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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Living room, Flying Castle-

Lydia's gaze drifted from James every now and then as someone new entered the room, though her ears, decorated by simple silver hoops no bigger than an inch across which hung from her lobes, were very attentive to what he had to say. She scoffed slightly as he suggested an out, the black petal like fabric of her sleeves slipping from her forearms as she crossed them over her stomach, either hand holding the opposite arm's elbow, "to not have a passion is almost the same as being dead," the corner of her mouth quirked into a slight smirk, her intelligent green eyes focusing on James' face, "if I gave up and went home, I may as well be dead."

Her words spoke volumes that her body did not. Fingers gripped her elbows to keep herself from shaking and her mouth went dry as she considered the consequences of her decision. She coughed gently and straightened her back, trying to echo the conviction of her voice in her appearance, her gaze remaining steadfast on James. She had made precautions, though somewhat without really thinking about it as she had made her way to rejoin the Pendragons so that was of some consolation.

As she considered James' words a little more carefully, her demeanor relaxed as one of her hands slipped below her face, pointed chin resting on the back of the appendage, "I know I am not the best witch, nor am I probably anything that Master Howl was expecting..." she spoke as she watched James, thoughtfully, "but I must admit, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to get rid of me, James."


- James Pendragon-

" Living room, Flying Castle "

"No," said James, surprised, "I'm trying to keep you safe. Do you . . . want to stay?" he asked, feeling like there's going to be a little chance of that. Yet he couldn't help but feel a little hopeful she would. They needed all the help  they could get, though he didn't want Lydia to feel obligated to do this.

@Roleplay Skittle


-Living room, Flying Castle-

A giggle erupted from Lydia, the sound flowing like the bubbling of a stream though with a somewhat more musical quality, "of course I want to stay!" her hand tilted, cupping her face as she smiled warmly to James, "I don't know how much help I will be, but I'd definitely be a failure to Master Howl if I left now and I don't think I could live with myself then."

The smile remained on Lydia's face as her eyes closed, a bow of her head graciously given to James, "though I do thank you for your concern."




-Renee Pendragon-


Renee blinked, not responding to Seth's sudden urge to help her around, but on the inside she's panicking. The kiss on his forehead was too much, it seems and now Seth will try to open her up. which she did not want. Taking a slow and deep breathe, she shrugged her shoulders and looked at her little brother. "Up to you, Seth...I don't mind the...he..lp.." She stayed quiet when she noticed Seifer avoiding to look at her. Even so far to ignore her presence...

Is she really...that annoying to him? Did her family think the same way before?...

Her shoulders slumped and her eyes dulled out, the only indication that she withdrew herself even more. Whenever Seifer is around...Renee will stay quiet...and not even respond to anybody. The white haired Pendragon looked out the window again, now wishing that she stayed in the forest for a few more hours...

-Echo Muses-

Echo blinked when Johnny explained, not expecting him to chase down a wendigo, a very scary creature, to make a fur coat out of it and give it to her dad...He would want that and show it off, the weirdo..that or he would burn it because it came from Johnny.

She hoped it's the first one.

As he swayed her in his arms, smiling sleepily, Echo blushed, smiling wide when she realized what he was trying to say. "You're...you're going to ask my dad to dinner? Really? I...I think the idea is brilliant, love." Aww~! That's really gentlemanly of him.



- Princess Mia -

" Living Room, Flying Castle "

"Thank you for deciding to come, Ms. Dubois." said Princess Mia gratefully. " I feel safer already, knowing that one of Mr. Howl Pendragon's apprentice will be coming with us."

That settled it. And so, after a breakfast of buttered and honeyed pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, marmalade, and toast, James gave Lydia a list of all the things she'd be needing to bring for the journey to Farthing plains. There was no village nearby here in the foot of the Misty Mountains, and so she'd have to make do with what was in the castle.

@Roleplay Skittle

Seth noticed Renee's voice falter, and followed her line of sight to see Seifer's back. He didn't comment about it though and just looked back at his sister, grinning. "Then, I'll help you! Take it as compensation for all the times we --- I mean, me and Sen --- stole parsnips from your garden. And bubotubers, and oran berries."

