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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

- James Pendragon -

" Brandywine Falls "

As James showed Lydia how to set up her tent, he muttered a quiet, "Thanks, Lydia. Girls usually give me away and start gossiping when I get all smiley and flattered --- this part of the tent goes here." he secretly glanced at violinist and then back at the tent pole he was watching Lydia set up.

"You must be used to being an independent person who takes care of herself, huh?" he observed.

@Roleplay Skittle

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-Brandywine Falls-


Lydia smiled and shrugged slightly, "you're welcome," She followed his instruction and adjusted the tent pole until it was sturdy, "gossip can cause a lot of trouble... I've seen it a lot with the maids at home."

She tested the pole and made sure it was secure before positioning the next part of the tent. Her actions seemed to show that she was a pretty quick learner and seemed to learn by doing, she laughed a little and shook her head, strands of her black hair which hung just past her shoulders tossing about slightly, "not really... that's why I am trying to learn."


- James Pendragon -

" Brandywine Falls "

"I see you like wearing black clothes." said James looking at her boots and dress. It was a very traditional witch ensemble. "I wouldn't be surprised if you're good at flying brooms. Do you have a black cat back at home?"

@Roleplay Skittle
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-Brandywine Falls-


Lydia looked down at her clothes for a moment, smiling and giggling, her head tilting from side to side, "I don't really think much about it... if everything's black, it makes it easier to get dressed, I don't have to think about it and worry about coordinating colors and things like that," less time spent on clothes meant more time spent on books! While her mother certainly didn't approve and would much rather her daughter spend her time doing more girlish things, anything that the Madam brought her that wasn't black sat in the closet and became a fine nest for moths, "honestly... I haven't tried," Lydia paused as she was adjusting the tarp of the tent, as though she were really pondering the idea.

"My mother has a cat... but all she does when she comes in the library is try and sit on whatever I am doing," She spoke with an amused tone before she gave the fully constructed tent a satisfied pat, "there. What do you think?"



-Brandywine falls-

Echo watched the camp become smaller and smaller as they flowed in the current and listened to Johnny and the guys' first date stories. She giggled on most of them, finding it very silly and funny, but then she blushed bright red when he asked about her first date was like...

Um...How is she going to explain this? Let's see...Maybe he'll connect the dots...

"Well...my first date was with this sweet guy who's different than most. He gave me a bouquet of yellow roses and helped m-me s-s-sing in front of others...made me a bit confident in myself." The fawn whispered, suddenly feeling shy.

"I-I never felt so giddy before meeting him a-and it took me by surprise that he asked me out...because he's afraid of girls. I thought he wouldn't like me back...but he does...and now we're going out..." She had crushes before, but she never had her feelings reciprocated back. So...basically...Johnny is her first boyfriend. Ever.

Fiddling with the hems of her white shirt, Echo looked at the side, watching the forest pass by them as they drifted down the stream. Her cheeks flushed as red as her natural red hair.



Serena blanked out, not really paying attention to James or to Lydia as she continued to play on how she felt. The sound was slow and precise, somehow sensual in a way. She didn't even realize that she was playing this type of song, following the flow as her face stayed red like an apple. "Oh..."

'Oh...my goodness....' She thought, ending the song in a long and fading note...James is hot, is what she wants to say.

Her spacey bubble burst when she heard something...from above? The waterfall?? It's quiet, almost hidden from the loud splash of the water hitting the lake's surface, but it's there...'What is that?'



Renee gave up on finding the fish that hit her head and decided to follow the river, carrying the small fishes in her bag so the group could eat them. It should be enough for everyone to eat...

But as she crossed another path of mossy stones, the same large fish knocked her back in the deep parts of the water and the current dragged her along. She couldn't grab onto a rock. They were too slippery from the moss or they pass by too fast. Renee couldn't fly out because her wings got heavy from the water. She tried...and it didn't work. So Renee made sure to keep her head above water at least.

