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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

- James Pendragon -

" Flying Castle "

James and Seth had been worried sick. They did not get a wink of sleep last night as they scoured the forest in the rain looking for Renee together with Johnny and Meatballs. The way she acted last night was not normal. They rode horses, and had the summoners' will-o-wisps light the way, but no matter how hard and long the three looked, they did not find her and returned, exhausted, to the flying castle early in the morning the next day, still dismayed and fearful for her.

"I need coffee." said James, stubbornly, heading straight for the kitchen. He was angry that they weren't able to find his sister, and anxious because she's been gone for so long after what Serena told him. He had rushed out and saw the glowing orange eyes of his sister's feral avian form. He had never seen her that way and was alarmed, thinking that maybe the loss of the battle or the strain of making all those medicines had gotten to her.

Princess Mia, who had been waiting for them, tried to patiently stop him. "Um, James, that's --- that's your twenty-fourth cup for the last ten hours ---"

"Don't touch him." warned Johnny calmly, putting a hand up to stop the princess from approaching. He shook his head. "He's going to explode if you tell him to stop looking for his sister." he whispered.

"But he has panda eyes and he's twitching." said the princess looking at James shaking fingers as he drank more coffee.

"I know." said Johnny wearily. He had panda eyes too and was wet and tired.

"What happened to Renee?" said Seth for the umpteenth time, uncomprehending, and collapsed on to the couch from weariness. "She was fine before the meeting. Maybe her alchemical synthesis went wrong yesterday and she accidentally inhaled too much laudanum? That . . . or maybe she was just stressed and needed some time for herself?"

"Don't joke." glared James with his steely eyes.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood, brother." said Seth, annoyed. "We all need to calm down, don't get your underwear in a bunch."

James growled at him.

"The butlers are awake, they'll be able to search in our place, right, princess?" asked Johnny immediately.

"Of-of course! Yes, so, yes I'll go tell them right now. They're already changing!" she added hastily.

"James, are you sure Renee didn't just need some time to herself?" asked Johnny.

"I told you, I'm sure. She wasn't herself. Are you deaf?" he snapped.

Now it was Johnny who looked annoyed. Lack of sleep was making them all short-tempered.


Meanwhile, up in Seifer's room. He hadn't had a wink of sleep either. He heard Serena's story after James , Johnny, and Seth went out after Renee.

He had been twisting and turning in bed for the entire night, convincing himself that chicken girl was fine, it was just a tantrum. She was taking her anger out on something that was all. And she can fly, so if there was some predator she would have just flown away. He doesn't care about her. He doesn't.

She's fat, ugly, has that weird skin, is weak, an emotional wreck, and she . . . well, yes she apologized for the bandages, and apologized in public to what she did to him and his friends . . . darn it, it was so hard to hate someone when you can't find a reason to hate them for.

'Come on, Seifer,' he thought to himself. 'You've done this before, rejecting a girl . . . so what if she's hurt? It's not your problem, she's just too sensitive. In about two weeks you'll leave the company of these people and eventually you'll forget about them, just like you've forgotten about all the others. They'll forget you too. No point getting worked up thinking that chicken girl got eaten by something and that it'd be your fault. Nobody knows . . . nobody knows, so you'll be fine.'


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Echo and Serena couldn't sleep either, keeping themselves busy by thinking of ideas to cheer her up again. They have noticed that Renee was acting very strange and to leave so suddenly....she would never do that to her brothers who she knew would be looking for her...What happened before the meeting started?

The pair of girls was outside, keeping an eye out in case Renee returned on her own as they sat near the castle and on the grassy wet ground.

"Serena, I don't know...I really doubt she'll like wearing these..." Echo, for the umpteenth time, denied the idea of wearing dresses again. It didn't work before; In fact it backfired...

"Right...maybe she needs to get away-." Serena suggested only for Echo to shake her head.

"If she needed to get away, she would've climbed up the trees' branches, not out-right leave the area." Echo countered, curling up her legs, which are now fine. It's rather painful to stay up and feel her bones fixing themselves, but she's really worried about her friend.

