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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-At the Inn-

Serena walked in, not minding Johnny being himself as she told the guys that they have their stuff ready and tied to the horses. That's when James gasped and it caught her attention. "What? What is it?"


Echo froze when everything happened, thinking that someone might have realized what they were planning for a second until Seth ran of to the plains. The men she saw before chased after him. 'That's not good. He's off to the fields...' She thought, her mind whirling with panic, anger, and worry. Honestly, what type of adults chase after a kid? Then again, knowing Seth, he probably stole something important...

When Lydia came out and thanking her, Echo nodded and motioned her to come with her to the stables.

Realizing that no one was paying attention to her, Echo reached the stables and looked behind the large bag where she found Renee hiding behind it. She heard the window breaking and hid there, just in case anybody saw her during the chaos. Renee whispered to the both of them, confused and a bit scared.

"Echo, Lydia. What's going on? Wha-what hap-"

"Renee, you going to have to change into your feral form."

That took her off guard and stared in disbelief at her best friend. Is she nuts?! "I don't know how to control that! Why sho-"

"Seth is running in the fields right now with people who has intent to harm him. You have to change and scare them off." Echo's idea was to have Renee change into her avian form and fly to her brother, acting like a random monster who wants to eat humans and fly away with Seth. It's a crazy plan, but...they needed to save the youngest Pendragon.

Echo sighed, grabbing her friend's shoulders and squeezed them a bit with a sad frown. "Just remember what happened to you before...when you first changed. That night...with Rathmore." As soon Renee shook her head, the fawn squeezed a bit more. "I know it's terrible of me to ask or even force you to do this, but it's the quickest plan I can think of right now. Please, your brother is in trouble and he's going to need your help. There's clouds in the sky too so you can hide behind them."

Renee had to take a shaky breathe and looked at Lydia, not knowing what to do. "What do you think? Should I try?"

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- James Pendragon -

" Inn "

"Seth is running towards the village, Serena." said James, hurriedly standing up to don his traveling cloak. "He stole the poster with Rathmore's face and now he's being chased by three men on horseback. We have to help him."

Seifer, who had peered out the window a little through the gaps of the curtains and who had been listening to the conversation of the crowd below, groaned. "Bounty hunters . . . Not sent by my parents." he said disappointed. If they were so hung up on that poster that means it was the only picture they had of him. His parents would definitely give whoever they'd sent to get him one of their own photos from the mansion. And they wouldn't be this uncouth and uncapable of magic to boot, he thought watching their torches growing smaller as they chased Seth through the plains

He grabbed his cloak and bow. "I'll go with Caprice. Pendragon, Lock, both of you stay." he said calmly, looking thoughtful. James opened his mouth to object, but Seifer added as he headed for the door, "Think, Pendragon, what are you going to do? You use any of your summons the whole village will know the missing Kingsbury Champion is here. Lock can't burn them either or she'll be jailed too. I'm sneaky, I'm wearing a cloak and I can do more with a bow. Caprice can turn us into sheep if we want to hide."

"He's right, James, we're wasting time here." said Johnny. He nodded at Seifer and the archer left the room with the hood over his head. James looked conflicted. On one side Seifer was right, on the other he didn't know why he was doing this, but Johnny gripped his shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry, I'll turn him into a sheep if he tries anything funny." and left the room too wearing a cloak.

"Alright." condescended James, looking at Serena as though he wished there was a better plan than this.

They went down, Johnny looking for Echo and any of the girls quickly, but he did not find them among the crowd who were now heading back to the pub. There were a few men already galloping after the three to make sure they don't kill the fleeing kid thief. Another complication as they have also begun hollering for the village guards. Seifer and Johnny mounted their horses and followed quickly.

James sat back down on the bed, anxious and probably looking through Sasha's eyes again as he was looking at the window but wasn't really seeing it. At that moment there was an angry knock on the door.

"Mr. Dumfarht, I need to speak to you!" cried the angry inn keeper's voice. James had not been paying attention, but Dumfarht was the fake name Seth wrote in the inn-keeper's guest book for him.

- Seth Pendragon -

" Farthing Plains "

'Why did I forget my horse?!' thought Seth, his heart hammering, as he ran hot-foot across a farm field, the pursuing ruffians right behind him bellowing angrily and taking about bashing his head in.

