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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

[SIZE= 18px]- The King's Feast -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Outdoor Gardens, King's Castle "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]J[/SIZE]ames gathered Renee in his arms and hugged her. "It's okay, it's okay." he said understandingly, patting her head. "I don't blame you. Yeah, we should go somewhere else to talk." he agreed with Echo, and shot a venomous glare at Seifer. "Unless you want to go home?" he looked down at his sister paternally.

Seifer stood up, looking uncertain as to what to do. Everyone, his date too, was looking at him like he was a dog that had rolled on something smelly.

"Really now, such outrageous behavior in front of his majesty." tut one disgruntled guest who had food stains all over her dress. The crowd was muttering disapprovingly, though the barbarians looked disappointed that a food fight didn't ensue; Seifer glanced at the king who looked angry that he had made a girl break down like this in his own party, especially when everyone knew that this was the girl who was beaten up badly in the tournament.

"Pardon me, Ms. Ironheart." said the princess, excusing herself gracefully and swept over to where the five were. "Would you all like to come inside the parlor? You can explain to me what happened and apologize to my father and our guests later." she added sternly to Seifer.

He bowed, deeply. "Yes, my lady, I will come with you to the parlor."

Meanwhile, Johnny had followed Echo's gaze and gave her a questioning look in the direction of Belial.


[SIZE= 14px]OOC || Characters || Interest Check[/SIZE]
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-At the King's Feast-

The younger Pendragon flinched when James hugged her before relaxing a bit, slowly lowering her hands, but her wings stayed where they were. Covering her eyes like she's still afraid of seeing something.

Renee quickly shook her head at James' suggestion of going back home. She really didn't like the idea of worrying the twins or making them even angrier. That's a horrible idea-! She needs to explain: it wasn't Seifer's fault. She didn't even know that he did something, so she needs to fix this misunderstanding first.

"Sei-Seifer didn't do an-anyth-" Then she remembered the reason why she's a mess and shuts up. The winged-teen didn't feel safe with Belial around and with a small peek through her wings, she can see that the dark knight is staring at the fountain. Not doing anything...

Something's not right and she didn't just mean with her panic attack...

"I-I rather g-go to the p-parlor...I'm so-sorry about th-this, pri-princess..." She muttered, standing up on her shaky legs, leaning on James so she could at least walk by herself.

Echo sighed when she noticed Johnny's questioning look, mouthing 'I'll explain at the parlor' before standing up and following the group. She's making sure to stay near Seifer as if she's trying to give support to him. The red head has her reasons and not one person will change her mind on doing the right thing here...

In the meanwhile, Minnie watched with impassive eyes, ready to report back to the twins and followed behind the group, staying quiet the whole time...'Time to do my job...again...' She made sure to stay hidden during this 'talk'.

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[SIZE= 18px]- The King's Feast -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Parlor, King's Castle "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]I[/SIZE]n the parlor, a maid came in with some strong tea. Apart from Princess Mia, Renee, James, Echo, Johnny, and Seifer, there were two austere body guards in the room. They were the princesses' personal guard who had been smoothly following her everywhere without spooking the guests from speaking to her. With the way they carried themselves it was as if they were not there and did not care about anything.

Johnny didn't understand why Echo had given Seifer support, nor did the archer understand either, but just went along with it. Seifer sat there on the couch by himself attempting to look chastened, but his eyes were not apologetic and he still carried himself like he was royalty.

Princess Mia waited until Renee was ready to speak, "Would you like to discuss this among yourselves in private?" she asked them.


-At the parlor, in the King's palace-

Renee sat on one of the other couches with tea in her hands, squirming a bit when the princess asked and quickly stuttered. "N-no, Princess Mia. Please listen-n, there's a mis-misunderstanding: It-! It wasn't Seifer's fault! He may be a-a jerk, but I-I coul-couldn't hear him."

'I knew it...' Echo thought, her eyes gleamed as she already knows who caused this. The fawn sat next Renee, rubbing her back as a way to sooth her nerves. "Ren, what triggered you if it wasn't Seifer's words?" She asked, looking at Johnny so he gets that this is the reason why she was staring at the dark knight and why she stayed close to the archer. That knight somehow did this to Renee, not Seifer...

"It-It was during the dance. I don't know how, but when I started dancing with Belial, there was this chill that didn't go away; it got worse the longer I danced with him." Renee crossed her arms again from remembering that freezing sensation. "An-and memories of the past few weeks flashed by, voices mixing together...I didn't realize that Seifer was even there and then...something searched..." She struggled on her explanation. Echo helped by asking.

"Something searched? Searched what, Ren?"

"Something...in my memories...brought back a lot of my anxieties too..." Renee muttered before her wings puffed up, nervous about something as she looked at her brother. "James, I think...I think someone wanted to know about the survivor we're gonna visit...and it-it...I think it knows about the...boat to the Storm Wall." She theorized, really scared at the idea, but it made sense as to why the thing stopped at the Storm wall expedition and learning about Sir Bernard.

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[SIZE= 18px]- The King's Feast -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Parlor, King's Castle "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]I[/SIZE]t's not my fault?" said Seifer, astonished, as though someone had just told him he was going to own this whole castle; James looked surprised too, but he wasn't going to apologize to this twat. If it wasn't Seifer, then who had hurt his sister?

Everyone listened intently as Renee recalled what happened. Johnny nodded at Echo, somehow they've gotten to know each other so well that they could just communicate to each other through meaningful looks. When the Storm Wall was mentioned, only James and the Princess were surprised, Seifer and Johnny didn't know what Renee was talking about and why this was so alarming judging by the look on Princess Mia's face.

"Coal, please tell my father about this immediately!" said Princess Mia to one of her body guards, a big man with a tattoo peeking out from his cuff links.

"Yes, my lady. Agents are already moving in to apprehend Belial. Everyone, please remain here and do not come close to the windows." the two bodyguards closed the curtains and peeked down to look outside. The parlor was on the second floor.

"I'd better unsummon Butters and Meatballs." said Johnny expecting some violence to break out during the party. Nothing happened as he waved his wand, but those outside would notice the giant ram and the giant dog suddenly disappear in a puff of smoke.

"What's going on, Pendragon?" asked Seifer now very curious and apprehensive.

"Quiet." said James without looking at him. "Wait a minute, Minnie is still down there. I'm going down to get her, I'll be right back." and he left the parlor.


[SIZE= 18px]M[/SIZE]eanwhile, down below, Belial stalked towards the king.

No one realized something was wrong until one of the King's guards stood in front of his majesty, holding a ball of pulsing flames. "Halt! Come no further!" cried the guard. The crowd didn't understand, Belial was just walking, that was how he usually walked and he carried no weapon. Even the other guards were wondering what alarmed their companion.

All at once there was a deafening bang and a flash of light; somebody screamed. All eyes were drawn to the king who stared down in shock at Belial, whose hand had been plunged into the King's chest like a dagger. The guards roared; surrounding noble ladies collapsed and the warriors drew out their weapons in outrage; Belial was immediately cut down and all the party was chaos.

The dark knight's helm was flung off and they beheld a corpse. People were running for the exits and someone was pulling the king away. Suddenly, Belial's hand shot up and he was laughing croakily, his dead eyes alight with an orange flame.


An explosion engulfed everyone in flames and sent a shockwave of wind that shattered the windows of the parlor and knocked all who were standing on to the ground.


-At the Parlor-

Renee and Echo looked at each other, feeling dread pool in their stomachs as the princess ordered the guard to alarm the king.

"Ren...you owe me an explanation...Who is Sunny?"

