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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Flying Castle-

Echo strained to hear what he said, but when she finally understood, she smiled a bit. "I-I see...Father w-would talk to me..." The red head giggled lightly, remembering all the funny stories her father would tell her.

"About h-how he met my mother and how he tried to court her wit-" She coughed a bit and continued. "W-with a log filled with flowers...o-only he didn't know that those flowers were actually fairies disguised as flowers and shot hiccuping pollen on him." Echo sighed, squeezing Johnny's hand gently as she felt a circular motion from his thumb, giving her comfort. Then her smile turned into a frown.

She...didn't deserve it, his comfort. Not when she's the reason why...

"Johnny...I'm sorry." Echo muttered, closing her eyes as she couldn't handle her stomach churning.



Serena chuckled with him, a light dust of blush appeared on her cheeks. James has a nice laugh and smile...She thought he would be scary; Unapproachable since she heard of his revenge win against the fighter who beat his sister, but to see this joking side of him, tells her otherwise.

"Then it's a deal!" The blond violinist cheerfully smiled. "Prepare yourself for I will pay my daily 'rent' and make sure you enjoy it." Serena joked back, putting the towel beside the sink, and noticed James' face was a bit...dazed? No...more like... "So? How are they?" She's guessing that James is looking through his owl, recalling on hearing the princess mention about nether owls and sharing visions like James could do.


[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" James' Room, Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]F[/SIZE]or my state? No, no, it's not your fault." said Johnny shaking his head and brought up his other hand to hold Echo's in both of his. "It was my choice to suck the poison out. Say, how about I tell you one of my adventures from my nomad years? The Adventure of the Red Harrast." he smiled, massaging her hand.

From the tall open window Sasha quietly fluttered up the dresser and perched herself on an old alchemy tome slightly hidden from view. Owls were such silent fliers that Johnny didn't notice. Through her eyes James saw that his two patients had sickly eyes, and fringing the areas where the poison touched, the skin was bluish and mottled. It relieved him that it wasn't like that paladin's wound that was blackish green.

Above them, the enchanted ceiling of James' room reflected the sky outside. Puffy clouds floated by trailing wispy billows. His room was a messy place that oddly didn't have any dust. It was a circular tower where curving bookshelves overflowing with books lined the walls. On one side was an alchemist's table where a cauldron stood underneath cabinets of pickled, bottled, dried, powdered, and boxed alchemical ingredients. There was a handsome wooden dresser and a writing desk underneath the tall window. And for some reason, instead of bookmarks, singles pieces of toilet paper poked out from the between the pages of his books.

[SIZE= 18px]- James Pendragon -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Living Room, Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]J[/SIZE]ames didn't answer Serena immediately. "They're . . . stable." he said vaguely and blinked, mentally closing the shared vision with his ethereal owl. Johnny and Echo's moment together wasn't something he wanted to eavesdrop. "Cervo Venire."

Frey cantered out of a puff of cloud and after a quick rub on the nose in greeting, James opened the door for him to go outside where the silver stag grazed on the hills. "By the way, Serena, the others will be heading out in disguise to a village an hour's walk from here. It may well be the last civilized place we'll see for the next few weeks, you might be interested in buying new clothes and other supplies. They're using the tournament gold, so you can use it too."

The party fiasco had been so sudden that the guests brought nothing with them except what was in their purses or handbags. They wore the Pendragon family's clothes too, and James was not keen on sharing his underwear. The princess and her other guests agreed, after much insistence from him, to use his tournament winnings to buy whatever they need and use it to pay for all the travel needs of those who wished to leave the flying castle.


[SIZE= 14px]OOC || Characters || Interest Check[/SIZE]
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-Echo Muses-

Echo nodded hesitantly, squinting her eyes open again. "O-okay...just don't move much...please." It wasn't because she's sick whenever someone moved or because he might get sick and throw up again; it was because the poison might spread faster if he moved too much. She didn't want that happening for either of them.

She listened, her guilt smoothed over as she hears Johnny's adventure story, laughing in some parts while letting a small gasp in shocking moments. Despite being sick, her green eyes gleamed in wonder, similar to that of a innocent child in awe. Echo really did love hearing Johnny's stories, it's obvious with that way she pays with rapt attention to the speaker. 

So in the back of her mind, Echo hopes and prays that Johnny would be able to make it, at least. He needs to share his stories and give joy to others like how he's doing right now with her.


-Serena Lock-


"Oh! That's good...I think." He left it too vague for her to be really happy, but Serena guessed there's a reason for it.

Serena blinked in surprise from the offer he made, her smile growing wider. James is very sweet...she wonders if the whole family tend to be sweet like sugar towards anybody in need. It's like a pattern she noticed: the sister let's them hide and watches over them, the older brother let's them use his winnings from the tournament to buy clothes and travel expenses to those who want to leave, and the twins, bless their little hearts right now, even distracted an evil person cleverly to lure him or her away.

Yea...she's going to have lovely music made from this place, she can feel it!

"O-of course. Thank you so much..." Serena's tone went from cheerful to timid-like, as if she wasn't used to people helping her at all. She's never good on getting help from others; it's really uncomfortable after living so long without anybody there when she needed support. So she's possibly going to be flustered or be too hesitant on using the money while shopping.

"I'll get ready to leave with them and come back soon." Already thinking of a song to write, Serena hummed as she walked towards the guests who were starting to disguise themselves.

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[SIZE= 18px]- Seth Pendragon -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Pokeshire Village "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]he fishing village of Pokeshire was a quaint little place that lay under the shadow of a cliff by the Lalotai Sea. Here where there were barely any trees and grass carpeted the hills, the small cottages were mostly made of stone and thatched roofs. Their large gardens were blooming this Spring time, and the fields were golden with ripe wheat and barley.

Seth walked on the dirt road that had been gouged by the hooves of horses and the wheels of wagons carrying produce to the village market. There were many travelers, hunters mostly, coming down from the hills and surrounding forests with bundles of fur and nets of fresh meat from their early morning hunting.

It wasn't a rich place, so there were no high-society folk around, and everyone who passed them by had rough skin browned from a life of fishing, farming, or hunting. They peered curiously at some of the guests, maids, and butlers walking with Seth. As much as he tried to teach them how to act and just blend in, and changed their clothes it was difficult for most of his companions to just switch off the way they carried themselves which had been ingrained in them since birth. It was obvious that there were some rich strangers visiting the village.

