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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Bulgog Marshes-

Echo felt bad for James and Johnny since they weren't used to physical activities like her and Ren. Apparently Seifer and Send too. Serena on the other hand, is doing much or less okay, slightly panting from walking so much, but still standing up;  Unlike James and Johnny who fell into the ground and panting like dogs who want a drink of water.

Once the test started, Serena did not expect Seifer to pass the wolf chasing him to her-! What in the-?!

Quickly, she played a high pitched screechy song, the white glowing musical notes swirling around her in greeting and then swirled around the wolf. She planned to hurt the wolf's eardrums first before summoning Foo to fight. 

Echo, glaring at the wolf who chased Seth up a rock, stomped the ground in warning and ran towards it with her antlers aimed and ready to pierce through it before lifting it up and tossing it aside.

@Zer0 (ooc: roll the dice of DESTINY!!!)
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[SIZE= 18px]- Bulgog Marshes -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]E[/SIZE]cho shouldn't have warned the grim wolf, for it saw her charge and scampered out of the way in time to avoid a fatal toss. Her antlers struck its leg, but it wasn't a damaging blow. Echo's momentum didn't allow her to stop or turn fast enough and the wolf pounced her side, snapping its jaws shut on her leg, tripping her. It began to drag and shake its head viciously.

On Serena's side of the battle, perhaps the undead wolf's ears had already rotten to the point where it can't hear very well, or it did pop, but as its dead it didn't harm it. No one was sure, but it charged straight at her without stopping and leaped, knocking her down and clamping its jaws on her arm, shaking its head, trying to break it.

'Shoot! This went bad pretty fast.' thought Seifer, alarmed, but he didn't get the chance to help Serena because another wolf had gone after him. Drawing his bow, he fired two arrows at it in quick succession.

Meanwhile, James and Johnny who had chased two wolves away, didn't notice the two girl's dire straits behind them; Butters head butted a wolf, knocking it down, dazed for a few seconds; Frey missed his charge and a wolf clamped on to its leg, suddenly stopping the stag, which in effect threw James forward off the saddle and on to the ground.

Seth was shocked at how this all went down so quickly. He had not planned to fight, but now he drew throwing knives from the inside of his cloak and threw it at the nearest wolf. "Johnny, help Serena!" he yelled.


(1-4) Echo success = 9

(1-3) Echo evade = 5

(1-5 Echo favor) Tie breaker = 9

(1-3) Wolf I success = 9

(1-3) Wolf I evade = 10

(1-5) Serena success = 8

(1-3) Serena evade = 7

(1-5 Serena's favor) Tie breaker = 9

(1-3) Wolf II success = 9

(1-3) Wolf II evade = 10

(1-7) James success = 3

(1-6) James evade = 8

(1-5 James favor) Tie breaker = 6

(1-3) Wolf III success = 2

(1-3) Wolf III evade = 2

(1-5) Johnny success = 3

(1-3) Johnny evade = 6

(1-5 Johnny's favor) Tie breaker = 4

(1-3) Wolf IV success = 8

(1-3) Wolf IV evade = 1

P.S. The order of dice results below is from left to right.


[SIZE= 14px]OOC || Characters || Interest Check[/SIZE]

-Battle at Bulgog Marshes-

Echo yelped when the wolf tackled her, bit down on her leg, shaking and dragging her away-!

The red head, thinking quickly, grabbed onto a large rock with one of her hands. Then she kicked with her other leg, the one that's free, and aimed it straight at its face, using her strength to crack it's skull open. She wants it to let go-!

Serena screamed in pain when the wolf bit down on her arm and shaking it's head. It's going to break her arm-! Nope! Nope! Nope!

"Bad dog! Bad!" Serena used her violin like a bat and whacked it on the side of the wolf's head with all her might, hoping it'll let go! 

This...really went downhill pretty quickly-!

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[SIZE= 18px]- Bulgog Marshes -[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]he wolf fractured Echo's leg, crippling it, before her kick caused it to yelp letting her go. The head cracked, but the grim that possessed it was still very much alive. A dark angry shadowy spirit with glowing red eyes smoked out of the cracked head that could not bite anymore. It hissed angrily at her and was whispering foul words into the air --- it was casting a dark spell.

On Serena's end, the grim wolf attacking her let go, it was too dazed to fight back and staggered around.

"Work together! Focus fire on one wolf at a time!" yelled James as Frey tossed the wolf Butter's head-butted  into the air, and passed by him so that he could mount him again. James cast a deflecting shield charm that knocked back another wolf that attempted to pounce on him. This wolf scrambled back up to its feet and bit Butter's hind quarters, which prevented Johnny from helping Serena.

"Choutte Venire!" said James. Sasha flew out of a puff of cloud. "Sasha, get Renee!" Sasha hooted in affirmative and was off to the flying castle. What took the group two hours to slowly hike should take Renee seven minutes to come to their aid through flying with all speed. That's fourteen minutes of waiting time all in all as Sasha also needed to fly that distance. James should have left her in the flying castle in case something like this happened.