"Um...I can't real-" The windows shattered by strong gust of wind, filling the parlor with hot air from the explosion. The two teen girls yelped, scared and surprised of what's happening, hugging each tightly as to cover their heads from the glass shards. Renee, shaking the shards off her head, looked up to see the ones standing before now on the ground, her wings puffed up in worry. She quickly crawled up to the princess, checking to see if she's okay.

"Princess Mia, are you awake? Can you stand?"

Echo, doing something similar, checked on Johnny and Seifer since they were closer. They didn't want to be seen by the culprit in case he was still there.

"Are you two okay? Johnny?...Seifer?"


Minnie stood out from her hiding spot, which was behind the door of the Parlor. Her strange looking helmet was on her head and an antenna sticking out from the top-right, vibrating from all the noise downstairs. The blue haired teen grabbed onto James' cloak when he got out of the room, tugging it lightly.

"I'm over here, Big brother Jam-!" Then she heard the windows shatter from the parlor, the winds pushed her down to the ground roughly.

"Ow-!" She grunted and quickly sat up, her expression filled with alarm. This isn't good-!

"The king...He's down!" Minnie heard his and the other guests' screams through her radio helmet.

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[SIZE= 18px]- James Pendragon -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"2nd Floor Stairs, King's Castle "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]J[/SIZE]ames got to his feet ears ringing from the explosion. There was a scratch on his cheek and shards of glass were embedded upon the arm he had raised to shield himself from the blast, but he didn't seem to notice. "What happened?!" James asked Minnie as he rushed back into the parlor.

His sister and friends were safe. Johnny and Seifer had been sitting on the couch that blocked the blast so they were fine, although shaken and terrified, the back of their hair singed from the heat; Princess Mia too was shocked and scared. Her two bodyguards were unconscious, both were slightly burned pierced by glass.; Seifer was trying to wake one up.

"Hey! Where's the escape route?!" he said shaking one.

"Coal! Romulus!" cried the Princess, rushing to her guards. One of them, the big man named Coal, woke up and after taking one look at his surroundings bolted up into action. "Quickly, to the tunnels!" he said ushering Princess Mia and the girls out the door.

Down below there was a mad stampede to the exit, there was dust and smoke everywhere. Fires smoldered and grew. A black blur dashed out of the smoke and broke into the first floor of the castle. Staggering after it were Kenren Taisho, Ragnar, General Leo and Marshall Hakim.

"Stop him! Assassin!" cried General Leo. A burning corpse grabbed hold of his ankle. It was pulling him.

There were moans and those who had been murdered by the fire blast were rising up. Somewhere in the castle grounds, someone was controlling them, and not just their bodies, but their powers as well. Sparks and jets of light flew as the fallen victims began casting magic at the assassin's pursuers.

Coal led the group quickly down the stairs, the princess had kicked her heels off and was running holding her dress up; James, Johnny, and Seifer were following behind, the archer had grabbed a decorative bow and two arrows from the wall. They were listening to Minnie's explanation and were shocked of what had just happened.

Coal was leading them down to an escape route, the princess seemed to know where it was too for she was calling guests and telling them to come with them. There was a noise of fighting, getting closer, guards yelling in challenge and the sound of death. Until the shadow of a young man with glowing red eyes, shrouded in darkness, wielding a scythe came sprinting out of the corner at such speeds he dragged his scythe across the marble floor to pivot himself round and flung himself towards the group, shrieking like a demon.

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-Renee Pendragon-

As the group ran towards the escape route, Renee took off her heels to run and tore the bottom half of her dress, putting on the gems that she packed and grabbing more five more arrows; Echo simply made another slit on hers, grabbing a very heavy metal shield and carrying it without much problem.

Minnie, hearing the chaos ensuing in the first floor, explained what's happening based on noises:  groans of the undead, fighting before someone gets killed either by the fire or by something else, general Leo screaming about catching someone.

Then the blue-haired teen quickly pointed her toy gun at the figure that's running towards the group, firing the cork at his head only to see it disintegrate. The demon-like figure screamed again. 

"Well...I think I made it worse..." Minnie muttered, running away with the princess and body guard.

Renee, after passing the arrows to Seifer, quickly aimed her Solar Blossom at the scythe wielder and let it blast him away. She regrets leaving her bow at home, but at least she still has her gems.

Echo put up the metal shield, intending to push him to the stone walls with her strength if he dodged and back away so the others can get him.

@Zer0 (roll the dice of DESTINY! XD)

[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"1st Floor, King's Castle "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]he assassin side stepped masterfully, the solar arrow burning the tips of his shadowy cloak, bounced back and brought up his scythe in an upwards stroke that raked Echo's shield and sent her flying back against the stairs just as Coal lunged shape-shifting in mid-air to meet him as a roaring white tiger.

The butt of the assassin's scythe came up to meet him and both crashed on to the marble floor. The battle was so fast and fierce. Seifer's arrow pierced the assassin's knee as he wrestled with the great tiger; Johnny summoned Meatballs and the giant boarhound jumped into the fray, but the tiger kicked the boarhound away.

"Go, princess!" roared the tiger in a guttural voice. "Escape! You five, get her out of here!"

Seifer didn't need telling twice, this guy's skill was beyond theirs. If he had won a master tournament by just controlling a corpse, how much more if he fought himself? The archer immediately pulled Princess Mia, "Where's the exit?!"

"Th-his way!" she said and led them across the hallway and into the kitchens. James made sure Renee followed, and would pull her to follow if she stayed to fight. Horrified guests were following them, and more guards sprinted the other way to help Coal.

Echo would notice that there was a burning sensation on her forehead. There was a scratch there, the blood was tinged with green that looked familiarly like the green on the poisoned wounds of that paladin Sir Reginald that couldn't be healed with magic. Every herbalist knew that the more you moved, the faster the poison would course through ones' body and this was an assassin's poison. How long did she have to live?

"Echo, do you feel any broken bones?" asked Johnny looking at her back to see if her crash on the stairs left a bruise or some unnatural protrusion that would suggest a fracture.


(1-9) Assassin success 1 = 3

(1-9) Assassin success 2 = 10

(1-9) Assassin evade = 4

(1-3) Echo success = 5

(1-2) Echo evade = 7

(1-5, Echo's favor) Tie breaker = 8

(1-4) Johnny success = 8
(1-4) Johnny evade = 4

(1-5, Johnny's favor) Tie breaker = 5

(1-4) Renee success = 9
(1-3) Renee evade = 9

(1-5, Renee's favor) Tie breaker = 7

(1-5) Seifer success = 2

(1-2) Seifer evade = 5

(1-5, Seifer's favor) Tie breaker = 10


Assassin targets =

*1 = Echo, 2 = Johnny, 3 = Renee, 4 = Seifer, 5 = Princess, 6 = Coal

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-Echo Muses-

Renee yelped in surprise when James grabbed her arm and pulled her to run. "Wait-! Echo! Johnny!" Her yells were muted by the fight between the knights and the assassin, getting further and further away.

Echo groaned quietly when she leaned forward for Johnny to look at her back that was covered in bruises. "I-I don't think...huh?"

She felt the burning sensation on her forehead, blood dripped out of the scratch slowly. As second or third drip of blood splat on the ground, Echo noticed the weird green tint in the red, fear pooled in her chest once she realized what it was. 

"I'm... poisoned. Johnny, if I move the poison in my bloodstream will spread faster..." She looked at him, scared but determined to get out.

"C-Can you carry me?" Echo asked like her breathe was taken away, already feeling a bit of a fever coming up. Seems this poison is strong...the red head concluded that by the time they reached to safety, she'll be too dazed from the high fever and hopes that Renee will have an antidote nearby.

