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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Dumald Road, Misty Mountains-

Renee sighed quietly when her partner got impatient and climbed on her horse, her bow and arrow-filled quiver hanging on her hips and her satchel attached to the horse. Since her hair got longer and has no wings, it wasn't necessary to change it much. She has it in a ponytail so it wouldn't get in the way and a hooded cloak in case she gets cold. Her face looked grim like she rather swallow the most bitter plant ever then stay together with Seifer.

Why? Why did James not stick with his over-protectiveness? The one time she wished for it did not happen. Does karma hate her? Why? She knows she's generally a good person, at least decent, so why?

"We will Calcifer. Promise..." was her response to the fire demon, grinning a bit and waved at the people who are staying. She left instructions on how to take care of her garden and studio to one of the maids. "And you...stop being annoying and pushy. We get it." Renee scolded the archer, her face and tone of voice still robotic. He's...not going to listen, but whatever-! She had to get her point across.

"Don't worry, Butters. We'll be fine with horses. They might not be as fluffy as you, but they are good at trekking up mountains." Echo comforted the large ram, petting his horn. She dyed her hair black after cutting her antlers and had to calm Johnny down after he filed his horns. She never seen him so depressed before. The once red head kissed his cheek and climbed on her horse, ready with her tied down bag behind her.

Serena was checking if her case was tightly tied down to the horse's saddle first before making it walk up to James and Frey. "No worries, dear. We'll look after James in your place." She smiled at the proud buck and glanced at the oldest Pendragon sibling, her blue eyes glinted in mischief.

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-Living room, The Flying Castle-


After reading outside for some time, Lydia eventually made her way back into the castle. She was a quick reader since she was almost always reading something, but she was incredibly disinterested with physical combat and that made her feel sleepy. She made a point to eat her meals as sandwiches, stuffing whatever odds and ends had been prepared at each meal between two pieces of bread and continuing her reading.

She was still curled up on the sofa with her book and a cup of coffee when James had delivered the news about pairings with the rest of the group. She grimaced and looked at Seth, quickly realizing that the look could easily be misunderstood and so she squinted an eye before plastering a nervous smile onto her lips. Of course she didn't want anyone to misunderstand, it wasn't that she didn't like Seth, it was just that being in a pair when she was the flat tire was incredibly... disheartening. If it was just her, she could just stun and run. Or she could attempt to pick out just the right incorrect incantation of her light spell and fling a couple of fireballs if anything, just for distraction. Though she did understand the reasoning behind the decision and she was sure that for everyone else, it was the best choice, she just felt that Seth was at a disadvantage getting stuck with her. Pretty quickly her glasses were adjusted slightly before her nose was buried back in her book, her thoughts going to how she would actually implement anything she had read and whether or not she would be successful in doing so.

-Dumald Road, Misty Mountains-


Lydia awoke with a bit of trepidation at the thought of the rapidly encroaching journey, if anything out of concern for Seth. She didn't want to be a burden to him. Though her feelings changed slightly as she began to really take note of the color of everyone's hair. It was like they were a huge family... of mostly kids. Her nose wrinkled slightly and she giggled to herself, offering a warm smile of recognition to Frey and greeting everyone present in turns. It was a beautiful day for a hazardous adventure!

"I think so?" while her response to Seth was rather uncertain, she spoke it cheerfully. She wore her usual black granny boots and black and white striped stockings, only now instead of a dress she wore form fitting black breeches and a loose fitting blouse with a deep purple vest over it. She climbed atop her own horse, which thanks to her mother, she actually knew how to ride. There was at least something to be said for affluence, even if it didn't inspire particular manners in some individuals. With that in mind, she stuck her tongue out at Seifer as soon as he wasn't looking.

@Zer0 @Katsuya
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- Seth Pendragon -

"Dumald Road, Misty Mountains"

Seth sniggered when Lydia stuck her tongue out.

"Enough chit-chat, Pendragon." said Seifer to Renee curtly, and with a vain swish of his horse's tail he trotted forward. "I see you're back to your bossy self." he looked back with a smirk and with a voice only Renee heard, said: "Did you miss talking to me?"

The dawning sun rose above the peaks of the Misty Mountains, setting the tops of the trees and the edges of the mountain peaks alight with an orange glow. The forest was waking up and bright feathered twittering birds soared overhead, while creatures from far and wide greeted the new day with hollers, roars, and trumpets.

In the middle of the riders where Princess Mia and her maid Latifa were appreciating the sky changing from periwinkle blue, to pink shot with gold, the talk was lively about everyday life in the palace. Seth was listening to the princess marvel at the smallest things such as giant fallen trees, curtains of vines, and huge mossy boulders.