Seth had no weapons, it was dark, and he could not see. Running wasn't going to work, not against horses. He bent down the ground, feeling desperately for a rock, pebble, anything he could throw. There was a whoosh of feathers and a rock was plopped on his hand. "Sasha?" he said, taking the rock immediately and throwing it at the hand of one of the ruffians holding a torch. The man yelled in pain --- the torch was knocked clean off and was put out.

"Yeah, keep throwing and running!" said James voice.

Seth did just that and knocked off another torch. The three men had caught up now and he dove to the side as a horse charged straight for him.

"What the?!" yelled a man. For a small ghostly bird had swooped down and knocked the last torch off his hand.

"Johnny and Seifer are coming, and so are four other men from the village." whispered James voice as Sasha flew back to perch on Seth's shoulder in the dark. "We need to get these three bounty hunters somewhere where they won't bother us anymore."

(1-5) Seth success =3

(1-4) Seth evade =4

(1-5 Seth's favor) Tie breaker = 3

(1-4) Ruffian 1 success = 4

(1-4) Ruffian 1 evade = 4

(1-4) Ruffian 2 success = 6

(1-4) Ruffian 2 evade = 5

(1-4) Ruffian 3 success = 5

(1-4) Ruffian 3 evade = 5


@Katsuya @Roleplay Skittle

OOC || Characters || Interest Check
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-Echo Muses-

When Renee nodded, despair written on her face, Echo grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the Inn where none of the other people could see them, hidden in the shadows.

"Okay...I'll keep an eye out..." Echo looked away, her green eyes focused towards the inn. She can hear Renee taking a deep breathe and there were some rustling like someone was moving curtains or something with clothes. The fawn was horrified after a few seconds, hearing cracks and snaps of bones bending as her friend muffled her pained screams. The atmosphere around the two became uncomfortable for Echo as she begun to fidget nervously.

'I guess it worked...' Echo thought, as she took a peek over her shoulder to see a pair of familiar glowing orange eyes, eerily staring at her figure. Like she wanted to eat reindeer meat...The fawn shook her head. She can trust Renee in whatever form she takes; This one is just scary, but it's still Ren.

"You should go now...I'll make sure the Princess and the others are okay." Echo told the transformed Avian, hoping that she understood somehow.

With that, Renee left with a quiet whoosh, her night clothes that are on the ground blown away a bit...Echo's eyes widened at that. 'Wait...Renee only has the cloak on?! Oh for Merlin's beard!' Her cheeks started to turn red at the thought of her friend being naked while looking for Seth. Well...at least no one else will see her like that, right?

The fawn walked back with her friend's PJ, puts them away while grabbing her traveling clothes, and walks in the Inn to see the Inn owner knocking on the boys' door. Oh boy...

"Sir? Is something wrong? I heard all the noise downstairs and wondered what has happened?" Echo tilted her head, looking confused.



Serena frowned, not liking the idea but they had no other choice. She watched Johnny and Seifer follow to where Seth is and she jumped when the door was knocked followed by Echo's voice.

"Echo?" She whispered.



In the meanwhile, Renee flew up to hide in the clouds, following a pair of horses that seemed to follow the group of men too. She didn't care however; All she knows is that she needed to find one of her precious people and take him away...far away...

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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Lydia had agreed with Echo's plan. If she could have, the novice witch would have done more to help Seth, but she wasn't athletic like him and likely would have been a nuisance and gotten them both caught if she had tried to aid him in anyway. She was afraid for him, it probably would have been easier to just spill something on the page, knocking over Seth's ink well for example. Hindsight is always 20/20 however and Lydia hadn't thought about it until it was too late.

She didn't follow Echo and Renee, leaving the stables just in time to see Johnny and Seifer riding in the direction Seth and all the other men had gone. Her hands nervously squeezed the papers Seth had been working on as she watched them, she glanced upwards as she saw the shadow of Renee flying towards the clouds and looked to Echo as soon as she approached the inn, following behind her. When they got upstairs and spied the innkeeper, Lydia peered past Echo, her brow furrowing slightly as she looked to him with concern.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

- Inn -

"You haven't heard?" said the inn keeper astonished looking at both Echo and Lydia. "Your companion, the one who jotted your names on my log book caused trouble! He stole a customer's paper, upset my guests, and broke my window!" he said, very cross. "I hope you have the gold to pay for damages."