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[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Outside the Secret Tunnel "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]O[/SIZE]f course!" said Johnny summoning Butters immediately. "Step on my hand." he said, quickly squatting with his fingers together in front of him like a stepping stool to give Echo a boost up the saddle. He wasn't strong enough to lift her off her feet and they needed to get out of here quickly while the assassin was preoccupied. He grabbed a shard of broken glass and had Echo sit in front facing him, holding his shoulders as Butters surged forward, galloping to catch up with the others who went ahead. Meatballs followed behind them.

The giant ram bounded across the hall and down the steps dexterously, like a mountain goat leaping down the mountain slopes. It was a good thing the castle doors of the main hallways were big enough for them to duck through.

"Echo, I'm going to cut the wound so that it will bleed and then suck the poison out." said Johnny calmly as they swayed on the saddle. It was his calm on the outside, but fearful on the inside expression again, except he was afraid for her. He tore a piece of his clothes and placed it against her forehead to stop the blood from dripping down her face. He had the glass shard in hand ready to cut if she allowed him, but then hesitated.

On second thought, was it really safe to touch an assassin's poison with his mouth? Won't he die? . . . Suddenly all those times Echo touched him, snuggled up to him, and her beautiful green eyes seemed small to him. It wasn't worth it. He didn't want to die. But if he didn't suck the poison out it will kill her. Was he okay with that? But if he touches the poison with his lips, he'll die too. He knew that it was okay to suck poison out of someone as long as you didn't have a wound in your mouth, but how sure was Johnny that there wasn't some little scratch there that he couldn't feel?

His courage wavered. He couldn't do it, but shame kept him from telling her he couldn't. He looked back into those green eyes. Echo looked slightly feverish. Was she worth it? Was she really worth taking an assassin's poison in his mouth?

Johnny couldn't forget how Echo always comforted him, how she always looked upon him with care on her features whenever he wasn't okay, and how she helped him up to class once when those girls were terrifying him. Yes she was worth it, not because he felt good whenever she touched him or because she was alluring sometimes, but because she was a very good friend.

If Echo would allow him, Johnny would proceed with the cut ("This is going to sting a little.") and begin sucking the poison out and spitting it away as they caught up with the others, and then carry Echo on his back when they reached the kitchens and through a damp dark secret tunnel that wound its way for an hour beneath the city and exited out on the grounds of some underground ruins that looked like an ancient city for the dead. There were so many skulls here.

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-Echo Muses-

"Th-thank you..." Echo panted as she leaned on Johnny, grabbing onto his shoulders tight when Butters went up the stairs like a pro. This poison really is something, to react this quickly...

When Johnny offered to suck the poison out, the red head quickly looked at him, eyes wide in shock. "N-no! You shou-shouldn't-" Stars started to appear in her vision, feeling cold sweats dripping down her skin despite feeling warm, and it stopped Echo mid-sentence. She placed her head on his shoulder, unable to hold her head up as she was feeling dizzy.

She didn't want to put Johnny in this position. She never wanted him to be in danger. She doesn't want him to put himself in danger for her. Especially not with the assassin's poison-!

But...if she couldn't survive from this, Echo wouldn't be able to see Johnny's magic tricks on stage. She wouldn't able to laugh with him or have fun. She wouldn't have anybody to encourage her back on stage to sing. She wouldn't be able to support Johnny when he needs it the most...

She wouldn't be able to experience life with Johnny anymore...

Augh! Blast these choices-!

"O-okay...fi-fine..." Echo weakly agreed. Biting her bottom lip as he cut her forehead with the glass shard and placed his warm lips on her forehead...If it wasn't for the dire situation they are in, she would have really enjoyed herself right about now.

When she felt Johnny movibg her and carrying her on his back, Echo opened her eyes, (when did she close them?) groggy and tired. She blankly stared at the ruins, barely able to smile at it's haunting beauty.

As the couple got closer to the group, Echo could hear her friend cry out their names in joy and then asked Johnny something, sounding muffled and far away...Uh-oh...

Renee spotted Johnny carrying Echo on his back and ran up to them, dragging James with her. Somehow she wasn't bothered by the skulls and has been staring at the ancient ruins while mumbling random side notes ever since they arrived here.

"Johnny! Echo! You're oka- what happened?" Like a switch, from years of training, Renee checked on Echo's flushed face, pulling down the now blood stained bandages that's around her head and saw a very familiar wound.  The winged teen raised an eyebrow, checking her pulse by placing two fingers on her neck and counting her breathing. She listened to Johnny as she continued to her check up on her friend.

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[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Outside the Secret Tunnel "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]P[/SIZE]oisoned, Renee. Same one Belial used." wheezed Johnny anxiously. He looked exhausted from giving Echo a piggy back ride for an hour. The secret tunnel was too narrow for Butters to pass through. "I sucked most of the poison out, I think. I stopped when I didn't taste foul bitterness in her blood anymore."

"Johnny, let me give her a piggy back now." said James as their next route was going through even more tunnels through these ancient ruins.

"Thanks." said Johnny. "Echo? James will carry you now."

James hoisted Echo up his broad back. He had an herbaceous scent that made one think of books and a cozy fireplace. "You good?" he added to him, "because we need to keep moving." Seifer, Princess Mia, and the few guests, and servants who had gone into the tunnels with them had only promised to wait a while before they kept moving again. Nothing chased Johnny and Echo through the tunnels, but everyone wanted to be as far away as possible from the castle.

"Yes. Let's go home quickly." said Johnny to the two Pendragons. "Echo and I need antidotes."

"Can we come with you, please?" asked the princess. "Coal and Romulus were supposed to guard me until we get to a safehouse, but . . . Please." and she bowed her head in humility. "I know I'm putting you in danger, but if it's true that m-my father is d-dead, then there will be a power struggle. I must live and ascend to the throne so that the kingdom won't be divided, so that we can focus our efforts on the Nidhogg."

"My lady, you must not bow to a commoner!" gasped one guest, one of the pompous high society ladies.


-Renee's profession-

"Same one, huh?...I overheard the nurses about the antidote when James left to get you. I can make some from scratch without much issue." Renee nodded, now checking on Johnny just to make sure that he's tired from carrying Echo instead of the poison he spat out. Her oranges eyes looked up at him, smiling in approval like how a proud sister would smile at their siblings.

"That's real brave of you to do that..." She quietly muttered, her voice filled gratefulness and appreciation towards her brother's friend. After checking a bit more, Renee back away a bit, giving him room. "You're okay for now, but let me know if you feel a burning sensation in your mouth okay? I need to know how long this poison will activate for future references."

Echo only groaned when she moved from Johnny to James, her nose scrunched up a bit when she realized it wasn't the comfortable scent Johnny has. The red head couldn't complain much however, too dazed from the fever she's having.

As Renee kept an eye on Echo, still worried but kept her cool, her concentration broke when she heard the princess' plea. She didn't even acknowledge the rude lady with her comment, for she's a bit shocked. A pompous high-class jerk like Seifer hates to even admit that he's wrong and yet the princess of their country is willing to bow and plea for help...

What a world...

Shaking her head slowly with a serious frown, Renee gently grabbed her hands and pulled them up their chests so she can stand instead of bow, making sure to keep eye contact with the princess. "Your highness, please. The Pendragons welcome you with open arms, so there's no need for stuff like bowing." Then she smiled widely, her wings fluttering happily.