"I've never ridden through a real forest trail before." she said. "It was mostly roads where there are houses and farms by the side. I never knew trails could be this narrow."

Johnny was rubbing the neck of his horse, a dark bay whom he named, "Chocolate", and was speaking to it softly in the language of his nomad people. He seemed to be trying to make friends with it, and his voice sounded encouraging and appreciative, even though the horse didn't look like it understood what he was saying. Every now and then he'd glance up at Echo whenever she rode pass a column of sunlight as though not wanting to waste a moment he didn't see everyday.

At the back, James was walking beside his horse, a dapple gray whom he named, "Misty", to start building up some endurance. He had started secretly doing push ups and pull ups too yesterday, and so far could do only two, and only half a pull-up. He hated exercise, but understood its advantage well enough to start training seriously.

As Seifer predicted, rain came upon them at around mid-day. They had to forgo lunch and trot on until the rain stopped. They made their way up and down across three mountain peaks, until a fog that rolled into the ridge they were traversing forced them to stop as the rocky, mossy trail became slippery with mud, and it became harder and harder to see.

There was no shelter up on the ridge, and so the group and their horses huddled beside a rock against the wind and waited under the pouring rain until the fog rolled past. Seth seemed to be having fun and sat on the top of the rock, listening to the thrum of the rain and singing:

"I like to see a thunderstorm,
A dunder storm,
A blunder storm,
I like to see it, black and slow,
Come tumbling down the hills.
A plunder storm,
A wonder storm,
Roar loudly at our flying house
And shake the window sills!"

Misty Marsh copy.jpg

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-Renee Pendragon-

"...I missed you being quiet already." Renee deadpanned, her face showing nothing. Inside however, she wanted to punch his face in, her heart beating fast and twinging in pain and confusion.

Why would he say that after a day of ignoring her presence and not saying anything?! What?! ....Did he plan that?...

During the whole ride, she made sure to ignore whatever other comment he might have said, looking away whenever he opened his mouth. It's terrible too because she has to stay next to him in case of extreme situations. 'James...I'm switching your shampoo to hair dye when we get back home! I don't care if it's immature of me! Your hair is so turning pink!!' She thought, tightly gripping her reins to the black colt whom she named 'Midnight'. 

When they had to hide behind a rock that mid-day, the white haired Pendragon made a large enough barrier over their heads and around the sides of the rock. The raining pittered-pattered on the semi transparent shield and though she can still feel the wind blowing from the bottom part being open, it's a lot better to withstand. Concentrating to keep it up with a sigh, Renee sat next to Seth and cuddling her brown cloak to stay warm.

Echo stayed close with Johnny, cuddling and sharing her warmth with him as she patted the rusty red-brown horse called 'Copper' in appreciation while Serena sighed in relief, her brown and white paint horse sharing the same sentiment. She didn't want to get wet again, it was funny the first time with the silver manta ray, but now...she's just glad that her violin is safe in it's case.

Serena looked over to Seth and Lydia, wanting to make sure they were fine. "Are you two doing okay? How about you Princess? Miss Latifa? James? Everyone?" She patted Splashes' neck, calming down her skittish mare.

Renee just waved, staying quiet as she stared and listened to her little brother's song with a a bit of a grin. Echo responded cheerfully. "I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking."

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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-Dumald Road, Misty Mountains-


Lydia gave Seth an amused grin and giggled as he sniggered, though she was quick to regain her composure with a soft cough. She could only imagine what Seifer might say if he caught them, especially after the tone of voice he used with Renee. She offered an empathetic rather than sympathetic expression to the only present female Pendragon followed by a meek smile.

Like Seth, Lydia also listened to Princess Mia as she marveled at her surroundings, her head nodding in understanding and acknowledgement every time a new discovery was made. While she had not lived quite so sheltered a life as the princess had, being that she wasn't royalty or nobility, she had not previously made very many arduous journeys such as the one they were currently undertaking. Needless to say, she could see where the princess was coming from and felt much the same. If she hadn't already took a bit of a journey on her own before meeting up with the castle, she might be reacting in much the same way.

She realized that she had been so preoccupied that she hadn't even acknowledge the fact that her legs and feet were sore and her feet ached. While it wasn't that much better, the fact that they were on horseback helped a little. Like James', her horse was gray, but with black spots and she had taken to calling it Speckles. She idly made chit-chat with the horse, including it in the conversations of Humans by asking it questions regarding whatever was being discussed. Yes, she knew it wasn't going to respond but she wanted it to feel included!