Seifer ate his breakfast far from Renee and struck a conversation with Viatola and Madam Curie, who came down last looking quite the pompous high-society madam. He was acting quite normal as always, though he had sleeping bags under his eyes, and talked about politics and gold currencies between kingdoms until breakfast was over.


- Seifer Rathmore -

" Flying Castle "

"Thank you, l-love." said Johnny, blushing pink. "Though, we first need to find a way to tell him you're alright. I was thinking we secretly send him a letter hidden in a sack of fertilizer or seeds."

"Urgh, aren't you two show-offs done yet?" came Seifer's snide voice. He had just ascended the stairs from the living room. "Get a room, I just ate."

In response to this, Johnny smiled, nuzzled his nose into Echo's hair while saying loudly, "I lavah you so much my sweet pickle pumpkin pie, fluffy, warm, pillow, mellow, Echo." he chuckled, hugging her tightly.

Seifer made a face, scoffed, and just strode pass them up the stairs as though afraid he was going to catch the plague from them.

After that, Johnny gave Echo one last hug before going off to bed. He was sleeping in James room and there was Butters and Frey resting beside the cauldron. Johnny was probably going to wake up after lunch time and told Echo he'd still love to train with her and then look for green marsh slimes later if she still wanted to.

On the third floor, Seifer collapsed unto bed, very sleepy. Pretending he had had a good night's sleep was hard. Yes, chicken girl was definitely off. But a girl like that wasn't worth his time. As much as he hated to admit it, he kind of missed her annoying fiery attitude. It was amusing calling her names and seeing her react.

-Renee Pendragon-

After breakfast and falling sleep on her fluffy bed, Renee woke up around early afternoon and wondered if she should check on her plants. Then she stopped by the door that's closed, staring at it intently. 

She didn't want to be a bother and it seems like she was. Her brothers haven't slept at all, from what she gathered from the maids and butlers. Her heart felt heavy, regretting her actions before shaking them off, her face stayed cold.

'Don't be an emotional wreak, Me.' She thought numbly as she opened the door and heard Serena finishing playing her violin. Renee peeked out of her room and saw Serena putting her violin down, smiling warmly at James' door.

Hmm...looks like it's becoming habit, for the blonde to play music to her brother James. 'I wonder if he even noticed...' She thought, walking away from the scene and sat on the same stool as before, staring out the window.

She would go up in the high branches again to relax and smile or frown a bit, but she has a weird feeling that James is going to freak out if she did. Renee wishes she could just...run away again, but she can't... It would be too much....

The white haired Pendragon continued to stare out the window, ignoring anybody around her unless they call out her name.

Echo was smiling gleefully through out the whole day, remembering Johnny's affection towards her even when Seifer came up. 'Oh~ Seifer, thank you for being a troll.' She thought as she swept the floor with a broom, humming a random tune. She agreed to the training since she does want to help and get strong.

When Renee came down and sat on the stool, she couldn't help but started to gush to her emotionless friend about Johnny. Which...Renee stares at her. It's very off putting when her friend is like this, but she still wants to connect with her somehow...hmm...oh!

" Come on Ren, we could go outside and wait." Before she could say no, Echo grabbed her hands to drag her outside, and yelled out to Lydia. "Would you like to join us outside, Lydia?"

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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-The Flying Castle-

Lydia offered Princess Mia a graceful curtsy in response, green eyes shifting to peer towards the kitchen, "now... if you'll excuse me..." she smiled sheepishly, pointing towards the kitchen slightly before scampering off in that direction. She wasn't sure how much of a consolation her being an apprentice of Howl was in all truth. Most things she tried seemed to just go awry, but she did try her best to the utmost. With that in mind, instead of joining the others for breakfast, she collected an uncut loaf of bread and stuff it with scrambled eggs before collecting her discarded bag from the living room and heading to her room where she could relax, or panic depending on what she was feeling at the moment and not feel the need to put up a facade around the others.

She had slept soundly, and immediately set to work again once the list had been given to her by James. If nothing else, she was precise and made up for her lack in ability in other ways. When her necessities were prepared, she had made her way back to the living room carrying a rather large and worn tome under her arm. It consisted of not only bound pages, but also loose pages that she had collected. Her expression was serious as she had scrawled in the book, pausing only to make use of the odds and ends around her as she steadily worked.