"You're not putting us in danger; You're doing your best to protect this country and the people in it, despite the odds." The winged teen lightly corrected her, meaning everything she said. She didn't care if she seems rude for commenting back; Her highness is being brave in front of others and Renee knew that she's depressed of losing her father based on her stuttering.

With a sudden motherly urge to look after her, the younger Pendragon squeezed her hands lightly. "Now, show us the way out of here, so we all can go home. I'll show you around the house too, once I make sure we're fine." Renee encouraged warmly, letting go of her grip and walked besides James and Johnny to watch over them as well. Following the group to the outside....

Once they were home, Renee immediately barked orders as she ran up the stairs, and to her room, switching the dial to the greenhouse: "James, put Echo in the guest room and in bed! Johnny, go sit next to her and don't move a muscle! Minnie, get a large bowl and put luke warm water with a towel to wash off the blood and dirt. Oh-! and James! Can you get more bandages in case anybody else is hurt? I'm gonna get the disinfectant and make the antidote right now!" With that she slammed the door open and ran to gather all the ingredients to make a potent antidote.

Her switch stayed on, going full medical mode. Until she knows for sure that everyone is alright, Renee will not rest...

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[SIZE= 18px]- James Pendragon -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Flying Castle"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]hat night, the Pendragons and everyone inside the house lay low in the darkness with all the curtains closed. To anyone watching outside through the gaps of the curtains, it seemed that only Seth was inside the house in the living room writing something on a roll of parchment under the light of the ceiling lamp looking anxious.

The reporters who have been hounding James were still camped outside their fences and were talking about the recent events that took place in the King's palace and wondering where James the Kingsbury Champion, his sister, Johnny the guy who rejected him, and Echo the girl who stole Johnny from him were. As ridiculous as it was, the newspapers had published their love triangle to spice up their story about him, and said newspaper was on the table beside Seth, but he did not pay it any mind.

Earlier, James had sent Sasha ahead of the group to the Cool Beans guild house tell the twins about what happened. They quickly formed a secret plan to smuggle everyone inside the house where the only entrances were the front door and a few windows. They couldn't just walk up to House 44 with the princess and the guests in tow, or the assassin and whoever he worked for would find them, since their home was a famous place now.

Johnny had secretly transfigured them all into sheep with his 'Polymorph' spell and Seth ushered them inside a wagon. When they came to the house, he and some guild members herded them inside acting as though the sheep were related to some guild business. The camp reporters told Seth about what happened in the castle, and the twin pretended to be shocked and terrified. He rushed the sheep in the house and gave commands to the rest of the guild members to tell Sen of what happened.

Sen had not gone with them, otherwise it'd be obvious that the twins had been informed of what had happened, as he usually doesn't leave the guild for something like transporting sheep. The Cool Beans may not be popular, but it's not like this information was a secret. Someone could be watching them too. Seth also asked Minnie to stay with his twin brother after she was done in the castle, but to keep out of sight, she was one of the best warriors in the guild and he didn't want to leave his brother without some protection.

---- Flashback ----

[SIZE= 18px]S[/SIZE]eth switched the dial before Johnny transformed back into a person so that no one would see. They separated the lady sheep and the guy sheep and left some spare clothes and some bedroom slippers in the rooms before he turned them back to their normal forms. Their old clothes were in boxes in the same room as they were, but some were dirty and wet from their adventure through the ancient underground ruins, or just not suited for sleeping.

James did what Renee asked and cautioned everyone to make as little noise as possible and stay out of sight. No one must know they were inside the castle.

Johnny had wanted to send a letter to Echo's parents, but James firmly said no. That assassin and whoever he works for will be looking for information about the princess whereabouts. Their families not knowing anything will keep them safe.

Johnny understood the logic, but felt dismayed anyway. He had promised to bring Echo back home at ten. He was breaking the first promise he's ever given to her family, and he wasn't strong enough to protect her from getting poisoned. There was a burning sensation in his mouth, and later on he had to go to the bathroom to throw up as quietly as he could. James reassured him, saying that it was his body reacting to get rid of the poison.

Princess Mia, who had put aside her crown and changed into some of Renee's spare clothes looking surprisingly like an ordinary girl, kept going around to see if there was anything she could help with, but James kept saying that he could not possibly ask her to help with this and just told her to rest, which she was too nervous to do and ended up watching over Echo, Johnny, and soothing the others who had come with them. Twelve guests and servants had come with them to the flying castle, Seifer too. James had taken him aside before they were transformed into sheep wondering why he wanted to go with them.


"Go back home." said James when they were out of earshot of the group.

"No, I'm staying here to protect the princess." said Seifer seriously.

"You weren't interested in protecting the princess, you just wanted to save your own skin. Go home."

"Alright!" confessed Seifer. "I don't want to put my mother in danger. The assassin saw me. I'm well known in Kingsbury, Pendragon, they're probably watching my house. They see me enter there they'll come after me and my mother will be involved." strange that he did not mention his father.

James sighed. "Alright, but if you mess with my sister, my friends, or the twins, you're out."

"Agreed, as long as they don't mess with me."

And so here he was wearing of all things some of James clothes which he had begrudgingly lent to him. Seifer kept sneaking looks outside the windows of the second floor and had the bow he took from the castle and some arrows ready. James was well known in Kingsbury now, it wouldn't take them long to know where they live. Sure enough he saw someone walk near and talk to the reporters who had been camped outside the house. Hopefully they didn't know that the princess was inside, he was pretty sure the only ones who knew were all in here aside from that girl Minnie and the other twin who had to keep up appearances.

There were now more people just waiting outside watching the house, other than the reporters. As the night wore on they increased, or came and go in subtle ways looking like ordinary passersby's. For some reason Sen didn't come home that night, nor did Minnie and there was no way for them to know what happened. Sending James' owl now was too risky.

It took a long time, but Renee was able to concoct an antidote at around eleven in the evening. It had to be the most complex and difficult poison beyond what she's learned in alchemy in school. It was a poison created by a potions master, and she had to use up all of hers and James rarest and most difficult to acquire ingredients: a pouch of goldenrod leaves, ten dried chrysanthemum flowers, four preserved snowberries, six bottles of crushed Scamander scales, eight bezoars, dried manticore eye, and a chimera's heart string. It took her longer, but it was now ready and the only thing left was to wait for it to stew for twenty seven hours, meaning it would be ready the day after tomorrow at two in the morning when its color would change from bubbly muddy brown to clear pearlescent white. There was enough for six vials, but Johnny and Echo needed only one each.

---- End of Flashback ----

[SIZE= 18px]N[/SIZE]othing happened as the clock struck past midnight. Seth was still pretending to look anxious as though waiting for news about his family, and the reporters were still chatting late into the night, some bringing news about what was going on now:

"Assassin got away, the guards are out on a manhunt around Kingsbury now!"; "Princess was last seen travelling through the forest with General Leo on horses according to the guards."; "Really? My sources tell me she's flying across the mountains on a hippogriff with Kenren Taisho."; "You're all wrong, I heard she's in the hospital suffering from poison!"

Then at one in the morning there was a woosh of wind and a clatter of hooves. Winged royal horses bearing badly injured soldiers landed on the front lawn of House 44. They shooed all the reporters away. Two of them dismounted, it was Coal and the other bodyguard Romulus. Both looked very sick and badly injured, but were bandaged up, it was a miracle that they was just able to stand up. Coal came forward and banged on the door.

"Princess! Princess Mia! I know you're here, come down we need to go now!"

Those above could hear the scraping of a chair in the living room as Seth immediately stood up.

In James room where he, Echo, Johnny, and Princess Mia, were staying, the princess stood up too. "Coal, he's alright." she whispered, relieved. "I must go now, before I put you all in greater danger."