After agreeing to meet back at the castle at five in the afternoon or at the village gates at three, everyone went off to do their thing in pairs: Many went to the docks to ask about transport to other places, a few went around talking to the locals about local happenings, and some went to the market place to buy clothes and supplies.

Seth had been paired with Axe the butler, who was easy to get away from after convincing him it would be faster to look for information by spreading out. For he had things to do he didn't want anyone else to see: and that was thieving. For he had no money and he didn't want to use James' winnings.

And so the first thing he did after getting away was look for the biggest house in the village. "Ah, there it is." It was a large stone lodge on the top of the cliff. "Excuse me, I'm looking for an inn." he approached a lady weaving a fishing net. "Is that one, or does someone live there?"

"Oh, that'd be the village Elder's house, Elder Chopin, we got a tavern by the statue of Sir Popernickle de Mimsy over yonder."

"Thank you."

"Okay, dokey." said the lady cheerfully.

Onwards to the house. Seth grinned at his left, but then realized no one was there. He sighed, it was so strange to be without Sen. They were always together and now it was like he lost his voice because he suddenly lost the person he always talked to. It felt . . . lonely.

[SIZE= 18px]- Seifer Rathmore -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Flying Castle"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]I[/SIZE]t was two in the afternoon when Seifer woke up, disgruntled that the servant had not woken him sooner. Then he remembered that he was temporarily staying in this peasant's hovel that --- that has Monsieur Gauche's Hair Growing Cream !

He cast off the bandages from his head, surprised that it had been cut? And marveled this commoner family had such an expensive item. Brummel's Barber Cream too and pumice stones. They were all here. The chicken girl must have placed them here . . . Were these James'? No, he didn't need these things and his hair was absolutely horrid. Then it must be their father's . . . But didn't their father die or something?

He shrugged and immediately went to the second floor bathroom to apply all these things.

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-Serena is shopping!-

Walking around with a large blue hooded cloak bellowing from the sea winds, Serena was looking around in awe as she can see the ocean from here-! It's such a beautiful sight! Even when she walked around the corner that had a white table and chairs with stone walls encompassing the area, the blond could still see the ocean's beautiful blue waves from the small windows on the wall.


Shaking her head with a huge smile, the blond looked into the clothing stores that are around the market, hearing the few loud fish sellers screaming about a sale or a clearance. 'Maybe I should buy food too since it'll be a long time that we'll be hiding.' She thought, remembering where the food markets with the clearance sales would be.

Then she spotted one that had decent looking clothes and walked inside. A chime can be heard from above the door and the wooden floor made a creaking sound whenever she walked or hopped. Serena couldn't help but move around though; So many array of colors-! So many to chose...Hmm~

Maybe she can find some clothes for Echo and Renee too, while she's at it...now to find their right sizes...


-Renee's calming memories-

Renee woke up a bit later after two in the afternoon, lazily stretching as she tries to wake up. She needed that nap, it calmed down her anxieties and paranoia. It's still there, but much less...noticeable. Like some of the weight of keeping it in finally lifted off her shoulders and chest. Weird...Wings flapped twice as she stood up from her bed and walked out of her room, with clothes and a towel in her arms. When she walked closer to the second floor bathroom, the winged teen can hear that someone's using it...Bloody Merlin...

With a resigned sigh, she went to her parents' bathroom instead. Seeing all the weird arrangements her father has when it comes to hair products, it made her nostalgic again. When she was small child, Renee used to mess the bottles' order up just to see her father's hair change colors; she would get scolded by her mother, even though she wanted to laugh too. One time, she would change James' shampoo with their father's hair growing products and his mop of hair would grow longer past his knees. No one knew that she did that to him...and it started all because of James not letting her pet Sasha...

Giggling lightly from her silly memories, Renee turned the lock only to find that it's broken...Augh!!

"Let's just hope no one comes in...or else...they'll be doomed by a mountain of bottles coming their way." She muttered, hearing her echo repeat back despite it being quiet. "Oh! Wait...I can do this..." With a snap of her fingers, Renee made a semi-translucent barrier covering the door from the inside of the bathroom: that way, no one can open it unless they use force and she can be alerted before hand.

As she took off her ripped dress and pin, Renee let the noisy pipes fill the porcelain tub to the brim as she placed her clean clothes and towel on the sink. She did not mind the water being a bit cold and sighed happily for once...'Finally...some peace and quiet...' Renee closed off the tap and lied in the tub, her head tilted back to rest on the rim as she closed her eyes and relaxed...

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[SIZE= 18px]- Seifer Rathmore -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

'[SIZE= 18px]H[/SIZE]ow to get my life back . . .' mused Seifer as he examined his face vainly in the bathroom mirror. "You are one good looking specimen." he clicked approvingly, pointing gun fingers at his reflection.

Ahh, how he missed the pleasant smell of the Rathmore mansion. This hovel had all sorts of smells, from fireworks powder and motor oil from the twins room, to strange exotic floral scents from chicken girl's room. His thoughts wandered to his parents who must be looking for him, his mother who was probably worried sick.

He would never be able to go home and live a normal life now as the assassins would  likely think he's involved and would probably capture him the moment they caught wind of his location. Unless he went back and gave information about the princess and this flying castle, but he didn't know where the princess was heading next. He only knew that they were going to a place where there won't be any villages and towns for the next few weeks.

The castle was quieter than yesterday when Seifer passed the hallways on the way to the stairs after changing. There was someone sloshing water in another bathroom, the sound of quiet murmurs in the poisoned couple's room, and voices talking seriously in the kitchen.

It was there that he found Princess Mia and chicken girl's loathsome older brother discussing future plans around the dining table where there had been food left out and a note scribbled with Seifer's name. That must be his share.

". . . planning to go to Dalaran to talk to Master Drake Bertrand." said James voice. "He was there underneath the roots of the manna tree with my father, Markl my father's apprentice, the Witch of the Waste, and the other warlocks. We're hoping he could tell us what happened to them and our sister Rhea before we joined the army so that we could take part in the expedition to the Storm Wall."

Seifer stopped abruptly, then tip-toed as close as he could without getting spotted.

"Then, if you are willing, allow me and my servants to come with you." said Princess Mia. "The Wizengamot's elders have always supported my father. They can protect me, and Dalaran is protected by powerful ancient enchantments, the Nidhogg's Deathknights won't take me easily from there."

" . . ."

"I know I am asking a great deal from you, but there is no one who can protect us along the road. I will do anything to repay you for your courage."