Some of the inn's guests who were coming up the stairs passed by the girls giving them disapproving looks.

Inside the guy's room, James whispered to Serena, "I can't talk to him right now. Will you please handle this? I'm going to pretend to be asleep." and he cast his cloak aside, dove back into the bed farthest from the door and covered himself with the blanket.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle

- Farmer's Field -

" Outskirts of Binks Village, Farthing Plains "

Meanwhile, Johnny and Seifer were galloping behind the four men from the pub. These men had torches and were yelling at the darkness where they last saw the three bounty hunter's torches go out telling them not to kill the kid and that someone already went to call the guards in the village to detain him.

"What's your plan, Rathmore?" said Johnny.

"Let Pendragon take my horse, he can then use it to escape. Then I'll ride with you and we can deal with anybody who follows Seth in the village."

They heard angry yelling up ahead.

"Ow! Gerrof! Some bird's scratching at me face!" yelled a man; "Where'd he go? Get another torch up, already!"; "Aha, got ya!" yelled one triumphantly.

Seth strangled cry rang in the air. "Let go! Let go! Okay, I'll give you back your poster!"


-At the Inn-

Serena just looked at James with a put off frown and shakes her head. It's not like she could do anything about it at the moment and it'll look weird if she's in his room when it's dark and he's asleep...

'He'll think we're lovers-!!' She thought with a blush.

That's when she heard Echo's voice again.

"Oh dear! I did not hear about this. I have been wondering why I didn't see him earlier." The fawn told the owner, ignoring the disapproving looks. She didn't really care, but she had to somehow calm the owner...hmm...Oh she got it!

"No need to be angry sir, though I do understand why. Your property has been damaged and you don't want all your hard work to be handled with disrespect. Here, my good sir, let my friend find something to repay you and I'll even give some of the antlers I have stored away somewhere. They're good for medicine, did you know?" Echo told the Inn owner as she walked towards him with a friendly smile. She hoped Lydia would go and find some gold that's stored away in their bags while she's distracting the owner.


Following Johnny and Seifer's horses was a good idea after all, since it lead her to her brother. Hearing his cry, Renee swooped down from the sky and landed right in front of the guy who's holding Seth, loudly screeching at him. Her eyes glowed ominously at the bounty hunter as she leans in close to his face and grabs Seth away from him with one of her large front talons. Almost like she's daring him to something about it. If he does, she's scratching him.

Renee could see that this man was badly handling someone who's precious to her and she didn't like that. At. All.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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The innkeeper's outrage was understandable. It was easy enough for Lydia to understand Echo's hinting, as it was not very vague. Still clutching the papers Seth had been working on, she nodded and retreated back outside to the horses. She rummaged through her bag, after all, it was hers so she knew where she kept her own stash of gold for sending out her letters. While she was retrieving the payment that would hopefully placate the innkeeper, she slipped Seth's items into her journal, where she kept everything precious to her so she figured there would be no better place until she could either give them to James or return them to Seth. If he didn't accept what money she gave him, maybe it would at least satisfy him until James could handle it, like a gesture of good faith.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

- Inn -

"Fine, but I want a hundred gold for the damaged window and all of you out of my inn by tomorrow morning." huffed the inn keeper. "That thieving companion of yours is no longer welcome here! Any more trouble from you kids and I'm calling the village guards."

He waited for the gold and stopped knocking on "Mr. Dumfarht's" door. When Lydia came back, it seemed to placate him, and he grumpily went back down the pub to take care of his patrons.


- Farmer's Field -

" Outskirts of Binks Village, Farthing Plains "

"JUMPING GIBLETS, IT'S A MONSTER! RUN!" yelled the man as the horses neighed in fear and bolted.

The four men from the pub, Seifer, and Johnny halted their horses. Johnny cursed exaggeratedly. "IT'S GOING TO EAT US! EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!"

They all scattered in the night. Most of them heading for the village to where the guards were and crying, "MONSTER! MONSTER!". Some galloped straight for the inn, Johnny included. But when they arrived and all the men were rushing inside telling people of what just happened and to bolt the door and barricade the windows and everything, he noticed that Seifer wasn't with them.