When it started raining, she mentally blamed Seifer as though he had something to do with it just by announcing that it would rain. She had drawn a thick black cloak from her bag of necessities and covered herself with it, hood raised over her head she kept her face aimed downwards to stay dry and as they stopped, she huddled next to Speckles for warmth as she was too hesitant to offer to make a fire, fearing that it would turn out much more disastrous than intended.

The light coming from the gloomy sky was too dim for her to read once Renee had cast the barrier so she became lost in her own thoughts and only snapped out of them as Serena spoke. Green eyes peered past the water softened hood of her cloak, lifting it slightly with two fingers as she glanced to Seth before her attention returned to Serena, "I'm pretty good, thanks."

@Zer0 @Katsuya

- James Pendragon -

"Dumald Road, Misty Mountains"

"I'm doing a-okay!" grinned Seth from atop the rock.

"Th-this is exciting!" shivered Princes Mia. Her maid Latifa just nodded, smiling while shivering. Madam Curie who was also with the group kept grumbling about why they couldn't bring the castle with them and was using her wand to point warm steam at herself.

"I'm warm." said Johnny snuggling into Echo's hair and inhaling her scent. Noticing that the others were cold, he nudged her head. "Shall we go scavenge some wood and make a fire?"

"It's raining, Caprice. Wood will be too wet to make a campfire and this barrier will trap in the smoke." said Seifer in an obvious voice.

"Lydia can make it burn." said James, who was feeding his horse, Misty, an apple. "Then we can cook lunch!" He sat down beside Renee and ruffled her hair in that playful, annoying big brother way.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle

-Renee Pendragon-

Renee sputtered in surprise when James ruffled her hair, glaring playfully at him with a mischievous grin before realizing what she was doing and relaxed her face. Once again, not showing her emotions. She's going to ignore everyone now...yep...ignoring...not-! Augh!!! Why can't she keep herself in check?!

Noticing Renee's slow change, Echo nodded, smiling brightly as she nuzzled his neck for a moment. "Yes, we shall." She's ready to leave with Johnny and carry the heaviest sticks. "Just be careful, you two!" Serena chirped, grabbing her violin out of it's case and offered to play along with Seth, already catching the beat that he was basing off.

"May I play along beside you, Seth?" She smiled warmly, placing her violin between her cheek and shoulder and checking on her strings. Ready to play...

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-Dumald Road, Misty Mountains-


Lydia appreciated Seth's cheerful attitude and smiled when she heard his response a concerned look given to Princess Mia as she shivered.

"Aaaw..." was her coo as she looked to Johnny and Echo, just watching them snuggle made her feel warm. She thought they were sweet.

While she couldn't ever say that she appreciated the tone of voice Seifer used... well, ever, she had to nod in agreement to his statement, though her bright green eyes widened, causing her to look somewhat like an owl as her face became shock stricken by James' statement.

"Um... er..." her lips pursed slightly and she raised a hand slightly as she watched James playfully harass his sister, "James... do you think that's the best idea...?"

- James Pendragon -

"Dumald Road, Misty Mountains"

"Yes." said James simply.

He obviously did not know much about Lydia, which wasn't surprising as during last winter he only saw her about three times before she left. Once was when she first came to the castle and Howl welcomed her to their home and introduced her to everyone, second was before James left to spend two weeks in a friend's lodge to do his thesis, third was on the day Lydia left the castle. Since then all he knew about her was that Howl was happy to have a very studious and persevering apprentice, which in James mind translated as: "Lydia is up there with the elite."

He noticed Renee's grin and pointed gun fingers at her. "Oho!" he smiled triumphantly. "You grinned." and he poked Renee's rib, tickling her, again and again and again.

"Yeah, you can, Serena! But first let me attack my sister." said Seth, pulling up his sleeves. He leaped down and landed cat-like on the ground, splashing the princess and everyone with mud.

"Seth, you wanker!" said Johnny rubbing mud off his eyes.

"What? You two are going to get wet anyway." he sniggered. The twin did that on purpose. And he too launched a flurry of tickle attacks on Renee.

Johnny left the shelter of the barrier with Echo. They were drenched within seconds. The ridge was a bare place with only rocks and shrubs, and so they had to hike back down the way they came to gather some wood, and returned sopping wet about half an hour later with enough wood to make a bonfire because of Echo's strength. Heavens help Johnny if they get into a fight and he's got to deal with that.