"-sighs- ...what are we going to do...I've never seen James this freaked out either. He's usually so calm and now...he's growl-y Mcgrowler." Serena made hand motions of her fingers being teeth and opening and closing them. Echo does not blame her for being tired too...how did her friend do this, theorizing and staying up all night?! Bloody trolls-!!

"Well...there's a long stor- hm?....Serena...Go get James and the others...now..." Echo muttered quietly, frozen in her place as she stared at a pair of glowing orange eyes. The blonde turned to where the fawn was looking at and leaped into action, shouting out James' name as she ran in the castle, panicked.

There at the edge of the forest where the trees covered the forest floor with shade and shadows, is a darker shadow with glowing eyes. It's not moving like it was trying to blend in and not be noticed by it's prey. After a few unnerving seconds passed with staring at each other, the dark figure got closer to the light. With one huge claw that has razor sharp talons after another, the figure revealed itself, white feathers shined against the morning sun, and Echo gasped quietly, unable to take her eyes off.

It...It looks like a griffin or a hippogriff but much larger in size and it has a barn owl's face with falcon-like claws on all four legs. The wings that are tucked in gently looked really strong like with one flap, it would blow a person away or knock them out. The feathered tail flowed behind it similar to that of a bride's train and curled at the point. If anyone moved towards it without thinking first will most likely get scratched and be torn apart with it's beak...

It's rather evident...with the blood on the talons and face-!

Did it go into a battle? It might explain the other cuts that are bleeding and bite marks all over...

As it got closer to her now only several meters apart, it stopped and continued to stare, though...recognition is swimming in it's calculating eyes...so it knows her?...Ohh-!

"Re-Ren-nee? Is that y-you?" Echo asked, her eyes widened further when the feral bird simply bowed with one front leg under her chest and lowering her head. So...that's a yes? Holy cow...

If the others came out, she would stand back up again and slowly back away to give them space, not taking her eyes off of them in a...very unnerving manner...

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- James Pendragon -

" Outside the Flying Castle "

James and Johnny strode out the door with their wands out; Seth stayed inside, watching with his nose pressed against the window.

"What is it, Serena?" said James.

"What is it, Echo?" said Johnny at the same time.

Then they saw the white bloodstained owl sphynx.

"Echo, don't make any sudden moves, just walk back calmly." said Johnny whispering the spell that made Meatballs appear out of a puff of cloud beside him.

"Renee?" said James uncertainly. There was no mistaking those eerie orange eyes and the familliar pattern of white feathers fringing the owl's face.

"James, that's not your sister.  No more coffee for you." said Johnny firmly.


-Renee Pendragon-

Echo quickly stood up, grabbing onto Johnny's arm to stop him. "No! James' right: that's Ren-" 

A loud puff was heard, with white feathers scattering around the small group, floating in a swirling motion. Surprised, Echo looked to where the feral bird was standing before and once again widened her eyes. There, standing in the middle of the storm of feathers that are slowly disappearing, is a very bloodied Renee.

Her eyes were closed and had a serene look on her face. White long wavy hair floated down to her mid back and over her shoulders, covering...certain parts of her chest luckily. Her clothes barely clinging onto her form...wait...her wings...they're gone and the bird skin disappeared too...what the-? 

Echo was more worried about how Renee got those bite marks on her arms and legs, same with the blood on her mouth and hands...when her friend opened her eyes, blinking away dazedly, that's when she noticed...Renee is not happy...or confused...or sad...The young Pendragon sister is just staring at the group like they were complete strangers, with a stone face. No hugs? No smiles?

What in the blazes-?!

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- James Pendragon -

" Outside the Flying Castle "

"Don't look at my sister." said James quickly covering Johnny's eyes.

"Oh s-sorry! Sorry!" mumbled Johnny, closing his eyes and turning away accidentally poking himself with Echo's antlers. His face had gone red again.

"Renee!" Seth came running out of the house with the table cloth and flung it around her shoulders before hugging her. "Don't just run off like that or James will turn into a drama queen!"

"Alright? Are you alright?" said James kneeling beside her. He looked so relieved.


-At the castle-

Renee stumbled a bit when Seth hugged tightly, not wincing when he squeezing on her bruises. She looked over at James for a moment before giving a small nod, answering his question. 