(OOC: @Katsuya, please decide, should Seth open the door?) 

[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]he number range within the parenthesis is the roll one must reach to be successful in an action.

(1-4) Renee antidote crafting success = 4


-Renee Pendragon-

'I hope Minnie and Sen will be alright...'

Renee sighed quietly, stirring the muddy brown antidote, and making sure none of it sticks to the pot while it brewed above the Bunsen burner she has in her studio. Her wings fluttered nervously. Earlier that night, she was glad - no, ecstatic that she could make the antidote, though at the cost of James' and her rare items, but it's worth it. Their two best friends need this potion...

After letting the antidote brew on it's own, the winged teen walked around the second floor, bandaging and checking on the other guests and servants if they had any wounds. It took almost an hour, but she's glad that she managed to take care of their injuries too. Including her brother James who had glass embedded in his arm. She had to conjure up tweezers to get the glass out and then put a green paste on for the cuts to heal without infections. 

She had to check on Johnny and Echo too, knowing that he vomited to get the poison out. Not surprised there, but it's very scary to see her friends die slowly and right in front of her too. Echo looks like she's suffering a lot from the high fever, sweating and feeling cold. Renee had to make sure to clean her up and let her drink something for an upset stomach, same with Johnny too, who also looks terrible and pale. She has to wait for the potion though and hated it, but had no other choice...not a safe one anyways...

'There! All who's left is...' Right...Seifer...She has to check on him too. It confused her as to why he came in the house with them and even cooperated with James, but she's just glad that they have another person to depend on...even if he is a jerk-like twat who needs to reduce his ego into a smaller and more withstand-able amount...

"I've got to stop that.." Renee muttered to herself and sighed tiredly, calmly walking in the room the other archer is in. She smiled grimly as she realized that he's looking out the window in case anybody is outside the house...at least he's diligent when he wants to be... "Hey Rathmore..." She called out quietly, showing him why she's here: a leather satchel that used to be filled with bandages and the green and orange paste for cuts and burns, now dwindled to having two more rolls and a bit of the pastes.

"...Can I take care of your injuries? I can tell your hair is burnt like Johnny's..." The tired, but active teen asked, her voice soften and almost timid-like, but her eyes showed that she's not backing down from doing her job. Her wings fluttering and twitching a bit.

Then she froze, thanking her luck that the second floor hallways was dark, same with the room Seifer's in as she heard Seth's chair move from it's spot. Someone's here...

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[SIZE= 18px]- Seifer Rathmore -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Flying Castle"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]S[/SIZE]eifer immediately felt the back of his head. "Oh no . . . " he whispered, truly crestfallen. There was a bald spot there where the hair had been burned almost to the roots, other than that he was perfectly fine. "I'm hideous." he muttered to himself as though he had just been told he had cancer.

He snatched the satchel out of Renee's hands and rummaged around it. "Pendragon, tell me you have Monsieur Gauche's Hair Growing Cream or a straight cut razor, Brummel's Barber Cream and pumice stones. And no, don't touch my hair." He whispered, pointing a warning finger at her.


Downstairs Coal was still banging on the door, there was no sound of it being opened. They heard Seth's voice through the window. "Who are you?" asked the twin surprised and earnestly curious.

"I am his majesty's servant, Sir Coal Hermand of the Royal Guards. I have no time for idle chatter, I must take the princess to safety. Princess, come out! You are in great danger, the enemy is coming and we must get you to safety immediately."

Back in James room, he had blocked Princess Mia's way. "Please wait a moment, my lady, how could sir Coal know you were here?" he whispered calmly. "No one outside the house knows except one of my younger brothers and Minnie."

"My servants have their ways, they have nether owls like yours who can share their sight, they could have followed us." said Princess Mia starting to sound angry that James was endangering the people inside the house by delaying her. "Now please move, the enemy is coming for me and I must leave or else you will all be in grave danger." she swept forward, still looking very queenly and graceful despite wearing only Renee's pajamas.

But James side-stepped and blocked her again, bowing deeply. Princess Mia looked astounded that someone would block her way like this, this breach of orders has never happened to her whenever she gave a command. "My lady, I humbly suggest that he be tested. Just one question, something only sir Coal would know. What if that's his corpse the enemy is controlling?"

"Ask him about his tattoo." croaked Johnny from his sleeping bag beside James' poufy bed where Echo was resting.

"You are wasting precious time, that is Coal. My bodyguards are strong." said the princess now visibly angry. "I am the princess and I order you James Pendragon to move." she said stomping her foot.

"That is brilliant Johnny." said James ignoring her. The princess looked affronted. He summoned Sasha and had the owl quietly glide out of the line of sight of the close-curtained windows and whisper to Seth exactly that.

"I am. Princess Mia of the House of Montague." she swelled indignantly stepping forward so that she was inches from his face and standing on tip-toe so as to make herself taller, though the top of her head only reached James' chin even then. "You will move aside or so help me, James Pendragon, I will --- mphf!"

James clapped a hand to her mouth, all formalities forsaken. He was annoyed now."Shh." he hissed giving her the steely eye and she flinched, afraid. She did not know James and only saw him as the champion who defeated all those warlocks and mercilessly trampled that man who had hurt his sister, so she only knew of his vehement side and momentarily froze.

Downstairs, Seth was saying. "There's no princess here! I heard those reporters saying she was with some general. Will you leave? You're kind of scary."

"Our sources said she's here! Are you willfully hiding her from me?!" said Coal.

"There's no princess here! Are you crazy? Why would she be here? It's just me and I'm waiting for my brother James and my sister Renee!"

"Then let me search the house, if what you say is true you have nothing to fear. I am not an enemy, I just came from the battle in the castle!"

"No! You're a stranger I don't know you! You don't even look like a royal guard! You have a tattoo, only bad people have tattoos."

"That is not true! This tattoo is an insignia that represents courage, victory . . ." Coal went on to explain.

Back in James' room he whispered quickly to the princess: "Does Coal's tattoo represent courage and victory?" Princess Mia's eyes widened in shock and she shook her head quickly. "Seth, switch the dial." he spoke through Sasha.

The rest of Coal's words were cut off when the dial changed, and instead of the streets of Kingsbury, it was now the quiet night hills of the state of Verona outside the windows. James rushed out of his room. "Calcifer, cut the portal to Kingsbury!"

"Ehh? But Sen is still in the city!" said Calcifer and Seth together.

"Do it."

"Well, if you say so." said Calcifer.

"Stop, Calcifer!" said Seth, switching the dial back, but too late, it wouldn't budge to the red dial anymore. He slowly turned to look at James. "How could you do that?" he shook with anger then marched up to James and kicked him in the shin.

"Ow! Seth, knock it off, you know why. Think."

"First you hurt Renee, then you just . . . my brother's still back there, James! With an assassin loose in the city and you abandoned him! Calcifer, you too, taking James side like that!"

Calcifer just sank underneath the logs. He didn't like to be part of the family's fights.

"Sen's my brother too." said James steadily. "As harsh as this sounds, he's on his own for now. I'm not happy with this either, Seth, but the difficult choice had to be made. Be realistic, this is the safest decision for . . . for most of us. We'll find a way to contact him later." he added calmly.

"He could be dead later! I'm going back to Kingsbury." said Seth and turned on his heels back towards the door where he grabbed a cloak, opened it to night hills of Verona, then walked out and slammed it shut. Behind James, Princess Mia was standing at the top of the stairs looking like she ought to say something as she was the reason why it has come to this.