Princess Mia, Latifa, Madam Curie, Seifer, and the horses looked at Lydia expectantly.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle

-Renee Pendragon-

She tensed when James said he saw her grin, already dreading what's to come...only to giggle. Biting her lip, Renee tried to not laugh as her sides were being poked, flinching from the ticklish sensation and- What?! No! Not Seth too! Within seconds, she laughed loudly, her cheeks turning pink and a tear hanging onto her lashes. "You-! You-! YOU BLEEDING TROLLS! I'm- HAha-! No-! St-stop! -HAHAHAH! AUGH-!" Grinning widely, She tackled James and Seth to the wet ground, poking them back as much as she could though she kept laughing with a few hiccups in between. Her stomach hurt from laughing and screaming so much but she didn't care-! Revenge! Revenge from starting this tickle war-!

Not minding the mud on her head since it'll be washed away by the rain, Echo smiled warmly as she watched the Pendragon siblings. It's good to see them like this...When they came back with the wood, the fawn shook the water off of her, accidental (or not) wetting Seth for the mud attack.

Serena snickered, while watching the scene and started to play a playful tune that sounded like a puppy jumping around and being cute.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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-Dumald Road, Misty Mountains-


Lydia's hands pointlessly went to her face in desperation, the digits tugging at her skin slightly as she held her cheeks in mild horror. She didn't really consider the fact that James didn't really know much about her abilities nor why he apparently held so much faith in her, but as she looked to the others looking to her expectantly, she tried to focus on that faith instead of the possibly awful outcome that might come from her using magic EVER.

She sighed resignedly as her hands fell from her face and she attempted to tune out the warm scene that played out between the Pendragon children as she strayed away from everyone slightly and began pacing, the cogwheels of her mind beginning to turn. She paused a moment as the mud splashed her, shaking her cloak a bit to loosen what she could before she resumed her pacing. Her typically smooth brow wrinkling as she worked over the proper incantation in her head, which was saying a lot because the proper incantation was actually the improper incantation of another spell. With one arm crossed over her chest, her other hand cupping her chin thoughtfully as she dug a veritable trench with her feet the whole time Echo and Johnny were gone.

Upon the arrival of the couple carrying the wood, Lydia thought she heard a bell toll in the distance. Of course it was just her own mind playing tricks on her because she thought they all were doomed. Looking at the soaked duo made her feel miserable. She couldn't leave them in such a state after they had worked so hard to gather the wood! She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she unfastened her cloak and draped it over Speckles. Her hands gently trembled and she tried to hide it as she made sure the wood was suitably collected, ensuring the pile was not too large. At least if she was successful in lighting a fire and not blowing them all up, they could add more wood.

Lydia knelt down in front of the bundled wood and placed her hands over it, her eyes closing again as she concentrated. She knew that altering her light spell wouldn't help them so she had to try something different and with another deep breath she voiced this incantation, "the air is chill, we feel its bite. We need warmth, fire light!" She put all of her mental power into the chant, tuning out all around her and assuring that her hands were directly over the kindling. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders as she cast the spell, after all, if she messed up, the results could be minimal or they could be horrendous. So she quite literally had the fate of her companions resting in the palms of her hands which were still placed over the fire.

A spark popped into life deep inside the wood and appeared like nothing more than a firefly trapped inside. Lydia's face was strained as she kept her eyes closed, her magic continuing to flow into the kindling as she willed the fire to life. Soft crackling and popping could be heard, whether by her casting or simply by the fact that she had caused a spark amidst the wood that even though it was wet, since it wasn't by regular means, actually began to ignite.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

-Dumald Road, Misty Mountains-

Serena paused on her playing when she saw the wet wood being burned, smiling brightly as she walked up to Lydia and patted her back. "Nice work, Lydia! Now we can stay warm. Oh~ wonderful! Simply wonderful." She decided to play a warm song in the novice witch's name, giggling a bit as she spun around easily thanks to the mud.

Echo hummed as she sat down near the fire, enjoying the heat and letting it dry her hair and clothes. So worth going through the rain..."Thank you Lydia." Her green eyes looked at the brunette with a bit of mirth and pride swimming around.

@Roleplay Skittle @Zer0

- James Pendragon -

"Dumald Road, Misty Mountains"

Seth and James looked like a weight had been lifted off their shoulders when they saw their sister laugh. They were happy she was happy. The three wrestled in the mud, James laughing and jerking to the side whenever his ribs or the back of his neck was poked; Seth had his armpits clamped shut and was fending off Renee's pokes by threatening to spray her hand with saliva.

Seifer just looked at them all like they were embarrassing children. Did they not know that they were in the presence of the princess? Madam Curie seemed to share the same sentiments, but the Princess leaned to whisper in Latifa's ear, "Who do you think will win?"; "I think it will be the boys, my lady." said the maid.

