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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Trailing behind the others-


'What do you mean there's nothing wrong?!' Lydia loudly questioned James in her dream. The Castle was upside down, but everyone was still walking around like nothing was wrong. Nothing was out of place and life was going on as usual, "James! Mmm...ne castle!" she mumbled outloud, her brow furrowed as she balled up beneath her cloak, nestling into it a bit before yawning, "down."

It was then that she heard Echo's voice and started to awaken, her sleepy eyes slowly drifting open as she looked to questioningly to Echo before the black fabric of her cloak was adjusted so she could sit up. Despite her hair still being up in a ponytail, stuck out every which way, but that didn't seem to matter to her as she followed suit and rose with the others to go investigate the situation. She walked along behind them sleepily, stretching as she went.

After Renee's explanation, Lydia grimaced and her shoulders slumped dishearteningly, her worry stricken face turning towards Seth. It may not be her first choice, but it didn't seem like there was another choice and so she put on a brave facade, standing up straight and hiding her trembling hands hidden under her cloak.

@Zer0 @Katsuya


- Ogre Cave -

" Dumald Road, Misty Mountains "

James glanced down at Lydia when he caught her sleepy mumblings. He, Johnny, Seth, and Seifer woke up immediately and followed the rest down to where Renee was, looking spooked and wary.

"I'll stay and guard the princess." said James after hearing what happened from Renee. "But I'll send Sasha ahead of you. Choutte Venire." another summon familiar to Lydia appeared out of a small puff of cloud after a wave of James' wand: a small ethereal owl, wispy, and so ghost-like in appearance that the small bird blended in the mist.

This was James' nether owl, whom he can see, hear, smell, and talk through. He had used her to spy on Lydia on her first day in the castle, or fly up to the higher floors to call the household down for meals. She swooped down and disappeared into the mist.

Being an owl, Sasha had good night vision, and this was what James saw through her eyes when she came upon the end of the trail:

An ogre. A big, menacing, brutish looking ogre. It was larger than a bear and was hulking into a large cave dug into the hills, a scared horse in each hand. There was another ogre inside that was seated on a boulder in front of a giant clay pot full of water, that was being heated over a large fire.

This ogre carried a wicked spiked club and spoke in a pleased guttural language when it saw what it's companion brought. The first ogre went deeper into the cave, while the second pushed a large stone over the entrance, blocking it except for a crack wide enough for people and perhaps the horses to squeeze into. The large stone looked very, very, heavy, but seemed like something Echo could push with some effort.

Sasha flew into the crack, exploring the cave stealthily. It was a damp, smelly cave full of bones, dented junk, and cobwebbed treasure. Animal skins full of water hung from the cave ceiling, apart from dried shrubs, skins, and dried meat.

The first ogre placed the horses in a second chamber inside a crude roofless cage made of wood and stone. There was no entrance for the horses, they were simply placed directly down into it from above.

There was another chamber across this one that had two nests made of animal fur, sticks and dry grass. There was an exit hole here, that seemed to be blocked by an avalanche that Echo and the rest could probably clear given some time. It lead to the outside, and seemed to be a back way where they could sneak out the horses, but they'd have to time it and be stealthy as they would have to cross the horses through the tunnel that was within the view of the ogres that were now sitting around the heating clay pot and talking.

James told them all this as he stared blankly into space.

After giving Echo and then James a long thoughtful look, Johnny said, "I'll go down with the others."

"I'm staying here." said Seth.

"Me too." said Seifer.

"No, you two need to go with them." said James. "You're both good at sneaking around."

"The princess is more important." said Seifer evasively.

"But these are ogres. They're dangerous." said Seth.

"You've done loads of dangerous things before." said James.

"That was when I had Sen to back me up."

"You two just back up each other."

Seth and Seifer looked at one another. The mischief maker and the bully, both not giving a wit about each other and both slightly cowards. "No, this isn't going to work." said Seifer. Seth agreed. But after much coaxing from the others, the twin agreed to go in while Seifer waited outside as "back up"

@Katsuya@Roleplay Skittle


-Orge caves-

Hearing that Seth, Johnny, and Seifer are going, Renee and Echo volunteered to come as well. Their reason? They were on watch that night, so they should help as much as they can. Serena, however, decided to stay in case something else happened at camp.

"I can push the huge rock and help them down the hill. I'm pretty good at calming animals down too." Echo mentioned, looking determined. Renee nodded in agreement. "I can give back up to the back up and make sure there's no blind spots on our side, including in the air."

Then she looked at Seifer, frowning seriously. "Because the princess is important, it's best to have food ready and not starve. Same with the horses. We shouldn't let her efforts be in vain."