Echo apologized to Johnny when he accidentally poked himself with her antlers, making sure he wasn't looking. How the guys reacted was funny like they usually would when they get flustered and this would be the moment where Renee would smile and laugh while saying something like 'Yea! I'm sorry that I left but I wanted to ...' whatever it was that she wanted to do...but that didn't happen either.

Serena, standing at the doorway in shock, shook her head and quickly came over the quiet teen to grabs her hands. "Oh my-! That was definitely an entrance to remember!" She chuckled, rather relieved herself.

Echo on the other hand, wanted to clean her up and put clothes on her. "Um...guys...I need to wrap her wounds..." 


- James Pendragon -

" Flying Castle "

"Yes, of course." said James immediately standing up. And beckoned Renee forward while checking her wounds. "I'll help, Echo."

"Renee, what's the matter with you?" said Seth looking at her impassive face questioningly. "You're not your usual bright happy self . . . Where did you train? Did you get a spell cast on you? Is that why you're talking funny?" he asked while they all went inside the house to wherever Echo wanted to take Renee.

"Um, I'm still blind? Could I get a little help, please?" said Johnny feeling the air around him with his eyes closed. He felt Meatballs' fur and the boarhound gave him a wet slobbery lick. "Aw, Meatballs!" he complained, making a bitter face. "My mouth was open!"


-Echo Muses-

"Come on Johnny!" Serena said, grinning in amusement that Meatballs licked his face and grabbed his arm, dragging him in the castle. " You can open your eyes now, you know?"

After washing the blood away and giving Renee a regular button down shirt with brown pants, Echo passed James some bandage rolls and green paste, making her sit on the living table. There were several bite marks on her shoulders, arms, and legs, scratches can be seen too, haphazardly criss crossing each other. Oddly enough, there weren't any cuts where her mouth is or her hands....

The white haired Pendragon didn't say anything until she saw Seth again and answered all of his questions at once.

"Nothing is the matter. I just trained in the forest. No, the grim wolves didn't cast a spell on me or well..they tried and failed. No...I'm not talking funny." 

Echo raised an eyebrow at her in disbelief. "You...fought with grim wolves?? All by yourself???"

With a simple nod from Renee, Echo got really worried for her friend...but not from the wounds...it's something else and it doesn't seem like Renee will be talking about it anytime soon.

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-Flower Fields of Howl's Youth-


Finding the flying castle could be a true undertaking for the average person, likewise it was just as difficult for a novice witch. Lydia had been tracking the castle since Kingsbury, where she had wanted to enter the linked house but had barely escaped noticed connection with it when she saw the Royal Guards burst through the door. Since then she had been travelling to the flower fields of Master Howl's youth, her only other known point of connection with the castle outside of physically finding the roving home itself.

Steadily, though perhaps rather slowly, she had been claiming rides across the country side, making her way to the flower fields. Miles from the fields, she had claimed her last ride and had begun the final stretch on foot. Black suede, ankle length granny boots kicked randomly at small pebbles she came across as she walked along the dirt path, watching her feet rather than her surroundings as she moved.

"Oh Lydia, how uncouth!" She spoke the words with a high inflection at the end as she mimicked what she thought her mother might say if she knew what Lydia was up to. Full lips had been smiling faintly though that soft smile faded as she released a heavy sigh. She felt somewhat like a runaway, knowing that her mother wouldn't want her to stay with the Pendragons given the current state of things, but staying with them anyway. She had made a point to ease her mother's worry by sending post whenever she had the chance, though denying her own whereabouts to prevent her mother from sending people to fetch her. 

Large green eyes turned away from the ground before her as she set her own thoughts aside for the time being, pointlessly thinking about things didn't change anything and useless thoughts weren't something to fret over. The wind caught up at that moment, tousling her sleek back hair which was tied up in a high ponytail towards the back of her head, causing the ends to tickle the nape of her neck, the fringe covering her forehead parting slightly as she spied the little hut with the door that would allow her to enter the flying castle. It wasn't as though she had been feeling dejected as she had made the journey there, but seeing the little hut definitely perked up her spirits somewhat. Her brows raised and a bright grin graced her refined features while her slender legs covered in black and white striped stockings picked up the pace as she sped towards the hut. The knee length dress she wore, which hung in loose pleats to her knees and the sleeves to her forearms and had a design and color reminiscent of an upside down black lily, now clung to her slim frame as the wind whipped by her, causing the dress and sleeves alike to flap out behind her as she neared the hut.