". . . You're asking me to risk facing a deathknight with my sister around. I need time to think. "

" I understand, thank you for listening to my request."

James sighed and there was the creak of a chair. "But won't the road to Dalaran be watched by the enemy? Renee said that her memory about Master Bertrand and the Storm Wall expedition was important to Belial."

"You're right, but I can't think of any safer place."

'Wow, these people are so naïve.' thought Seifer. 'Discussing this in the open . . .'  In any case he had no wish to continue being in a position of danger with this lot. Assuming he reaches home and the assassins come after him, this information should be worthy enough for them to leave him and his family alone. He might even be rewarded too.

He casually walked down the stairs and into the living room pretending to not have heard anything. James and the Princess immediately changed subject, and after some small talk with them where Princess Mia told him about Pokeshire Village, went down there himself to buy his own things.

In the tavern he made a letter and found a sailor willing to travel to Kingsbury to deliver it to his family for a price. How very good of the older Pendragon to provide the money for it too. It would take the sailor about two weeks if the weather was favorable to deliver the message.


[SIZE= 18px]A[/SIZE]t the end of the day, everyone was able to buy what they needed and some said their good-byes as the others decided to stay in Pokeshire to wait for the boat that would take them to wherever they wanted to go. Seth came home with a stack of furs, some food, cloth, and tailoring supplies looking very pleased. He immediately went up to his room saying that he was going to make fur coats for all; the maids and butlers brought back two months' worth of food on Frey's back; while Seifer bought clothes and some decorations for his room that annoyed James as it was a waste of money.

They had a map now too and some traveler's packs, rope, and some common herbs and alchemical ingredients from the apothecary. They also bought horses that they herded into the living room and then out the back door where there was a small grassy backyard balcony where there was an old tree that had a swing.

When everyone was ready, Calcifer moved the castle and headed for the foot of the Misty Mountains.


(1-5) Seth's thieving success = 5

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-At the Flaying Castle-

Renee watched her friend try out the clothes Serena bought for them, calmly observing for any signs of paleness coming back or short of breathe.

"Echo, please. You just got back on your feet, you should rest." The white-haired teen advised though smiling a bit when her friend complained about being in bed for too long. Her eyebrow raised when she mentioned about Johnny telling her stories to make her feel better and gushing about how sweet he was at the time. Then she rolled her eyes in amusement at her reddening friend.

Around 2:00 AM the winged teen made Johnny and Echo drink the pearl-white antidote, suggesting them to drink it slowly so it wouldn't hurt their throats. Now with a few hours in the late morning, the couple looked a lot better. Echo has her tan complexion back and she's not stuttering either nor is she having hearing problems, which is great. The fever is still there, but it seems with how energetic Echo is, it's not as strong as before. The wound on her forehead didn't have much of the blue-ish color either...hmm...

Renee made sure to hide the rest of the antidote in case of thieves or someone thinking of selling them. That's not happening anytime soon, not where she placed them and whoever tries...well her plants are going to have fun with their new playthings while finding the dummy vials filled with plant hormonal gases she placed there. Heheh-!

"Renee, I know that, but I can't help it! I want to walk around! I had enough staying in bed! I-I mean- I enjoyed my time with Johnny, of course, but I rather spend time with him when we're both healthy!"

"Yes yes, I get it. You're in love with him too. I know-!"

"Renee-! Shush! He doesn't know that yet!"

"I wonder why? I mean-" She should stop there...don't want to ruin their romantic moment if he does manage to admit his real feelings to the red head. "Anyways, just go eat, would you? We'll try out the clothes later once you're done and you've rested." Renee said quietly, nodding thanks to the blond next to her. She's really nice, buying clothes for not just her and Echo, but also for Johnny and her brothers. Though it's very freaky how she guessed their sizes correctly...but the winged teen isn't complaining...much. Serena did get some of the food, a bit of common herbal plants and extra strings for her violin too.

"Oh-! It's no problem! Here, Renee, you should wear this." Serena passed her a brown paper-covered item, tied with a hem string. Renee smiled again though questioning on Serena's request. Why would she- oh...oh no....

"Um-! Oh! Did you guys hear that? It's my brother calling me-" Serena and Echo grabbed her arms, not letting her leave her bedroom until they were done, their eyes gleaming brightly.

"Oh no you don't!"

"NOOO!!" Anybody on the first and second floors could hear Renee's scream and some who knows her would think it's because of an experiment again.



"I'm starving for some real food and not crackers. How about you two? Want to eat with me and Johnny?" Echo asked, walking down the stairs with her new clothes which looked similar to her regular clothes without the corset part. Serena nodded cheerfully, hopping down as well.

"I would love to join. How about you, Ren? Would you like to eat with us?" The blond looked up at the now pouting winged teen, her arms crossed over her chest as she stood at the top.

"I rather fight with a Deathknight then go downstairs right now." Renee stated, slightly glaring at her friends-now traitors in her eyes- who smiled happily at her. "Aww~ but Ren, you look so cute with the dress." Serena cooed, smiling widely with a light blush on her cheeks which made her glare hard, looking a bit similar to James' infamous steely glare. Echo snickered at her friend's face, blushing a bit as well.

The blond was right; She does look cute with the yellow dress and the pink headband that has berry decorations attached to it. The white small jacket helped compliment it too, with the small and delicate pink designs on the bottom. If she didn't know any better, Renee would think that she's staring at her mother when she peeked in the body mirror that's residing in her room, only younger...like in the photos she found of her parents together at the beginning.

"Come on, Ren! Wearing a dress isn't so bad-"

"Then you wear one! I'm not up for dresses!" Renee's wings puffed up, letting Echo know that she's really annoyed and rolled her eyes. "Ren, just come down. Why not show it to James? I'm sure he'll think it's cute." Echo said, trying her best on comforting the agitated teen though it's not working.

"James sucks at giving compliments, Echo! Remember? He said that you look fine while I needed to cover up more and you showed more skin!"

She had a point there..."...that might be because you're his sister..." Serena said, her laughing tone clearly in her voice before grabbing Renee's wrist and pulled her down the stairs.

"There-! See? Nothing wrong with dresses."

Echo had to bite down her bottom lip in worry as she watched her stubborn friend make a complete copy of James' glare at the blond who cooed at her again.

There's a reason why they were doing this to the winged teen. Their reason? Renee needed a pick-me-up, something to bring her back to her cheerful self. The blond and red head noticed that she's been quiet and barely smiled since two days ago, which is weird and it...it concerned them. So...they thought by making her wear dresses she might open up more...and she did though not in a happy way...better to see her temper than her being contemplative and sad to be honest.