Seifer's shots missed and now he was the one wrestling with a wolf on top of him, "Get off! Help!" he yelled as the beast bit the arm he was using to fend it off. Perhaps it was because Seth was inexperienced in real battles, only knowing about them by watching applicants for their guilds during practical tests, that his panic threw off his aim.

Seven minutes later, Sasha came swooping down on Rene and with James voice said: "Renee, we need medical and combat assistance now." he said it calmly, but quickly. It wasn't his normal calm voice, it was his get-here-now-I-need-you calm voice. James usually wasn't one to shout unless it's to be easily heard.


P.S. Enemies have 3 Hp too.

(1-4) Echo success = 9 (1 Hp left)

(1-3) Echo evade = 10

(1-5 Echo favor) Tie breaker = 5

(1-3) Wolf I success = 3 (2 Hp left)

(1-3) Wolf I evade = 7

(1-4) Serena success = 2 (2 Hp left)

(1-3) Serena evade = 10

(1-5 Serena's favor) Tie breaker = 7

(1-3) Wolf II success = 8 (2 Hp left)

(1-3) Wolf II evade = 3

(1-7) James success = 7 (2 Hp left)

(1-6) James evade = 4

(1-5 James favor) Tie breaker = 1

(1-3) Wolf III success = 2 (3 Hp left)

(1-3) Wolf III evade = 4

(1-5) Johnny success = 8 (2 Hp left)

(1-3) Johnny evade = 1

(1-5 Johnny's favor) Tie breaker = 7

(1-3) Wolf IV success = 3 (1 Hp left)

(1-3) Wolf IV evade = 9

(1-5) Seifer success = 8  (2 hp left)

(1-3) Seifer evade = 6

(1-5 Seifer favor) Tie breaker = 10

(1-3) Wolf V success = 8 (3 Hp left)

(1-3) Wolf V evade = 3

(1-3) Seth success = 5 (3 Hp left)

(1-5) Seth evade = 2

(1-5 Seth's favor) Tie breaker = 8

(1-3) Wolf VI success = 5

(1-3) Wolf VI evade = 4

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-Battle at the Bulgog Marshes-

Echo screamed bloody murder when the wolf fractured her leg though she's happy that it let go. Then again...it's muttering a spell-! The red head curled her legs quickly, wincing from the possible broken leg, but still moved. Using the large rock she grabbed onto, the red head lifted it up and quickly throws it at the wolf/evil spirit thing, using all her strength so it could squish the angry thing like a roach with a shoe!

Serena crowed happily, now scrambling up to play her violin once more to summon Foo. Playing the passionate song, the dancing summons spun around and around and around. Creating a multiple fireball attacks towards the stunned wolf. With this, it would burn quickly. Then she ran towards Seifer and used her violin again to whack the wolf off of him.

Meanwhile, Renee was at her spot in one of the higher branches of the huge trees, sketching out her thoughts again. This book is practically filled with sketches of Seifer, like one with him eating next to Calcifer, another with him being a troll with a smug look, and her favorite: the one time of finding him with her bandages used as a beauty mask. That one makes her laugh.

When Sasha came down and James asking for help with a very urgent tone (for him), Renee quickly changed, swooping in the house to grab her medical bag and her bow and arrows. Then she followed Sasha back to the area, flying as quickly as she could and responding back with a reassuring coo.

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[SIZE= 18px]- Bulgog Marshes -[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]he grim wolf finished casting its spell before the large rock left Echo's hands; a shadowy tendril shot out from the smoky spirit and shot straight through her heart, but it didn't harm her flesh. Instead, fear like she has never known blossomed from the depths of her soul, paralyzing her with consuming thoughts.

"Failure . . ." whispered a dark voice that sounded like hers. ". . . For all your strength you could not even defend yourself . . . where is your pride? . . . You could not back up your proud words . . . You have let down your friends . . . You have let down Johnny . . . he's probably going to dump someone like you now. You are not good enough to protect him or anyone . . . you are going to die here without fulfilling any of your dreams. So many years wasted on being timid . . . and now this is how it ends."

Echo was now out of the battle.

Meanwhile, the wolf Serena attacked rose up in flames, knocked aside Foo, and swiped a claw at her back, making her blow against the wolf mauling Seifer only strong enough for it to let go, but not hurt it. The archer withdrew quickly, his arm was bleeding and shaking so bad that he couldn't knock an arrow quickly into his bow and instead yelled, "Sirus Umberalla!" A black cane umbrella appeared out of nowhere. Seifer, grabbed it out of the air and with one hand crouched into a fencing stance and thrust the umbrella like a sword at the wolf.

Some meters away, the wolf Frey tossed into the air fell heavily on the ground and did not get up again. This time James wasn't quick enough to cast a shielding charm and the grim that had incapacitated Echo now rammed Frey into a boulder, pinning the stag there.

There was a yell as Seth fell off the boulder he had climbed up. The grim wolf had cast a spell on him since it couldn't reach him with the wolf's body from the bottom of the boulder. Seth looked like he was having a hallucination. He was calling for Sen, as though searching frantically for him becaue he was lost and in trouble. He did not notice the grim charging for him, jaws open wide.