While her mind was hesitant, her body was not. Despite the thought crossing her mind that upon opening the door, she would find nothing but an empty hut, she threw the door open with much haste. All of the events she knew of as well as the notion of those unknown bombarding her thoughts all at once and the eagerness to have her curiosity appeased driving her. She now stood in the open door, the sudden halting of her motion causing the large shoulder bag, the strap of which crossed over her chest, to swing impatiently before steadying against her thigh.
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- James Pendragon -

" Flying Castle "

James didn't believe the whole not-being-cast-a-spell-on, but Renee didn't seem to understand that she was acting quite unlike herself and so asking her questions about this didn't get them anywhere. While Seth finished up dabbing her wounds with ointment and bandaging them, trying to make her crack a smile all the while by telling her jokes and funny stories, James motioned for Echo, Serena, Johnny, and Princess Mia to come talk to him in the corner.

"Seth wasn't able to detect any magical residues on Renee that suggested she was cursed, but it may be that if she has a spell on her, it was so masterfully cast that he couldn't detect it." said James.

Being someone who was good at breaking arcane locks and disenchanting them, Seth could feel out magic more sensitively than others. That was how he went about understanding the magical locks and thief warding spells he deals with, and counteracting them.

"We need to stop by a professional healer who can tell us what's wrong with Renee as we travel to Dalaran tomorrow." said James.

"Well, instead of taking the Dumald Road to the Farthing Plains, we can take the mountain pass to Stormstone, capital city of the dwarves." said the princess. "I've been there, and though their medicine isn't as good as the elves, they are familiar with grims and dark magic."

"Aren't they at war with the goblins?"

"The mountain pass is safe because of Warmbrand Fortress. We can hire a dwarf guide and some mercenaries there."

"Hmmm . . . what do the both of you think?" James looked at Serena and Echo. "Stormstone is about a week away on foot, if we head for the Farthing Plains it's safer, but it'll be village after village until we reach the port city of Tybalt, which would probably take us three weeks if nothing goes wrong."

As they talked, the front door of the castle suddenly opened, and there James beheld Lydia Dubois, his father's second apprentice who had come to the castle three months ago during the middle of winter to begin her apprenticeship. She had left on an errand a long time ago and was to meet with the family in Paroosia during the Spring Festival, but after the dragon attack, that plan had gone down the drain.

"Lydia?" said James astonished.

Among the people in the room, the only ones Lydia would recognize would be: James Pendragon, the tall, broad-shouldered young man with messy black hair who currently looks very sleep deprived with panda eyes, Renee Pendragon, the white-haired young lady sitting on the table who's being bandaged by her younger brother Seth Pendragon, who also looks sleep deprived.

Huddled with James as though in conversation before Lydia came in were the two people the newspapers had been saying were in a love triangle with him: Johnny Caprice, a young man with sheep horns and ears, same age as James who had been holding his hand in the newspaper photos, and Echo Muses, a reindeer satyr with red hair who was mentioned as the one who stole Johnny from James.

There was a lady there with long blonde hair, and for some reason there was also the missing Princess Mia of the House of Montague whose father the King had been assassinated during the Tournament victory feast five days ago.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle
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-At the Flying Castle-

Echo and Serena followed James while Seth took care of Renee, who wasn't smiling. She responds but only when he asked in his jokes like 'Why did the chicken cross the road' would she say 'what', but no laughter. It's just a wrong image to see...a very disturbing one, to boot.

Listening to what James is saying about Seth, it made Echo frown even more. If it really wasn't a spell or a curse, then what caused Renee to act like that? Then again having a pro witch or wizard to curse her wouldn't be too far off...but then who could have done it if she was fine before the meeting yesterday and when? Renee was okay when she checked on everyone's wounds and she was inside at the time...so...when could anybody place a curse on her? Unless it's the grim but that's automatic. The red head knows that by experiencing it first hand...

"Hmm...Well, if we are going to look for a professional healer, then it's better to go through Farthing plains. Sure, it'll take us longer, but they might know what's going on with her." Serena explained her point of view on this. Echo nodded in agreement.