Holding tightly to her lantern, Echo asked. "So? Are we ready to go?"

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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-Ogre Cave-


Lydia was calming her nerves when James said he was staying behind. She was a little taken aback by that purely for the fact that she greatly admired his ability and assumed he was the most powerful of them and probably the most useful. Though she supposed the rest of them could manage if they were careful enough. Her full lips quirked into a smile as he summoned Sasha, it wasn't that she recognized the spell so much as she appreciated the casting. Her spell casting was clumsy and mundane and she only hoped that one day she could cast with the same elegance as James and maybe eventually with the same ability as Howl.

Should she have known that Sasha had been James' operative her first day at the castle, she probably would have thought that the joke was on him. She had spent the majority of her time marveling at the collection of magical books the Pendragons kept to the point of lunacy. A great deal of her time had also been spent on studying magical properties of various rare ingredients that she hadn't even heard of and had only then discovered amongst the castle's wares. In all, it would probably have been a very boring sight to see unless James' was easily amused by someone's extreme jubilance over things he was used to seeing every day.

She listened quietly as James related to them what he was seeing, her head tilted down as she stared at the ground in thought. She looked up as the others started volunteering... or not. She frowned slightly as Seifer said he was staying, he was such a blowhard, all talk! When Seth opted not to go, she couldn't really blame him, even if it did sting a little. She drew in a deep breath and with a sigh, spoke up as well, "I might only be able to act as a distraction if things go wrong... but I'll go."

She clasped her hands in front of her as she looked to Renee, also nodding as she tried to be the voice of reason to Seifer.

@Zer0 @Katsuya
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-Orge Cave-

Worried, Renee looked at Lydia, eyebrows furrowing. "Are you sure? I won't stop you if you're sure, but being a distraction is really dangerous..." She likes the bravery Lydia has shown, but even she understands that it's dangerous to put your own life at stake. She learned by experience when she faced the dragon at Paroosia to be a distraction...and it's still the scariest thing she has ever done.

@Roleplay Skittle @Zer0
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-Ogre Cave-


Lowering her hands, she smiled faintly, "you all are about to risk your lives," her shoulders rose slightly beneath the black fabric of her cloak as she shrugged, "and it may not have always been as immediate as it is now, but you all have been risking your lives," her green eyes scanned over the other's faces warmly.

"If I can put myself in danger to help you all succeed... well to me, that's worth it," her voice trembled, but she spoke with the utmost sincerity, her determination evident on her girlish features.

@Katsuya @Zer0
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-Ogre Cave-

After a moment of silence, Renee could only yelp when Echo dragged her, Serena, and Lydia in a bear hug, squeezing them as she nuzzled into Lydia's head. Her smile is warm and proud. "Aww~! You're so brave!! That's real sweet of you!" The once red head squeezed them tighter, showing her heartfelt appreciation from the novice witch's small speech.

"Yea-! Real brave-! Can I breathe now?!" Renee choked out, her face turning pale as she was in the brute of the fawn's strength. Serena hugged Lydia as well. "What Echo said, Sugar."

Once Echo let everyone go, Renee gasped a bit and swallowed down her relief as she stood straight, looking at everyone. "Alright, let's go...We'll be back James." Waving her older brother, the white haired Pendragon followed the footprints that lead to the steep hills. Her figure changed as feathers spouted from her hair to her back, forming a a long tail and big wings that fluttered a bit. Her legs grew longer and thinner as they changed into bird-like legs with sharp talons on her claws. Her hands and forearms grew thicker with bird like skin appeared on them and around Renee's eyes, almost covering her face.

She cooed like an owl, reassuring them as she carried Lydia and Seifer with her talons, and flew down the steep hills into the darkness. She tightened her grip on Seifer's waist after he got hit by the thin branch that she didn't see coming...oops.

Renee made the gems of her bow glow after that, cooing in an apologetic way to the grumpy archer.

Echo carried Johnny on her back, piggyback style, and asked Seth if he wanted to be carried too since she can jump hills pretty well, slippery or not. Her lantern hanging on her belt so it can light their way.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Ogre Cave -

James nodded at Lydia in respect; Johnny who hasn't talked to her once because of his fear of girls he didn't know, looked at her with newfound regard.

Seth took a deep breath and seemed to be gathering courage. "Then, I'll do my best too. Yes, Echo, please carry me."

"I'll be on Butters." said Johnny politely getting off Echo. He seemed to be embarassed to be carried piggy back by a girl.