(1-4) Echo success = 8 (OUT)

(1-3) Echo evade = 4

(1-5 Echo favor) Tie breaker = 10

(1-3) Wolf I success = 5 (2 Hp left)

(1-3) Wolf I evade = 1

(1-4) Serena success = 5 (1 Hp left)

(1-3) Serena evade = 10

(1-5 Serena's favor) Tie breaker = 7

(1-3) Wolf II success = 9 (2 Hp left)

(1-3) Wolf II evade = 3

(1-7) James success = 7 (1 Hp left)

(1-6) James evade = 7

(1-5 James favor) Tie breaker = 10

(1-3) Wolf III success = 6 (3 Hp left)

(1-3) Wolf III evade = 5

(1-5) Johnny success = 6 (2 Hp left)

(1-3) Johnny evade = 10

(1-5 Johnny's favor) Tie breaker = 8

(1-3) Wolf IV success = 9 (OUT)

(1-3) Wolf IV evade = 6

(1-5) Seifer success = 5 (2 hp left)

(1-4) Seifer evade = 1

(1-5 Seifer favor) Tie breaker = 10

(1-3) Wolf V success = 5 (3 Hp left)

(1-3) Wolf V evade = 3

(1-3) Seth success = 8 (2 Hp left)

(1-5) Seth evade = 10

(1-5 Seth's favor) Tie breaker = 7

(1-3) Wolf VI success = 8

(1-3) Wolf VI evade = 9

-Battle at the Bulgog Marshes-

Slowly dropping the rock to the side, Echo curled up into a ball. Dark thoughts winning her over as she couldn't move at all. She repeated quietly what the dark thoughts are saying, over and over again. Her eyes were glazed over and tears flowed down as her body shook in fear.

Serena yelped in pain when she felt the wolf scratch her back, but grinned when she managed to whack the other wolf. When she saw the Seifer summoned an umbrella? and fought the wolf with it, the blonde then played her violin, wanting Foo to burn the wolf with a huge fireball. If it got close to her, the blonde will whack it again. Hard too.

Renee flew in, cooing in worry when she quickly understood what's going on. Her eyes turned to where her younger brother is and spotted the wolf that's going to attack him without him noticing. Protective, the winged teen flew down, wanting to swipe Seth away from trouble and plans to knock her solar arrows at the wolf that pinned Fray.


[SIZE= 18px]- Bulgog Marshes -[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]R[/SIZE]enee missed Seth, as whatever hallucination he was experiencing made him suddenly fall to the ground, but her arrows struck the wolf pinning Frey and James. With a mighty kick, the great stag sent that wolf flying across the field, never to get up again.

There was a flash of fire, as Foo burned the burning wolf with more burning flames. But with a flaming paw it fiercely flung Serena away and knocked her unconscious. She and Foo were now out of the battle; next second later, Butters knocked down the flaming wolf and this time it did not get up again.

Seifer was sword fighting with the umbrella, and with a parry and thrust that whacked his grim wolf's nose. It yelped, and snarling, began to run away howling; The last three wolves began to withdraw from battle and follow suit. They were all evenly matched, with almost equal losses on each side. The victory to be gained here was going to be a costly one, and the grim wolves didn't want that. What was the point of winning if you ended up the as the only survivor, plus wounded and dying to boot.

And so the wolves ran away, leaving the Pendragons and their friends alone in the wolf clearing. But this was no victory. For all reasons, it was the grim wolves who won this battle.


(1-6) Renee success = 6

(1-4) Renee evade = 7

(1-5 Renee favor) Tie breaker = 4

(1-3) Wolf I success = 8 (OUT)

(1-3) Wolf I evade = 2

(1-4) Serena success = 1 (OUT)

(1-3) Serena evade = 8

(1-5 Serena's favor) Tie breaker = 7

(1-3) Wolf II success = 3 (OUT)

(1-3) Wolf II evade = 6

(1-7) James success = 1 (1 Hp left)

(1-6) James evade = 6

(1-5 James favor) Tie breaker = 7

(1-3) Wolf III success = 4 (2 Hp left)

(1-3) Wolf III evade = 10

(1-5) Johnny success = 3 (2 Hp left)

(1-3) Johnny evade = 1

(1-5 Johnny's favor) Tie breaker = 10

(1-4) Seifer success = 10  (2 hp left)

(1-4) Seifer evade = 9

(1-5 Seifer favor) Tie breaker =5

(1-3) Wolf V success = 3 (3 Hp left)

(1-3) Wolf V evade = 7

(1-3) Seth success = 4 (OUT)

(1-5) Seth evade = 1

(1-5 Seth's favor) Tie breaker = 9

(1-3) Wolf VI success = 5 (3 Hp left)

(1-3) Wolf VI evade = 1

[COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]-Renee Pendragon-[/COLOR]

As Renee watched the wolves ran away, she transformed back to her human form and sighed. That...was really bad.