"Yea...I...I don't think it's a curse or a spell that we're dealing with here though...I think it's something else..." The red head concluded as she looked over to her friend in contemplation. It's just really odd that Renee isn't muttering her anxieties like the other times before if she was hit by a Grim's curse, so...that can't be it.

Before Echo could think more, the door swung open, revealing a brunette girl standing there with her shoulder bag on her thigh, making her flinch in shock and surprise. Who...?

"...Hello Lydia...nice seeing you again..." Renee greeted the second apprentice passively, smiling a bit though it looked...freezing cold. She didn't even flinch from the sudden entrance. It's been three months since she last saw the brunette in training. "How are you?"

@Roleplay Skittle @Zer0
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The door was held ajar by one outstretched arm as Lydia's short frame stood with feet set apart just within the doorjamb. Her shoulders rising and falling as deep breaths were drawn in and released again after her sprint to the hut. Between breaths, relieved laughter escaped her and those jade colored eyes scanned the room, blinking slowly as she took account of the faces she recognized for one reason or another and any that she didn't. Upon her name being spoken, she seemed to regain her senses somewhat, focusing her gaze on James a moment, a smile retaining it's place on her face as she turned and carefully closed the door behind her before leaving it behind as she neared the others.

"James." She spoke cheerfully, offering him a nod and a sidelong glance which shifted to the others gathered with him. She was incredibly ecstatic to be there and it was evident from the pursing of her lips that she was suppressing the emotions that were bubbling inside of her as she attempted to maintain some composure. Her footsteps halted short of where Renee sat as she balked at the greeting Renee had given her, her gaze shifting from Renee to Seth and back again as a mild look of confusion found itself on her pale face.

"Eeeh..." her index finger extended to poke at her own cheek, scratching it slightly as she stood in place and once more took a glance around the room, she had the feeling she was missing something and considering the mood of the room and apparent state of things, she decided it best not to bombard those present with the questions she had been collecting on her trip.

She could be clumsy and overly enthusiastic, but she wasn't daft. She slipped her shoulder bag to the floor, quite literally, sliding it down her frame until she could step out of it rather than pulling it over her head and wiped the confusion from her face, replacing it with that bright smile as she stepped closer to Renee, "I'm fantastic, and you?"

@Zer0 @Katsuya


-Echo Muses and Serena Lock-

"Good...Seth was telling me some jokes. Would you like to hear some? They're really funny..." Despite the fact that she hasn't laughed at all. "How was your trip? I hope you didn't have any problems getting here..." She questioned apathetically. Well...at least she was still curious...it's still strange...

After shaking off the surprised shock of the unexpected guest, Echo and Serena smiled warily at the young witch in training, knowing how she's feeling at the moment. The blond pointed at herself and then pointed at Echo. "Hello! I'm Serena and this is Echo! We're friends with Renny here and in Echo's case, she's Johnny's girlfrie-"

Echo coughed loudly, a blush appearing on her cheeks. "Hello. It's nice to meet you."

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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-The Flying Castle-

The wrinkling of her nose added to the humor of her smile, "perhaps..." though the wrinkling of her nose was actually the only telltale sign that she could sense something was off, "it was... a trip!" Lydia seemed to be attempting to take a somewhat undetected approach towards whatever it was she was thinking, her head canting to the side ever so slightly as she gently observed Renee for a moment before an awkward, sort of raspy chuckle softly escaped her, "that is a tale of tales to tell."

Her hands were drawn behind her back as she turned towards the girl addressing her and smiled warmly, looking to each as she was introduced and first addressing Serena before she returned greetings with Echo, "hi, nice to meet you, I am Lydia Dubois (dew-bwa)," she offered a slight bow of her head, glancing up again and giving a curious glance to Echo as she coughed, though she soon had that smile back on her face and offered another polite nod of her head, "likewise!"

@Zer0 @Katsuya

-Serena Lock-

"I see...as long as you had fun in your tale of tales to tell..." was Renee's quiet response.