When they got down, Seifer yanked himself free from Renee's talons, "Unhand me, you giant chicken!" he hissed quietly. He didn't want to be carried in the first place and had been silently protesting all the way, even plucking some of Renee's feathers. "Do not do that again."

"Lights out." whispered Seth to everyone. All was dark in the rain and mist. The rain drummed monotonously all around them, masking the sounds of their splashing and squelching footsteps.

Now, the only light came from the crack in the cave where there was a big heavy boulder, large enough to keep even ogres away, blocking most of the entrance.

Here Seth's silhouette crept forward and after hesitating went through the crack very, very slowly. He came back out after a while and whispered. "Those coming inside follow me. Step where I step and don't make a sound."

The cave smelled horrendous, like a sweaty sock that was rolled in something dead and nasty was left to ferment for weeks in some nose-invading pungent corner of a pig's stye.

As James said bones littered the floor. And there by the entrance were the two huge ogres.

"Ja, fyre eg bulgh tok." grunted one patting his growling belly.

"Ter gublad dolgur dur." said the other poking the great fire heating the clay pot. There was a sickening crack as the ogre broke some large bloody bone that looked like it belonged to something just as big, and began sucking out the marrow.

"They're speaking in Gobblegook," whispered Johnny who followed Seth. "They're going to cook the horses once the water's boiled."

Renee would be able to tell by the small steam issuing from the pot that the group only had fifteen minutes to get the horses out.

Seth sneaked the group to the chamber James spoke of and there were the nervous horses inside a tall roofless cage of stone and wood. There was no entrance, but Echo could destroy it easily.

On the second chamber that seemed to be where the ogre's slept was the avalanche-blocked exit. There was now one decision to make.

Do they unblock the exit and sneak the horses through? Or ambush the ogres?

@Katsuya @Roleplay Skittle
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-Ogres' cave-

Glaring at Seifer and gently putting Lydia on her feet, Renee changed back and rubbed her thigh where he plucked her feathers. "Oh shut up! Just be glad that I didn't drop you on the way down." She hissed back quietly before peeking in the crack and saw where the ogres' steaming pot is....oh great...

Before Echo could go follow Johnny and Seth, Renee grabbed her arm. "You guys have fifteen minutes before that pot boils over."

The fawn nodded and followed in the cave, carefully placing her hooves where Seth's wet footprints are. "Seth, we have fifteen minutes before the pot is done cooking. Renee told me so."

Once they saw the nervous horses, Echo hushed the whinny creatures, smiling warmly as she walked closer. "Hey...hey...it's okay now...shhh..." Calming them down, the fawn grab the wooden parts of the cage and broke it swiftly, leading the horses out. 

On the second chamber, Echo stared at the avalanched exit before looking at the orges...not knowing what to do.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Ogre Cave -

The noise of breaking wood and stone from Echo's swift blow echoed around the cavern. The sounds of ogre chatter by the entrance hushed ominously.

There was a soft menacing thud of heavy footsteps, coupled with the crunching of bones.

"Hide!" whispered Seth, alarmed. Johnny, who was with Echo dove into one of the smelly nests of sticks and fur; Seth wall-ran up the chamber wall. He clung on the stalactites and hid among the hanging water skins and dried meat.

One of the ogres, the one with the spiked club, came lumbering out of the corner dragging it behind him. It had a mean, dim-witted face that was scrunched up wondering what had caused the noise.

Outside, Sasha flew out of the crack and onto Renee's shoulder where she and Seifer were waiting near the entrance of the cave.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle

(1-3) Echo = 5

(1-3) Johnny = 3

(1-2) Lydia = 7

(1-5) Seth = 1


 - James Pendragon -

" Camp, Misty Mountain Peak "

Meanwhile, back in camp, James fist suddenly clenched nervously. Princess Mia, who was with him together with Latifa in Johnny's tepee immediately asked what was wrong. But it seemed that he couldn't hear what was going on in his immediate surroundings.

He was spacing out again, looking at the rain pouring outside but not really seeing it. "Renee, Seifer, the ogres heard Echo break the cage. One of them went in the horse chamber with a spiked club, the other is watching the other ogre from near the entrance." he said calmly to the air. "The others are hiding, I think they're going to be found. I'm going to send Sasha back in."

Princess Mia hugged her legs anxiously, silently praying to whatever gods there may be. She had the worried look of someone wanting to be able to help, but not being able to. She glanced at James and wished that he was down there instead of here, but he couldn't leave her unprotected.

Perhaps when Renee and Seifer returned, they could teach her how to use a bow, though she preferred using something that wouldn't hurt someone that bad, so maybe a staff? She stood up and sat beside Serena. "Serena, could you teach me how to use magic tomorrow?" she whispered.