"Okay...who's first?" The herbalist student made sure to put green paste on everyone's bite marks before bandaging them, same with cuts from scratches so it'll disinfect. Made a splint with two branches for Echo's fractured leg so it wouldn't break while they moved. For Serena's burn marks, she put orange paste and wrapped bandages around it. Same with Frey and Butters, she bandaged them up too like their summoners.

Though each and every person who's not knocked out or hallucinating would notice how tight Renee is wrapping their bandages with a frown of concentration...and deep worry...

The way she snapped Echo and Seth out however...smelled really bad. Renee tried slapping them, remembering that's how it worked for her during the dinner part, but it just made them flinch in pain. So she tried a different approach. The lotion Echo showed her from before, it slowly rotted with time and smells terrible like days old fish left out on a summer's day for too long, but it became more effective than before. She found out by testing it on Serena once...when she wanted to wake her up...

With a whiff from the gross lotion, Echo reeled away from the winged teen, her nose scrunched up in disgust. "EW-! Renee! What is that?! What did you do?! Kill an animal and let it die in radiation?!...OW-!? My leg!!" Renee ignored her best friend's exclamations, doing the same thing to Seth and letting him smell the gross lotion to snap him out of the hallucination. 

"Seth? Sen is okay. He's with Minnie, remember? You made sure that he will be safe." Renee tried to consul her baby brother as she placed the small vial under his nose.

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[SIZE= 18px]- Flying Castle -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" At the foot of the Misty Mountains "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]S[/SIZE]eth sneezed, blinked, then looked around as if disoriented. "I . . . remember, Renee." He clutched his chest. "When I'm stronger, I'm going to come back here and beat those grims up --- is James okay?!" he looked back to see the eldest nearby, helping Serena up on Meatballs together with Johnny.

It was only Seth, James, and Johnny who had minor bruises and scratches, and they helped bind and bandage the injured too since they couldn't stay here long in case the grim wolves came back, or some other predator was drawn by the scent of blood.

"Renee, fly ahead and make more pain killers, burn salves, healing, and bone re-growing potions. Echo will come with you. The rest of us will ride back." said James. Echo, whose leg was injured might get worse during the ride. Serena, and Seifer's broken bones were on their arms, so they were easier to manage. Synthesizing potions took time, and James didn't want Renee to waste time flying them to and fro.

"Can I help?" Seth asked James. It was the first time he had initiated a conversation with him.

Surprised, James said yes and told him to go scout ahead. Somehow, seeing his older brother almost die made them friends again. The group travelled faster now on Butters and Meatballs --- Frey was unsummoned to rest --- and the rest of the group arrived at the castle around sunset. The princess was very dismayed that so many of them were injured so bad. 


[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]hat night, rain clattered on the windows of the flying castle. After the injured were tended to, James announced that they were going to have a de-briefing on today's battle in Echo's room while eating dinner.

Seifer just nodded, looking dejected and grumpy, and closed the door to his room. His pride was wounded. For all his talk and taunts, he was just as bad as the two girls he looked down on. Only James and Johnny were able to beat three grims outright.

"Tch~ it's this bow." he muttered looking at the ornamental weapon he had taken down from the palace and has been using ever since. "It's weight isn't right . . ."

Meanwhile, Johnny was making Echo as comfortable as possible where she lay. As she wasn't allowed to move until her bones mended, he stayed by her side in case she needed something that wasn't already there on her bedside table. His confidence in her after the mock battle with Serena had deflated, and thought of asking her if she was still going to come with them to Dalaran. He didn't tell her all this yet, thinking it'd probably make her sad.

As he tended to her, looking deep in thought. He wondered what he could do to help her battle skills grow.

Butters and Frey were in James room, resting in front of the warm cauldron where he was making healing potions and other necessities for the patients. Johnny was sleeping here as there were no more room available, except of course for Mr. and Mrs. Pendragon's room, but he'd rather sleep in a friend's room.

Seth was on watch duty outside with Meatballs. He was wearing a rain coat and was busy hanging arcane lamps on the nearby trees in the dark with the giant boarhound by his side. The twin felt very safe with him around. Meatballs was very big, as big as two cows side by side and almost twice as tall. He was also very friendly and kept nudging Seth to play fetch with him.

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-Renee Pendragon-

Renee stayed quiet throughout the whole thing, not wanting to do anything that might make everything worse. She didn't even comfort Echo while flying back to the castle. The red head started crying when they were far away enough for her to bawl about how she was failure and how she can't even protect Johnny despite her strength. The winged teen even slowed down a bit so Echo can cry all of it out instead of keeping it inside...like how she tends to do.

It's better to cry now and get better at whatever it is that you failed later...or that's what Renee believes.

Tired from making more medical bandages and herbal pastes and re-growing bones potions, Renee still checked on everyone. She checked on her brothers, she checked on the couple, she checked on Serena who is with James at the moment, she...needed to check on Seifer too...before the meeting started.

With a small satchel that's filled with rolls of bandages, the Pendragon teen was about to knock on his door when she heard him mutter about something...his bow?...