When a spark appeared in the heart of the wood pile, the princess clapped and the horses edged closer to the fire.

Seth disentangled himself from the sibling ball and in the pretense of getting something from his pack, went behind Echo and ambush tickled her. "So you want a piece of this, huh?" he challenged her. He leapt on to the fawn and began tickling her in earnest. Johnny just laughed, amused and told Seth some of the tickle spots he knew Echo had as he rummaged his pack for a frying pan and some of the preserved meat.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle

-Dumald Road, Misty Mountains-


Her slender frame jerked slightly as Serena patted her and the sudden motion caused the fire to flare up briefly before Lydia regained her calm and soothed it. It seemed that at the moment, the fire was directly connected to her. The truth was, she wasn't certain enough to release her control over it just yet, afraid that it might become explosive should she stop concentrating. After moment however, she could feel the warmth on her hands to the point that it started getting just a little to hot and only then did she feel secure in releasing her hold on it. Slowly she opened her eyes to look, a bright grin gracing her delicate features as she saw what she had accomplished. Her hands slowly withdrew and were clapped ecstatically before she clasped her hands together in joy.

She offered a gracious nod to Echo before her gaze turned back to the fire, the light dancing in her eyes as it reflecting off of the shimmering surface of those green orbs. After a moment, she looked around at everyone, the look of happiness on her face screaming, look at what I accomplished! She was honestly happy that she was able to help and not destroy everyone in the process, though now she felt mildly drained. Perhaps she strained herself a little too much. She shakily rose from the mud, her black and white stockings now more black and brown, and went to collect her cloak from Speckles' back, draping it over her shoulders again as she moved near the rock and sat down, leaning against it. She rested as she watched the Pendragons, smiling gently at their antics.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

-Dumald Road, Misty Mountains-

"Ew! Seth! That's gross!" Renee said in light disgust, though she's smiling like a loon. She kept poking their sides, even grabbed a bit of mud in her hands and shoved it on James' head, still a bit mad at him for pairing her up with the idiot...Speaking of...in the midst of flinching and dodging her brothers' prodding fingers, the white haired Pendragon grabbed a hand full and tossed it at Seifer, snickering when the mud ball landed on his hair.

Good! He needed to lighten up anyways and the mud complimented his rotten personality!

When Seth surprise-tickled Echo, she laughed as well. She can take his weight easily as she turned around and poked back as well, keeping mind of how lightly she should poke to not hurt him. "Johnny-! You traitor!" She playfully scolded him before copying Renee's example and tossed mud at him too.

"Have any requests? I don't mind playing whatever you want right now." Serena asked the group, smiling widely. The happy vibe is just too infectious.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Seifer Rathmore -

"Dumald Road, Misty Mountains"

"Thank you for the fire, Lydia," said Seifer approvingly. He drew out some smoked meat, and a tin mug from his bag too, "at least you seem --- "


" --- lady like." he turned his head ever so slowly at Renee's direction. And then blinked again when the mud that hit Johnny flicked on the other side of his face.

Princess Mia blurted a laugh and then immediately covered her mouth. "Ahem, pardon me. Allow me to help with lunch, Mr. Rathmore." she said immediately; Madam Curie wrinkled her nose.

"Of course, my lady." said Seifer smoothly, and wiped the mud off his brow and hair with as much dignity as he could muster. "Pendragon, want me to cook your lunch? I insist." he said to Renee, his words dripping with venomous honey.

Meanwhile, the maid Latifa, a plump, dark-skinned lady who looked liked she's got a lot of sass underneath all that servant-like mannerism, approached Lydia. "Can I make you anythin', deary?" she asked maternally.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle
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-Renee's laughter-

Laughing without a care in the world when more mud hit Seifer's face, Renee leaned on James' shoulder, clutching her stomach as it twinged in pain again.

Oh my goodness-! His face-! It's priceless~!

When the obviously pissed off archer asked if he could cook for her, she cleared her throat, stood up and walked closer to him. A glint of mischief appeared in her now bright orange eyes as she looked up at him since she only reached to his chest and teased.

"Oh-! So now you want to cook for me after what happened before? Why Rathmore, are you trying to win my heart over with food? How sweet of you~" She cooed, her voice sounding very soft and tender to answer back at his venomous one.