"What do you guys think?" Echo turned to James, Johnny, and Seifer who were at the table. Renee sighed as she reluctantly stared back at the guys, preparing to take whatever strange or mean comment they'll give her; Standing up straight, her wings fluttered nervously as she looked...a bit graceful (shockingly) despite her obvious discomfort with the dress. At least she's barefooted and not wearing heels...evil things...

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[SIZE= 18px]- Flying Castle -[/SIZE]

" Night Time, Giza Plains"

"[SIZE= 18px]C[/SIZE]heerfully pleasant, like a yellow bellflower." said Johnny brightly. He was leaning sunk deep against Butter's fluffy fur and was wrapped in a blanket as he still had chills and a dry fever. The curving sliding back door was partially open and he was enjoying the breeze while playing with his will-o-wisps, water slugs in a pail, and something that looked like a smoky ghost jellyfish that was making small "Poot, poot" noises.

"You look like mom." said James bluntly. He had been drinking tea and was reading, Moste Potente Summons , a book on war beast summoning.

"Yeah, you look like mom. It's weird, why are you dressing up like mom?" said Seth, curiously. He on the other hand was still eating dinner.

Seifer who had not finished his dinner yet and was looking absentmindedly at Calcifer's flames, glanced at Renee without comment, yawned, and then continued drinking his cucumber soup.

Right now the castle was passing through the Giza Plains, known for its endless field of white Giza flowers and the multitude of white butterflies that make their home here. The hills of Pokeshire was behind them, and this land was the last stretch of open ground before they enter the forests of the Misty Mountains.

The Princess, most of her servants, the merchant Viatola, and the painter Sir Benjamin were on the balcony watching a rain of shooting stars; Mrs. Curie was sleeping early and was snoring in her room. The poets Mr. and Mrs. Portly were no longer with them as the two decided to stay in Pokeshire Village.


[SIZE= 18px]- The Backyard Balcony -[/SIZE]



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-At the flying castle-

Yep...and those were the reactions she knew she was going to get...

"Thank you, Johnny....but I didn't do this... They did..." Renee sighed, nodding towards the red head and the blond who deadpanned at the males in the room. Serena thought she was exaggerating about her older brother, guess she wasn't. Echo knew better, but she had hoped...oh well...

"We wanted to cheer her up...and Serena thought with the color yellow, it'll make her happy or something like that..." Echo explained to Seth looking at the blond who shrugged.

"I didn't know how your mother looked like, so...Yea..."

Shaking her head, the winged teen grabbed the warm kettle that was near Calcifer and made herself tea, her wings still fluttered nervously. She agrees with Seth: it's weird that this dress somehow made her look like mom and the coincidence of Serena finding a dress similar to what her mother would wear...is really creepy in her opinion.

Still...she'll wear the stupid thing to make Echo and Serena happy, if that's what it took to leave her alone. 

Renee looked out the window with the tea cup in her hands and sipped it, looking like she's enjoying the shooting stars falling down...

Echo observed her friend with a small frown while getting a plate with food. Their plan backfired and now they have to come up with a new one. Renee didn't even try to remove the dress afterwards...She walked over to Johnny and sat next to him, petting the fluffy summons and giggling from the playful will-o-wisps. Taking bites and sharing some spoonfuls with Johnny too since there wasn't any meat in the plate.

Serena on the other hand, decided to play her violin, wanting to practice on the new song she came up with. The tune itself sounded timid but still lively like the song was hopeful about something. Though Renee noticed how Serena was standing near James instead of being in the middle of the room. Hmm...better not say anything.

"James...I'll be outside, okay?" Renee walked up the stairs again, quietly cursing at the dress as she had to pick up the skirt to move and went outside to the balcony. She stayed quiet as she sat next to the princess, not caring much about the stars as she just wanted to think and get away from everyone at the moment...

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[SIZE= 18px]- Princess Mia -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Balony, Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]H[/SIZE]ello, Renee." greeted Princess Mia amiably. "I've never seen so many stars before." she said in wonder at the shooting stars, drawing up her legs and hugging them. "It's beautiful."

In Kingsbury, the city lights were so bright at night that barely any stars could be seen twinkling in the sky. Princess Mia was like a child in awe, and while she watched the shooting stars her usual queenly manners and grace were forgotten and instead there sat a young lady quite like any other, who enjoyed simple things and loved the outdoors.

All throughout the day, the princess had been attempting to help with household chores as she could not leave the castle for fear of being recognized by someone outside, but James had insisted she just leave these things to them and just think about what she wanted to do next. She and James had not told anyone of their plans yet, but Princess Mia wondered if she should tell Renee about this too. She seemed to be a strong, capable, and independent woman with uncommon courage. Yes, she should tell her, but only when the others are not around.

Sir Benjamin was painting the scenery in the light of an arcane lamp while miss Viatola talked enthusiastically about the rareness of ores from the heavens that were used for crafting masterwork items.

[SIZE= 18px]- Seifer Rathmore -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Living Room, Flying Castle "[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]H[/SIZE]mm, this was new, having so many people in one room, thought Seifer as he finished his soup at the same time Seth did. In their mansion, his family didn't normally talk or spend time together after dinner. They would go their own ways pursuing their own hobbies, while Seifer went up to his room to pursue his.

He stood up to leave, but Seth said, "Hey, in this house you wash your plate when you're done with it."

"The others don't wash their plates." he said offended.

"That's because they're adults, you're the same age as us." said Seth, amazed at this guy's sense of entitlement.

It took Seifer five minutes to wash one plate, a cup, and a spoon. He obviously does not wash plates back at home. He placed them back in the cabinet wet, then had to take them out again when Seth pointed out that you had to wipe them dry with a towel before you put them back. Seifer smelled his hands as if he found the scent of dishwashing soap foreign and seemed disgruntled that he has been lowered to do servant work.

Seth was amused and wondered what it'd be like if this guy was ordered to do chores. Can he even survive out there in the real world by himself? If Sen was here the twins would have made a bet already and whispered to make plans on how to test this guy's capabilities. With a twinge akin to home-sickness for his built-in-best-friend since birth, Seth sighed and just went back up to his and Sen's room. He still had some stolen goods to melt in the workshop. That was one the rules of thieving, if you don't want to have a stolen item traced back to you after selling it, only steal things that can be melted down.