It was a journey, that's for sure, so many twists and turns that either have many rocks that scratch her legs or swift currents that she couldn't swim against. The Pendragon teen dreaded where this river is carrying her to, especially when she can hear and see a waterfall's drop coming closer and closer-!

"Nope-! Nope-! Nope-!" Swimming against the current fruitlessly, Renee screamed, searching for something to grab onto again until she noticed (and dreaded) a certain archer who's sitting on a rock pillar...

"HELP-! RATHMORE!!" She waved her arms to catch his attention, making loud splashes.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- James Pendragon -

" Brandywine Falls "

James smiled, amused at the cat tale. "Your mom's cat was probably trying to say: 'Notice me, human.'" he said making a bossy face. He looked her tent over, "It's all good."

As Serena played her sensual song, it got harder, and harder for James to act normal as he chatted with Lydia about a friend of his who's a cat lover, and who keeps complaining about his one-sided relationship with them, but still loves them anyway. And by the end of the song his back was turned to Serena and he was wearing a, what-do-I-do-this-is-awkward-I'm-talking-to-Lydia-right-now-how-do-I-run-away-without-hurting-Serena's-feelings expression.

Over at Princess Mia, Latifa, and Madam Curie's side the first two were giggling at James' plight. Seth, who had now finished giving all three summons a bath was miming smooches in the background.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle

- Johnny Caprice -

" Down River "

"I . . . I'm your first . . . boyfriend?" he said surprised, and happy in a dazed way. So Echo has never cuddled with anyone except him. And her lips have never kissed anyone's face except his. Johnny felt so privileged, as though here was a treasure that was all for himself.


It would be wonderful if he were her last boyfriend too. He began to wonder how he'll be able to keep Echo for . . . about four years before he was ready to settle down. He was eighteen, she was sixteen. Assuming this war with the black dragon won't drag on, maybe they can continue their studies next year, and then there's the two years of traveling Johnny planned to do in a circus to learn how to manage a theatre. By the time he comes back Echo would be done with her apprenticeship, and . . . would she want to settle down? He wondered where she'd want to live, would it be in her hometown in Dawnsfield? Johnny had planned to set up his theatre in a bustling city somewhere.

Anywho, that's still so very far off in the future. It's a good thing they're going out to see if they're compatible for a future together and not to mess around. It placed a lot of things in perspective, like the growing intimacy between them.

"Echo," said Johnny, sitting beside her and holding her hand fondly. "I want to keep you for about four years, so I want to go slow . . . with our physical intimacy." he said carefully. He knew how very affectionate and passionate she was, despite her shy exterior. She was really fiery inside. "Are you alright with that? Though I can compromise, if it's too slow." he smiled.

He was starting to realize how they were opposites in this. Echo was the fire, and he was the ice. He's probably going to be the one who's going to put on the brakes so that they don't get carried away. If he can make Echo stop . . . which would probably be impossible if she's dead set on it, since she was so strong. He suddenly had a vision of himself scared out of his wits, cornered by an Echo who had too much to drink and chuckled at the thought. Yeah, his mates would really get a laugh out of that.


- Seifer Rathmore -

" Atop Brandywine Falls "

While admiring his reflection in one of the still pools at the edge of the falls, Seifer heard a maiden's scream. Hark! Is it a damsel in distress? Oh . . . no, it's just chicken girl --- oh wait, she's really in distress.

Seifer just stared at Renee for a couple of seconds. If one of them died, that would make handing the princess over to the death knights easier . . . ugh, but she gave him hair growing cream that fixed his bald spot from the assassin attack before. He didn't like being in debt to people. Maybe after this, then it's alright if she dies.

"Grab on to this arrow!" he shouted, quickly tying a rope around the end of one. He knocked it into his bow and fired. It hit her bag, spilling some of the contents, but at least the arrow was easy to grab. Seifer held on the other end of the rope, yelling, "PENDRAGONS, DUBOIS, LOCK! CHICKEN --- I MEAN, RENEE IS GOING TO FALL OFF THE WATERFALLS!" 