After a thought or two, she went back to her room, grabbed her bow (taking out the gems of course) and walked back to knock this time. "Hey Rathmore...I'm here to check on your bandages..." Her tone is soft and non-judgmental. Renee rested her bow against the wall next to the door so Seifer wouldn't see it and sighed, her wings fluttering nervously and feeling really silly on what she's about to do.

Renee is not going to force her way in this time, but she's not leaving either...pride be damned.


-Echo Muses-

Meanwhile, Echo laid in bed, not moving and not talking either. Her ears folded back and her eyes were a bit puffy from crying. The red head looked up to see Johnny deep in thought and flinched. 'He's probably thinking of dumping me for being so useless' she thought in despair, now looking down at her hands, curling her fingers tightly.

After crying it out, she felt a bit better, but...she couldn't bring herself back up again. Echo didn't know how Renee can have so much confidence to do anything after the many many MANY mistakes she made; It's difficult. Oh so difficult to build back the confidence and pride that was so fragile to begin with. Maybe her friend is just that stubborn or just that brave? Who knows...

Sighing, Echo didn't know what to do anymore...maybe she shouldn't go. She didn't want to drag anyone down nor did she want to worry anybody with her injured self either, much less Johnny. She gulped, now afraid and grabbed a pillow to hug and cuddle with, hiding her face that's tearing up again.

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- Seifer Rathmore -

" Seifer's Room, Flying Castle "

"Yeah, yeah, come in." said Seifer's grumpy voice.


The door wasn't locked. Renee would find the archer sitting by the rain-clattered window with his bow in one hand, looking at it with disdain. His usually sleek hair disheveled and his bandages slightly bloody and needing new ones. He must have been moving around a lot.


He faced his injured arm in front of Renee automatically without looking at her as if she was a servant coming to do just do her job.


- Johnny Caprice -

"Echo's Room, Flying Castle "

"Is it hurting again, Echo?" asked Johnny, his hand immediately went for the bottle of herbal pain killers on her bedside table.

He then remembered how gloomy she's been, and after seeing her hands curl up like that, perhaps it wasn't because of the pain on her leg, though he wasn't sure. He had seen her puffy eyes but thought it was because she cried from pain of injury.

He patted her head. "You know what the frog felt when he had a broken leg? He felt unhoppy." he said seriously. "Tell me what's wrong, for my sole purpose now is to wait on you hand and foot until you heel. Doth thou findeth' my jests lame or humerus?"

If Echo would peek from her pillow, she'd find Johnny kneeling beside the bed, smiling hopefully and looking very ready to console her as he continued patting her head.


-Renee Pendragon-

Sighing quietly, Renee came in his room and frowned when his bandages have blood. She tries to not be pissed at his rude gesture with his arm and starts unwrapping the bloodied bandages gently. "You know...it's bad to reopen your wound..." The winged teen knew that he's not going to listen and tried a different tactic to grab his attention. 

"...Why are you staring at your bow?" She asked quietly, looking at the disdained archer with a patient look in her eyes. "What? Did it do something to you for you to glare at it?" She wasn't teasing; She's honestly asking out of curiosity. 


-Echo Muses-


Echo didn't look until she heard him make leg puns, her eyes twinkled with a bit mirth for a moment...then that twinkle died out, now depressed and afraid. She hid her face again, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed quietly in the pillow.

"It's -sob- It's  n-not m-my leg." The red head mumbled, not wiping her tears as they were absorbed in the pillow. "I'm...I'm such a failure." She's so scared of letting him down, of not being able to protect him, of seeing him hurt because she couldn't even do anything right-!

"I-I shou-should st-stay -hic- here at the castle and no-not get your way. No-not be such a bu-burden to you or to the othe-others." Echo cried, hiccuping as she tries to calm down, but can't.

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- Seifer Rathmore -

" Seifer's Room, Flying Castle "

Seifer raised an eyebrow at her and placed the bow aside. "Acquired a sense of humor, have you, Pendragon?" he sneered scathingly. "Came here to gloat?" he yanked his arm out of her reach and he momentarily winced in pain, but immediately hid it behind a haughty face. "Door's over there. I hope it hits you on the way out."

He made to grab the satchel of medical supplies to do the re-bandaging himself. He seemed to be in a short temper right now and was taking out whatever frustration he was feeling on Renee.

- Johnny Caprice -

"Echo's Room, Flying Castle "

"If you think that's what's best for the princess, then stay." said Johnny gently. "But you're not a failure just because you lost one battle. You're only a failure when you stop trying."

He rubbed her forehead with his thumb. "Personally, I think your strength would be very helpful, even if you're not yet good at fighting. Want to train together tomorrow? You can chuck boulders at me and I can wear an undead wolf costume, and then later perhaps we can look for marsh slimes."


-Renee Pendragon-

Well...at least she caught his attention. "No, I'm not here to 'gloat'. I'm here to re-wrap your bandages." She stated, raising an eyebrow at him like he was being silly for even asking that.

"...Seifer, what's wrong? Why are you so angry?" She asked patiently, not minding his anger, though Renee pulled the satchel away from him. "No. You'll mess up the bandages. I'll wrap it for you." Renee reminded him. Then she gently pulled his injured arm closer, finishing unwrapping his arm and started to re-wrap new ones. Her demenor stayed calm, orange eyes non-judgemental as she sat down next to him while gently wrapping his arm.

