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Fandom How to train your dragon descendants

Ástrós shivered, putting on her brave face in an effort to mask her fear. Greyscale always scared her, she constantly had a fear that he would kill her and turned the dragons upon her. She blinked, before letting out a piercing whistle, slightly more shrill than usual. There was silence for a moment, before the Skrill swept down from the sky, landing beside Ástrós. It bowed it's head and placed it on her shoulders, before letting out a huff of air that moved her hair in front of her face. She reached up, placing a hand on his head and sighed.

[QUOTE="Flame Demon]Rose sighs and she reaches into her bag and she grabs some fish which she throws to the Typhoomerang "We should get him to dad, he'll want to know this" she says and gets closer to it, Starlight scanning the area "But we have to know if it can fly" she says and looks around as well, hunters could still be nearby, she sees some other dragons approaching the wounded dragon and Starlight sends them a warning shot to make sure they don't get too close "There are too many wild dragons here, we have to take it somewhere save" Rose says and she looks at Star "I'll get dad and tell him that there's a wounded dragon, you stay here".

(The nightfury was the wounded one, the typhoomerang was the attacker) "But he'll want to know how we found it. He'll find out about Star! And besides, I feel like I should get to train this one." Lilly stated, nodding to the nightfury in front of her. She tenderly walked towards it and held out some fish. She looked away, hoping the great dragon would trust her. It slowly reached out towards her and then snatched the fish with blazing speed. "Blaze," she murmured, "I'll call you Blaze."

"Awesome, but should we bring it back to the Cove?" Rose asks tilting her head slightly "Besides, imagine dad's reaction once he finds out we both have a Night Fury" she says and thinks for a while "So we have to tell him eventually, also training it would be a lot easier if you have Starlight to help, though thanks to dad telling us how he trained Toothless if wasn't that hard, the hardest part was getting Star's trust" she says and rubs her dragon under behind her head "We should go".

iSurvivor said:
(The nightfury was the wounded one, the typhoomerang was the attacker) "But he'll want to know how we found it. He'll find out about Star! And besides, I feel like I should get to train this one." Lilly stated, nodding to the nightfury in front of her. She tenderly walked towards it and held out some fish. She looked away, hoping the great dragon would trust her. It slowly reached out towards her and then snatched the fish with blazing speed. "Blaze," she murmured, "I'll call you Blaze."
[QUOTE="Flame Demon](sorry)
"Awesome, but should we bring it back to the Cove?" Rose asks tilting her head slightly "Besides, imagine dad's reaction once he finds out we both have a Night Fury" she says and thinks for a while "So we have to tell him eventually, also training it would be a lot easier if you have Starlight to help, though thanks to dad telling us how he trained Toothless if wasn't that hard, the hardest part was getting Star's trust" she says and rubs her dragon under behind her head "We should go".

(it's fine, everyone makes mistakes)

Lilly laughed, "Yeah, as long as it's fine moving." Lilly looked at the dragon. It seemed to be about the same age as Star, maybe a bit older. Then, Blaze (the nightfury has a name now) rolled back her eyes and she looked like she was going to puke. Lilly backed away and then Blaze spat out the fish's head. Lilly looked down at it in disgust. Blaze made a cooing sound that sounded like something a dove-cat hybrid would make when it was happy. The dragon's head nodded towards the fish. Lilly slowly raised it. Blaze's head nodded again and Lilly reluctantly took a bite out of the fish. The dragon made a gulping sound so, face screwed up, Lilly swallowed the fish. Lilly pointed to the cove and begun to walk there. She turned around and gestured for Blaze to come there too. The nightfury limped towards her and then dived into the sunken paradise. Lilly ran towards her, worrying for her friend's safety and saw that Blaze had landed neatly on a flat surface of rock. Lilly clambered down after her. She then saw Blaze ready the ground for sleeping by breathing a purple flame onto it. Lilly moved towards Blaze and reached out to touch her. Blaze got up and, growling slightly, walked away. Then she stood at the water's edge and tried to catch something. She failed. Blaze poked her head out and looked at Star pitifully.
Starlight catches some fish and puts the pile between her and Blaze, mentioning for the other dragon to eat some. Rose has trouble holding in her laugh "Star did that with me too, though she threatened to shoot me if I didn't take a bite" she says and adds "They get along pretty well it seems, wonder which one is older". Star lays down at her normal place and she roasts some fish for Lilly and Rose by shooting a plasma blast at it "Now you get why I sometimes fall asleep here, I just hope there won't be a storm soon" Rose says sitting down and she takes the fish after taking out her pencil and and journal, she never went anywhere without it.