@Katsuya@Roleplay Skittle
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-Brandywine Falls-


Lydia tapped her lower lip with one finger as she glanced up, thoughtfully, "'notice me, human'... that kind of sounds like Seifer," She giggled at the thought that evidently occurred to her, "you know... my mother's cat is a lot like Seifer when I really think about it... pretty on the outside with a bad attitude," she gave James a devilish grin and giggled softly to his tale of his friend, shaking her head.

If James felt awkward, he could probably multiply that ten-fold to describe how Lydia felt, which was very third wheel and like she was interrupting something. Her gaze shifted from James to Serena and back again nervously, her expression seeming to answer James with I don't know while attempting to try not to be too obvious. She almost wanted to laugh at the situation and that desire wasn't helped any by Seth's mockery, but she thought that would be too weird and raise too many questions, though eventually she came up with an out, at least for herself, "um... I'm going to go work on opening that tome now. I'll let you know if I succeed."

With that she sort of awkwardly backed away from the scene before scurrying off like a little black mouse to collect the magically sealed tome, her journal, and of course her spectacles. She cast a somewhat hesitant and almost lonely glance back towards Serena and James before she wandered off towards the outskirts of camp, but still in sight of everyone, settling herself against the tree and sighing deeply before she put her glasses on and began her work.

Of course she didn't have long before she heard Seifer yelling from atop the falls, her face went blank with surprise and she looked in that direction, setting her book down and hurriedly placing her glasses atop it before rising and running towards the falls. Her mind was working overtime partially because she didn't really know any spells to help and since her ability worked primarily off of focusing on spoken word she had to become a lyricist just to cast a spell. She looked to James in panic, certain that he would know what to do.

@Zer0 @Katsuya
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-Brandywine Falls-

Serena continued to stare up at the waterfalls, wondering what's making that noise until she heard Seifer's yell. With Lydia coming closer to the falls, there at the edge was...

"Renee?!" Her eyes widened as she took quick action. The violinist quickly played a fast paced tune, yelling out her spell. "Springen!"

As she watched the Pendragon sister falling of the drop, holding onto a rope for dear life, she aimed her spell on the rocks that's at the bottom of the waterfall; The mossy stones are now swaying like Jell-o, easy for anyone to bounce on them like a trampoline.

Serena's panicking, wondering just one thing: What was Renee doing up there in the first place?!


"Y-yes...You're my first boyfriend..." She answered quietly, wondering if her having no experience with romantic relationships would be bad and felt a bit nervous.

Only to feel him sitting next to her and hold her hand. Echo looked at him again, her small frown turned into a shy smile as she listened to his plan. Has...has he been thinking about their future together?...Awww~ She could just melt right now, feeling warm from the thought.

'Four years hmm...He did say that he wanted to train in a traveling circus for two years...' Johnny would be coming back by the time she graduates from school if she's thinking this right...Echo didn't think about what to do after leaving school other than getting a space for her botanical garden to sell herbs...would she want to settle down? Where would she settle down? A city or her hometown or another area? So many questions to think about, too many to answer right now.

'But...we have time to talk and think...' Echo thought, her face turning redder when she remembered about the intimacy part. "I...I think that's a good idea...yes, I'm okay with that." The reindeer fawn knows she isn't ready for the next level yet....

"But can we still cuddle and give kisses?" She asked innocently, smiling widely and willing to compromise with him.


Renee ignored the fishes she caught for food floating out of her bag as she grabbed the arrow and taking it out. Holding tight on the rope and wrapping it around her arms, she tried to swim against the current. Her pale face turned red when she heard Seifer saying her name for once...

'Now is not the time for this-! Get it together!' Mentally slapping herself, Renee felt the rope tighten around her arms as she fell off the drop. Her eyes shut tight as she didn't want to look at the spiky rocks at the bottom or her brothers' and friends' panicked faces.

If she's going to die, she rather remember the good things that happened, not their scared faces.

Dangling and swaying from the water falling down, she didn't know what to do. Renee didn't move because she's afraid that she'll drag Seifer down with her (which is a huge NO in her book), but she knew if she didn't move, he's probably going to struggle right about now...