"Um . . . James, where are we? Because if we are still in the state of Bellarius (where the city of Kingsbury is located) I have contacts who can retrieve your brother." she offered helpfully.

"We're in the state of Verona." said James. "Don't worry, Seth is just throwing a tantrum. He'll be back." He rubbed his face in his hands wearily and settled himself on the couch, covering his eyes. He needed to rest from the stress of today.

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-Renee's Anger-

Renee almost felt bad for the white haired archer, seeing him this sad was kind of pitiful...until he said he was hideous and demands her to get some hair products while snatching her bag...

'Are you kidding me?! This. Bleeding. TROLL!' She thought, livid at this...this...idiot!

Seifer could tell that she is pissed off by the way her wings puffed up and twitching irritably despite her deadpanned stare. Renee calmly grabbed a bit of green paste and a roll, ignored his warning, and quickly slapped the paste on the bald spot. Then she wrapped his head up, struggling as she covers the bald spot and tied it tightly so that not even he could take the bandages off. 

"You. Are. Fine. I'll get your stupid hair products later, but don't you dare say you're ugly when you can fix that up easily. At least, you don't have bird skin growing on your face, arms and legs, you blooming rude twat!" She growled darkly, her orange eyes lit up under the moonlight almost like a fire burning brightly as she fiercely glared at the older archer. If looks could kill, Seifer would not only be dead, but chewed up and spat out by a carnivorous plant and flushed down a toilet bowl.

"There! Now you're ruggedly handsome like a bleeding war hero! Happy now? No? Too bad because I rather that you be okay then have your brain be fried by the explosion or get infected by the glass." Renee hissed quietly, not having the patience to deal with his pettiness. She's tired from making the antidote, stressed with the evil demon-thing chasing them down, depressed from her anxieties having their way with her, anxious again because her friend and her friend's boyfriend are poisoned...and this idiot is being an idiot, saying ludicrous things!

She had enough-!


-Serena Lock's Melody-


Serena, hearing the argument from downstairs, got out of her room and watched the fight from a distance. The blond couldn't help but feel bad for the oldest as the youngest shut the door behind him in anger, leaving the oldest just sit on the couch, and stressed out. 'Poor thing...maybe I can do something for him...'

She walked back to the room that was given to her and grabbed her polished wood violin and bow, having an idea of soothing the oldest Pendragon. Serena was on the first floor of the palace when the corpse exploded, creating chaos and destruction everywhere. Luckily, she only had small burns on her arms and escaped safely, thanks to the Pendragon family and their friends...who are poisoned.

'I do hope they'll make it through the night...'

The blond already met Renee, thinking that the poor teen is too sweet and nice to go through all of this. Even having to stay up to check on every single person, every 30 minutes without taking a break...she couldn't imagine how tired the young Pendragon must be feeling right about now...

Walking down the stairs with her violin ready, Serena stood in the middle of the living room, facing James and checked on her strings. Then she played a soothing and relaxing song, having a bit of a nostalgic tone as the blond made eye contact with the oldest Pendragon. It's as if she wants to calm his nerves and release his stress with music...

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[SIZE= 18px]- Flying Castle -[/SIZE]


"[SIZE= 18px]H[/SIZE]ey! --- Ow! What is your problem?!" yelled Seifer, tugging on the bandages that wouldn't come off. "You're the rude twat! I didn't say you're ugly! My head isn't bleeding so it doesn't need this, you violent Neanderthal!"

He felt around the darkness for something sharp to cut it with and called after Renee. "You are the unladiest' lady, who's ever ladied'! It's your time of the month isn't it? I wouldn't be surprised if you started revving chainsaws and burning this house down. You girls on your monthlies should be considered gang members 'cause that's how dangerous you are."


[SIZE= 18px]U[/SIZE]pon hearing the tweaking of strings, James lifted the arm that covered his tired eyes. He raised a questioning eyebrow at the violinist, then got the gist that she was playing for him and he appreciated it. The music was soothing . . . he could listen to it all night until he fell asleep. He settled more comfortably in the couch, nodded his thanks at her since he didn't want to disturb the music with talk, and just drowsily watched her play. He didn't even know her name.

James eyelids became heavy . . . 'I'll ask her . . . once she finishes playing . . . the . . .' his body eased into a tranquil slumber. His messy black hair falling down his face with a casual elegance most people don't have. Even in his dreams he listened, for as Serena played through the night the lines of care and toil on James features smoothed and disappeared. By the end of the piece, against the dim light of Calcifer's flames, all the muscles in his body were at peace.


[SIZE= 18px]- Later -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Pokeshire Hills"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]L[/SIZE]ater that day, James woke up feeling quite refreshed and stretched yawning on the couch. Dust motes swirled around the pillars of sunlight that streaked through the glass windows. The living room was basked in the dim light of the morning glow casting soft shadows upon the furniture and carpet.

There was the sound of sizzling frying pan and the smell of pancakes. He looked behind him to see Princess Mia in the second kitchen cooking something with the four maids who had come with her from the castle. There was another lady, the pompous noble who had reproached the princess for bowing who was seated on the table. She was giving the princess disapproving glances every now and then and was behaving extra high-society as if to show her how royalties should behave.

The wooden clock hanging on the wall showed that it was ten in the morning."Calcifer, did Seth come back home?" asked James.

"Yup, and he's chopping wood outside."

"Where are we?"

"Twenty five miles north of the coast of Pokeshire. I moved the castle at dawn after Seth came back. He wants to go to the Misty Mountains, says it's safer. There's a fishing village an hour away. You wanna' go shoppin' before I move the castle again?"

"Yes, that's a good idea." said James. "And some of the people may want to leave."

Outside, Seth was chopping wood with the three butlers that came with the princess. They seemed to be laughing and exchanging jokes though Seth's smile didn't quite reach his ears; Seifer was still sleeping in his room still with the bandages on which he used as a make-shift sleeping mask; Johnny was now having a fever and was being taken care of by two guests of the princess together with Echo. At least the antidote will be ready in sixteen hours.

These were the maids, butlers, and guests the princess had brought with her: Belle, Mary, Latifa, and Sheree who were bustling maids who performed their jobs cheerfully with much energy, the butler brothers Max, Trax, and Axe who were gentlemanly and knew how to serve while blending into the background, the noble poets Mr. and Mrs. Portly who seemed like amiable people who looked like they never exercised in their life, the painter Sir Benjamin, the merchant Viatola, and Mrs. Curie the pompous middle-aged lady.

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-At the Flying Castle-

"And you are the most rudest and ungentlemanly guy I ever met! How dare you say that I'm on my monthly?! I'm stressed out by everything that's happened tonight, okay?! Right now, I could care less about being a lady!" She responded just as angrily. The feathers on her wings looked like fluffy puffs, trembling with annoyance.

"My problem is that you are being an idiot! You may not have called me ugly, but you might as well, you idiot! It's a bald spot; It'll grow back or you can cut some hair off tomorrow! It's fixable, so don't call yourself hideous when You're. Not. Even. CLOSE." At least he doesn't have a permanent physical mark like she does with her wings and the weird patches of bird skin yet he believes he's ugly for having a bald spot. That's just-! AUGH! Renee just cannot handle his silliness tonight and before he could say another word, she left the room, wanting to strangle him.


Early in the morning, Renee didn't sleep, making sure Echo and Johnny will be okay over the night. Their fevers got higher and she's trying her best to cool them down and giving them water to drink so they wouldn't be dehydrated. Sighing tiredly, the winged teen left the room so the two can sleep peacefully, walked to where her parents' personal bathroom is and paused. Why is she doing this? Seifer should stay the way he is, with bandages and all. So why get the hair products?...