Serena, being a social butterfly, walked closer to Lydia, offering a hand to grab. "Well! Come on! Come closer or better yet; Let's go into the kitchen, yea? I'm sure you would like a drink?" The blonde is trying to move away from Renee and Seth so that Lydia can ask whatever questions she wants to James and the rest. It's fair after all...since she walked into a situation without knowing what's going on.

Then again...neither did they...

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle

- Johnny Caprice -

" Flying Castle "

James denied the temptation to chuckle when Echo interrupted Serena, normally he'd turn around and tease Johnny, saying "Whoa, she denied being your girlfriend.", but knew his buddy was serious about her so his face remained impassive.

"We got a lot of catching up to do, Lydia." said James. "A lot has happened when you were away."

Johnny looked momentarily surprised and slightly hurt after Echo coughed. Was she embarrassed with people knowing they were together? But he immediately hid it and said something about going upstairs to tell Madam Curie, Sir Benjamin, Viatola, and Seifer that Renee has come back safe and sound.

"Alright, and tell them about Lydia too." nodded James, giving him a hard friendly clap on the back as he went up. "She's my father's apprentice who had been on leave since winter."


"That was my buddy, Johnny," added James to Lydia, pointing a thumb at his retreating back. "He's kind of evasively shy around girls, but he'll warm up to you once he gets to know you. This is her majesty, Princess Mia."

The princess nodded her head graciously. Despite not having her crown upon her head and wearing what looked like Renee's pajamas, she gave off a poised, dignified, and serene air.

Once Lydia was settled, James gave a summary of what has happened and their plans tomorrow: Princess Mia was being hunted down by agents of the Black Dragon. Belial, champion of the master's category of the Warlock Tournament, was actually a corpse being controlled by one of the Black Dragon's deathknights, "Wrath", a young man with glowing red eyes, cloaked in darkness and wielding a scythe. It was he who killed the king, and attempted to kill the princess too, but she escaped with Renee, James, Johnny, Echo, Serena, and Seifer --- an arcane archer schoolmate from the Sorcerer's Academy who ranked first-runner up in the novice category, and had been invited to the feast too.

The princess learned that James and Renee were planning to go to Dalaran where a survivor could tell them what happened to Howl, Markl, and the Witch of the Waste, who were underneath the roots of the manna tree in Paroosia when the dragon attacked, and requested if she could come with them and bring her safely to Dalaran, which they agreed to.

Their journey begins tomorrow on horses through the Dumald Road, and onwards to the Farthing Plains. They will be in disguise, and it will be dangerous. For if the princess is discovered, agents of the Black Dragon will come for her and their group. The flying castle was to remain here, hidden in the Misty Mountains.

"So, Lydia, if you wish to go back home to your family, I understand." said James, sleepily.

Upstairs, the other inhabitants of the flying castle were waking up, and seven butlers and maids who looked like they came from the royal palace came down to begin cooking breakfast.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle
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-Echo Muses-

Feeling like James got the explaination part with the help of Serena on certain things (she's describing the dinner party and how it was ruined), Echo excused herself as well, walking up the stairs.

It's nothing against Lydia or Serena, but she wished that the blonde didn't tell her about her relationship with Johnny. Echo wanted to tell the brunette witch in training first, if they ever come around that topic.

Of course, she should've known that the blonde violinist would tease by saying that as the first thing to tell Lydia, but still...

She wanted to say it and tell someone who's new-! Why Serena?! Just why?

As the maids and butlers walked passed her, the red began searching for Johnny, smiling silly at the thought of him. She could not help the red blush on her face; she really does adore him to pieces and just the thoughts with him in it makes her happy.

"Johnny...?" She called out quietly.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Johnny Caprice -

" Flying Castle "

Johnny was half-way through the doorway of James' room, looking sleepy and confused about something. "Oh, erm, hi." he said formally to Echo, his smile not reaching his ears. "I was just heading off to bed." he looked away uncertainly, before looking back up into her eyes cautiously. "Erm . . . Echo, I'm very happy to be with you. Are you happy with me? I've never asked you before."

"Ugh, don't show off your sappy public displays of affection here in the hallways." drawled Seifer's haughty voice from the end of the hallway. He had just descended from the third floor. "Most of us want to keep our appetites for breakfast."