That's a weird thought...Him? Struggling? It reminded him of what Seth told her, with the dishes Seifer tried to clean and failing...NOT THE POINT!

"HELP!" Renee screamed, freaking out about being that high without her wings to fly.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Johnny Caprice -

" Down River "

"Yes," said Johnny cheerfully, nestling close to Echo and burying his nose in her hair to inhale her enjoyable scent again, "only is your father going to chuck a boulder at me if he knew we were this close?"

---- Johnny's Mind Theatre ----

"So! How far have you gone with my daughter?" boomed a manly man satyr with rippling pectorals and a majestic mustache, looming over Johnny's small frame. (he hadn't met Echo's father yet and had no idea what he looked like)

Johnny cleared his throat. " We've kissed --- "


" --- on the ch-cheek . . ." he groaned from underneath the rock.

"Oh." The boulder was lifted more effortlessly than Echo could uproot trees straight out of the ground. Johnny got up shakily, looking like he wants to leave. "That all, hmmmm?" rumbled the manly man satyr.

Johnny looked apprehensively at the boulder still within Echo's father's reach. But he has to man up and give honest reckoning.

"We . . . We've slept in the same room ---- "


Johnny whimpered, " --- not on the same  . . . bed. I was on the floor. We were poisoned . . . it was like a patient's room."

"Oh." Boulder was lifted up again. Johnny was twitching on the floor.


---- Curtain Close ----

- Seifer Rathmore -

" Atop Brandywine Falls "

Seifer placed a foot against the stone for support as he began hauling chicken girl up. "Sirus Gigantica." he cast many times on himself and he grew twice as large and twice as heavy. "Calm yourself, Pendragon, I've got this." he drawled lazily.

Suddenly, a large fish leapt out of the water and smacked him in the face. He slipped, dropping Renee, and he had a glimpse of a silver tail disappearing into the water before he fell down the waterfalls himself.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Seifer clutched instinctively on the nearest thing within reach which happened to be the falling girl, as if she was a life line.

They bounced on the rocks harmlessly and fell down the pool with a splash, Seifer was still yelling.

"Renee!" yelled Seth, diving immediately to reach her; James followed suit, kicking off his armor and robes. Princess Mia and Latifa, who had been staring, horrified all this while also went to the pool.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle

-Brandywine Falls-


Everything seemed to happen in the blink of an eye, she was grateful for Serena being able to do something, but it also made her feel utterly useless at the same time. Her gaze drifted from the now springy rocks, up to Renee. Getting a better view of Seifer as he grew larger, she flinched and clasped her hands together as he slipped and fell down the falls with Renee.

Her hands had made their way to her mouth, covering it in shock, her eyes wide as they shifted from the sinking Seifer and Renee, to Seth as he blew past her and into the water. She took a step back from the shore before James also ran past, her stunned face turning towards the princess and her maid before her gaze fell back on the water.

-Evil fish at the Brandywine Falls-

Echo blinked for a moment before shaking her head. "I don't think my father is that unreasonable...My Aunty Mel will vouch for you though, just stay honest and you should be fine...I think.." Hesitancy and nervousness ringed in her tone of voice, not knowing how her father would act other than trying to 'out man' another guy...


Renee yelped, her heart palpating fast as she fell, the rope felt loose...Why?! So it took her by surprise and fear when she saw Seifer now taller than before falling with her and holding her tightly. He's screaming in her ear-!! As her face turned redder than anybody have ever seen, the Pendragon sister gasped out her last breathe as they hit the bouncy rocks and then the water, creating a large splash.

They were sinking-! They were sinking-! It was the only thing in her mind right now. Driven with instinct and adrenaline, Renee quickly kicked her legs, trying to keep them not to sink more then they already were.

Why is Seifer not kicking?! He's heavy for goodness' sakes-! Is he knocked out or something because they are screwed if he is.