She sighed again, walking in and searched for whatever products her father used...taking her time on reading the many bottles' titles and found the barber one with the ponce stones. 'Where's the razor...Here it is!' Renee grabbed the razor that's behind the mirror and in its cabinet. Now with everything in her arms, the winged teen walked towards Seifer's room though feeling a bit nostalgic...

It's her father's...and she doesn't know if he's coming back or more like, she doesn't want to admit that he isn't coming back...same with mom.

"Now's not the time to be feeling this way! Grow up, me." She whispered, ignoring the tears that are about to fall as she opened the door and placed the hair products on the bedside table. As she looked over at Seifer, she had to double take on what she saw and bit down on her bottom lip, trying to not laugh and wake him up. He's wearing the bandages like a sleeping mask?! 'I was right on calling you silly, it seems...he cares about his beauty health...I guess that's a plus...and creative on using items differently.' She's trying to see the good points in the older archer.

Then conjuring up a small scissor, she expertly cut the bandages by the side of his head like she would cut ripe fruits from her plants and left it there so he wouldn't freak out.

"There...I hope you're okay with what I found because they're my dad's...use them." Renee quietly apologized to the sleeping archer, knowing that he's not hearing it...or at least she hopes he isn't. There's no way she'll be able to say it when he's awake; She'll be too annoyed.

With that, she left the room quietly to check on the brew.



Later in that morning, Serena bumped into Renee and noticed the bags under her eyes. "Oh dear-! You haven't slept at all have you, love? You should do that now."

"I can't, Miss Lock. I have to make sure Echo and Johnny doesn't..." She's not finishing that sentence. The blond nodded in understanding.

"Please call me Serena. A friend of Echo and Johnny is a friend of mine! Come! Come! I'm about to eat breakfast. Join me?" She offered an arm to Renee, which she accepted warmly and walked down the stairs. The winged teen perked up as she remembered something and smiled at the blond.

"Call me Renee. You're very good at the violin. I heard from the second floor and it's very soothing."

"Oh! Thank you! I had to make sure a certain someone is feeling better. Talking about him, good morning Sir Pendragon!" The blond cheerfully greeted, smiling brightly as she skipped with Renee to the kitchen to greet the Princess and servants with her.

"Breakfast smells delicious, everyone! Good morning!"

"Good morning, everyone..." Renee muttered quietly.

"Oh dear, you need a nap after eating, Renee."

"Maybe...we'll see." She responded though still smiling. Then she looked over her brother, raising an eyebrow at him before greeting him too.

"Good morning, big brother. Had a good night's sleep I see..." Giggling, Renee sat next to noble lady with Serena, ignoring her snooty attitude. "Where's Sen and Seth? Are they here? I've noticed that we moved..." asked the winged teen, tilting her head as she's curious.

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[SIZE= 18px]- James Pendragon -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Living Room, Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]M[/SIZE]orning." said the pompous Mrs. Curie haughtily. She could honestly pass for Seifer's mother.

"Hello, Renee, Serena, good morning." said the princess declining her head with queenly grace.

"Morning." James greeted them both, rubbing his eyes. So her name was Serena. "Thanks for last night, what you did was amazing, I haven't had a good night sleep like that in a long time. Seth is outside chopping wood, Renee." he added to his sister. "I'll tell you where Sen is later after you've slept." he was looking at her eye bags. "I'll take care of Johnny, Echo, and the antidote today. Just leave me instructions, no butts."

With a clap of the Princess hand, breakfast was immediately served in the brisk excellent service the caretakers of the royal household were known for: a clean table cloth was spread across the dining table, expertly folded napkins, polished utensils, and glistening cups and mugs were laid out before them before a well-balanced breakfast of pancakes chilled fruits, cut cheese, sausages, potato soup, and a pot of honey and melted chocolate was presented.

It was like being treated like royalty themselves. And come to think of it, the living room and second kitchen also seemed cleaner than usual. James was amazed; the pompous lady wore an expression as though this was normal and was looking slightly miffed that no one started a conversation with her; Seifer missed breakfast entirely as he was still sleeping; while Seth and the rest of the guests came down shortly when the maid announced that breakfast was served.

Though Seth boisterously asked the maids and butlers to eat with them, they did not and insisted that they will eat only after everyone had finished, except for Seifer. He seemed tired enough to sleep until afternoon. He had not slept most of the night either as he had been looking out the windows and patrolling around the castle learning his way around and checking out the surrounding hills and forests like some scout.

James excused himself early from the table as he wanted to feed Johnny and Echo a little something and just keep watch over them. And said he'll be back to talk to anyone who needed anything later.



[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice-[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" James' Room, Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]J[/SIZE]ohnny opened his eyes blearily. It was so hot, his clothes stuck to his skin and he was drenched head to foot in sweat. 'Blimey, it's like a rhino socked my face.' he thought, sitting up slowly. He had such a headache. There was a painful tingling sensation above his nose, and his mouth felt like it was made out of clay. He heard himself speak, but the words were unintelligible. He had to steady himself with both hands on the floor because it felt like he was on a rocking ship . . . he seemed to have lost his sense of balance.

He needed to throw up again. Where was the pail James left him? He noticed it a few feet away from him and reached, but then fumbled over it covering himself and some of James things in sick just as the door opened.

"Johnny!" James put the tray of food he was carrying aside quickly and yanked up the bucket before more of the mess spread, but too late, his friend was covered in slimy, smelly sick and he was angry and miserable over it and how ill he was. All the curses, tantrum swiping and kicking erupted from Johnny's mouth as James cast "Clettidy" then wiped his face and hair and changed his clothes. He just hoped it didn't wake Echo up. He didn't want her to see Johnny at one of his worst moments. "Hey, I got you something nice to drink. Honey water."

"I'm hungry." said Johnny dismally.

"Enough to eat goat?" joked James.

"Never. I'd rather die than eat an animal related to Butters." said Johnny. James fed him crackers dipped in rice porridge. After a while, his friend seemed to calm down a bit and was just leaning against the wall looking restless.

"James . . . why'd I do this?" said Johnny after a long time of silence.

"Beats me. People do crazy things when they're in love?" said James trying to steer the conversation so that Johnny would stop talking like this since Echo was in the same room with him. Johnny seemed to not care that she was there, he was just that irritable, and when he was irritable he tended to be so blunt that sometimes he says hurtful things without knowing.

"I am never doing this again."

"I understand."

"Am I going to die?"

"I don't know, but you really gave it a good shot." he chuckled. That made Johnny smile a little. "Renee will have an antidote ready in twelve hours. Hang on until then, alright?"

"Okay . . . I'm scared."

"No kidding."

Johnny looked at Echo who was resting on James' bed. She looked worse than him. "You know, I'm kind of regretting . . . The floor is spinning, I feel like a drunk, but I'm not drunk. What if this is permanent? I wouldn't be able to perform on stage again. My dreams are kaput . . ." Having no purpose in life scared Johnny, it was what made him feel worthy.

"Hey, you're doing it again. Thinking of negative thoughts all by yourself. Bodies heal . . . Remember the time I went slightly deaf because of Spark? My hearing came back.

"You didn't drink poison."

"No, I was struck by a thunderbolt about thirty times every other day for about three weeks." said James sarcastically.

"We must be crazy, doing these things for the girls we love. Isn't it amazing, the power some women have over us?"

"Renee doesn't have power over me. And that's disgusting on my end. The only person who had that kind of influence over me was our mother."