He strode pass them looking like wasn't able to sleep last night for some reason. Behind him were Viatola and Sir Benjamin who gave Johnny and Echo polite nods and cheerful good morning's and "Glad Renee is alright!" as they headed downstairs.


-Echo Muses-

Echo blinked, not expecting the question but answered honestly. "Happy? Happy isn't the word I would use." She ignored Seifer's taunts for they do not matter to her. 

Walking up to him, she grabbed his hands in hers and interwoven their fingers. "I'm excited... I'm ecstatic whenever I'm around you. Just being near you makes me so happy that I'd burst into smiles and giggles like a little school girl." Echo smiled at him, her green eyes looking warmer than usual, adoration shone through.


- Johnny Caprice -

" Flying Castle "

"Really?" said Johnny brightening up immediately. He gave a great sigh of relief as though he had been holding his breath, and squeezed Echo's hands to his chest, consoled. His heart was hammering so fast. He had momentarily stopped breathing when Echo said happy wasn't the word she'd use.

"So, you don't find me embarrassing to be with? With the way I dress, and how I have four ears, and --- oh! I forgot to tell you. I actually don't have somnambulism." he added, awkwardly. "Sorry for lying to you," with one hand he covered his eyes with his blue hat, "and freaking out when you touched my back the first time we met." he smiled, embarrassed and amused. Come to think of it, how they first met was funny.

He peered at her from behind the fisherman's hat.


-Echo Muses-

Her smile grew wider. "Yes really. I'm not embarrassed by you. I mean...I wanted to show you off and say things like 'this is my boyfriend!' It's why I coughed. I wanted to stop Serena from telling Lydia so I can tell her first. Johnny, I love your four ears and your style. It's part of who you are and I love that the most."

She giggled, her cheeks turning red. "I sort of figured since I have yet seen you walk to the Pendragon's pantry the whole time we are here. It's fine, love." Then she kissed his cheeks, tip of his nose, his forehead...she really wanted to kiss his lips too... But she...didn't know if that's too much, so for now...butterfly kisses-!


-The Flying Castle-

Renee’s response elicited a slight twitch of the corner of Lydia’s mouth. In Lydia’s mind, curiosity required some sort of caring and that without caring, it wasn’t possible so the somewhat emotionless response pinched a nerve slightly.

As Serena offered a hand, Lydia glanced at it questioningly before looking to her face than back to her hand and only then did she accept it, “um… yes,” she hadn’t really thought about it before, but she actually felt hungry too and the mere thought of food made her stomach grumble audibly.

She gave a nod to James as her eyes drifted away from Renee and followed Johnny when he was introduced. It was all a lot of information to take in and she seemed almost to be tallying the information behind those bright green eyes as she took into account each person more carefully. Her hand slipping from Serena’s as she offered a graceful curtsy to the princess. Her eyes then followed Echo as she retreated, as though that weren't punctuation to the end of the sentence Serena had started which she had interrupted, the notion caused an amused grin to play on Lydia's rosy pink lips.

She couldn’t really get settled, maybe it was on account of being in near constant motion since Paroosia, but she found herself fidgeting all the while James caught her up on what had been happening. She remained quiet as he spoke, her expressions changing noticeably as she was driven through a variety of emotions during his explanation. Her lips quirking into a soft smile as he reached the end and a shake of her head given, “how big of a failure would I be if I went home now?”

Although she became somewhat distracted by all the new movement in the area, her body swaying from side to side slightly, causing the loose fabric of her dress to swing like a bell.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

- Johnny Caprice -

" Flying Castle "

Johnny blinked, feeling his cheeks, his face a tomato. He gathered Echo in his arms. "You make it so hard for me not to attack you. Please hold me, I think I'm going to faint." His heart was bounding in his chest. He held her tightly for a long time before pulling away a little to look at her, smiling and looking unbelievably happy.

"Seriah le mandi angli." he murmured in that language he used with Meatballs before their first performance in the park, and pressed his lips softly on her forehead for a long time, conveying his joy and how he's so fond of her.


-Echo Muses-

Echo laughed cheerfully when she heard Johnny's words, her face turning redder as he hugged her. The red head hugged back, squeezing lightly as she nuzzled her nose on his in an Eskimo kiss. Then when he spoke in an unusual language is when her heart melted and she smiled that silly smile. She really likes hearing it...