The edges of her vision is starting to black out, clutching onto the large archer tightly so she wouldn't lose him. Her lungs ached for not having air in them. That's when she saw Seth and she reached out with one arm, starting to black out...Her eyes rolled back...

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Johnny Caprice -

" Down River "

" . . . Maybe we shouldn't kiss and cuddle for four years." said Johnny apprehensively, and drew away still holding Echo's hand. "I don't fancy being boulder slammed."


- Brandywine Falls -

Seth hauled Renee up to the shore, while James called Lydia, and Serena for help with the heavy Seifer. The archer seemed to have passed out from shock.

Slopping wet, James checked their pulse and breathing. "Seifer's got a pulse, but he's not breathing!" Someone had to give the guy mouth-to-mouth, but James was looking at his lips as if it were the greasy, infected, lips of a smelly ogre. "Lydia, Serena, you two know how to give mouth-to-mouth?" he asked them quickly.

James knew, but he didn't want to do it. Though the longer they stalled, the faster Seifer's brain was going to die.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle
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-Brandywine Falls-


James didn't even need to ask, as soon as they all surfaced, Lydia quickly moved to help James with Seifer. She stood by and watched as his pulse was checked but when James mentioned mouth-to-mouth, she gave Seifer much the same look as James, her arms crossed over her chest, "errr...."

She glanced to Serena, "maybe... we can just push on his chest and stomach a bit?" she asked somewhat hopefully, in truth, she didn't know anything about mouth-to-mouth, it wasn't like she went on this type of adventure every day or something. She knelt down beside him, biting her lower lip. She supposed it couldn't be all bad if Serena didn't volunteer, but she knew that whomever got stuck with the task of reviving him would probably never live it down once he found out.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

-Brandywine Falls-

Echo giggles a bit as she leaned forward and rubbed noses with him. "Love, you won't be under a boulder, this I swear." Johnny certainly has a very vivid imagination, that's for sure. "I'll make sure he wouldn't do that to you..."


Renee gasped when Seth pulled her up, coughing up the water that was in her lungs as they swam back into shore. "T-than-thanks, Seth." She coughed out, her body shaking from the adrenaline rush. 

Serena shook her head, covering her mouth in shock and feeling a bit lost. Her mentor didn't teach her how to give CPR, so she didn't know. "No, I don't-! Um..." When Lydia suggested to push the stomach a bit, the violinist didn't know if that's how it works...

"I go-got it." Renee volunteered, not really thinking much as her training kicked in. They taught CPR in class before and it always made her feel awkward because it's with a doll that has a real dead person's face replicated over and over again...It's just weird to know and practice with it.

Walking with shaky legs, the herbalist student sat next to the unconscious archer, tilted his head back, pinched his nose. Then with a look of 'Really? I know you know how to do this' at her brother, Renee leaned down and kissed him, breathing out air three times until she leaned back up and lightly pushed down his chest three times, copying her heartbeat before pressing her lips on his again. She did this a few more times until he finally woke up.

"How are you feeling, Rathmore?" She asked.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Brandywine Falls -

James and Seth held their breaths as Renee lowered her head, then recoiled, looking like their sister just did something gross; Seifer spluttered awake, choking, and coughing out water.

He gaped at Renee as realization of what happened struck him. "Urgh! "He groaned, coughing as he made the most abhorred face, and immediately scrambled back into the water rubbing his lips vigorously, gargling, and spitting water out. "Why didn't you do it, Lock?" he complained most ungratefully, "Or you princess, or you, Dubois --- gargle, gargle."

"I, I don't know how to give mouth-to-mouth, I'm sorry?" said Princess Mia uncertainly.

Chicken girl kissed him, or mouth-to-mouth, but still he touched her saliva, ew! Of all the girls in the world, ugh, even James or Madam Curie would have been better than this.

James, Seth, and Latifa were looking at Seifer like they wanted to drown him.