"But no, thank you. I prefer the princess' and Johnny's cooking over yours, considering that I doubt you cooked before now." She retorted before Seifer could say anything else, grinning widely as her eyes glowed from the fire's light as she giggled with a blush. Then she quickly turned to her brothers, her mud clumped ponytail whipped and splat more mud on the archer's face without meaning to as she asked them if they wanted her to make lunch for them too. It's been a while since she wanted to cook...

Somehow her brothers helped mend the large crack in her heart that Seifer caused two nights ago. It's still there as a scar but...Renee knew she'll be okay when she's with her family, since they'll be there to support her when she really needs it. 'No more with the quiet me. I'm not good at it anyways!' She thought, resolved to stay as how she usually is. There will be moments where she'll revert back to being quiet, but it won't change who she really is: the loud, stubborn, happy-go-lucky sister of the Pendragon siblings.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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-Dumald Road, Misty Mountains-


Lydia smiled as Seifer thanked her. Well, he wasn't the most pleasant of individuals, but at least he could show gratitude and there was a lot to be said for that. She opened her mouth to offer a response when that mud ball hit him. Her mouth didn't close though, just no sound escaped her, her mouth was now just gaping in shock as she stared at him for a moment before her head just as slowly turned so she too could look at Renee. The initial shock of the event slipped away as Princess Mia laughed and she burrowed into her cloak slightly to hide her own smile as she watched Seifer with an amused twinkle in her eye.

She grimaced slightly under her cloak as Seifer questioned Renee about lunch. She was certain that the safest outcome of that arrangement would be a horribly burnt meal and that anything else would likely be inedible and if eaten, probably nausea inducing. Though she suspected the Pendragon sister would be wiser than to accept the offer made.

As Latifa approached her, Lydia slipped out from beneath her cloak, partially to be polite and partially so that her voice wasn't muffled when she spoke, "oh, um, yes please, that would be lovely," Lydia had talents as far as magic (mostly just in the knowledge department), she could ride a horse, she could sing, and a few other domestic things but she didn't really possess talent when it came to cooking so the offer was quite welcome.

She smiled as Renee laughed but then slouched back into her cloak as Renee approached him. How... awkward? She felt like she had stepped in something squishy... oh wait, she did, mud. But that wasn't what she was thinking. Obviously something had happened between Seifer and Renee or else she wouldn't have said so and it didn't take a genius to deduce that maybe that had something to do with how Renee was acting before. She figured that was why no one had said anything about how she was acting, maybe they all knew something had happened? Either way, Lydia wasn't one to gossip and so just kept those thoughts to herself, replenishing the energy she had used making the fire as she huddled in her cloak.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

- Seth Pendragon -

" Dumald Road, Misty Mountains "

"Charming," said Seifer composedly, flicking away more mud from his face with a lofty hand. "Truly charming creature you are, Pendragon, I can see why you'd love to think I was flirting. Boys must definitely flock to you."

"And as a matter of fact I've cooked loads of times in my family's mansion." he boasted arrogantly. "Gourmet meals that are too refined for your plebian tongue." with that he began cooking with a lot of flourishing movements.

Five minutes later. "Ah, perfect!" said Seifer splendidly, spearing one smoked sausage with a fork.

"Rathmore, that looks like a tortured soul begging for death." said Seth a matter-of-factly. The sausage was burned black and leaking melted cheese that have caught fire that he had stuffed in the sausage earlier.

Johnny and James and sniggered as they ate the food they or Renee cooked.

"This is saucisse aliments brûlés, a bohemian delicacy." said Seifer unabashedly. He took a bite and ate quite normally. "Marvelous, if I do say so myself."

Curious, Seth cut a tiny piece from one of the black sausages and nibbled it. He gagged. He couldn't even comment, and just went straight for his water skin and gargled outside the barrier. "You just made that up!"

"No." said Seifer boldly. "It's merely too refined for your plebian tongue."


James and Seth had simply requested fried smoked sausages with some sweet and sour potato chives from Renee. Johnny baked some sweet yam under some leaves, while Latifa served Lydia some strong tea and then made some for everybody else.

The guys were making fun of Seifer's tortured sausages, but the archer did not give in an inch what with his witty remarks backed up by his high-and-mighty attitude. He was Mr. Punchline, and would outlive them all having the last word.

Eventually the fog lifted at around three in the afternoon and the group was able to continue their journey until they made camp for the first time that night on the bare chilly peak of the fifth mountain top. It was a bright night with barely any clouds. The moon shone dimly across the land and they had a great view of the entire valley. The mist wasn't so thick tonight and there four days away in the distance spread the Farthing plains, and even further, the tiny twinkling shimmering lights of what was probably a village far, far away, or a house not so far. It was hard to tell from this distance.