Seifer went upstairs too after a while since he got bored. There was nothing to do here, so he just went to sleep early.

Meanwhile, James had fallen asleep on the dining table, his face buried in his arms and Moste Potente Summons propped open against a jug of tea before him. He had dozed off again before Serena finished her song and was now looking quite peaceful just like yesterday.


[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Flying Castle, Near the Backdoor "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]E[/SIZE]cho, you are quite warm." observed Johnny, happily snuggling closer to her. It was amazing how she was like Butters. This was very cozy, being wrapped up in a blanket enjoying the cool night breeze and falling stars while snuggled up to his fluffy warm guardian spirit and Echo who was also warm and sharing hot soup together with him.

He suddenly had an idea and his heart hammered nervously from the thought. Pretending to yawn, he slowly stretched his arms and casually lowered one around Echo's shoulders.

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-At the Flying Castle-

"Hello Princess Mia..." Renee smiled warmly as she heard Mia's innocent comment, sounding like an awed child. It's adorable...

"Yes...it's very beautiful tonight. I haven't seen this many stars fall before..." She muttered at the end, sounding a bit wistful. The winged teen hoped that Sen and Minnie can see the falling stars too, wherever they are. She heard from James after taking her bath and while she didn't like that they just left their little brother alone, she understood where James' comes from. It's very...conflicting, a hard choice to choose. If Renee had to make that call, she wouldn't know what to do and endanger everyone who was already in the castle...

After staying quiet for a few moments, the winged teen remembered on how the princess wanted to help around the castle and James told her no...She wondered if it's because of her status or because it'll be embarrassing to have her majesty do the laundry...Hmm...Mia is going to be bored with doing nothing...maybe...

"Your majesty, would you like to know how and when to pick edible fruits? I can show you tomorrow if you like?" Renee offered while looking up at the star covered sky, absentmindedly wondering of how it would feel like to have a star in her hands...


Serena sweetly smiled when she finished playing, grabbing a blanket from the cupboards to put over James' hunched over figure before starting another song.

The first one is based on the first time she met the Pendragons, the song she's playing now...well...It's based on her view of James: having a bit of a cool side, but with a playful note from time to time, sounding very smart and sweet, but fierce at other moments.

She wanted to keep James company as he slept until it was late at night...


Meanwhile Echo spoon-fed Johnny, enjoying their snuggles. "Well I am fluffy after all." was her playful response.

The red head blinked in surprise when she felt Johnny's arm around her shoulders, not expecting it. Then she smiled timidly but happily, leaning her head on his shoulder. Her cheeks turning into a shade of bright pink and her ears twitched from time to time.

Oh goodness, they're cuddling-! and it's warm and soft and nice and her heart is beating fast but in a good way-! It's romantic too with Serena playing her violin on the background and the stars falling looked pretty like diamonds. It reminded her of a lovely scene in a book and to think that it's happening to her; absolutely wonderful~!

She sighed, smiling in a goofy manner as she was in a happy high. If anybody looked in the couple, they could see small hearts floating around Echo's head only to blink away the strange phenomenon.


[SIZE= 18px]- Princess Mia -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Balony, Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]O[/SIZE]h, yes, I'd love to learn how to do that. But where will we do it?" said Princess Mia looking behind and below the balcony to see if this amazing castle had a grove of trees somewhere. This flying engineering marvel that seemed almost alive was quite something to behold, and nobody seemed to be even driving it.

The portal door was amazing too. When everyone had left to go to Pokeshire earlier, she spent her time exploring the place and being amazed. It was so homey, quite unlike the flying ships she was used to travelling in. This place truly was a flying comfortable house. She had heard that Howl Pendragon built this. That man was quite the wizard, and his children were of the same mold. They seemed to have inherited his talents.

It had amazed her that she never heard much about them. Despite their many gifts and talents, they weren't braggarts and had the mannerisms of middle-class folk instead of the haughtiness of nobles. They Pendragons didn't seem to be fond of money either. Had Howl lent his talents to the King, he would have been one of the richest warlocks in the kingdom. The ability to create portals was a very rare and very powerful bit of magic



[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Near the Backdoor, Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

'[SIZE= 18px]Y[/SIZE]ay, she accepted!' His nervousness gave way to a happy sigh of content. Johnny closed his eyes and leaned his cheek on Echo's head, giving her a brief one-armed hug, then settled comfortably in his niche rubbing warm circles around her shoulder with his thumb. He had noticed the frown she wore earlier and wanted to soothe her.

He suddenly had the desire to smell her hair and kiss it, but stopped the thought. He had realized, when he was hesitating whether to suck the poison out of her wound risking death, that his intimacy had run far, far ahead of their friendship.

His amorous feelings had blinded him to where he and Echo actually were in their relationship, and he didn't want that, although he really, really, really, really enjoyed being close to her like this, sharing a blanket and being fed by her. Maybe he should get sick more often so that Echo would take care of him like this?

"Echo, what do you want to do now? Do you want to go back to your family?" asked Johnny after a while. He wanted to do something for her.

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-At the Flying Castle-

"...in my studio. I can show it to you right now so you'd have a better idea where it is..." Renee responded to the princess, amused but really glad at the same time. It seems that the princess is as curious as she is when it comes to new environments.

The winged teen stood up, patted her skirt down (because this dress is too much, bloody Merlin, why?) and offered a hand towards her majesty. "Want to see my garden?" Renee smiled warmly, her wings fluttered.



Echo hummed a bit while thinking. "As much as I want to, I can't. Not right now." That's really dangerous, not just to the princess but to her family as well. The assassin could somehow find her and try to make her talk, which is not happening. She didn't want to die either so staying at the castle is the safest choice for her. 

"But... I do wish I can let them know that I'm okay somehow... I won't tell them where I am, but it's better than nothing..." Echo sighed, nuzzling on his shoulder.

" I'm scared that the assassin might track the letter too if I sent it by owl... So I don't know how I can do that without endangering everyone here."

Yes, she has pondered to send a letter to her family when they were at pokeshire, but she's too noticeable with her antlers and the fact that she has fuzzy legs and hard hooves did not help either. The killer could find out by hearing whispers of her looks alone. So she can't leave the castle either.

Sighing a bit, Echo stayed quiet for a moment...and quickly hugged Johnny, hiding her face with his shoulder. "I'm really glad that you're okay now...and thank you for saving me."

Gathering her courage, the red head breathed in to calm her beating heart ( and breathed in his scent too which calmed her down more) and pecked his cheek. Her face turned as red as her hair as she smiled nervously. Echo hoped that wasn't too much for him...