@Katsuya@Roleplay Skittle

-Brandywine Falls-


Oh thank goodness! Lydia and Serena would have had to flip a coin and the loser would have had to help Seifer! Lydia wasn't sure how she felt about Renee doing it though for multiple reasons, the foremost reason being that Renee herself fell from the falls and very nearly could have drowned herself! And the other was less physical and more emotional. She looked to Renee with an expression of admiration on her face as she watched her work and when she was done, placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Scowling at Seifer, it took but a moment for her to start laughing, "because then we would be the ones gargling, Renee is just the bravest of us," her hand that was resting on Renee's shoulder squeezed it gently and she offered a smile, shaking her head and looking back to Seifer, "you should be grateful, you might be dead now if she didn't step in."

@Zer0 @Katsuya

-Brandywine Falls-

"Mia, don't be sorry. It's not your fault." Serena said before nodding in agreement with Lydia, frowning angrily as she crossed her arms.

"Yea, Rathmore. You should thank her." The nerve of the guy-! Though she is somewhat happy that she didn't get to do it, it still bugged her that Renee, of all people, did. The poor girl has enough emotional pain from this guy, she didn't need more.

The violinist will admit it: She has a strong urge to push Seifer off and let him drown again too.

Somehow Renee wasn't surprised that he reacted like that.

Sighing tiredly and not caring much anymore, she looked up at Lydia and Serena, smiling gratefully. "Thanks Lydia, Serena...but it's fine. He doesn't need to. It's part of my job as his battle partner and being a herbalist student." She shrugged, her smile turned awkward and patted the hand that's on her shoulder gently.

"...I'm going to go change my clothes...I'll be right back. Oh! and I brought fish and water-grass. I think there's enough for all of us..." Renee told them, standing up again as she pulled out all the fishes and edible plants out of her bag and passed it to Lydia. After she grabbed dry clothes from the pack on her horse, the white haired Pendragon left into the forest to hide behind a rock or trees and change.

 She could have gone in one of the tents but she rather not face anybody right now...

"Renee..." Serena watched her go with a worried frown before glaring at Seifer in disapproval.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Brandywine Falls -

"See?"said Seifer spreading his arms. "No need to thank, Dubois, Lo ---." James and Seth immediately hammered his skull with their fists.

"Ha, you two hit like girls." he, winced, trying and failing to push himself up from the water, two big steaming lumps on his forehead. The two Pendragons didn't rise to his taunt and just left him there, shaking their heads.

"Change of battle partners. " said James, scowling at Seifer as though daring him to object, "Seth, you're with Renee. Lydia, are you willing to be this guy's partner?"

@Katsuya@Roleplay Skittle

- Johnny Caprice -

" Down River "

Johnny went a tad pink in the tips of his ears, feeling Echo's care in her words. "I'll take your word for it then." he smiled at ease, then rubbed her nose in return, cupping her face in his hands and caressing her soft cheeks tenderly. He closed his eyes and sighed in content, listening to the breeze ruffling the leaves . . . This was bliss.

After a while, he gave Echo a big smooch on the forehead, hugged her, then asked more about her family: how many siblings she has, what her parents were like, what her cousins were like, and what living in her home was like.

Johnny too told her about his.

His nomad people were called the "Ra-ute" (Rah-ooteh). He had told her a long time ago that they were sheep and goat herders who roamed the tundra north of Lordaeron until five years ago when they decided to settle in the dwarven village of Winsnow, but did not tell her that they were skin-changers who can turn into wolves.

"Though not everyone is born with the gift." said Johnny, pushing their raft with the pole so that it settled at the riverbank. "I can't change into a wolf, but my nine older sisters, my father, and my mother who is part giantess can. We're not werewolves, though, since my people look like ordinary wolves, except bigger when they change --- four legged, not two. They also don't turn uncontrollably during full moons, nor can they turn others into werewolves by biting them." Johnny stretched his legs, picked up a flat stone and skipped it on the surface of the river.