She was still in the living room when Echo called out to her, causing her to jump slightly and look around as though she didn't even recall where she was. After a few blinks of those green eyes, she seemed to recollect and offered Echo a smile. Arching her back as she stretched her arms above her head and yawned. She supposed it was time for a break, "sure!" She smiled brightly, slipping the small round glasses from her face and carefully folding them as she set them atop of the scattered pages and open book that lay on the table in front of her before she rose and and joined the other girls.

@Katsuya @Zer0

-Echo Muses-

"Wonderful!" Echo replied before dragging her best friend to an open field that's Nearby the castle. The forest is really relaxing, with it's high trees and oddly bent branches. The grass dried out from the rain a bit and enough for Echo to sit there.

While getting herself comfortable (she watched Renee in the corner of her eye as she lied down, not wearing any shoes it seems...odd.), the red head stared a conversation. " So Lydia, why do you want to be Howl's apprentice?" Smiling warmly at the witch in training, she asked.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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-Field outside the Flying Castle-

Lydia followed along behind Echo and Renee as they left the castle, her hands held loosely behind her back as she gazed curiously about her. She took in a deep breath, feeling the ache in her back as she did so. She hadn't realized how long she had been slumped over her book, but for her, magic was an endless study. It wasn't just because she wasn't that good at it, but because she loved it.

She watched Echo lay down and took a seat a little ways from her, the black fabric of her dress loosely falling around her, hiding her legs entirely. She didn't really pay much mind to the fact that Echo wasn't wearing any shoes, to each their own she supposed. She absently brushed her hand over the grass, her gaze eventually resting on Echo. A bright smile graced her features, her eyes sparkling with warmth, "well... I have been in love with magic ever since I was a little girl. My family wasn't really too keen on the idea of a witch in the family, but my grandmother encouraged it and regaled me with tales of Master Howl," Her hands folded and pressed into her lap when her shoulders raised as she spoke excitedly, "I studied every book about magic that I could get my hands on and eventually... a couple of years ago..."

One of her hands raised as she bashfully rubbed the back of her head, the black hair of her ponytail swaying gently with the movement of her hand, "well practicing magic isn't the same as reading about it..." She laughed shamefully, it was pretty obvious there was more to the story than she was actually telling, "so, I suppose out of pity, my mother made the effort to gain Master Howl's attention and favor in order to ask him to accept me as an apprentice."

@Zer0 @Katsuya

-At the fields nearby the castle-

Echo stayed quiet, listening in to Lydia's answer and nods. It sounds...like she has more to her story then she let's on but...the red head would not pry. It's up to her to share, so she would not ask.

"I see..."

"It takes time." Flinching in surprise, the red headed fawn looked over her white haired friend who muttered quietly. What? Renee sat up from the ground and looked passively at the witch in training. Though...there's a bit care in her tone.

"It takes time to develop magical properties, especially if you haven't used it before hand and that's okay. I'm pretty sure that even my father understands that and would love to guide you through it from the starting line." Renee explained, somewhat understanding her plight when it comes to magic. She didn't have that much magic or manna, it's why she uses solar energy for her attacks and the transformation spell is the only spell she can do.

"It's why he sends the letter to you because he believes that you'll become a promising witch one day. You might be a late bloomer, but I'm sure you can do it since you love magic." Renee twitched a corner of her lips, trying to grin. Echo looked back at Lydia and nodded in agreement.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle

-Fields outside the Flying Castle-

Lydia looked to Renee as she spoke, a soft smile being offered in return for the comment and she nodded in slight agreement. True, she didn't expect to become a powerful witch like the Witch of the Wastes over night, but she also didn't expect to be so horribly bad that she was a potential danger to others. She listened intently to Renee, her words offering a great comfort to the novice witch and it was evident by the expression her face.

"Thanks Renee, I hadn't really thought of that," which was true. She had basically figured that after her mother acted out of pity, maybe Howl took on that feeling too. Maybe no one had acted out of pity at all, but just admired her devotion instead. Her expression was thoughtful as the notion went through her head, her gaze drifting from Echo to Renee, brow furrowing at Renee's odd expression, though her expression brightened after a moment.


- Flying Castle -

"At the foot of the Misty Mountains"

That afternoon, the maids and butlers finished smoking the last of the meat and packing the dried fruits into tightly sealed jars. The horses in the backyard balcony had been fed and watered, ready for the journey early tomorrow morning.