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-Ogres' cave-

Echo quickly hid behind the thick rock pillars of the wall, squished in the small cave that it created. It's big enough to fit her in too. She held her breathe so that the ogre couldn't hear her heart beating fast.



Outside, Renee frowned in worry when she heard from James' owl about the others' situation. When Sasha left again, the Pendragon teen knocked her arrow, ready to fire if need be. Then she looked at Seifer, the one who's good at stealth.

"Alright Rathmore. I'm listening. Do you have any plans that we can try in case the worse possibility happens?" She asked in ernest, her orange eyes focused and kept eye contact with his silver ones. Renee might be stubborn but she's willing to work together if they get better results. So whatever plan Seifer have, she's willing to do and keep the others safe.



Serena smiled at her princess, nodding in agreement. "Of course your majesty. If you'd like, I could also ask the other girls' assistance to help train you as well." She whispered back. Don't get her wrong; she's scared for the group and their survival right now, but she could tell that princess didn't want to be helpless anymore. With her asking how to fight and all that was a big hint, even more so when they were staying at the castle and she wanted to help around the house. Princess Mia, Serena guessed, had enough of sitting around and doing nothing but worry...

So...Serena will train her on how to use a staff or wand, even be limber with it. 'Pole dancing came in handy for once...' She thought, now remembering some of the moves her mentor did....and shuddered for it is not a pretty image.

@Zer0  @Roleplay Skittle

- Seifer Rathmore -

" Outside the Ogre Cave "

"We take down one ogre now." whispered Seifer, moving out of his hiding place and peering into the crack, nervously. "His back's still facing us. Then as soon as we've hit him, we withdraw, I hide, you keep running in the open as bait, then I finish him off. Hopefully the others will be smart enough to see it as a chance to jump on the second ogre while its distracted by us."


 - Princess Mia -

" Camp, Misty Mountain Peak "

"Thank you, Serena, I'd really, really love that." smiled Princess Mia. "And, please, no formalities, just call me Mia. I feel like I'm difficult to approach if you call me princess."

"I think it'd be better if we drop the whole 'princess', 'your majesty', and 'my lady' , deary." said Latifa. "Lots of bad things will be havin' an ear out for even the tiniest rumors of your name. How 'bout a new one? A whole fake identity." she pondered, looking excited to have an alias.


-Ogre Cave-


Lydia also yelped in surprise as Echo caught her up in the bear hug, giggling slightly between gasps for breath. She hadn't been expecting that and the accompanying praise made her cheeks flush crimson. Once Echo let them all go, she shrugged her shoulders awkwardly and adjusted her cloak.

She smiled brightly to Seth as he collected his courage and gave him an acknowledging nod.

Certainly, she hadn't been expecting Renee to collect her and Seifer and carry them to the ground, though unlike Seifer, she didn't complain and only attempted to assuage his rage as he gripped and pulled Renee's feathers Though despite the urge to slap him, she kept still, not wanting to overburden Renee and possibly knock her off kilter as she flew.

"We could have just thrown you down, you know," Lydia chided Seifer once they had been safely released on the ground before turning to Renee, laughing slightly to her retort and bowing her head in gratitude, "thank you for the help, Renee."

Lydia had chosen to wait outside with Renee and Seifer. Though they weren't very tall, the heels of her shoes kept getting stuck in the mud slightly and she was afraid they would only give her away if she had gone inside and then she would only be hindering what they had set out to accomplish. When Sasha came out to report, Lydia's jaw clenched as she looked to Renee, now her mind going over the appropriate spell she could use to help, or rather inappropriate spell since it would be a miscast of a rather innocuous one.

She momentarily halted her thoughts as Renee questioned Seifer. She was standing behind them both and look to Seifer expectantly, perhaps the motivation of being the boss would perk his idea process. Nodding her head to his suggestion. Now would probably be the best time to do that since there was only one of them there, that at the very least would call the other from the room where the rest of the group was hidden, but she then interjected, "no... I'll be the bait, that's what I came for," she smiled slightly, taking note of the weaponry the two carried while she had none, "besides, I can't hurt him, both of you can. It's better that you both have an open target."

@Zer0 @Katsuya

-Ogres' cave-

Renee nodded to the plan, ready to go until she heard Lydia's voice, and stopped in place. Then she looked at her...then at Seifer with a worried frown. To send someone who's defenseless ...though having an open target would be nice, it'll cost them Lydia's safety. 'I really hate this plan...' The white haired Pendragon thought, taking a deep breath and let's go of her sudden sisterly protectiveness over the brunette witch. She's the same age as Seth, who's in there and hiding (hopefully) and as Sen who no one knows where he is. It's really hard to not see Lydia like a younger sister...but she's starting to.

