braided it in a different area. That would keep her mind off that death, at the very least.

She tried smiling. She had to cheer herself up, as bad moods never helped anyone. Smiling made her feel a little better, fortunately. Though her eyes shown concern, she had to be thankful she was alive, and no one else had died... Maybe she should try talking to someone to alleviate this feeling? No, that might be rude... So, she just shut her mouth and looked forward.

'It'll be alright. Remember what mom said. 'Try your hardest, achieve your dreams'... But... Just don't think about it, Mint.'

@Anyone, really

Tristan J. Taylor

(AS for the hobo thing, I kinda got characters mixed up and thought @HuorSpinks was the homeless samurai guy..I'll go along with it just so there's no more confusion just wanted to say sorry in advance for the mess up I made..)

Tristan shrugged his shoulders, he didn't offended what so ever about what the man had to say about them not being 'friends' instead he turned around. Before making his way into the crowd and being lost in it again, he looked back to the man who chose to help the dying man in his last moments
"No one helps because he was already dead." he seemed to smirk about it for some unknown reason as he continued "Oh trust me, we're friends..Or at least you'll come to wish you were." lightly shutting his eyes as he gave off a warm smile as he spun around and lost himself within the crowd. Going from seen to unseen in a matter of moments due to the amount of people in the room, Tristan recognized a man appearing on the roof with a very powerful presence about him. Or at least that's what Tristan thought of it as, having no idea what Nen was in the slightest. Unlike some in the room who had already learned pieces about it, the aspect of Nen still confused him. The only place he literally heard of the word before was the requirements of a Hunter. The man expressed himself to be one of the Examiners, that in itself was enough information for Tristan to start getting excited. Making his way back near the front of the crowd, he didn't mind having to shove a few people out of the way to get a good look at what was happening.
Things would probably have gone very bad for Sungmin if it wasn't for the timely interruption of another man, who had suddenly appeared from the ceiling. As it turned out, this man, Woolworth, was by his admission to be the second strongest hunter in the world and the examiner for the first phrase of the examination. Sungmin watched as he slammed his staff against the ground and a tunnel opened. Woolworth, along with the whole rush of participants, began heading into the tunnel. Here, he hesitated somewhat, looking down at the dead man on the floor. He heard the cloaked guy's last comments without any acknowledgement of having heard, filling it in the back of his head with the determination to avoid the cloaked guy whatever happened next.

It was with much regret that Sungmin observed the dead man. In all honestly, this was the first death he saw, and he could not help feeling a little responsible for it, despite the fact that the man was doomed and there was not much he could do for him, other than attack the perpetrator, who had since disappeared. He signed and turned away from the sad scene, gripping his staff in one hand as he made his way towards the tunnel as well. He avoided looking at the small girl who had challenged him.

Just the first day, and already he had made two enemies. He had better be far more careful from now on.

@Sinister Clown @NekoChanBo @Bunny
Cece sniggered at the Samurai hobo his reaction was great it was almost like she could feel the anger coming off him and it was too funny not to want to push him more, but Cece held herself back mostly because of the arrival of this new people someone who made quite the entrance by first talking from the ceiling of the room and then jumping from the ceiling to the floor. Cece knew that he did that since the sound from when his feet touched the ceiling and made a slight was about the same it would take for someone to jump from the ceiling to the floor. Still one thing Cece wanted to know was how long was that guy up there and how did Cece not hearing maybe it was this Nen she could partially use it but she was an amateur at best.

It seemed the man wasn't very amused at the death but he wasn't going to push the matter right now which was a good thing really even if Cece herself wasn't involved it meant they could get this exam underway and it was as if the man read her mind as he revealed he was the examiner for the first stage perfect Cece was getting bored anyhow. The man then instructed the group to follow and Cece decided that she wanted to get as close as possible to the man known as Woolworth just to make sure that she knew always where he was and that she never lost him. "It seems where out of time (fake)samurai hobo you will have to tell me what you was going to say later." Cece said before jogging fast in order to get to the front of the group. Upon reaching the front Cece fond out the sound of Woolworth foot steps and locked onto that after all judging by the sound the hall they have entered sounds like they might be running for a while and losing him would not be smart, that was one advantage of her senses being top notch she can guesses how deep a cave goes or how long a room is with ease.

(I went with the Samurai Hobo thing mostly since @HuorSpinks
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Clemont Santo

The group was running, and running, followed by even more running. Clemont's face twisted into disgust at the discovery that it was going to be an endurance test. He wasn't particularly fond of endurance, preferring speed instead. He could run ahead for a while quickly then stop and wait for the examiner to catch up, but that was too risky. They weren't even going that quickly anyway. It was more of a speed walk. He wondered how long it would be. Hours? Days? Ridiculous. There's no way anyone could do this for hours. Clemont's thoughts were interrupted when he noticed the pace pick up. Everyone starting moving faster. He started to focus on his breathing, taking deep breaths as he jogged. He looked around. He hardly had anyone to talk to, and even if he did talk to someone, no one would want to talk. He sighed.

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Tristan J. Taylor

After listening to the examiner, it soon became aware of their fast task. To start off with he wasn't sure what the man meant until explaining how it tests your stamina. Tristan thought he could pull through with ease and joyfully walked to the tunnels. Where the examiner increased his speed and continued running, before long Tristan realized that this tunnel would be a lot longer than he'd originally thought. However he kept pushing on, this being the only way he was going to get what he wanted, and paced himself forward to keep up with everyone else. He also made sure to keep a weary eye around him, no one ever stated rules so he wouldn't be surprised if someone would try cheat once the Examiner wasn't able to see them.

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