"You want to rant? Then rant. I'm willing to listen." The winged teen isn't letting his anger stop her from wanting to know why he's angry in the first place.



-Echo Muses-

Echo flinched in surprise when she felt his thumb rubbing on her forehead and looked up at him, fat tears gathering at the corner of her puffy eyes. "You're...-hic- you're not giving up o-on -hic- on me? You're n-not gonna d-dump me for bei-being s-so useless?" She squeezed the pillow tightly.

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- Seifer Rathmore -

" Seifer's Room, Flying Castle "

Seifer's raised eyebrow rose higher. "Why are you being nice to me?" he asked her incredulously and suspiciously. "Are you a sadist who likes being around people who hurt you, or is your niceties just that too annoyingly good no matter what?" he yanked his arm away from her again.

"You're weird, Pendragon, no one is this nice unless . . . oh . . ." he smirked and then gave her a conceited look. "You fancy me, don't you?" he said in an irritatingly smug way. "Is that why you also gave me your father's hair products?"

Seifer looked like he just found the butt end of a joke.

- Johnny Caprice -

"Echo's Room, Flying Castle "

Johnny chuckled, looking amused and bewildered. "I don't think you're useless, Echo. " he said, rubbing her forehead. "And even if you do become useless, it's okay, I won't dump you. You're nice to talk to. I think the only time I'd dump you is if you hurt me and not care about me at all." he said logically.

He took out a colorful hanky and wiped Echo's tears, then offered it for her to blow her nose with.


-Renee Pendragon-

Renee took a deep breathe and let it out, trying to ignore the growing blush and Seifer's stupid grin. Really? This guy is just asking for a punch to his face right now...

"...And? So what if I am?"  She challenged back, now staring at him in the eye. There! She finally admitted it! She admitted to liking the stupid troll of a jerk! 'Are you happy now, Echo?!' She thought miserably.

"Here's the thing though: I don't expect you, of all people, to like me back." Renee replied, now a bit agitated that he kept pulling his arm away when she's doing her job-! Then she glared at his implications of her father's hair products. "I gave you my father's hair products because you honestly looked depressed about having a stupid bald spot, that's it. My feelings have nothing to do with that. I guess I'm just that annoyingly nice too." She said loudly, a bit of hurt and anger rang through her tone.

The winged teen huffed, not caring if he started to make fun of her for liking an idiot who's overly confident to the point of being arrogant and somehow still cares about his family, and knows how to be smart...AUGH!!!! She's not going to gush about him now or ever! She's never going to be like his creepy fan-girls!!! No!

"Laugh all you like; I don't care. It's not the worst thing that's happened to me. Look, can I just do my job and wrap the bandages properly?" Exasperated and tired from everything wrong that happened to her and her family, Renee slumped a bit, her wings wilted low as she kept eye contact with him. This is ridiculous...Why is she even doing this anymore....

-Echo Muses-

Echo sniffed and timidly grabbed his handkerchief to blow her nose, making a soft honking sound. Johnny is so sweet...why did she even think he would-?...!

"Oh...the Grim spirit's spell...that's why..." She muttered to herself before smiling gratefully at Johnny, feeling comforted. "Thank you Johnny...I would love to train with you and get stronger..." Then she asked, curiosity ringing in her voice. "Um...why are you rubbing my forehead?"

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- Seifer Rathmore -

" Seifer's room, Flying Castle "

Seifer was momentarily surprised. "Hahaha! Go ahead, bandage away. I don't mind having a fan girl to order around the castle. You're ridiculous! I have been nothing but mean to you, yet you still like me? Have you no self-respect?" he said gazing at her with disbelief.

"Not that you don't deserve this after what you did to me yesterday, but still, Pendragon, don't just let people treat you like a door mat even if you do deserve it. You at least punched your older brother in the face for what he did to you, right?"

- Johnny Caprice -

" Echo's room, Flying Castle "

"It's what my father used to do to soothe me whenever I was sad." said Johnny. "Is it working?"

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-Renee Pendragon-

Renee glared heatedly, her eyes practically glowed from the burning anger she's feeling. She's doing her best to not outright punch him right now, he's hurt. She can't hurt anyone who's a patient and needs help. She swore by it.

"Rathmore, you bleeding troll, I'm not your fangirl." Her wings slowly fluffed up, trembling with agitation. "I'm not your servant. I don't live revolving around you nor will I ever will be. Get your facts straight: I'm a HERBALIST STUDENT!" She yelled at the end.

"What I did to you yesterday...hah! Okay, you know the hair care products I gave you? That was an apology for doing that, you bleeding troll, but I guess you wouldn't know that even if it hit you in the face." Which she kind of wished she had when she had the chance... Seifer is pressing the right buttons to piss her off right now, even more so when he mentioned James. "Why do you care if I'm being a 'Door-mat'? To you, I'm just another 'fan girl'. So why bother asking?" She hissed as she quickly wrapped his arm with precision, now wanting to leave and draw her frustrations out.