Back in the plains, Renee would see five men galloping for the village, one of them with a hood and a bow. In her claws Seth seemed to be frozen in fear for real. "R-Renee?" he whispered uncertainly looking up at her ominous eyes. "Y-you can hear me, r-right?"

@Katsuya@Roleplay Skittle
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-At Bink's Inn-

Echo sighed in relief when the owner left and went inside the boys' room as soon Serena opened the door for Lydia and the fawn. That's when she noticed something. "Where's Johnny? and Rathmore?"


She didn't answer him, staring intensely at one of the five men who galloped towards the village. Renee didn't understand why, but something about the one with the hood and bow caught her attention. The small human part of her brain is screaming about that one, but she didn't understand why. It's just another human, all she wanted was her brother...but whatever.

The owl griffin cooed softly at her terrified brother, nuzzling him a bit before chasing the group of men. Once she got closer, Renee flapped her wings to fly and quickly snatched the one with the bow before flying high with the two boys in her talons. Her human part of the brain is now quiet though nervous which irritated her. Why grab the human she wanted if it's making her nervous? What's the point?

Renee was tempted to drop this one and just fly back with her brother, but her grip did not loosen up. Instead it got a bit tighter. She flew up in the sky and behind the clouds, now just taking her time with the floating puffs of clouds.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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Lydia gave the innkeeper a pained grin, the look staying plastered on her face until he was out of sight, she then slumped slightly and let out a deep breath. She didn't want to make her mother worry, but it looked like her letter writing was going to be on a brief hiatus. Maybe she could use one of her spells to make some more gold doing phony fortune telling? The thought made her snort at herself, maybe one day it wouldn't be phony, but divining definitely wasn't her specialty at the moment.

She followed Echo through the door once it was open and closed it gently behind them, looking around the room as Echo questioned where Seifer and Johnny were. She bit her lower lip gently and went to the window to peer towards the village.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

-At the Inn-

Serena answered, though a bit worried. "You see...Seifer volunteered and Johnny left with him to go help Seth...Where's Renee?" She knows the Pendragon sister was helping tie their stuff on the horses, so she figured that she might be with the princess, Latifa, and Madam Curie.

"...They went to....Renee changed and went after Seth too." Echo replied quietly, frowning. Why did Rathmore go? What, did he want something? Then she remembered something and looked down at the clothes she's holding onto, horror filled her eyes. Oh no...

She prayed that Renee doesn't transform back yet...

@Roleplay Skittle @Zer0
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- Inn -

"Everything's alright." said James from underneath his blanket. "Seth and Rathmore are with Renee, and Johnny's just come back."

At that moment there was a commotion downstairs about a flying monster that suddenly swooped down and attacked the men in the plains and flew off with the kid and another one. The door to the room opened and Johnny burst in panting, "Rathmore's gone."

But the people in the room reassured him and he was relieved. "Blimey, I thought he went with the bounty hunters." said Johnny sitting on the bed. "Are your bags still downstairs?" he asked Echo and Lydia.

@Katsuya@Roleplay Skittle

- Sky -

Seth sighed in relief, then after reassuring Renee that he was going to start acting like a helpless victim about to be eaten, pretended to yell out in pain and then pass out.

The five men cursed when they saw the winged monster with the scary eyes give chase after them. "MESSY PAJAMAS, IT'S AFTER US!"

Seifer looked back. "Wait, nO, STOP!" he yelled, but too late, he got snatched off his horse and the men on the ground were crying out in alarm and shock, but the guards were too far and they had no bows with them. They could only look helplessly on as the monster flew off with its dinner.

Up in the air, Seifer was cursing in fear hugging Renee's talons for dear life. "CHICKEN THING, PUT ME DOWN! --- OW! YOU-YOU'RE GRIPPING ME TOO TIGHT!"

Seth was just watching him squirm with pleasure. "I didn't know you were afraid of heights."

"I am not afraid of heights. This --- this is just, very, very high. Can your sister even understand me? Where's she taking us?!"

"She's gonna' eat you." said Seth seriously.

". . . Ha, no way! She won't, she's too nice for that." he looked up at the bird's ominous eyes, and didn't feel so sure.

"Why'd she grab you then?"

"How should I know? She's got a bird's brain right now!"


" . . . You won't let her, right? Right?"