There by the back door that led to the backyard was lumped the saddles, bags, and pouches of the group. James had two bags with rain protectors filled with books, another with potions and a basic alchemist kit; Seifer had packed hair and facial products in his bag, complete with a hygiene kit, and an extra quiver of arrows he bought from Pokeshire village a few days ago; Johnny had a big pack that was a tepee tent good for five that he made with the help of the butlers the other day. Of all the bags among the group, his along with Seifer's looked the most mountaineer-ish; Madam Curie's pack --- which was as big as a trunk ---- lay at the back together with an umbrella; and Princess Mia's and her maid Latifa's bags sat near the front looking quite as much as everybody else's; Seth's bag wasn't down yet for some reason.

Outside, sitting serenely on the river bank was Princess Mia dyeing her hair black using a potion with the help of a maid. Her white hair was a big give away of her identity and for good measure she had it cut short as well. She was nodding as the maid mothered her, talking about being careful in the mountains, watching out for leeches, and reminding her to always dress warmly at night. Princess Mia after all was just eighteen years of age, and seemed quite a delicate girl who spent most of her time indoors.

Seifer came down at around one with his bow and quiver of arrows, dressed like he was going out to hunt. He didn't look at the group where Renee was and strode towards the princess where he bent down to say something to her and she just nodded and then said, "Be careful!" and he left.


- James Pendragon -

" Flying Castle "

The door of James room opened and out slumped the eldest Pendragon, with tousled bed-hair, and a towel slung over his shoulders. "Thuh - thaaaanks again, Serena." he yawned scratching his jaw as he passed her on the way to the bathroom. There was the book, Moste Potente Summons, under his arm and a piece of tissue was sticking out of the pages as though a book marker.

It took him two hours just to take a bath and seemed to be practicing an incantation while splashing around. Johnny had woken up and was banging on the bathroom door groggily, "James, I gotta' use the loo. Are you camping in there again?"

"Nope, I just started taking a bath." was the reply.

"Liar, Butters said you left the room two hours ago with a book and didn't come back. Open the door."

"Just take a leak outside, you're going to ruin the majesty of my bath!"

"The girls are outside."

"You didn't put the shampoo the right way up again. My majesty is ruined."

"Seth, could you open the door?" said Johnny to the twin's door.

"No, you'll ruin the majesty of my packing!" said Seth's voice.

James laugh could be heard from the bathroom, joined by Seth's, and eventually Johnny's chuckle. "You wankers."

Eventually James did come out of the bath with his book and Johnny had his turn, where he secretly inverted the shampoo upside down again. After James got changed he was once again studying and drawing spell circles wherever Serena practiced her violin. He seemed to be making last touches on it and took a break before making an attempt to summon the Maori.

"Serena, I'm making tea, want anything?" said James, getting up and patting dirt off his robes.


-At the fields nearby the flying castle-

Renee relaxed her face, back to being expressionless and lied back down, wiggling her toes to get away from the tickling grass. She stayed quiet again when Seifer came out and closed her eyes. Her stuff was already packed, carrying clumps of dried herbal plants wrapped together with rubber bands, bandages, medical items like the orange burn and cut pastes, and a rock flint in her satchel. Her bow with the gems on and the few arrows in the quiver is close to where the horses are, ready to be picked up from the tree and to leave with it's owner. She's not taking her sketchbook though, in fear that someone might see her sketches....talking about her sketchbook...she hasn't brought it down from the tree...

Echo sighed, now remembering something and asked Renee to help, which she did and held onto her right antler first. "Lydia, don't freak out, okay?" She warned before grabbing the large horn and used her strength to break it, making a loud 'crack!' sound. Now the small lump that's left over is hidden thanks to her red hair. Renee almost dropped the heavy thing but managed to put it aside and helped again as Echo broke the other. The fawn now looks like a normal girl...fawn. One that doesn't have antlers.

"Well...At least I don't have to carry so much weight now." Echo tried to lighten up and shook her head, making her hair much more fluffy and covering the lumps on her head. She packed up a small lantern, two comfy blankets that can cover four people easily, and herbal plants of her own thanks to her pots.