So far so good, their first day went off without a hitch. James assigned paired watches for the night, not necessarily people and their battle buddies. Dinner was being cooked inside Johnny's large fur tepee as mountain weather was unpredictable and another fog could come rolling around bringing with it rain and wind.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle

This is how dice rolling is decided in the RP, Roleplay Skittle. Everyone's got a base success of 1-2, and for every spell or skill related to it under your character's "Spells, Tricks, and Stunts", you get +1 to it. I, as the GM, will roll a ten-sided dice to decide the outcome. Player characters have an Hp of 3, and usually only get to use one character per battle. When that Hp runs out that character becomes incapacitated and cannot do anything important.

I'm still musing whether to let a second character come and replace the incapacitated one, but I likely won't. Depends if it will waste time.

(1-2) Seifer cooking success = 3

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-Renee Pendragon-

"Well...I do know this one annoying archer who keeps bugging me every time he sees me...so yea, I am charming." Renee smiled at him, with one hand on a rosy cheek, seemingly not bothered by his comments.

She couldn't help but laugh again when Seth had to spit out Seifer's burnt sausage, making sure her own smoked sausages and chives were cooked right for her brothers. Somehow...she felt bad for him and kind of wanted to share some of hers...then again he'll probably use that as an advantage and try to tease her with it. So...All Renee did was grin at him as she knows she's a better cook...heheheh~!

Echo enjoyed Johnny's cooking immensely as she kissed his cheek while complimenting how good it is. Serena also complimented everyone's cooking, taking a sip of the tea to wash away the burnt taste of a certain sausages (she tried Seifer's sausages too and could only grin like she was in pain as she complimented how...unique it tasted.) 


When they camped at the valley, Serena started playing her violin again, now sweet and calm sounding. Echo helped out by singing the lyrics with her eyes closed and a gentle smile. Enjoying the duet, Renee is sitting next to James and asked a random question, trying to not be shy about it...

"So...Um...this is going to sound weird, but do you have your summoning book with you?"

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Seifer Rathmore -

"Dumald Road, Misty Mountains"

"Shh." said James distractedly, listening to the duet. Without asking why, he dug through his pack and quietly gave Renee Moste Potente Summons, then resumed absorbing himself totally in the soothing song.

When it ended, Johnny poked his head out of the tent where he was cooking soup. "Echo, S-Serena, could you play the song again?"

"Could you play it twice?" added James hopefully.

"No, four times!" said Seth showing four fingers for emphasis. He was giving the horses water and feeding them oats.

Seifer hopped down the boulder he was sitting on and walked away from the mountain peak. James watched him go with disbelief in his face. How could he hate such serene music? --- oh, wait, he grabbed some toilet paper, a mirror, and a hand shovel --- or no, that's probably just an excuse.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle


There secretly behind an large outcropping of black rock that blocked the view of all except from someone looking up from the bottom, or peeking out from behind it, Seifer laid aside the toiletry . . . and danced.

Slow and deliberate with the sway of the melody. Gentle like petals falling on a still pond, rippling waves that mellowed from one form to the next. He was closing his eyes. On the second repeat, he cast that enlarging spell on the mirror until it was wide enough for him to see himself. Letting his cloak fall, he removed his shirt and boots, then danced once more, watching himself move the way an artist would appreciate a perfect one stroke line.

It was cold, but he seemed to like it.

Lightly built arms stretched to the sky as bare toes swept sad passionate arcs across the black mountain stone. It was as if he was reenacting the sweet sadness of the woman in the song. It was beautiful, and he found the song beautiful as he hummed with it. He sighed as if he had had a good night's sleep when it was over and stretched, looking pleased.

"Ahh, what I'd give for some vinyl and a record player, or a harmony box . . ." he muttered at the sky. A harmony box was a very expensive magic item, enchanted to retain sounds it's heard. It can hold about an hour's worth of sounds and was the size of a rock.
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-Renee Pendragon-

While the two musicians giggled and agreed to play the song again as many times as the boys wanted, Renee rolled her eyes at James. She doesn't blame him because they sound lovely but no need to push the book. She stared a bit at her brother before grinning a bit, knowing why James is behaving the way he is, but stayed quiet.

It is rather funny that they love their song this much though...

The white haired Pendragon left, opening the book and searching for a specific summons when she accidentally saw Seifer dancing-! She quickly hid behind the rock, her heart beating quickly as she held the book close to her chest. Her breathe is still as it could so doesn't make a sound.