"Mmm. . . Hey, James, what's this thing about the storm wall and the aged author?" There was no reason to keep it a secret now that the cat was out of the bag and Johnny was now involved, so James him everything. "Blimey, you're not kidding? And you didn't tell me?" said Johnny astounded at the information he just learned.

"I didn't want to risk your life." shrugged James.

"You know, mate, you complain about Renee being stubborn, doing dangerous things, but you're like that too. Next time, tell me about it, you can rely on me. So that you don't end up pulling some stunt like the one you did in the tournament."

". . . Yeah, okay." said James after a moment's silence looking away. He punched Johnny's shoulder in thanks.

"I'm sick you bleeding troll." said Johnny annoyed, and punched James back. James just laughed. The eldest Pendragon came down after that to put away the plates and food tray and attended to those who wanted to talk to him, though by that time breakfast was already over and most of the people were now just lounging in the living room talking to the princess about what they were going to do next, or preparing with Seth to visit the village of Pokeshire an hour away in disguise to either buy something, or leave the castle to go back to their respective homes.


-At the Flying Castle-

"It was no problem, Sir Pendragon. Ask me if you ever need it again." Serena smiled at him. With a questioning eyebrow, Renee looks at her brother and the blond violinist for a moment...and grinned mischievously. She's so going to tease James if this goes any further later on.

"Wha-what?! Bu-!"

Looking distressed, Renee was about to argue back, but James already beat her to the punch, telling her to sleep. She sighed, slumping in her chair as she nodded in defeat. Her wings limped. She's too tired to stay up and besides, James knows how to follow things...

After the fancy breakfast (which made her uncomfortable because the servers wouldn't eat with them) and writing down the instructions for James to follow, the winged teen passed the note to him, went upstairs, and almost bumped into her opened door. She closed it to switch the dial color to go to her bedroom and went in, leaving the door unlocked just in case something happens...

As soon as her frazzled head hit the soft pillows, Renee fell asleep, randomly muttering 'Silly brothers, bacon are for kids.' and 'Stop running around with that plant, you silly troll! It's not a manna tree; it's bacon!'



In the meanwhile, Echo did wake up a couple of times, though very dazed and feeling sick. Her tongue felt like sand paper and she barely could open her eyes. Even when she did open her eyes, the fawn became more dizzy as furniture and people just mold together in an endless cycle of swirls. Which made her more sick and want to vomit on the spot.

She first woke up when her friend was giving her a drink, tasting nothing and eating crackers. For some odd reason, Echo could tell that Renee is really scared and determined about something. It's in the eyes, how they tend to glow brightly when there's barely any light other than the candles by the bedside. The red head wanted to say something to calm her down but it came out as a bunch of nonsensical words. At least, she had Renee laugh a bit.

She woke up again when Johnny and James were in the middle of talking though she could barely understand anything. Their voices were muffled and she could catch a few fleeting words. It's really aggravating to hear things that doesn't make sense. Echo just wanted to sleep the pain away, but that's not happening anytime soon...She really hopes Renee is finished with that antidote.

With a low groan, Echo curled up, snuggling into the bed as she faced where Johnny is and left out her arm. The red head isn't thinking right at the moment, believing that she could somehow grab Johnny's hand if she just reached out hard enough...

By how angry he sounded, Echo wanted to calm him down or comfort him somehow.



Serena smiled as she watched the princess, other guests, and servants talking to each other at the living room. It's rather comfortable here...she wondered if she could...

When James came down again, the blond jumped from the chair and walked up to him with a question. A small question that has been on her mind since last night when she played for James. 

With a light tap on his shoulder, Serena smiled at him and asked. "Sir Pendragon, would it be okay for me to live here? My previous home was the castle and since it's burned down, I wonder if I can stay here until I find a new home?"

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[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" James' Room, Flying Castle "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]A[/SIZE]fter James left, Johnny had laid back on his sleeping bag with his aching head feeling better. He heard the rustling of bed covers and saw Echo's fingers peeking out the edge of the bed as if reaching for something. She was probably asking for help and he stretched out a hand to hold them.

"Echo?" came his voice from below the bed and squeezed the tips of her fingers reassuringly. "What is it? Do you want me to call Renee?" he slowly sat up and propped himself on the edge of the bed to squint at her, his vision rocking like a ship from the movement.


"[SIZE= 18px]C[/SIZE]all me James. You sure you want to stay, Serena? Dangerous people will be looking for our home now." he said while washing the dishes. James summoned Sasha out of a puff of cloud and had her soar up to his window to keep watch on the two poisoned patients.

Around the now clean dining table where a bit of the food was left out for Seifer, the princess, nobles, maid Latifa, and butler Trax were talking about yesterday's events.

"The council will be assigning the Duke of Marchester as steward to the throne in your absence, Princess, I am sure of it." said the merchant Viatola. "If only we had a newspaper to find out what's going on in Kingsbury. This one is yesterday's news." she put away the paper that had the love triangle between James, Johnny, and Echo on the front page.

Mr. and Mrs. portly glanced at it, then at James who was talking to Serena. "Not as effeminate as I thought he'd be." the husband whispered to his wife. "Don't know what he sees in that Johnny fellow, I think he could do better."

"Agreed, though he's quite kind to be taking care of them both, despite the heart ache he must be feeling."

The princess cleared her throat. "As Viatola was saying, ladies and gentlemen, we can't move forward without any information, though I understand your anxieties to see your families. I propose we head to Pokeshire village and garner some news before you all make plans to leave. As for me, I cannot tell you my plans for your own safety." she turned to her servants Latifa and Trax. "Please go ahead with Seth Pendragon to the village in disguise and buy a map and a newspaper. Do all you can to aide him in finding news about his twin."

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-At the Flying Castle-

Shuffling closer to the edge, Echo managed to lower her arm down, and weakly grasp his hand in hers to intertwining fingers. "John-Johnny...can't h-hear you clearly..."She slurred, laying on her side to be a bit more comfortable.

"...b-but you sou-sounded angry... A-are you okay?..." The red head squinted her eyes open, trying to blink the swirls away and not feel as sick. Echo didn't know what's going on, her head felt like someone stuffed cotton in her ears, but she wanted to make sure Johnny's okay. After all, she's the one who got him to be poisoned too...



"Yes, I'm sure I want to stay...James." Serena confirmed, grabbing a small towel to help dry the dishes.

"Besides, it seems you need all the help you can get with this...dangerous situation and I owe you for saving my life and letting me staying here to hide." The blond looked up at him with a brave smile, her blue eyes twinkled in mirth while grabbing another wet dish.

"So...may I stay here? I promise to pay rent in time if that's an issue too."

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- Flying Castle -

"I'm fine, Echo." said Johnny, rubbing comforting circles on her hand with his thumb. It was difficult to discern whether it was his 'I'm truly fine' or 'I'm not okay but I don't want you to worry about me fine' with Echo's swimming vision. "Whenever you were hurting, what did your father do?"


Downstairs James thought for a while, patting his hands dry on his clothes. "There's no need for rent, just put me to sleep with your soothing music every night and that'll do." he chuckled. "But, all kidding aside, yes you can stay. You're a friend of Johnny's so you're welcome to this house any time."

He looked at the clock and checked the note Renee gave him to see if there's anything he had to do to the simmering antidote. He had to stir the potion twice counter-clockwise then once the other way every hour.

He switched vision to Sasha's and was surprised to see Johnny and Echo holding hands and talking. He thought Johnny had been regretting. He was amused, figured he'd go all soft and change his mind if Echo was talking to him. That or because someone dear to him is in trouble.

He was loyal like that. He had been abhored by what James did in the tournament, but came to watch over him anyway.


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