"I am the youngest of my siblings, and you can say that it was because of them that I have a fear of girls. Don't get me wrong, my sisters are . . . decent now, it was when we were growing up that was a nightmare. I was a chew toy. And since I mostly stayed inside because the tundra is very cold without fur, they were mostly all of what I knew of girls. That's why I was so scared when you looked at me the first time, Echo. I was thinking: ' What is she going to do to me?'" Johnny laughed. " But you know what's strange? I feel like I don't mind that much if you do something to me." he shrugged. "Even though you are way stronger than they are."

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-Down River-

Echo snuggled back, smiling warmly as she squeezed him a bit then she sighed happily. When Johnny asked about her family, the fawn closed her eyes, leans into his arms and started with: "I'm an only child." She always wanted to have siblings...but...

"My father is strong. He's stronger than me. Very blunt, rather fights than talk with other guys, he's not the brightest either, no offense to him, but he's the greatest dad I could ever ask for." Echo smiled proudly, her love for her father poured in her voice. "He's very protective of my family, all six aunts, seven uncles, and twenty-seven cousins with eight of them having kids of their own." She has a big family.

"Most of my cousins are...as bad as Seth and Sen when it comes to their pranks, but worse. They don't hold back at all, not with their teasing long time ago, but thanks to Aunt Melody, they left me alone. You remember her, right? She's the head matriarch of our family now since my mother passed away." She mumbled that last part, remembering about how her dad cried at her grave that's under the plum blossom tree in their backyard. It's depressing to see him like that and she was seven years old at the time...

Echo shook her head and smiled at him, her green eyes bright and loving. "I still love my mom though. From what my dad and aunt Mel tells me, she's very sweet. Very kindhearted too, but she doesn't let anybody off the hook either." She chuckled quietly. "Apparently, she's the one everyone runs from since she can scold them and they would feel guilty afterwards."

As she listened about Johnny's family, Echo bit her bottom lip, feeling bad for him and a bit angry at his sisters. "That's terrible of your sisters. No one should be mean to their family like that and for so long too-! Hmph-! Though that does explain why you're afraid of girls and it's no wonder." The fawn kissed his cheek in comfort, smiling a bit.

"I wouldn't do anything to you or well...anything bad anyways. I rather give you kisses and hugs, not bites and scratches..." She kissed his forehead and cheeks and nose affectionately.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Johnny Caprice -

" Down River "

"I really like your hugs and kisses." said Johnny, bending his head, closing his eyes and enjoying Echo's warm lips on his face. He was getting more confident and at ease with their cuddling.

"And your mom sounds just like you." Caressing her smooth back, he drew Echo closer and pushed back a hair behind her ear before gazing into her green eyes and lightly kissing them both. "She must have been really beautiful . . . unless you took after your dad. Then he's beautiful too." he chuckled.

So Echo was an only child . . . and she lost her mother young. That must have been quite something for her dad to raise her all by himself. He's definitely a man worth respecting, they're both worth a wendeigo coat. Johnny felt more determined now in building his theatre and working hard to make it the best. He wants to earn her father's respect, hear in his voice that he trusts Johnny to take care of his one and only precious child and their big family.

It was a good thing he buried some treasure on the mountain peak near the ogre cave. When his travelling was done, he was going to go back, dig it up and use it for his theatre and Echo's apothecary if she wants. There was so much to do so that that future will become a reality, and only about four years to prepare for it. It was a daunting task, but Johnny felt okay, since Echo was with him. Here in his arms was the girl who always helps him when he was struggling, takes the initiative and comforts him immediately before he asks, takes on hardships bravely --- I mean, who charges an assassin and goes inside an ogre cave without batting an eye? --- and feels very good to rest on.

"Echo, is there anything I can do for you?" said Johnny, "Apart from helping you send a covert message to your family that you're alright? Like, cook you something nice tonight, help you with the horses, or if you want to do something for Renee, perhaps I can help you in some way?"

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-Brandywine Falls-


Lydia's smile faded and her brow furrowed to the cloudy mood Renee was sporting. In witch speak, it really made her cauldron bubble how Seifer reacted! She flinched slightly and grimaced as Renee handed her the dead fish and water-grass, quickly finding a clean place and setting them down again, if she wasn't careful, she'd develop a reputation for smelling bad.

