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Fandom Hunter x Hunter: The Beginning

Sungmin snorted at the girl's parting words. As far as he was concerned, there was nothing he had to say to her. And it was probably for the better anyway. As the pace picked up, Sungmin sped his own pace up to match the crowd of people. It seemed that it was going to be an endurance run. This was going to be relatively simple for Sungmin. After all, physical training had been included in his own martial arts training, and each day he had been expected to run one lap more than his total the day before around the great exercise field.

At this point in time, his grand total had been around thirty six. He only hoped that this test would be slightly longer or even better, much shorter than that.
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Endurance was not a problem. In fact, it was the least of Toyohisa's problems. Having spent literal days at a time walking from town to town he'd developed the legs and lungs for that. The real test was being surrounded by all these people and walking, tense individuals who had just seen a murder and were on edge. He was perfectly capable to handle the former fact, but the latter was putting him on edge. Nasty cycle. He wasn't one to let an issue remain, so he worked on making the situation a little bit better, starting with the fancy girl.

Moving past Mint, he pat her on the shoulder with a nod, a silent encouragement to keep up, and continued onwards to keep pace with Clemont. The run wouldn't take wind out of him short of a full blown sprint for a few hours, so he could afford to talk as it were. He looked at the boy out of the corner of his eyes once more.

"I cannot see someone who kills in such a manner lasting too long in an exam like this. It is only a matter of time before they attack an examiner, or break some sort of rule. Disregard for life often means a disregard for rules." He spoke while running beside Clemont, elaborating on the situation from earlier. "Watch yourself. He is not the only one like that attracted to the hunter exam."

@MoltenLightning @Bunny
~Mint, #25~

Mint was fine with this. She was okay, it was fine! Huffing a few times and trying to pick up the pace, she realized what was going on. Okay, maybe she wasn't fine. But she had to keep going... She sighed, her mind not quite realizing it was weighed down by the recent death. And at the same time, her pace slowed just a tad.

Suddenly, something brought her out of her thoughts. It was a tap on the shoulder from a man. He nodded at her in encouragement, then proceeded to the clown in front of her. With this sudden new spark of realization, she quickened her pace and shook her head.

'No time to think about stuff like that, Mint! You've have to do this, and you know it! So keep going.'

She kept thinking to herself, spurring herself on.

If they ever stopped and caught their breath, she would have to thank that swordsman. Mint kept at it, picturing the moments where she got home and had to do chores and the like. She partially wished her mother hadn't forced her to wear these clothes, but she couldn't do anything about it now. All she could do was focus. At least not everyone here was a jerk, which was nice to know.


Clemont Santo

Clemont was jogging, trying to keep pace with everyone else. Well, keeping pace was easy but keeping it for a long time was a bit more of a challenge. He looked around, noting everyone who was eyeing him. He attracted attention because of his makeup and costume but he thought he'd hopefully not run into any trouble with the other participants. Now that he knew what people were capable of because of the man that died earlier, he was a bit more wary.

Suddenly, he saw the swordsman next to him. He took a deep exhale, as he was still breathing deeply. The exhale was more of a relief, as if it were anyone else besides the blonde haired girl, he wouldn't have liked it.

"I agree." Clemont nodded. "He'll probably disqualify sooner or later." Clemont held on to the chance that he would be eliminated by breaking a rule and he wouldn't have to fight him. He looked forward again, it was still dark. No light at the end of the tunnel, no sign of the end incoming. Clemont remembered when the philosophical samurai approached him earlier, telling him to put his dagger away. He'd probably listen to what the man had to say from now on, and even align himself with him if need be. He looked behind him at the girl, maybe he could align with her as well.
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Zaban City - Underground Tunnel

Fortunately for Sungmin, the run was still going on and he had yet to tire. Still though, he kept his breathing steady, as his feet pounded a steady beat on the floor. Now though, he wished that he had thought of booking a room and leaving his stuff there first before reporting for the tests. It was fortunate that Sungmin was a light traveller; all he needed were a few clothes, and toiletries. In fact, the heaviest thing he had on him was his staff. His staff was currently slung on his back, leaving his hands free to swing with the rhythm of his running. He only hoped that he would be able to keep this up.

Now though, he allowed himself to look around at the other participants. Directly in front of him was what seemed to be a clown, a young woman, and a man who seemed to fit the label "hobo swordsman" far more than he did. The clown he was automatically wary off, he still found clown make-up scary and he associated them with crazy people or serial killers. That was the main reason why he kept behind them rather than go ahead of them. He would wait until the end was in sight before sprinting forward; at least that was his plan.

@Bunny @Fisher @MoltenLightning
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Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan kept up a steady pace, looking in front of him he thought he could see the killer from earlier however he wasn't able to tell with all the other's in the way. He was pretty far ahead and when he looked behind him it seemed the clowns and other's were right behind. Taking a quick leap back next to the clown guy, he mused as he leaned over and kept up a similar pace to the Clown figure "Nice get up but why were you staring at me earlier?" he asked with curious eyes but a some what devious grin. He was un-armed and showed no real killing or hostile intent. He figured the Clown knew him or something, or something worse. However he wasn't quite sure yet.