Grayscale narrowed his eyes he could smell the girls fear but he wanted to show off his prize. He thought to himself why they needed to know where he was, he could manage for himself. Erin watched as the huge dragon dove back into the water and returned with a bunch of tails sticking out of his mouth. It was dark so they couldn't see the water stained red from earlier. Grayscale opened his mouth and out dropped various fish, 3 scauldrons, a thunderdrum, and 2 seashockers. He now looked smugly at Erin and Astros.

Erin looked impressed at the large haul the dragon caught for them to sell off, he didn't know how he was such an efficient killer but he didn't want to find out.

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Lilly smiled. "So, want to make our own Book Of Dragons? We can call it the.. um... the.." Lilly struggled to think of a name (you can name it if you want @Flame Demon) Blaze tried again to catch something and this time the young dragon surfaced with a large salmon. She did the same thing again for Lilly who this time ate the fish happily, "I like salmon," she said, "It's tasty, unlike cod.." she shivered.
"Well at least Blaze didn't threaten you" Rose says eating the fish "And why would we make our own? I mean we already have a book of dragons" she says and she writes some things down "And I don't really know what we would call it, how about we figure that out later?" she asks with a small smile, they had to be careful not to stay there too long since their mother would sometimes check up on them to see if they were sleeping.

"Well, for starters, that thing still hasn't been updated so it has all the 'extremely dangerous- kill on sight' rubbish." Lilly said, "Also, a page was torn the other day by Fishlegs' kid and last week, Snotlout spilt his yak-nog on it. Plus we might discover a new type of dragon!" (I have one in mind already!) Lilly looked at Blaze who was socialising with Star. She wondered why Blaze's colours were different to that of a normal nightfury's. (see sign up sheet which includes a picture) Was Blaze special?

(GTG, sorry)
(it's fine, I wanted to make one as well, but couldn't decide on what it would look like)

"True, we have to remake the entire book, which could take who knows how long" Rose says while eating the fish and also sketching Blaze and Starlight. Star looks at Blaze, she was fine with having another Night Fury around so this was bound to be fun "Don't even think about going to the village Star" Rose warns earning an annoyed sound from the dragon she's leaning against.

Claw was wondering why this Dragon wasn't allow in the village. All the other dragons were allowed. This was almost cruel. 'Why can't she come.' Said claw.
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Rose looks at Claw "Because she's a troublemaker" she says and adds "Besides, I have been keeping her a secret for some time now", she didn't want to risk getting Star in trouble for some reason, since the dragon was mischievous.

"She might have gotten that from me, but she's also stubborn" Rose says and she hides a yawn, it would be good if they went back soon so she could at least get some more sleep then she usually does.
'Looks like someone has been up too far past their bed time. I think it's time you come home' he lowered his self to the ground to let the young ones on.
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Rose nods and she gets up while stretching "Was there anything planned anyway? We haven't had visitors from other tribes lately" she says and she looks at Starlight who already made herself comfortable, so she smiles slightly while putting her journal away as well as her pencil.

@iSurvivor @Latios
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Rose looks at her "And then mom or dad comes to get us for breakfast and hell breaks loose" she says and adds "So let's just get home before someone notices we're missing", it would be very suspicious as to why both of them weren't in the village and she wanted to avoid that.

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Claw then took off with the two. It's was only a short flight. Stopping in the middle of the village he let the two off. 'Get home safe.' He said before takeing off to his home as well
Rose looks at Lilly "It's not funny, especially considering how overprotective dad can be" she says and adds "Well I'll be going to my room then", she runs towards the house and climbs to the roof so she can enter her room.

Latios said:
Claw then took off with the two. It's was only a short flight. Stopping in the middle of the village he let the two off. 'Get home safe.' He said before takeing off to his home as well
"I guess." Lilly said, shrugging her shoulders, "Thanks." she told Claw and then climbed in through the window and went to bed.

@Latios @Flame Demon
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Rose gets in bed after putting her jacket over the chair and her pencil and journal on her desk, she looks outside hoping Starlight wouldn't do anything stupid like coming to the village, that would cause some trouble.

Astros widened her eyes, staring impressed at the fish. She nodded in respect, shooing away Marwolaeth when he tried to take a bite, quickly batting him lightly on the head to keep him away. "Your dragon is incredible, brother." Astros smiled in delight, laughing when her own dragon huffed in annoyance, a sort of did you forget how awesome I am? feel to it. She rubbed his head affectionately, before leaning towards her brother with a playful smirk on her face. "Wanna race?" She leaned against Marwolaeth, wiggling her eyebrows. "Your giant vs. my skrill?"


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