"Mmm . . . I'll think about it if . . . you thank her for saving your life at the falls?"

" . . . No."

"Drop him, sis."
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-At the Sky-

Renee watched the two talk. If she had eyebrows, she would be raising one by now. This human screams too much for her liking and it's whiny and...honestly why did she grab him?

As soon her brother told her to drop him, the owl griffin did not hesitate and let's him go. 'Bye bye, noisy human' was her thought, looking amused and kind of bloodthirsty.

The human part of her brain is screaming again and that bothered her a lot too. Augh-! Why is this human causing so much trouble already?! With a huff, Renee swooped down and grabbed him again, now looking at him in a irritated manner.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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Lydia glanced over to the mumbling pile of blankets that was James as he spoke, releasing her lower lip and jumping slightly as Johnny entered the room. After aiding in reassuring that everyone was accounted for and no one was missing, Lydia crossed her arms, cupping her elbows somewhat defensively as she looked back to the window, "yes... everything is still ready to go."

She smiled slightly, trying to look on the bright side that everyone was still safe. On the other hand, unless they sneaked Seth back into the room through the window, they wouldn't be able to stay longer anyway since it really wasn't safe anymore. The bounty hunters might come back, at least if they were smart.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

- Sky -

"NO, DON'T --- WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" Seifer yelled terrified arms flailing as he fell. When Renee caught him again he was breathing so fast and shaking badly. "Okay, alright!" he said quickly hugging Renee's talon very tightly. "Thank you for saving my life, okay?"

"And apologize for being a jerk."


"Drop hi ----"

"Okay, okay, stop!" apologizing seemed to be a very difficult thing for Seifer to do. "Renee, I'm sorry for being a jerk."


-At the sky-

Renee just looked at Seifer passively, not knowing what in the world is this human doing with his useless words.

Then...the human part of her mind is brimming with joy which made her less irritated at the whiny human. Fine...it seems this human is somehow important and he needed to be under her wing too. It doesn't mean she'll listen to him though; She'll never listen to this whiny whiny child til the day she dies.

Begrudgingly, she cooed at him with a pause, staring at the white-haired archer...Then she nuzzled him too. The human part of her is too soft for this whiny human, trying to comfort him.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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- Somewhere -

"Okay, okay, Pendragon." said Seifer awkwardly, patting the giant owl head once. Seth smirked. Now Seifer understood why everybody hated it when he made that face.

After a while Seth asked Renee if they could land somewhere far from the village since he was starting to get cold. The night air above the clouds was very chilly and he wasn't wearing a cloak. Wherever they will land, Seth would immediately duck under one of Renee's wings and snuggle their for warmth like a mother hen's little chick.

"We should just wait for our brother's owl now." said Seth. The group was probably discussing what to do now. It was a good thing he had eaten beforehand, he didn't mind waiting here in the wild under Renee's hot feathers. And she was such a big owl griffin too so he felt safe from night predators.


-At the Inn-

Serena nodded, landing on James' bed and making it bounce a bit while thinking about something...A light bulb appeared on her head, her smile went from relief to mischief. Time for a little fun~

"I have an idea, if you guys would like to hear?"

"What is it, Serena?" Echo tilted her head curiously. Why was she smiling like that?

"Let's have Renee terrorize the village."

"What?! Serena, no-! That's-"

"It'll help us get supplies here and we can get Seth, Renee, and Seifer in the process. The guys would be hidden and safe too." Serena suggested, grinning like a imp. "What do you guys think?"


Cooing in response, Renee flew towards the Misty Mountains, just by the edge since there's a cave that they can hide in. The griffin purred as she lies down in the spacey cavern, releasing the two and puffing her feathers so Seth could stay warm and have a fluffy pillow. Then she looked at the whiny human...and lifted her wing up a bit, inviting him to stay warm too. If he's not, then she'll just drag him in and not care.

Renee is going to stay awake for the night and watch over the two.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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Lydia looked back from the window as Serena mentioned having an idea, her expression inquisitive, she glanced to Echo for a moment then nodded to Serena. Upon Serena's suggestion, the novice witch blinked before her lips curled into a mischevous grin, not unlike Serena's. She nodded, giggling excitedly, "not only could that be amusing, but Serena's right, it could definitely help keep attention off of us."