As he kissed her forehead, Echo turned redder, much darker than her bright red hair. He could practically feel how warm she is now, her heart racing, and squeezed a bit more, clinging onto him a bit. Her legs...they're trembling like jellies-! 

-Renee Pendragon-

Renee is hearing everything around her, from the butlers cheering and laughing to the maids' gossiping ways while they cooked. It's... really calming somehow to hear so much hustle and bustle...reminded her of when her parents still being alive and the twins would play pranks on James who scream at the top of his lungs (or more like scold them and tie them to a pole). She really missed this...

A flash of nostalgia ran pass her dead eyes, too quick for anybody that it could have been in their imagination. It's pretty difficult for her to stay this quiet and emotionless, but that's how habits start, she supposed. It's harder to not be curious about someone who she haven't seen in a while too...Lydia is her dad's apprentice after all and she did want to know about how she was doing before coming here at the castle...

When Seth finished dressing her wounds, without thinking much Renee leaned in and kissed his forehead as a way of saying thank you. She didn't want to say it. She couldn't. Her little brother would notice her hurt and pained tone immediately and she wants to avoid that at all cost...but she still wanted to show her gratitude... Somehow...

Leaning back, Renee got off the table for the bulters and maids that are serving breakfast today and sat on one of the wooden stools nearby instead. She stared off into space, not wanting to look at anybody so she made sure to stare at the window.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Johnny Caprice-

" Second Floor, Flying Castle "

Johnny melted in Echo's arms, looking dazed and sleepy after the kiss. He had never felt so peaceful . . . he could fall asleep in her arms right now, he thought, as he snuggled her closer and laid his forehead against hers, breathing peacefully.

"In case you're wondering, those words mean: 'I shall run down a seriah or a wendeigo for you.'" he whispered cheerfully, swaying with Echo affectionately, "then I shall present a coat made out of its fur as a gift to your father."

He looked down to see if Echo would think this was an odd or alarming thing to say, which was the usual funny reaction whenever outsiders learned of this age old tradition in his nomad clan.

"Traditionally, when the aderes of my people wish to court the daughter of a clansman, we present their fathers with a gift that proves we're capable of protecting their daughters as well as her father's herds of goats and sheep. And one of the best gifts is hunting down a wendeigo." said Johnny a matter-of-factly. His determined look made it seem as if accomplishing that was equal to affording a mansion.

"Though I believe the tradition of most folk that live in this country is simply to dress well, invite the lady's family to dinner and ask permission from her father?"


- James Pendragon-

" Living room, Flying Castle "

"You wouldn't be a failure." said James earnestly to Lydia, shaking his head. "As long as you're in the castle or with us on our dangerous journey, you can die. I don't think the enemy knows you're affiliated with us and Princess Mia. If they investigated you they'd know you've been gone all this time. You can still have a normal life with your family."

Knowing Howl's children, they would need all the help they could get for this great journey. This was a quest for valiant knights, and mighty wizards, not a couple of kids who haven't finished school yet. They weren't much in the face of this daunting task, but they were all the princess has got.

@Roleplay Skittle


"Ew, gross!" said Seth, rubbing his forehead, then stopped. "Renee, you --- you kissed me!" he said looking into her face for any sign of her old self. He couldn't see anything, but that was definitely an improvement compared to before. The spell she's in must be wearing off. Seth made a mental note of this, 'Acts that will make Renee grateful will make her better.'

What can he do? He had never done anything for his sister before except for him and Sen making money for the family. "Renee, can I help you with your plants, making medicine, and taking care of the others whenever they get hurt?"

At that moment, Seifer and the others came down the stairs. The archer didn't make eye contact with Renee, as if she wasn't there, and went to the second kitchen to make coffee with his back turned to the group. Unbeknownst the rest, he glanced at the shiny copperwares hanging from the ceiling above the oven that dully mirrored the room watching chicken girl.

He had seen her from the windows of his room earlier and was finally able to get a few minutes of sleep before he was woken up by Caprice. She seemed different --- not only because her hair was long, her weird wings were gone, and her bird skin too, but she seemed . . . boring. Well, as long as she's not dead and its not his fault, everything is all good.

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