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[SIZE= 18px]- Princess Mia -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Renee's Room, Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]Y[/SIZE]es, I'd love to." smiled Princess Mia, taking Renee's hand. After telling her maids and butlers where she was going, the princess followed the winged teen with much interest. As she passed Serena she winked at her, gave the sleeping James a meaningful look, then waggled her eyebrows smiling at her knowingly.

The princess was surprised that Renee was leading her indoors instead of out. In her exploration of the inside of the house, she did not see a large studio nor a greenhouse. "By the way, Renee, I have decided what to do next. When you're free I'd like to talk to you about my plans."

Meanwhile James sneezed awake. Somebody must have been talking about him. Blinking sleepily, he was surprised to see a blanket draped over his broad shoulders and figured Renee must have done this. "Thanks for playing again, Serena." he yawned, standing up.

[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Near the Backdoor, Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]J[/SIZE]ohnny blinked . . . and then blinked again. He was frozen stiff for a whole ten seconds and did not respond at all as though his brain suddenly switched off. Perhaps it was because of the fever, but his face turned redder, and redder, until one could have sworn steam whistled from his ears. What was his name again?

"E[SIZE= 12px]r[/SIZE][SIZE= 10px]m[/SIZE] . . . " Johnny turned away and curled defensively hugging Butter's head.


"E[SIZE= 12px]r[/SIZE][SIZE= 10px]m[/SIZE] . . . [SIZE= 11px]you're[/SIZE] ---[SIZE= 10px] gulp [/SIZE]--- [SIZE= 9px]welcome[/SIZE], [SIZE= 9px]love[/SIZE] ---[SIZE= 9px] I mean[/SIZE],[SIZE= 9px] Echo[/SIZE]!" he mumbled into the gian't ram's fur. He now believed it was possible to spontaneously combust from happiness. "I'm okay, I just need a moment to regain my memories."

On the dining table, James had see Echo kiss Johnny and was amused at his friend's reaction. He whispered close to Serena so that he wouldn't be overheard. "If they switched genders, where Echo was the guy and Johnny was the girl, this scene would still make sense."


-At the Flying Castle-

"That's good. I'm glad to hear that."

Renee lead the princess to where her bedroom is, giving a knowing smirk to Serena as they passed by her. Her response was an embarrassed giggle and shrug of her shoulders. 

The winged teen turned the color dial by her door, switching portals and opened the door to her studio which is the green house. Renee looked at Mia with an inviting grin. 

"Come in, Princess. Welcome to my studio and garden." She walked inside and closed the door behind them, locking the door so it'll be a bit more private. She just didn't want anybody to ruin the princess' moment of getting to know nature. 

"We should be safe here. No one comes in unless I show it to them or if they know about it." Like her family. Her brothers are the only ones who know about her garden and now princess Mia knows about it too. Renee lit the lamp with her solar gems, brighting up the room.

Her studio is cozy, bookshelves filled with books and pages from study sketches to writings to herbology. Squeezed in between the glass window and one of the bookshelves is a wooden table that has a candle lamp clamped onto one side while the other side has an old tin filled with pencils, charcoal, paint brushes and old tubes of different types of paint. Then there's a potted plant sitting next to the table, it's flower parts shut tightly since it's sleeping. Baby flytraps are still babies after all, despite their tall height.

Beyond the window is the view of the greenhouse which is the spacious abandoned castle. With the moonlight streaming by the random holes on the ceiling, anyone can see the stairs and railings are covered with vines and leaves. The floor itself has dirt with different types of plants and fruits growing in different places, ranging from the tallest bushes to the smallest vines, all of them somehow lived together harmoniously.

Renee walked through the doorway to her garden and looked behind her to see the princess' reaction, feeling proud of her work. 

"I can show you here since there's a forest outside." Renee grinned. "So...what is that you'd like to tell me?" She got curious.



Echo could only smile at Johnny, happy that he didn't reject her kiss. While she's worried that he might overheat himself, the red head finds him blushing really cute.

Then her blush turned redder and redder when she realized the nickname he gave her.

"L-love? No! It's fine. I don't mind if you..call me..that..." She mumbled timidly, her heart beating fast again. At this rate, she's going to have a stroke.

She can hear Serena laughing and turned her head a bit to see the blond giggling at something James told her... Hmm-! Well well...who knew that Serena is crushing on James. Echo spotted the light blush on Serena's face and wondered if it's because she stopped playing in time before James woke up or because he's whispering to her...

She thinks it's both. 


"Really? Oh dear." Serena giggled a bit loudly, biting her bottom lip to quiet it down. Johnny and Echo are so cute together. She sighed. Love... Such a lovely and confusing thing, it is

She looked at James a bit before looking away, her cheeks turning pink. "N-no problem, James. I don't mind playing for you."

That came out really intimate and she's not going to make a big deal out of it. Not because it wasn't embarrassing (it so totally is!), but because...if she made a big deal he might catch on to her growing feelings towards him. Serena didn't want that yet since she didn't know if she likes him for his looks or because of his personality yet.

After all...they just met a few days ago.

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[SIZE= 18px]- James Pendragon -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]hanks, that's nice of you." said smiled James, his intelligent eyes twinkling. "And for trying to cheer up my sister too. Come to think of it, I should've said something nice to her. Anyway, I'm off to sleep, 'night, Serena."

He silently gestured meaningfully at Echo and Johnny's backs as though telling her they should give them some privacy, before striding up the stairs.

[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Near the Backdoor, Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]R[/SIZE]eally? Then . . . Echo --- hang on, I need to fetch something! Don't look behind you." He suddenly jumped up and dashed out of the living room saying, "Stop the castle for moment, Calcifer!"

If Echo will not look, she'd hear the little fire demon exclaim:"Hm? Where ya goin' with a knife, Johnny!?"

"I am going to fetch something!" and there was the sound of the door opening. The people on the balcony were wondering why the castle suddenly stopped. A minute later the door opened again and Johnny came back saying, "I'm good." and Calcifer moved the castle again.

Johnny's footsteps approached Echo. "You can look now." In his hands was a bunch of white flowers from the Giza plains, their stems neatly cut off from the roots, some following white butterflies fluttering on the petals. He looked at Echo in the eye very seriously and nervously took a deep breath.