@Zer0 @Katsuya

- Inn -

"That is brilliant!" said Johnny.

James emerged from the blankets, wondering if Seth was rubbing off of them. Lydia was especially being more mischievous of late with her pranking. "I'm in." he nodded.

After they finished their planning, James sent Sasha, who had been flapping her little owl wings trying to catch up with the big owl griffin, to look for the three in the Misty Mountains and tell them of their plan.

That night, the inn keeper who heard that the kid had been taken by the monster, came knocking at their doors, giving his condolences for their lost and saying that he changed his mind and that they could stay longer in his inn. He even gave Lydia her gold back, patting her shoulder solemnly.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle



Of course, Seth did bring out the little devil in her. It wasn't her fault though, he started it! As they say, all's fair in love and war, though there wasn't really any love or war, more like friendship and pranks. Lydia was experiencing life in a way that she hadn't before and it seemed she was taking full advantage of that. Having generally always shied away from social situations with a preference to remain with her books, it was much easier to warm up to people that shared common interests with her rather than be subjected to people that had mentalities more similar to Seifer's rather than her own, after all, she hadn't grown up in the same circumstances as the others, being far removed from the realm of mages of any sort.

As James came out from beneath the blankets, Lydia smiled in approval to him, her nose wrinkling like a little kid's, the gesture cute if not childlike.

When the innkeeper came to offer his condolences, Lydia feigned shock and sorrow, quietly accepting the returned gold with a nod of her head. She was grateful that he had changed his mind, though she did feel bad about the window and supposed that after all was said and done, she would find a way to get the proper amount of gold to him as thanks for his kindness.

Since it seemed for the moment that they were safe and settled, Lydia would retrieve the project that Seth had been working on before all the chaos hit and give it to James. She wasn't sure if he would be able to discern anything from it, nor was she sure if he would be able to finish it, but she thought it better that he have it.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

-At the Inn-

Echo sighed, acting like she's sad to hear the news when in reality, she's sighing about this plan of theirs. Maybe Seth has been affecting them somehow...She knew Lydia would join in, but Johnny and James as well?

"Thank you so much, Sir. We truly appreciate your kindness." Echo thanked the Inn Owner, who they just scammed out from paying his windows. This plan is already working...what in the world....



-Bink's market place-


In the next day, the villagers were screaming in terror, running around to hide in their homes and stores. A loud and sharp screech was heard throughout the market area, the wind from her wings harshly hit against the window panes as Renee flew over. As she landed with a thump on the ground, she screeched again, spreading her wings wide open and puffing her feathers up when some of the people were running towards the waterwheel. They stopped at their tracks, screaming again and scrambled in different directions. Away from the market place.

Renee stayed awake all night and when she came back from hunting breakfast (which was two boars, already dead), she was greeted by a tired Sasha. Chirping with the smaller owl, she tilted her head as she listened to James' voice coming out of the smaller bird. Weird...Oh well, it's coming from kin so she didn't care much about it. Her chirping and tweeting woke her brother and the whiny human up and they were informed as well. So...now she's playing around with the other screaming humans.

Exercise in the morning is good for digestion after all.

The owl griffin chased a particular human, swiping and purposely missing the crying bounty hunter who grabbed her brother last night. She screeched again and flew to grab him and drop him, letting him hang by his cloak at the metal compass that's attached to the roof.

Revenge for manhandling her brother.

Echo could only sigh again as she watched from around the corner, her green eyes observing the chaotic mess her best friend is making by acting like a cat. Honestly, she couldn't believe this was happening, but then she counted her blessings again that morning. It's better this way...even if Renee's having too much fun with this arrangement.

"Stop sighing Echo. It'll help in the long run." Serena told her, looking in the store that has leather armor.

"I know that...but still..."

"Well, for now we should look for any items we want to buy. Since no one is out by the stores anymore." Serena didn't really care as much since they needed supplies without the guys getting caught or the princess' identity discovered so...crazy bird-Renee it is.

"Right..." Did...did Renee just tossed a person and handled them like a ball of yarn??

Echo tried to ignore her friend's playful side and just walked around, looking for a weapon she could use and some armor and food.

"Have any idea what you want, Lydia?" The fawn asked, wincing when she heard Renee screeching again and herding people away from the market.