...then she sighed, her wings wilting again. This is so stupid...."No, I didn't punch James...I didn't...want to lose him too..." Renee muttered sadly, tying the bandages' ends together. She gulped down the bitter stuff that wants to come up. This is very touchy subject and she isn't in the mood to cry in front of anybody again...yet her eyes are staring to get that familiar burn and getting wet. Oh no... She bit her bottom lip, hoping the pain would make her stop tearing up-!



-Echo Muses-

Echo blinked before smiling timidly and nodded. "Yes...It's working...Thank you Johnny. It's very sweet of you..." The red head leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

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- Seifer Rathmore -

" Seifer's room, Flying Castle "

That was a very good point.

Why did Seifer care? That realization surprised him. True, chicken girl was just a girl . . . so why in the world would he care? That's weird . . . No, he couldn't possibly have feelings for someone beneath his station and who couldn't possibly give more glory to the Rathmore name. He was just bothered with what her brother did to her that's all, anyone would be. The injuries she sustained . . . of course anyone normal would be bothered. And to see her hugging that wicked man during the King's feast as if it was okay was just . . . wrong. This girl needed to be taught some self-respect and independence.

He masked this lapse of silence by just looking at Renee's teary face with an emotionless expression. "You are weak and emotionally immature to cling to your brother's affections." he said coldly. "If I had a brother and he did that to me I would have beaten him up and reported him to the police and let him rot in jail, because that is not how you treat family, even if they are you. Anyway, moving on, if you're not a fan girl, then tell me, why do you like me? If it's for my hair, eyes, face, clavicle, any part of my body, you're a fan girl. If it's just for my money, then you're a leech."


- Johnny Caprice -

" Echo's room, Flying Castle "

Johnny went red and buried his face in his arms and gripped the bed sheets. "No problem. Any time, love --- I mean, Echo ---- I mean, love." he mumbled.

Just then, the door opened and James entered saying, "Johnny, Echo, the debriefing dinner will start in thirteen minutes, we're bringing up the food now and --- am I disturbing something?"

"Hm?" said Johnny looking up, red faced.

" . . . Make it twenty minutes" said James slowly. ". . . we'll bring the food up in twenty minutes . . ." he gave Johnny and Echo a passing wink, then closed the door.

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-Renee Pendragon-

Renee actually flinched when Seifer coldly told her that before glaring a bit, trying to not let the tears fall.

"Says the one who thought I would gloat while he's down-! I'm not clinging onto my brother's affections. I'm clinging onto his life-!" She stood up and crossed her arms, now walking up to the window so he wouldn't see her crying.

"You know about the attack at Paroosia? My family was in that mess -hic- and we lost our parents, thanks to that damned dragon." Renee quickly rubbed the tears away, her voice shook with raw fear. "I almost lost my brother too and I'm- I'm scared of losing him in any shape or form." When she heard to what happened to him while explaining to Madam Sulimon, the wing teen could not stop trembling for a whole day, feeling sick to her stomach.

"S-so when he admitted to me, about the hitman, h-he...started crying too." Renee turned to the archer, looking like she was in pain again from that horrible duel. "He sobbed, he cried, he apologized. He was terrified! James never did that, not even when we lost our parents-! To see him like that...it- it gave me so much relief that I didn't lose him again. I thought he hates me for causing our parents to die. I thought he hired that guy so he could kill me for being part of what happened in Paroosia, but he didn't. He just wanted me to lose, not be beaten to death. He didn't want me to die either-hic!- He regretted it and even told the princess." 

Renee just cannot stop talking to the cold hearted archer in front of her. She couldn't. "And...he even...he even...-hic-" Hiccuping, the winged teen gulped down her sobs and tries to change the subject. " I like you because you're confident. It seems like nothing gets you down and you always seem to have an idea in your head. Sure, you're arrogant, but I guess that happens when you get everything you want in life..." 

" I like you because you don't take anybody's load of bull. I like you because I know you're smart. I like you because...you care about your family." Her wings wilted even more as her tears fell. She didn't care anymore if he saw her tears..."Now you know, happy?" Renee mumbled quietly, hiccupping as she looked away again with a distraught frown and dulled eyes, tired from talking to much. For Merlin's sake, why did she even say all of that?

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- Seifer Rathmore -

" Seifer's room, Flying Castle "

James told the princess? . . . After Renee spoke, Seifer just looked away, shrugging nonchalantly. His raised eyebrow lowered and he just huffed and puffed there in place . . . Oh no, his delayed reply is betraying that he was somewhat partially, very slightly, vaguely, to a certain extent, moved.

He mentally slapped himself. He's planning to give the princess and this lot away to the dragon's death knights so that he could have his life back with his family, remember? No good making friends now. The letter has been sent. Yes, he should have no attachments to this group. Cruel was the best to go and so,

"Oh, boo hoo, pleeease grow up, Pendragon. As if I'd ever go out with an emotional wreck like you. Boo hoo." he laughed cruelly. "Remorseful or not, I'd still watch out for him. He's the 'end-justifies-the-means-type'. Anyway, I think that's the servants bringing dinner up for the meeting. I won't be needing your medical services anymore."