"Echo, I really, really like you. I like your voice, your kindness, your fighter's spirit, your green eyes, your pots, and your fluffy ears. I really enjoy your company, you're nice to talk to when . . . you're not angry." he chuckled, remembering the time she confronted him after Renee blew food on to Seifer and his gang. "But even then, you're not as scary as other girls --- sort of." he hesitated, remembering the time she threatened to charge at those girls who had been tormenting him. "But still, you make me feel safe, and even if you are scary sometimes when you're very forward, I like it and for some reason I enjoy it even if I get scared." he said honestly.

"It's like you have a fire inside you, and I want to find out if we're compatible for . . . a . . . future together. So . . . If you're happy with me, and if you'll have me even if I may not suck an assassin's poison out of your wounds again . . . Will you . . ." Oh no, here comes the jelly legs, "be my girlfriend?"


-At the Flying Castle-

Serena stayed at her spot, smiling and blushing red as she mumbled after James left. "N-no problem..." Shaking her head, the blond stood up and walked away from the couple, almost forgetting her violin in the process. She's too flustered!! Quietly, she went up the stairs as well.


Amused and questioning as to what Johnny is doing, Echo did what he said and not look back, hearing Calcifer's surprised voice. A knife? What is Johnny doing with a knife? With the castle not moving for a moment and moved again when she heard the door opening and closing again, the red head was poking her pots. What is he-

She turned around to find a bouquet of Giza's beautiful white flowers with butterflies fluttering about, letting out a small gasp and looked up. Her face turned redder when she noticed how serious he is at the moment. Echo's eyes widened as she hears his speech, her heart beating faster than before. Her brain shut down as all the blood rushed in her face which is now darker than her red hair.

This...this is...she's feeling light-headed...

"I-" Oh goodness-! It really happened-!

"I would-" Hm? Why are the stars so close by?

"I would love to be your girlfriend! Yes! Of course!" Echo exclaimed, her ears perked up as she smiled sweetly at him. She's so happy that this time is a lot better than singing in front of others. Way better than winning. Way better than dancing. Then as if she couldn't handle the all of her excitement vibrating in her body, the red head fainted muttering something like 'Oh look, more pretty stars~', and practically steaming from her head, smiling in a goofy looking smile.


[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]B[/SIZE]rilliant!" said Johnny joyfully. "I'm so --- Echo? Echo!" he immediately caught her. "Erm . . . " he did not know what to do. He checked her face, she had a goofy smile on. Then he burst out laughing.

"Baa?" bleated Butters concerned.

"What a reaction." he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Baa, baa."

"Yes, we should take her to bed. Come and help me, Butters." He didn't know where Echo was to sleep now that she was alright, so he led the giant ram to the room where Mr. and Mrs. Portly slept in yesterday and tucked Echo in bed. He brought up two glasses of water, one for the bunch of white flowers which he placed on the bedside table, the other in case she woke up thirsty. Her temperature was very hot.

For a few moments Johnny stood beside the bed watching Echo sleep, his heart full of affection for her. "Good night, love." he murmured in the quiet, still smiling, amused. He kissed her hand without waking her up, then after a last backward glance, quietly left the room.

[SIZE= 18px]- Princess Mia -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Renee's Studio "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]his . . . It's like an ancient ruin in your house, but it's not!" exclaimed Princess Mia amazed. So this was what it was like to have portals in your house . . . Each room could open up to a whole different world that was just one floor and a staircase away. "And you paint as well?!" Truly the Pendragons were very talented people.

Once they had settled on the chairs, Princess Mia told Renee that she wished to go with her and James to Dalaran with her servants, where they would be safe from the deathknights of the Nidhogg. For the assassin who attacked the castle was one of the deathknights of the black dragon, and his name was "Wrath", a demon who had appeared a few weeks ago in the frontlines of Leor, fighting against General Leo and his soldiers. So far there were four known deathknights: Wrath, Greed, Envy, and Sloth. They all had dark powers, each fouler than the last.

"Since I can ask no one else who is trustworthy, will you and your brother safeguard us on the road to Dalaran?"

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-Renee's studio-

Renee basked in joy that the princess is amazed, feeling like she just took her worries away for a bit. Good, she wanted that. This house only needed one person who worries too much, not two.

"Yes, my parents thought it would be good for me and get a better experience of plant life. So dad made a portal for my studio..." It definitely shocked her when her father came out of nowhere and showed her this place with her mother smiling and waiting inside. They told her it was a congratulations present for passing as a herb student and to always study in here, which she does. This place is her treasure and she'll make sure to take care of it.

Then she blushed a bit when the princess noticed her art stuff, not used to sharing that piece of information either. "Ah...Y-yes well-! I'm not as good as the professional artist upstairs."

Renee listened to the princess' explanation, not expecting that was her plan...well...they were planning to go to Dalaran and visit Sir Bertrand to ask about their parents...

"Of course, though you must understand that James is very...protective and he will not hesitate to make an action." Renee knows this very well...and protective is not even close to what she really wanted to say. It's more on the borderlines of controlling in her opinion, but she can't really do anything about it other than try to sooth his worries and fears.

"Besides...we were planning on going to Dalaran and visit Sir Bertrand, so why not accompany you and your group to safety, if that was the case....Um...Princess, there's something I would like to mention to you...if you don't mind hearing me out?" Renee asked, her wings fluttered nervously.

"You don't need to grant it or anything like that, if you don't want to...but I would still like to ask you of this." She wanted to ask as girl to girl, not common person to princess. Renee didn't want the princess to feel like she owes them anything, but she does want to ask her, just in case...


[SIZE= 18px]- Princess Mia -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Renee's Studio "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]P[/SIZE]lease don't be afraid. Just ask away, Renee, you've made me quite curious already." she smiled, listening with rapt attention.


-Renee Pendragon-

Renee hesitated a bit. "A-about the expedition to the Storm wall...Would it be possible for my brother and I to go with them?" Then she tried to explain. "You see...I talked with the Manna tree before and he told me to go to the Storm Wall. I know my brother doesn't want me to go; he absolutely hates the idea of me going, but he still offered to at least accompany me to the port if it's still dangerous or not possible to leave."

"So...Like I said before: you don't need to grant it, let alone feel obligated to do it, but...even if I do go, would you please make sure that my family is okay while I'm gone?" She pleaded quietly, showing her worry to the princess.


[SIZE= 18px]- Princess Mia -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Renee's Studio "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]I[/SIZE] will take care of your family just as your family took care of us." promised the princess. "And yes, it is very possible for you and your brother to go with the expedition, though the final decision isn't mine to make, but the leader of the group, Colonel Musgrave of the Eidolon Kingdom, though I am not certain if he survived the explosion."