@Zer0 @Roleplay Skittle
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-Binks' Marketplace-


Lydia could only dream of ever being able to transform into anything and so she watched Renee's antics with an amused and admiring smirk, her head shaking slightly as she blinked at Echo, seemingly knocked from her thoughts. Green eyes glanced upwards as she thought briefly, "quills, parchment, ink, envelopes, a new pair of shoes and perhaps some sort of ranged weapon that I could practice with?" Her list was relatively short and she refrained from mentioning anything obvious like food. Those were just the things she needed personally. Quills she might be able to obtain if she asked Renee nicely, but she didn't want to be rude. Her granny boots looked a little worse for the wear after all the travelling through mud and rain and so she was in the market for another pair.

@Zer0 @Katsuya

-Binks' market-

Echo nodded. "Hmm...I'm sure you can get quills if you ask Renee..." Lydia just has to be nice when she does since that's the only safe way Renee won't out right attack anyone. The fawn looked over to Copper, her red-brown coated horse who's carrying all their stuff so far. She already grabbed some food and medical herbs while leaving some gold and antler parts as a trade.

Serena hummed a bit before grabbing a light and flexible leather shoulder and chest pads, liking it's weight. This won't hinder her speed thankfully. She left some gold on the desk counter and wore the armor. "This should work..." Then she noticed a pair of leg braces that would fit a satyr...or a certain fawn. 'Echo would like these...'

Echo continued to look over the market and gasped quietly when she saw a long staffed hammer that's leaning against the wall with decorations around it from the weapon store. Her father used to own one before it broke long time ago so...maybe...The fawn grabbed it, pulling the decorations away, swinging and twirling it easily. Like it was a part of her body. It felt...good. The sign in front of it said that the hammer can grow. Interesting....

"This should work for me...I wonder where did they get this?" She payed for the hammer as well and places it on the horse. Then she continued to look around, buying a navy blue and puffy cabbie hat and a sketchbook for Renee. Echo wondered if this should help hide her white hair and some washable hair dye. Knowing Seifer, he wouldn't want to, but it's better with this one since he could just wash it away with water. The fawn shook her head and bought those items too. Better safe than sorry.

"Think we have enough food and spices?" Echo asked, tilting her head as she stared at a fruit stand.

@Roleplay Skittle @Zer0 
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- Binks Village -

"Renee is really getting into this." said James, watching his sister scare the pants off of some farmers.

"Agreed. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Renee is having quite a good time." said Johnny watching the bounty hunter dangle from atop a roof decoration.

The guys, Princess Mia, and Latifa had fed the locals they talked to with some story about going after the monster that took their friend and were pretending to be gathering things to hunt it down after a dramatic mock battle earlier that ended with them being defeated by Renee.

And so now, while pretending to be cowering behind an ivy overgrown statue of a man in a barrel, James crossed out a few things on a to-buy list that Seth, Seifer, and Madam Curie wanted him to get for them. As for himself, he had bought a roll of cheap cloth enough to feed Callie for a week, and a new pair of leather treads. He was looking more and more like a battle mage than the arcane scholar he's always aspired to be.

Johnny, who could not resist giving his clothes a splash of color, bought purple spotted socks that could, in James' opinion, thankfully be hidden by his pants. He had also accessorized his red hooded cloak with a loose white bow held together by a vintage copper brooch the shape of a leaf, and now wore a white and orange checkered sash belt around his waist. The only thing missing was a top hat and some make up and he would pass as a travelling performer. Johnny was very pleased with his colorful ensemble and practiced dramatic theatrical gestures while waving his wand in front of a mirror when they reached the bathroom in the guy's room back at the inn. 

Princess Mia was looking for more things that could better enhance her disguise and bought a silk scarf she could cover half her head with the way a travelling gipsy would. It was Latifa who suggested the disguise and the princess quite enjoyed pretending to be a mysterious travelling rogue and did some dances while in the girl's room to the horror of Madam Curie.

"Princess, such an indecent display." She tut, but honestly only the princess shoulder's were showing. It was like she was her strict mother.

"Oh, do please lighten up, madam. I never get to do these things and it's only until Dalaran. I will be Mia of the House of Montegue for the rest of my life, so for a week let me be, Malina the Wandering Gypsy!" and she leapt on to the bed like a ballerina.

@Katsuya, @Roleplay Skittle
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