"No problem, James." Serena giggled, smiling as she left to pack up her stuff. She's just glad that James even slept after that fiasco with Renee...though she wished she knew why it happened in the first place. The blonde packed hair bands that are colorful, an old music notes book that she always carried, and small empty notebook and pencils that she bought from Pokeshire. While putting away her items, the blonde walked over to the princess and dyed her hair black as well before putting it up in a ponytail.

Her violin is also packed in it's case but she left it open so that she could play near the river for James while he studied a bit more. Her song this time is based on the excitement of adventure they are about to go through.

"Yes! I would love mint tea!" is her excited response.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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-Fields outside the Flying Castle-

The novice witch still wasn't sure what to think of how Renee was acting, so she just watched her curiously. She didn't feel like anyone else was acting like anything was different so she had begun to question whether or not it was all in her head. She almost felt like it would be rude to outright ask Renee if she was okay and so had suppressed the urge at every turn. She leaned back, palms pressing against the ground, her eyes squinting slightly as she glanced up to the sky, her attention returning to Echo as she spoke. 

Don't freak out? Lydia smiled awkwardly. The best way to make someone freak out is to tell them not to freak out. It's like telling someone not to be offended and then saying something offensive. Though Lydia didn't freak out as Echo basically desecrated herself, her eyes did widen in surprise but she suspected with all that had been going on, changing her appearance was a necessity. She watched as the antlers were set aside, wondering to herself about the magical properties of such a thing, but again, breeding and manners and all prevented her from saying anything, deciding that it might be rude.

She had been grateful for the list James had given her. Most of her knowledge came from books and she hadn't gone on any journeys so to speak... well save for the last one between when she had last left the castle and upon her return. That had been an educational experience so despite her lack of travelling, she did have more confidence about it now. She had packed all of the basic necessities, hygiene items, a couple of changes of clothes, bandages; anything she thought would come in handy or that she couldn't do without. On the other side of the spectrum she packed books. She hadn't been raised in the same world as her companions so her skills were fairly trivial. She had never thought she would end up in a situation where she would need to fight for survival so she was fairly lacking in martial skills and didn't possess any weaponry. She supposed that was something she would need to change. She thought about it for a moment before offering a slightly amused smile to Echo and rising to her feet, "it must feel like you're floating."

She laughed slightly before heading back towards the castle, "thanks for the chat... I have to go take care of something..." she offered a slight wave before she turned completely and went back inside the castle. First gathering the strewn papers and her ratty old journal that she had left on the table and neatly stacking it all before she began scanning the other books in the vicinity, supposing that if she couldn't find what she was looking for, she'd have to ask someone.


-Echo Muses-

"It's no problem, Sweet pea." Echo responded lightly, smiling warmly before peeking over to her silent friend. Renee nodded too, staring at the novice witch go back inside.

Echo noticed something important in Renee's behavior and will use it to it's fullest. Her need to help others... It's something she picked up with her advice to Lydia, on how her tone changed a little bit and how she tried to smile; it's a sure sign that Renee is still herself...but for some reason isn't emoting like how she usually would. Well, she just hopes the others have noticed this pattern too. It's why she asked to help with her antlers without making it obvious. With the more times Renee helps, the more possible clues she might give, depending who's asking. It'll help find out what's going on.

That...or she's over-thinking it, like usual.

"Well...I guess we should cut the antlers into travel size, just in case we need it. Want to help, Ren?" A nod from the white-haired Pendragon and the pair quickly asked the butlers if they could hold onto them while Echo cuts it with a saw from the castle and Renee packs them in their bags.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- James Pendragon -

" Flying Castle "

James returned with two mugs, a pot of honey, milk, and a plate of ham sandwiches which he laid beside the violinist. "This one's the mint." he said, spinning the tray to present her cup, and sat blowing his own tea before taking a drink. His tea smelled like oolong and had a layer of cream and salted cheese on top that gave him a white mustache after his swig.

The forest was peaceful and James watched his sister, Echo, and Lydia talking in the distance contemplatively. He remembered what Echo said about the effects of the Grim's spell and believed her when she said Renee wasn't showing the same symptoms. He had the look of someone who always has a puzzle to solve and like what Renee said, was protective. Every now and then he'd casually glance at the trees as though to check if there was anything prowling near the three ladies or near the princess and her maid. Sometimes he'd space out like that time he was looking through his nether owl's eyes, before relaxing again.