"Alright...stay safe...and remember, Seifer and I are here too. So...you're not alone..." Renee whispered to Lydia as Seifer nervously looked at the second ogre, giving her a hug of her own without squeezing the day lights out of her and let's go. To see this plan in action...She hopes that it'll be in their favor and everyone comes out alive.

"Seifer, would you be okay or should I carry you again? I'm asking so I don't make mistakes here." Now with Lydia and Seth in extreme danger with these two ogres, Renee is not taking any stupid chances. "Or do you want to have a signal in case something even worse happens?"



Serena nodded at the idea, her grin widened in glee when Mia said 'no formalities'. "Hmmm...well, there's Ester or Zelda, or Midna, or Malina, or Samantha..." She kept making suggestions, really excited to help and squirming where she's sitting. Her desire to play violin is immense, but she resisted because it seems like James is really nervous...She sends a look of 'Everything will be alright' to the oldest Pendragon before going back to Mia. She has high hopes for the group.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Seifer Rathmore -

" Outside the Ogre Cave "

"I can manage perfectly without your help, Pendragon, now let's go." said Seifer, sounding annoyed for some reason.

He hated it when Renee's this nice. It's hard to hate someone when there's nothing to hate them for, and he needed to hate these people for him not to feel any guilt for later when he hands them over to the death knights. For unbeknownst all, he had sent a letter to his family, due to arrive in less than two weeks time in Kingsbury. Written in there was a plan to make contact with the agents of the Black Dragon to exchange the princess for Seifer and his family's safety, so that he can live a normal life again.

He crept forward through the crack and aimed his arrow above and a little to the left of the ogre's ear. "On my mark." he whispered to Renee, taking slow breaths. "Fire."

At the exhale, right after his heart pumped out blood, he released the arrow. He saw it like it was in slow motion, the arrow whizzed through the air and plok into the ogre's head.


Meanwhile, the ogre with the club was surprised at the damaged portion of the cage and loomed over the horses that seemed to be too scared to bolt and were backed up into the corner, neighing in frenzy.

"Uk nul ilgish odtah!" he growled angrily, and sniffed the air like a dog. It slowly turned around and faced the spot Echo was hiding. "Ja!" he plunged his large hands in and pulled Echo out most disgracefully, holding her up by one leg in a vice like grip. "Firni, uk bag dur odtah! Firni?"

The ogre looked back at its companion who looked dumbfounded and was feeling the back of its head. Then it felt the arrow. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGH!" It snapped its head at the entrance where Seifer's boot disappeared into the crack.

There was an almighty crash as the boulder was kicked down and the ogre began chasing the first thing it saw: Lydia. It tore after her roaring, and caught up with her in two bounds, snatching her from the ground and squeezing her painfully.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle

So, in dice battles, I control enemies, whether they die or let go of your character, and whether your attacks are successful or not. Think of it like a video game RPG battle where your heroes take turns attacking. Like most RPGs, there are two major actions, and that's moving and then performing an attack/using an item/re-equip. A successful attack reduces one enemy's Hp by 1. Enemies have 3 Hp, just like our characters.

Each round is six seconds in duration.

For this battle, @Katsuya, you can use both Echo and Renee.


(1-5 archery success) Renee = 4

OOC: Success! I'll just leave how it happened to you.

(1-5 archery success) Seifer = 5

(1-4 not get caught success) Lydia = 10


-Ogres' cave-

Pouting from the annoyed tone he has, Renee grumbled a bit, mentioning how he's being a grump again and that she's sorry for the branch and to move on already. She thought he was still angry about the branch hitting him on the way down. Though...there was a sting in her heart...She changed again to fly away since she isn't as quick normally.

Rubbing her chest as if to get rid of the stinging sensation, Renee followed Seifer's footsteps, observing how he sneaked around and copying how he moved. Once they aimed, though she used a solar arrow to shoot with, and fired at his command, Renee watched their arrows hit the mark. Hers hit the side of his head in time with Seifer's hit the ear and she flew out quickly, following the archer to wherever they are hiding. When she heard Lydia in trouble, the white haired Pendragon looked where she was and sucked in air. Dread pooled in her stomach.

Renee watched in horror when she saw Lydia being squeezed by the ogre she aimed at. She readied her bow again, using another solar arrow, and ready to fire whenever Seifer says to fire again...She cooed quietly to him as if she's saying 'On your mark...', not taking her eyes off the ogre's hands that are hurting the novice witch. Her eyes are glowing in protective anger.