And he walked on pass her, opened the door, then shut it behind him.

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-Renee Pendragon-

Renee stood there as he walked away with her eyes wide and her brows arching down...why would he...why did he...she thought that he would understand why she forgave her brother at least. She already told him that she didn't expect him to return her feelings so...to throw that back at her face was...cruel.

'An emotional wreak, huh? Fine...how about I don't show emotions at all?' She thought numbly, her crushed face turned blank, not even a bit of sadness or happiness appeared in her eyes; they look dead.

Renee walked out of the room too, went to the bathroom that's nearby to wash away her tears and to get rid of the redness on her face. Once she approves of her appearance (still a bit red and puffy in the eyes, but still less noticeable), the winged teen left and attended to the meeting that's about to happen.

She swore...to never show emotions ever again...

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- James Pendragon -

" Echo's Room "

While the princesses' protectors ate a dinner of bucatini with spring pesto and sweet potatoes, chilled pears, and Valerian tea, James discussed their battle with the grim wolves: where they did wrong, and what they can do to make it better.

"Now, we'll be pointing out each other's mistakes, but it doesn't mean we're blaming each other. Let's be civil as we talk about this, so that we'll get better at winning our battles safely." he said while standing in the center of the room.

Johnny nodded in understanding, he was sitting on the floor beside Echo's bed with his plate of food on his lap; Seifer, who was sitting around the bedside table and eating his meal quite civilly with a fork, just listened. He never made eye contact with Renee, nor even glanced her way; Princess Mia, who sat gracefully on Echo's bed with poise nodded attentively like a student.

They talked about Echo warning her target that she was charging, suggesting that she should have just attacked while it was distracted. Most everyone also realized that they weren't good enough to handle a novice level enemy by themselves without paying dearly for it, so James encouraged everyone to focus fire on one enemy at a time together and suggested that they have a battle buddy to automatically team up with, preferably someone who complemented their abilities.

And so the ranged attackers were given a melee partner: Echo, James, and Johnny were melee fighters since they relied on their mounts that fought in close quarters with the enemy. Renee, Seifer, Seth, and Serena were ranged attackers, with Renee being able to create barriers. This arrangement wasn't set in stone though as a battle may call for different pairings, but at least they'll have a fall back where no one would be alone.

James admitted that Serena was right, that their group needed all the help they could get protecting the princess, and said that Echo and her would be most welcome in the journey. Though James and Johnny dealt the last blows that defeated the grim wolves and had the least injuries, they still weren't good enough to protect the princess by themselves with Seifer and Seth.

"And so, pick your partners." said James.

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-Renee Pendragon-

Renee sat next to Serena who was sitting next to James, eating her dinner quietly. Her movements were almost fluid, unlike before where she would move around too much and create a mess. While listening in James' tactics and strategy plans, the winged teen didn't respond as quickly as Echo and Serena who picked their preferred partners.

"I'm pairing up with Johnny!" Echo nearly leaned off the bed as her hands were at the edge of the bed, sporting a bright blush in the process.

"I'll...I'll pair up with James..." Serena quietly muttered, her cheeks turning a bit red as she poked her food with a fork.

Renee looked up at her brother and said. "I don't care. You can choose for me, James. Whomever you think is best..." Her voice sounded...really mono-toned. It's a lot worse than Minnie's voice too because at least you can tell with her, she's being blunt. With Renee's...it's more robotic. Not...not excited or scared or...something...anything-!

Echo looked at her friend, now really worried. "Ren...?" She muttered, watching her friend push her half eaten plate forward and stood up, walking to the door. Then she paused for a bit..."I'm going out to train...don't follow me..." was the only thing she told the group, which alarmed Serena as well. With a quick glance with the red head, the blonde stood up as well, following her new friend. "I'll...go make sure she takes an umbrella..."



Ignoring Calcifer's worried 'Where are you going? It's rainin' outside!', Renee shut the door behind her and walked towards the forest. As she stepped in the dark shadows, she stopped...and grinned bitterly, curious about something. She wondered...would she be able to transform with negative feelings? Before she based her emotions with positive ones like familial love or happiness, determination even. What would happen if she used...anger? Sadness? fear? Hmm...

'Let's test it...now's a perfect chance...considering.' She thought, closing her eyes and concentrated on her negative emotions to transform for once...Renee quickly muffled her pained screams with her hands as her body changed, growing bigger and more feral looking than her usual human-like form...

If anyone looked out the windows, like Serena is currently doing, they would hear Renee's low coo as she finished transforming, raising her head high. Glowing orange eyes reflected back like a wolf's, only more bird like...and uneasy to stare at. The blonde quickly went back upstairs to tell James on what she saw...

Cooing again, the dark figure spread her large wings and flew off the ground, going straight to where her brothers and friends went to find the grim wolves. She'll track them there and then...'train' a bit...

Renee didn't return back that night and no one would be seeing her early in the morning either.

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