Her features softened, her lower lip folding over her upper slightly as she watched Renee retreat before she turned a glare on Seifer, she didn't care how much bigger and manlier than her he was, she had a mind to clobber him! As though that idea was finding it's way to the outside, she began absently rolling up her sleeves but Seth and James beat her to the punch... literally!

At James' announcement of changing battle partners, Lydia nodded slightly, her big green eyes narrowing on Seifer, "noooooo problem..."

@Zer0 @Katsuya

- Seifer Rathmore -

" Brandywine Falls "

"Good." snorted James. He picked up his armor and robes, then stalked off to hang them by his tent. He looked too angry to be around the jerk; Seth went back to swimming, checking the river for anything that Renee may have dropped and had a brooding look over his face.

Renee would notice, if she checked her bag, that apart from some fish and a few things missing, the love potion was missing as well. And could not be found no matter how hard they looked.

Seifer rose from the river, smoothing his wet hair back over his two steaming lumps with as much dignity as he could muster, and brushed moss off his shoulder. His spell was wearing off and he was shrinking back to his normal size. He gave Lydia a scathing glance as he scoured the pool for some of his arrows that got swept away. "What? Are you going to hit me as well, Dubois?"

@Roleplay Skittle@Katsuya
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-Brandywine Falls-


Lydia watched as everyone went their separate ways before her attention returned to Seifer, "I don't know, do I need to?" She grinned, not the least perturbed by the look he gave her, the expression on her face and tone of her voice seemed easily translated as I want to hit you, but I'm not going to, for now. The key words being for now.

Maybe it was her lack of too much socialization because of her greater desire for knowledge, but she seemed rather tomboyish, especially when it came to Seifer. She supposed part of what kept her from hitting him was knowing that she was stuck with him for now and hitting him probably wouldn't help her any if she needed him.


- Brandywine Falls -

For the rest of the afternoon, the rest of the people in the camp did not talk to Seifer, who climbed up to the top of the falls again and disappeared from sight. Seth was the one who took over his role of watching the camp, dangling his legs at the edge of the falls and looking bored while singing something that couldn't be heard over the roaring falls. The twin eventually took to practicing with his throwing knives, carving a face on the trunk that looked like a cross between Seifer's smug face and a troll.

Princess Mia and Latifa started to make dinner as Echo and Johnny had not returned yet, and was wondering when the couple would come back, and if they were okay.

James took to summoning his maori again underneath the falls and was training it to follow simple commands such as "come" and "stop", while using some of the fish as a treat. He decided to name it "Callie" since the glowing silver white manta ray had a beautiful loopy pattern on its back that reminded him of calligraphy. It still kept trying to eat his clothes, until finally, James decided to tear some of his older clothes and feed them to it, which made it happy and more eager to do as he said. Callie flapped her large manta wings, splashing James and anyone near the pool with water.

@Roleplay Skittle

-Brandywine Falls-


Seifer's actions reminded her of someone trying to escape an area of illness, like she and the rest of the group were germs and he was trying to keep his distance. She supposed that with his haughty attitude, they probably weren't any different from germs and the thought made her snort slightly as she combed over her notes.

After the potential drowning incident had occurred and she had watched Seifer retreat to solitude, Lydia had retaken her spot at the tree near the falls. With her journal open to her left, she held the magically sealed tome on her lap, carefully testing out theories on spells on the book and unsuccessfully at that. Just about the only spell she had that worked didn't open the book and instead untied her shoes. She supposed that could be useful, chuckling to herself as she imagined learning a spell that would retie the shoelaces and how she could use both to prank Seifer at an opportune time.

Every now and then she would glance towards James, watching as he tamed his maori, her head tilting to the side as she thought about how decidedly weird it was that the creature wanted to eat fabric and not fish, she honestly wondered what that was about as she sat there thoughtfully staring over the silver rims of her spectacles where they sat towards the rounded tip of her slender nose.


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