Echo yelped when the ogre picked her up by one of her legs, dangling and feeling the blood rush in her head. Why her leg?! It's always her leg!

Her leg is starting to throb from the monster pinching so hard that she couldn't help but to...-! "Ow-!! Let go of me!!!" She kicked his fingers with all her strength, hoping she break his fingers and land safely on the ground.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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-Ogre Cave-


Lydia nodded firmly, a serious look set upon her normally cheerful features. She smiled as Renee hugged her, frowning dishearteningly at Seifer, she didn't voice her thoughts, but she thought he could at least be a little gracious. She questioned how he had ended up travelling with them in the first place, his attitude was such a stark contrast to everyone else's. She moved away from the two, hoping to at least keep a little bit of distance between herself and the ogre and waited.

Once Seifer and Renee fired their arrows, the novice witch braced herself. Once the ogre showed itself, Lydia shouted at it, "hey big ugly!" strong words, considering when she turned to flee once she had his attention, one of her heels caught in the mud, causing her to spin and lose her balance, falling flat on her stomach. She barely had time to wipe the mud from her eyes before she was lifted from the ground and into the air, gasping as she was squeezed.

Lydia wasn't even able to cry out as her lungs were compressed beneath the ogres mighty hand. Her own tiny hands by comparison pressing on one giant meaty finger as though she would somehow be able to leverage herself free of him.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

- Ogre Cave -

Lydia's pushing did not work. "Where others?!" roared the ogre in broken common speech, spraying her in smelly spit. The ogre was looking for something on her, maybe a bow because it was feeling the wound on the back of its head. "Where o --- "


A black umbrella thumped the back of the ogre's head out of nowhere. Seifer landed with a splash on the ground behind the ogre, swinging the same black umbrella he had conjured out of thin air during the grim wolf battle two days ago as if it was a sword. The monster swayed on the spot , then fell with a great thud on the ground like a fallen tree. It did not get up again.


"Argh!" howled the ogre as with a crack Echo broke its fingers, but he flailed her and she crashed onto some dusty pile of treasure.

"Baremu shaula flamme canis!" yelled Johnny from the nest. A giant boarhound erupted from a cloud of smoke and latched onto the ogre's thick arm. "Take him down, Meatballs!"

But with a great heave, the ogre slammed the boar hound against the wall. Meatballs yelped in pain and let go. Seth threw one of his throwing knives, but he may as well have thrown a pebble at it, because it harmlessly stuck on to the ogre's thick hide without drawing blood.

"Firni!" roared the ogre. He pinned Echo in place. "Stop, or I crush!" he growled at Seth, Johnny, and Meatballs.

Johnny quickly glanced at Echo, he was prepared to surrender, but was she going to fight? Because if she was. He will too. It seemed that this ogre has not noticed Renee, Seifer, and Lydia yet.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle

(1-5 archery success) Renee = 6

(1-4 umbrella success) Seifer = 4

(1-2 strength success) Lydia = 6 (2 hp left)

(1-4 kick success) Echo = 5 (1 hp left)

(1-3 evade) Echo = 4

(1-5 Echo's favor) Tie breaker = 2

(1-5 summon success) Johnny = 10 (2 hp left)

(1-3 throwing success) Seth = 9

(1-5) Ogre success = 1 (3 hp)

(1-3) Ogre evade = 3

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-Ogre Cave-


Well, her hair was a mess, she was covered in mud... what's a little ogre spit? Lydia couldn't even think straight. She was already gasping for breath and upon smelling the disgusting saliva sprayed on her, she couldn't help but gag, which just led to her coughing and choking because she couldn't breath and when she managed to get any air it now smelled incredibly foul. Her tiny hands briskly brushed away the spit from her eyes before her fists began beating on his finger more urgently, her mind not even taking in consideration for the size difference.

She only cringed each time the ogre yelled, he was squeezing her much to hard to actually elicit an answer. Her panic ridden mind didn't even realize that Seifer had hit the ogre and only when they started to fall did she offer a response in the form of a faint squeak, her hands and arms instinctively moving to cover her head.

@Zer0 @Katsuya
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-Ogre's cave-

Renee shoots her arrow and growled when it missed the ogre's head, but she sighed in relief when Seifer managed to knock him out. As the ogre fell, the white haired Pendragon flew up and wrapped her arms around Lydia's chest, pulling her out of harm's way as the ogre hit the ground.