"It's fascinating how you play to express your feelings." said James suddenly. "It's like you speak with your violin."


-Serena Lock-

"Oh thank you!...Mhm! This is good." Serena complimented, sitting next to James and resting her violin on her lap, taking another sip. She jumped a bit when James suddenly complimented about her violin skills and blushed pink.

"Yes, well...my mentor always told me to express myself through my violin. That's how every musician, artist, cook, anybody who creates tend to do on a daily bases." She explained, looking over James' contemplating face and noticed the white mustache from the cheese and cream. Without thinking much on it, Serena leaned over to James and wiped the creamy mustache with her thumb. "There we go! Old man's mustache free." She smiled playful as she took another sip of her tea.


- James Pendragon -

" Flying Castle "

Surprised, James gave Serena a searching glance for a few seconds. "Serena," he began slowly, "you know girls don't usually do that, right? Or is that something you frequently did to your mentor whenever he had tea mustaches?" Her mentor was an odd man who pole-danced.

James touched the area her thumb brushed. He had gotten goose bumps when she did that. Her thumb was soft.

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-Serena Lock-

Serena blinked, tilting her head a bit. "Really? Huh...I always did that to my mentor...but only to him whenever he didn't notice it." She didn't feel comfortable doing that to others, as odd as that were...Hmm...strange...is she starting to get that comfortable with the oldest Pendragon sibling?

Surprisingly, yes she is...oh boy...To hide her reddening blush, she took a long sip of her tea and grabbed a sandwich to bite on.


- James Pendragon -

" Flying Castle "

"I knew it." muttered James, slightly miffed.

He cast a discontented look at the trees, which slowly turned into reluctant acceptance of some disappointing thought. Then a curiosity struck him, "Serena, if you don't mind me asking, were you in a relationship with your mentor?"


-Serena Lock-

Looking like she just got the news that someone ate her cat for no reason, Serena's face turned red quickly. "Wh-what!? No! He's old-! As in he's in his fifties right now-!" She shuddered from the imagery she got. That's just...no-! "No-! I just really cared about him despite his quirks...Geez-!" He really got her flustered with that question...wait...

Why did he look miffed?! What? Why did he even ask that?!

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- James Pendragon -

" Flying Castle "

James laughed raising his hands, "Okay, okay, you just seemed very close with him that's all, what with the pole-dancing together." There was an awkward silence on his end. "I'm asking because I was curious," he nodded off-handedly, "you're friendlier than most girls I know."

James seemed somewhat perceptive of people's emotions. Whether it was because Serena was easy to read, or he was just that attentive, one couldn't be sure.

"Don't do that with other guys, though," he suggested, mimicking the thumb wiping motion on his own lip, " even if you're friends . . . or they'll misunderstand and think you . . . like them . . . or something." he cleared his throat. "Anyway, back to summoning the Maori."

He stood up to retrieve the parchment of his finished spell circle, and went to sit over the river bank where he drew it with his wand above the water. The spell circle hovered above the water glowing in a soft blue light.

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-Serena Lock-

"Maybe I'm just a very friendly person." She responded back while shrugging her shoulders.

Maybe it's because she's crushing on James...and doesn't want him to notice it yet since she wants to make sure about her affections are that of a friend...or more.

Serena smiled at him with a raised eyebrow at his explanation, giggling quietly when he stood up and worked on his spell circle near the waterbed. Did he...hmm...maybe he does...and that's why he's miffed? Thinking for a minute and two while staring at his back, the violinist came up with a conclusion, and decided to rewrite the song she made based on James.

After finishing eating her sandwich and drinking her tea, Serena picked up her violin again and played. The song itself started out quietly, with a few aggressive moments that melted into a playful and teasing tone...ending it with sweet ending like someone is blooming into a caring figure. Someone who's protective but kind.



-Renee Pendragon-

Renee finished packing the chopped antlers, wondering if Johnny is going to to be horrified with Echo having no antlers for this trip, and thought 'maybe...'. She walked to where Serena was, sitting next to her and watched her brother prepare a spell circle on the water...a new summons? The white-haired teen wanted to ask James if he picked who her partner was going to be yet, but she'll wait until he finishes. She trusts his judgement when it comes to tactics but...