The princess looked sad for a moment. She must have personally known Colonel Musgrave. "Anyway . . . I heard everything from Auntie Suliman. I think you should go too, Renee. I think Sunny chose you for a reason. I may not know what it is, but I feel that you are very, very important to what's happening in Midgard today, even if you're not the strongest fighter. Everyone seems to only think that's what counts . . . who is strong enough to defeat the dragon. I think that's why James doesn't want you to go, because he thinks being physically and magically strong is the only thing that could defeat it. But rest assured, I will put in a good word for you and more to the leader of the expedition when the time comes."

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-Renee Pendragon-

Releasing the breathe she held onto, Renee stood up and bowed, her head went low. White fringes and long side braid covered her bright eyes with shadows. 

"Thank you..." is her humbled and grateful response, sounding like she's holding back her sobs. "Thank you so much-! I wouldn't know what to do if my family was in danger while I'm gone and to know -gasps- to know that you'll take care of them brings me such relief..." Renee sat back down, now looking up at the princess with wet and shiny eyes, showing much gratitude and a bit of worry to the princess.

"And I'm sure Colonel Musgrave has escaped the castle too. If General Leo and Ken-chan is able to escape, I'm sure the nice Colonel was able to leave as well." She really hopes that he's safe; She can still remember his compliment to her family. Renee comforted the princess, patting her hands gently as if she wholeheartedly believes their reunion will be happening soon.

"You'll see him soon, Princess Mia... but until then you can use my studio as a safe space to relax and away from others or learn about which fruits and nuts to eat and which to avoid." Renee said, the soft but firm maternal feelings came back with a vengeance, wanting the princess to be distracted from her grief for a few moments.

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Episode 4: The Road to Dalaran

EPISODE 4: The Road to Dalaran

- Flying Castle -
" At the foot of the Misty Mountains, 2 Days Later "

"I hope so too, Renee." said Princess Mia keenly.

The next day, she spoke to James again and he agreed, still uneasy but had begun preparing for the journey with Renee. True to his word, he shared his plans with Johnny who was out and about in a cheerful mood in the backyard balcony, taking care of the horses they had bought from Pokeshire Village.

"This will be dangerous." said Johnny somberly after James was done. He didn't fancy risking his life again with that assassin, much more about four of them, but he would never let a dear friend go at this alone. "I will help you protect the princess."

James gripped his shoulder firmly. "Thank you." he said earnestly.

"Don't cry now." joked Johnny, as he fed the horses oats. James chuckled and just patted him amiably on the shoulder.

Seth was told about this too and got angry that no one, not even Renee told him or Sen that there was a survivor who could tell them what happened to their dad and the others. Telling him after he confessed that he cheated during the tournament had completely slipped James mind as his thoughts had been on other things. But Seth said that he will go with them too, not mainly to protect the princess, but because his siblings were going. And as much as he didn't like James' guts, he didn't hate him enough to let him die.

The princess told Serena and Seifer about the plans too. To everyone's surprise Seifer wanted to come, but James argued against it. He didn't want someone only interested in saving himself travel with them, to which Seifer casually retorted that neither would he want someone who'd hurt his own sister to 'protect her' guarding the princess either. Then went on to say that Dalaran would be the safest place for him to stay too, and would like the princess to bring his family there safely in return for his protection, to which she agreed to.

Only those who weren't likely coming, Sir Benjamin and the merchant Viatola, weren't told of their plans to keep them safe.

The group started to plan. To make it easy for the protectors, the number of the ones they were going to protect was reduced, so only the princess and her maid Latifa was going with them. The others were going to stay in the castle and stay hidden in the Misty Mountains. James also wouldn't let Echo and Serena come with them.

It was on the second day since they left the Giza plains and entered the foot of the Misty Mountains that he had privately taken the two aside and gently, but firmly told them this in Serena's room.

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-Renee Pendragon-

Renee felt bad for not telling Seth about the survivor, thinking that James must have told him and Sen was a mistake on her part. She should have asked and made sure.

"I'm sorry Seth. I should have asked you and Sen." She hugged him tightly, a bit of guilt laid heavy in her heart.

Though she agrees with James about Seifer and is planning a bit of revenge for throwing that comment back at his face. Just because she likes that fact that Seifer cares for his family, doesn't mean she appreciates him insulting her brother. So...for that he will pay...in a way where she knows it'll affect him...but later...when he's not expecting it.

Serena told Echo about the plan on the first day and the both of them wanted to go. They even prepared themselves to go with the group. When James pulled them aside to tell them that they were not going on the second day however, the blonde and red head quickly showed their disagreement.

"What? James, no. Just because we're girls doesn't mean we can't take care of ourselves." Echo reprimand him, her ears twitched in her agitation. Serena nodded.

"Yea! Besides you need the help! Who knows if the assassin comes back with reinforcements. We're going. We're coming with you." She stubbornly said, grabbing her violin case and was about to walk out the room when Renee opened the door, blocking their way out.

"Guys...as much as I want you two to come with...You can't." Before her friends disagree, the younger Pendragon quickly explained. "There's a lot of people already in the group and to not make it obvious to the assassin, we can't take you two with us."

"Bu-but Ren! Why not kick Seifer out then?!" Echo argued and wilted a bit when Renee shook her head. "Princess Mia already promised him to let his family be safe in Dalaran as long he came with us."

"Then how come Johnny gets to go and you and Seth?" Serena quickly picked up the argument.

"Johnny's coming to keep an eye on James...Seth and I are going to talk with a survivor of the dragon attack...and James promised to help me, so he's going too." Renee leaned against the door frame made sure to shut down her friends' questions now.

"Please...we need someone to watch over the castle and the two of you are currently living here, temporally or permanently. We trust you two. So please...can you watch the castle and make sure Calcifer have his logs and Heen his food?" Renee then looked at Echo.

"I need someone to take care of my studio and Echo you're good at gardening. Serena is good at music and if she ever needs to have a different scenery, she can go outside of my studio for inspirations." She pleaded, trying to make a point that someone has to stay and Serena and Echo are the only ones the Pendragons can trust fully.

The pair stayed quiet, staring at the siblings before Echo sighed and nodded. Serena pouted angrily and slightly glared at James.

"Better get us a trinket from Dalaran..." Renee guessed that's her way of giving up? It's really amusing.

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