Landing with a silent flap from her wings, she checked if the novice witch has any broken bones and grinned at her, proud at her bravery. Then she looked up at the other ogre and watched him put pressure on her best friend, telling them to give up or else....

'Hah! Not!' She thought as she cooed quietly at Seifer making motions that she'll distract the other ogre this time and he'll attack again. Putting her bow away in the quiver that's tied to her belt, Renee spreads her wings and flew up again, her claws and talons ready to scratch it's head with very harsh intent to harm it....All she needs is Seifer's signal that he's ready and she'll start scratching like no tomorrow...



Echo grunted in pain when she hit the dusty treasure and coughed from the dust particles floating around. Sighing shakily, she tried to sit up only to be pinned down by it's thumb, one of her legs bent against it. Her green eyes lit up fiercely when the ogre told them to stop, gritting her teeth as to resist screaming at the monster. If they stopped, everyone will still die by it's hands...So no way she's backing down. Not now-!

Planning on what to do right now, all she needs is a distraction. Something that will take it off guard so she could kick his hand away in time for her to run away...and move the rock with her all of her strength.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Ogre Cave -

" Victory! "

After making sure the ogre was down and out, Seifer ran back into the cave, signaling Renee to come with him and to hurry it up. His steps slowed to a crouch as he looked around the corner, bow and arrow ready, then jumped in surprise when James' ethereal owl landed on his shoulder and quietly said, "Fifteen meters away, it's back is turned to you."

He shrugged the owl off. 'Don't do that.' he mouthed at it, shuddering. 'Don't whisper in my ear.'The owl gave him a pointed look before quickly flying up to Renee to tell her the same thing.

'Go in, after my next shot.' Seifer mouthed and mimed at Renee. He peered out of the corner. Johnny and Seth noticed him immediately. 'Attack in one, two, three.'

Seifer's double strafe shot hit the ogre's neck and back; at the same time Echo's kick shattered its wrist and she escaped its grip. When Renee came swooping in it roared and backhanded her into the wall.

"Meatballs, trip!" yelled Johnny. The boarhound lunged and bit onto the ogre's ankle, pulling it, causing the monster to fall with a great thud that sent bones clattering everywhere.

"Watch out!" yelled Seth. He had thrown one of his knives at one of the hanging dried pieces of meat, a big one that seemed to have belonged to a very large animal. It landed smack on to the struggling ogre's back and head, knocking it out of the fight.

Battle over. The group won.

Johnny hurried to Echo, "Are you hurting anywhere? Any broken bones?" he said. Meatballs came over wanting to be petted for doing a good job.

Seth went over to his sister and was relieved that she wasn't hurt badly. "Nice one, sis." he said earnestly, clapping her shoulder. "Is the other ogre gone? Where's Lydia?"

Seifer leaned against the wall, sighing. He slung his bow across his shoulders, smoothed his hair back and fixed his clothes. "Well, that wasn't so hard." he looked around the cave and especially at the treasure Echo landed on earlier. There was gold here, worn armor still being worn by skeletons of dead adventurers, some old horse saddles, and some weapons.

"Hello." said Seifer, picking up a dusty bow. It was finely crafted and seemed to be of a good hunter's quality. "This will do very nicely." he muttered testing the string. He continued to rummage around, stuffing gold into his pockets and found even a shiny garnet in the ogre nest.

Among the treasure piles were five items that stood out from the rest: A bejeweled ring with a beautiful amethyst that seemed to repel dirt and dust, a potion of a deep pink hue, an ancient dusty spell book tome that was magically sealed so that it couldn't be opened, a greenish-sliver dagger with a serpent handle and encrusted with emeralds, and a gold necklace that seemed simple in appearance, but was emitting a faint light and was pleasantly warm to the touch.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle

(1-3 distract success) Renee = 6 (2 hp left)

(1-5 archery success) Seifer = 5

(1-4 kick success) Echo = 8 (1 hp left)

(1-3 evade) Echo = 6

(1-5 Echo's favor) Tie breaker = 1

(1-5 summon success) Johnny = 4 (2 hp left)

(1-3 throwing success) Seth = 1

(1-5) Ogre success = 8 (3 hp)

(1-3) Ogre evade = 10


-Ogre Cave-


As she was falling, she felt herself being lifted from the Ogre's grasp, though she hardly had time to react before she was set safely on the ground. She offered a weak smile to Renee through the mud and spit on her face as she coughed and used her cloak to clean her face some, quietly watching Seifer and Renee as they fled back into the cave. She hurriedly caught her breath and shakily scrambled on all fours towards the cave entrance as she was incapable of staying on her feet. She flung herself at the wall just inside the cave, eager to see what was happening.