She did not mean to see him dancing-! Wait...he's dancing ...at the bathroom space? Peeking at the side, she watched him danced and blushed a bit. Well...he knows how to dance...really well too...Renee imagined how it would feel to dance with anybody who's that good and sighed, knowing that's not happening anytime soon.

'Of course he adds a giant mirror and dance half-naked.' Renee rolled her eyes again though more amused if anything.

When she heard him sigh about a harmony box, Renee wondered a bit...and walked away, leaving Seifer alone in his peace. She has ideas...and plans to accomplish them when they visit the first village...

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-Dumald Road, Misty Mountains-


For the most part during their rest, Lydia stayed bundled in her cloak, appearing as no more than a pair of eyes as she peered out at everyone. A soft giggle coming from her every now and then as she observed everyone and their interactions. She slipped from beneath the cloak when Latifa offered her the tea, thanking her graciously and sipping it steadily. She munched on a simple piece of bread, she felt a little uneven, her stomach still churning from her nerves.

For the most part that afternoon, she was quiet, taking in her surroundings and lost in her own thoughts. She still had reservations about her magic as well as the pairings, but she supposed she would approach that subject later.


Once they had stopped to camp, Lydia immediately found a comfortable place to sit and before she even looked at the second book she had brought with her about physical combat, she readied herself to cast her light spell. She was much more confident as long as she got the incantation right. The thought caused her to glance around her surroundings, a shiver going down her spine as she thought of the bats she had encountered during the errand she had set out on what seemed ages ago. Though she couldn't help but laugh about it now because if she hadn't been scared out of her mine, she suspected it would have been pretty funny.

Lydia drew an empty jar from her bag as well as her glasses, putting them on first before she opened the jar. She paused in her motions as the music caught her, it relaxed her and she briefly glanced at the girls, smiling slightly before she stepped away from the group and to the spot that she had selected. She placed the jar on the ground and raised her right hand over the mouth of the jar, her eyes closing as she focused on her incantation.

"Darkness falls, it's getting late. We'll need light, illuminate!"

It was one of the only spells she knew how to cast without completely messing it up and that was even stretch because she HAS messed this one up. She made a point to carefully enunciate we'll so as not to mess it up. Once she had completed the spell and the light she had conjured was inside the jar, she replaced the lid and set the jar down while she went to get her book. She caught sight of Renee as she walked away from the others and tilted her head curiously before she sat down and buried her nose in the book. While she hadn't been very interested before, she felt like with Serena and Echo's music she could concentrate better than before, or at least she felt a little more motivated.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

- What Was That? -

" Dumald Road, Misty Mountains "

As the group slept that night, another fog rolled in and brought with it rain and wind. At around one in the morning, whoever was on watch would hear the horses suddenly stand up, whinnying softly and pawing the ground nervously.

The rain hammered on, and the wind howled among the black rocks. If someone decides to investigate the horses, they'll find that two are missing, and these two were the ones that carried most of the food. Without them, the group's current supplies would only last two days at most, and they still had a week in front of them before they reach the next village.

There were large muddy footprints leading away from the camp that looked like they belonged to something big and possibly dangerous. They trailed down the mountain, over slippery rocks and steep drops, heading deeper and deeper into the fog where all was darkness, and even with some light, one could see only as far as twenty feet in front of them because of the fog.

Do you go after whatever took the horses, or stay in camp until morning?

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle
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-"Mystery trail leads to where?"-

Echo was on watch when she heard the horses whining and pawing the ground. A bit alarmed, she poked Renee's shoulder and waking her up, startling her in the process. "Huh?! Wh-what is it, Echo?" She was shushed by her friend who sported a squinting glare as her ears twitched around...What's with everyone shushing her tonight?! Geez...

...Did something happen? The white-haired Pendragon stayed quiet as she climbed down from the large rock Seifer was sitting on before, her hooded cloak bellowing around her as the winds blew.

"Ren, go check on the horses. I'll wake up the guys." Echo said, jumping off the rock with ease and ran to their tent, waking them up, and grabbing her lantern in the process.

Renee did as Echo had asked, checking on the horses with her bow and an arrow in hand, ready to shoot whatever it is. She used her gems to light up and noticed that two horses were gone...

...and those two horses had their food for the week...

'Bloody trolls...hmm?' She looked down on the ground and saw large footprints on the muddy ground. Curious and cautious, Renee slowly followed the trail that leads down the mountain where there were slippery rocks. The steep hills are so dark....she could barely see anything down there thanks to the fog.

"What in the world?"

"Renee!" She heard Echo's voice as a growing light source came closer, though she didn't turn around when they reached her. Renee explained to the group what's going on, a sense of urgency rang in her voice...

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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