Clemont Santo

Clemont looked forward to see the hooded boy notice him. He leaped back and started talking to Clemont.

'Oh God.' He thought. He kept his real emotions hidden, as a good faker and liar. "Thanks." Clemont took the compliment on his clothes, although he could tell he meant it sarcastically. "I was eyeing you because you're sexy." Clemont said this without sarcasm, but more of a shrug, as if the answer was simple and clear. It was up to the other boy if he believed it or not. Clemont was not sexually attracted to psychopaths, however.

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Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan giggled at Clemont's response "Ohh, you must be tough if you're more worried about how someone looks rather than checking out how dangerous one can be." he had a cheerful tone and it wasn't obvious that he wasn't the one to constantly watch his mouth around other's. Tilting his head over he rolled his eyes back over to Clemont's, Tristan didn't seem too tired and took rather large steps for someone his size. "If you want we could partner up for a while? We all need allies don't we?" he asked rather casually this time. Whether or not Tristan believed he had a good chance in this, he normally worked off being prepared before hand. Even people like Tristan needed allies at times, and the Clown guy seemed to be the perfect pick to Tristan.


Clemont Santo

Clemont was surprised at the boy's proposal to become allies. He was planning to go with a safer option. But, since he did propose it, and seem to be rather strong, he responded.

"Sure, let's be allies." He agreed, noticing his pace starting to slow and his breath starting to quicken. It wasn't a drastic change, but if you were observant enough, you could spot it. "But first, I must know your name." Allies have to at least know each other's names. "My name is Clemont." Clemont had to watch himself. This boy could turn on him if he really was a psychopath.

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Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan smiled widely as his eyes lightened up only just slightly "Clemont? Hmm.." he thought about it for a moment, should he tell his real name? Tristan wasn't sure whether or not his kills were exposed. It was beyond him whether or not he was a wanted man or not he just did things for the hell of doing them. He wasn't sure how smart the clown was, although he seemed rather odd. The Clown guy 'Clemont' was smart, just by talking to him Tristan was able to figure out this much so lying would probably be a bad action "If you say so..My name is Tristan Taylor." he said bluntly, Tristan always felt odd saying his own name.

~Mint, #25~

Mint saw the staircase and instantly 'died' inside. It took a long time to get down here. She knew that, which caused her to wish she had the breath to sigh. Two people were actually talking while this whole event occurred, which was a little absurd to her. Then again, she hadn't really tried talking to anyone. Mint didn't want to waste her breath however, so she kept focusing on running.

The staircase drew near, and the anticipation was getting to be a little too much for her. At least she knew that they were actually going to go somewhere this time, instead of traversing an endless tunnel. The tunnel made her feel like it would never end, so a change in the environment would be nice in her opinion. Though the prospect of traversing up the stairs was a little disappointing, she had to look on the best side of things. Or at least



@No-one in particular
Cece sighed endurance was not problem for her not in the slightest thanks to her father training, before she was even aloud to try and learn martial arts her father made her run for miles and miles on end until he believed her body could take his training and now it was starting to pay off. Now what was bothering Cece was how boring this first task was just simply running heck Cece could do that in her sleep although she would probably end up running into a wall still it wouldn't be the first time for her. Cece make sure to keep as close as possible to Woolworth mostly because if she wasn't near him and instead following someone else who stopped Cece would be at a loss.

As the group continued on now in a full sprint, especially for Cece's small legs she heard a strange relief sigh from a few of the people behind her was they some sort of point that made them relieved in front or something. It was't long after that Cece noticed that sound seemed to be coming from above up ahead stairs or a climb perhaps Cece wasn't sure.
Zaban City - Underground Tunnel

Apparently, the clown and the cloaked figure had made contact. For all he knew, they were welcomed to each other. He, on the other hand, was going to be wary of them both until he learnt more about them. That girl and the hobo-swordsman though, seemed to make better allies than the other two. But either way, he was too concentrated on surviving this run to make contact with them. The girl who had antagonized him, however, was nowhere to be seen, much to his relief. But then, that relief ended when he saw what was ahead of them.

Stairs?! This sucked. Now they had to run up some stairs? Running through a tunnel on a flat surface wasn't bad at all, as Sungmin had the endurance for it. Now though, running up stairs was going to be exhausting. He wasn't sure that he had the endurance for an uphill climb that he did not even know when the ending would be. At this point in time, he wasn't tired yet, but seeing the stairs before him made his breath quicken. Even worse, now they were entering into a sprint. Sprinting up stairs was even worse than running up them, in Sungmin's opinion.

But he had no choice but to move forward. His pride demanded it. And bloody hell, he was going to make it through to become a hunter even if he collapsed and died on the day of the awards. There was so much at stake. His clan thought he was the least of them. He wanted to prove to himself that he could make it and do them proud. He was going to endure this.

Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan appeared pleased at Clemont's response and even more so when he could spot out the light at the end of this dark tunnel. It was quite relieving Tristan was sweating up a bit now and breathed fairly heavily. If he hadn't been use to running such distances like this beforehand he believed this task could have easily been much harder. The fact they had to run up a long staircase which almost seemed endless was going to be the toughest part. A lot of people had already been worn out from the run and some even collapsed from exhaustion. Quickly jogging himself up the stairs, his cheerful smile soon turned away and a sudden determined look took over as he controlled his breathing while running up each of the steps to the end.

Numere Wetlands

Sungmin almost collapsed with sheer relief when he saw the light at the end of the tunnel. The stairs, as he had expected, were as every bit as exhausting as they had looked. His legs ached to high heaven, though at least he could still walk, if a little slower. At least half the group had not made it through the endurance run; the bulk of the people he had seen had collapsed on the stairs. Fortunately for him, it was not just sheer determination that got him through the endurance run; he had actually been in very good shape due to the training he had been in while preparing for the hunter examinations.

He kept his eyes fixed on Woolworth, determined to not let the man out of his sight. From what he could understand, this might be a test in concentration, and based on Woolworth's information, it was quite possible that people would be deceived into loosing track of Woolworth and getting lost. He shuddered at the thought of getting lost in the wetlands. The place was humid, barely lighted, and stank. He would be glad to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Without even knowing, he had ended up abreast with one of the groups, the clown and the cloaked guy. He listened, rather distractedly, to the clown telling the cloaked guy that he needed emotional support. So the cloaked guy's name was Tristan. He kept his eyes fixed on Woolworth, not wanting to look over at them. He could not loose track of Woolworth, because if he did... he would not make it out of the wetlands.

@Sinister Clown @Bunny
Toyohisa made it through the endurance stage without much issue, only beginning to feel the burn as they emerged from the stairs. Luckily, they were returning to a brisk walk instead of an upstairs run, giving him a much wanted opportunity to recover what little energy he had burned. If what Woolworth was saying had truth to it, then it wouldn't be unlikely that he'd need to draw his blade. He proceeded none the less, keeping pace with the examiner. Were he a more opportunistic and sadistic man, he'd take this chance to off some of the potential competition. Hopefully the others realized that too, and didn't try to stray. The real threat here was other people, not the swamps inhabitants.

He threw a look back to see if he could get an eye of the small group he had run beside, and then looked ahead once more. Their help may be nice later on, depending on the format of the exam, but for now he had to ensure he got through this stage.
~Mint, #25~

Mint was very obnoxiously dying at the top of the stairs when they reached the marshlands entrance. Feeling the humid air before she saw what was coming, she felt almost instant relief as the cool air soothed her. As she took a moment and collapsed at the top of the stair case, she focused on listening to the man speak. Of course, her mind tried getting off task. But she was way too tired to think, so instead she listened. As they started going again at a much slower pace, she picked herself off of the ground again and began following.

She made sure not to let her eyes leave the Examiner, trying to wear out her 'Ooh look at that' senses. It worked for the most part, causing her to only glance about a few times every so often. A bug occasionally flew at her face, but she kept going. The pace wasn't horrible, which was nice, but she still felt the metallic taste of blood in her throat after that last 'Endurance Run'. She swallowed that down though and continued forward, though wishing they could stop the running.

She couldn't quite recall, but she thought she remembered some kind of event before this... Oh well, the running must have caused her to blank. Again. Sighing on the inside because her breath was unreliable, she bore into the Examiner and kept going. She did partially wish she could communicate with someone, but hesitated. Someone would have to confront her, as she didn't want to be rude...

@No-one in particular

Tristan J. Taylor

When they finally got to the top Tristan leaned down and placed both hands on his knees catching his breath, before he knew it the examiner was already talking about the next part of the exams. Straightening himself up to listen he understood what he had to do and exactly how dangerous this 'could' be for him. But depending on the area it could also be his killing playground 'Oh that would be fun!' he thought to himself with a cheerful expression on his face. Looking to the Clown boy who asked for emotional support, this got him quite good. He wasn't sure exactly what to do in this area and went for the safest response he could think of "What's wrong Clemont?" he said, blinking his eyes a few times while doing so.


Clemont Santo

"Just kidding." He said with a small smile. He enjoyed joking with people, even if it meant telling white lies. "But I wonder how big these lands are." He looked around in awe, but quickly returned his gaze to Woolworth. Seeing his figure there, he sighed in relief. If he looked away for just a second, that could spell disaster from him, as losing Woolworth was not an option.

"But, I have a question." His eyes widened as he realized his breathing starting to get quicker. This occurrence happen much too early, he should've regained enough energy back to sustain himself for a while. He looked down at the ground and realized the culprit of his exhaustion. The muddy ground made it so that running was much harder. It was more effort to trudge through the mud than to just run on the solid underground floors. He frowned at the realization before turning back to Tristan. "Woolworth said he was the examiner for the first phase, yet he's still here... Is it still the first phase?"


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