'Please let it be Seth and not Seifer...' Renee prayed mentally, hoping that her brother will forgo tactics and just stick with being an overprotective older brother. Then she shuddered in a bit of horror...Augh...that is the first and last time she ever hopes James will be over protective.



-Living room, The Flying Castle-

Her search went about as well as she had thought it would. She hadn't really expected the Pendragons to keep very many books on martial prowess, one could take a look around the living room and gather that much. She looked at the two books she had found and laughed at herself out loud as she thought, 'back at the books again.' She picked them both up and sat them atop her journal, mindful of her spectacles, the whole stack collected and carried to her room, though after packing the journal and one of the books, she would keep one book titled, A Perfunctory Guide to ranged combat. The title alone made her laugh and feel slightly miserable at the thought that she was about to read instead of do.

She made her way back outside, finding a good place to sit and opening the book, a faint sigh escaping her lips as she coaxed herself audibly, "foundations, Lydia. Foundations!" She nodded slightly to her own encouragement before she began reading.

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- Flying Castle -

" At the Foot of the Misty Mountains "

Later that afternoon, Johnny came down wearing one of the fur coats Seth had been making since a few days ago and fake wolf ears. He had dyed his hair black and was shocked when he saw Echo without her antlers. "Your --- your beautiful antlers, why?"

James reminded him that he had to file off his sheep horns as well. He might as well have told him to go fight grim wolves all by himself with the expression Johnny was wearing.

"It'll grow back next spring." assuaged James.

"No it won't." said Johnny, shaking his head while holding his horns. "Antlers grow back, but not horns."

" . . . "

" . . . "

" . . . "

Johnny glanced at the princess as though weighing if this was worth it, then sighed sadly. "I'll file them off tonight." he said, woebegone. After that he spent the afternoon training with Echo and then hiking back to Bulgog marshes to battle some marsh slimes.

After successfully conjuring the Maori, a large water elemental from the realm of Niflheim in the form a glowing silver white manta ray, and taming it somewhat with some ham sandwiches --- it liked to nibble and wouldn't stop eating James' robes until it finally bowled him over into the river --- James got out, dripping wet and told Renee she'd be pairing up with Seifer when she asked him.

"I haven't told him yet, though." added James. " --- no, no splashing --- down ----" the ethereal manta ray was playing in the water and flapped a large wing that sent a wave of water splashing over him, Renee, and Serena.

When Seifer got back around dusk, he told everyone that he'd been scouting the Dumald road for about four hours and announced that it hadn't been travelled on for a while, but seemed safe except it was muddy and slippery from the recent rain. It seemed that there will be a downpour tomorrow too coupled with some fog.

When told he was partnering with Renee, Seifer just shrugged, swinging his bow. "I don't mind, I'm a professional, I can work with people who are annoying."

And that left Lydia and Seth as battle pairs. James explained with the help of the others to Lydia that after a really bad fight with a couple of grims in the Bulgog marshes yesterday, he suggested everyone have a battle buddy to watch over and who'll take care of them too, so that no one will fight alone.


- Dumald Road, Misty Mountains -

" Early Morning "

Early the next day, the journey to Dalaran began. The remaining six butlers and maids, the painter Sir Benjamin, and the merchant Viatola waved the group good-bye as they saw them off from the flying castle.

"I'm gonna' miss you guys. Tell me all about your adventures when you get back, write a diary so ya' won't forget!" said Calcifer.

"I have to ride a horse for now, Butters." Johnny was saying to a giant ram that he summoned out of a puff of cloud. "You're famous now, and so you can't be seen for a while." He had filed off his horns and was for once wearing ordinary travelling clothes with no jester make up.

Beside him James was saying the same thing to a big silver white stag Lydia would recognize as, "Frey", his guardian spirit, a summoned creature who used to nuzzle her.

"Baa." bleated Butters eyeing the horse as though he didn't trust it would do a good job.

Frey snorted in agreement also looking at James' horse as if it thought it wasn't worthy enough, since it didn't have impressive antlers; the two horses shied away from them.

"Ready, Lydia?" Seth grinned at the apprentice. Among all of them Seth had the best disguise. He looked like a wandering beggar.

"Come on you lot, let's go." said Seifer importantly on his horse. He wouldn't dye is hair black and instead wore a cloak over his head. He was going to lead the way up the mountains and was impatient that they get an early start.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle

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