Everything happened so fast and Lydia was grateful that they were also able to dispatch the second ogre so swiftly. She winced when Renee hit the wall and with one hand on her ribs and the other used to steady herself, she made her way to the winged girl and arrived just behind Seth, "I'm here. I don't know what happened, but he's knocked out."

She kneeled beside Renee, grimacing slightly as she did so, "are you okay?"

@Zer0 @Katsuya

-Victory! Woo!-

Echo sighed, her shoulders slumped as her body started to shake from the adrenaline rush she had before when the ogre grabbed her. As Johnny ran towards her, she hugged him tightly though not enough to make him breathless, and nuzzling her face onto his neck. "I'm fine...I'm fine...Thank you, Johnny." was her quiet and breathless reply, her nerves calming down from breathing in his comforting scent. After a moment, she leaned back, giving him a very warm smile and kissed his cheek. The fawn knew that she's really affectionate right now but after that fight and being scared, she figured anybody would be this relieved.

Laughing a bit, Echo petted Meatballs as to say 'good job, boy.'

Renee groaned a bit, the hit from being backhanded was something, that's for sure. She looked up when Seth and Lydia came over to check on her and she grinned widely. Placing her hand on the wall, the older Pendragon sibling stood up, almost stumbling forward before catching herself and gathered the younger teens in her arms, snuggling them. She cooed softly, her eyes bright and comforting like a warm blanket in the middle of cold winter. While changing back, Renee then ruffled their hair, giggling happily. Her hooded cloak, thankfully, is still intact and covered the back of her ripped shirt and her shredded pants though still wearable. Seems like she's starting to be able to not rip every clothing she wears...

"I'm fine, you two. I'm just glad that you guys are safe and sound!" She hugged them again before kissing their foreheads in a sisterly manner. "I'm so proud of the two of you! Though Seth, you should thank Seifer too, it was his plan in the first place." Renee looked over to where the other archer is and raised an eyebrow when she saw him take a bow and a few treasures...then she shrugged her shoulders. They did win...so she's not going to lecture him on taking what's not theirs...

Then she noticed a few items, curiosity won over her morals of not touching things that weren't hers as she limped closer to the five treasures. 'Hmm...Interesting...' She thought, as she picked up the five items specifically and limped back to her brother and Lydia, showing them the items that caught her eye.

"Look at this...Is it just me or are these items...special?" Echo heard Renee's very confused but interested tone in her voice and laughed again, looking over to where she is with a smile.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Ogre Cave -

"I don't wanna'." said Seth stubbornly, as if Renee suggested he eat a slug. "But I am interested in these . . . wow . . ." he said, picking up the emerald encrusted serpent dagger. "I got dibs on this!"

It seems that some of the unknown items, such as the ring, potion, and necklace, can only be identified if they were worn or drank.

Johnny hugged Echo back, very relieved and happy she was safe and sound. His heart that had been beating hard in fear for her was now calming down. "Nice kick." he smiled after she kissed him. He dotted over her, brushing away dirt and gold coins from her clothes and hair, and kissed a bruise he found on her back shoulder. "Mmm, taste like gold and ogre." he chuckled playfully.

Meatballs panted happily when he was petted by Echo. Johnny dotted over him too, checking his head, teeth, and back, all the while talking to him in a very fatherly voice in his nomad tongue as if Meatballs was a human being. Next were the horses. One of them was his horse, "Chocolate", and he asked for Echo's help calming him down so that he could approach him and check if all his things and their food was still there.


-Special items?-

Echo chuckled as well, blushing pink when Johnny kissed her shoulder where the bruise was. When he asked her to calm down a horse named 'Chocolate', she nodded and limped up to where the panicked horses are.

"Hey...hey, it's okay Chocolate. Shh...It's okay." Echo approached Chocolate slowly with her hands up where her head is, smiling warmly at the nervous horse. The horse whined and back up a bit, cautious about her before she placed a calming and reassuring hand on his nose letting him breath in her scent. This is how horses know who is who, by smell and if they know who it is, they'll calm down which is true for Chocolate.

The nervous horse calmed down, snorting a bit when Echo giggled warmly at him and petting his snout. "There there...See? You're safe..." The fawn looked over at Johnny and nodded him over, Chocolate is calm now...

Renee giggled a bit when she heard Seth's exclaim, before staring back at the items. Being curious as usual, she decided to try the pink potion, taking a tiny sip as to not waste it in case they need it for another time....Then she tried on the necklace and ring while giving the book to Lydia. She wanted to know what it does...and depending on what happens, Renee should be able to determine who's for what...

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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