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Fandom How to train your dragon descendants

'Oh are you. More like sneaking out.' He gave a small laugh at the two. 'I would take you both home right now but I like trouble makers like you.' He lowered his wings as to let them on. 'Where too.'
Latios said:
'Oh are you. More like sneaking out.' He gave a small laugh at the two. 'I would take you both home right now but I like trouble makers like you.' He lowered his wings as to let them on. 'Where too.'
"We just need to go down to The Nook, it's a short walk and are you sure you'll be able to fit, no offence?" Lilly sighed, relieved.
Rose smiles slightly and she thinks "Maybe Star doesn't show up if Claw is with us", she didn't want her sister to find out about her dragon and she was sure her father would be slightly angry at her for hiding it and keeping it a secret.

iSurvivor said:
"We just need to go down to The Nook, it's a short walk and are you sure you'll be able to fit, no offence?" Lilly sighed, relieved.
Wind claw flew off to the desired location. The place was very nice. It had a large pond, a few trees. It was nice. He could definitely hang around here.

@iSurvivor @Flame Demon
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Rose smiles slightly seeing the place, but doesn't see her dragon down there, she knew Starlight liked to sleep there and wait for her, she doesn't notice the said dragon fly over and knocks her of Wind Claw "Great" she mumbles and grabs a branch to stop her fall and she lands on her feet "Not funny" she says.

@Latios @iSurvivor
Rose turns around and she sighs, waiting for the dragon to start coming closer "I can see that" she says dryly, but she wondered if knocking her off Claw was really needed. Star looks at Rose and jumps on her before licking her face "Okay enough" Rose says trying to push the dragon of while also trying not to laugh, she just hoped Lilly wouldn't tell their father.

@iSurvivor @Latios
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"Oh well, this is my dragon" Rose says finally getting up and she pets the Night Fury "I've been visiting her each night" she says and smiles "So yeah... that's why I sneaked out most of the times" she says and rubs the back of her head, not sure what reaction her sister would have now "You can fly on her, her name's Starlight, or Star for short"

iSurvivor said:
Lilly was confused. Why was the dragon behaving with Rose in the way Toothless behaved with their father? Then it came to her. Rose had a secret dragon! Either that or that was Toothless but there was no way he could've flown here all by himself. "Rose," she sighed , "You have a bit of explaining to do.."
@Flame Demon @Latios
Another Nightfury, fascinating. There hasn't been any other of a long time. Though if Toothless was the last one, then who was the mate.
"Right, though I think dad will find out soon enough, Toothless has been all to happy each time I came home and wouldn't leave me alone for hours" Rose says and she smiles "I'm sure you get yours soon, there are enough dragons that you can befriend".

@Latios @iSurvivor
Thier going for a ride. Hmm, I should probably stay with them. It's not exactly safe at these hours.
Ástrós Walked through the camp, searching for her older brother. She sighed, finally finding him after what seemed like hours of walking. "Eren! I've been looking for you, where have you been?" She stared up at him, flipping her auburn hair over her shoulder and adjusting the sheepskin covering her shoulders. "Have you seen Marwolaeth? He didn't get mixed up with the others again, did he?"

Star walks to Lily very slowly "It's okay, that's my sister" Rose says making the dragon look at her before looking at Lilly and Star lays down "Go on" Rose says getting on "I just don't have a saddle yet if you don't mind" she says and looks at Claw "Are you coming along?"

@iSurvivor @Latios
"It's fine, a saddle won't really work with those spines if you want to keep full manoeuvrability. It also looks as if Claw's coming, he probably is making sure we don't get hurt, it can be a bit dangerous out at this time." Lilly replied, gently hoisting herself onto Star's back.

@Flame Demon @Latios
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"Let's go then" Rose says and Star flies up rather fast "She's happy to be finally able to stretch her wings again, she can't fly during the day since she would be noticed and I'm mostly flying on her during the night, not that long though" Rose says and she pats Star "I wonder how dad will react if he found out"

@Latios @iSurvivor
Eren stared at his younger sister with a blank face "Somehow I haven't seen either of our dragons, I don't know how you lose a dragon bigger then a house..." he said, he got up and stopped doing whatever he was doing which was sharpening one of the weapons. "Maybe they're together, I know Skrill like to hide in storm clouds but it seems like a clear day. My Bewilderbeast probably fell asleep in the sea" he said in a somewhat annoyed tone.

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"Alright then, take us closer Star" Rose says, the dragon flies towards it and Rose looks at Lilly "But he hid it when they were at war with dragons, we live in peace with the dragons, there is no reason to hide one" she says and she holds back a yawn.

A few metres away there was a wild typhoomerang that seemed to be harrasing wounded or young dragon. "Hey, ugly!" Lilly called. The giant dragon turned round to look at her, snorted, then it swivelled it's head back round to face the dragon. It belched a flaming tornado. "NOOOO!" cried Lilly. Then the great beast stopped it's firey breath. The dragon it had been attacking blinked a few times, then it shot a strange plasma blast which scared off the older dragon. Lilly gasped. "A nightfury!" she whispered.

The thing was hurt but the wounds wern't burns or claw marks. "Hunters." Lilly sighed, "They've struck this beautiful dragon with their ghastly tools. This here looks like an arrow wound." She slowly approached the dragon. It was scared but couldn't run away. "Let's get you some fish." she soothed, "Rose, this dragon needs fish, pronto."

@Flame Demon
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Ástrós Rolled her eyes and sighed in frustration. "That's us, the dragon hunters who can't keep their own dragons. Wonderful." She huffed and ran a hand through her hair in annoyance. "Well, they wouldn't have gone too far, and hey, at least you have a bewilderbeast."

iSurvivor said:
A few metres away there was a wild typhoomerang that seemed to be harrasing wounded or young dragon. "Hey, ugly!" Lilly called. The giant dragon turned round to look at her, snorted, then it swivelled it's head back round to face the dragon. It belched a flaming tornado. "NOOOO!" cried Lilly. Then the great beast stopped it's firey breath. The dragon it had been attacking blinked a few times, then it shot a strange plasma blast which scared off the older dragon. Lilly gasped. "A nightfury!" she whispered.
The thing was hurt but the wounds wern't burns or claw marks. "Hunters." Lilly sighed, "They've struck this beautiful dragon with their ghastly tools. This here looks like an arrow wound." She slowly approached the dragon. It was scared but couldn't run away. "Let's get you some fish." she soothed, "Rose, this dragon needs fish, pronto."

@Flame Demon
Rose sighs and she reaches into her bag and she grabs some fish which she trows to the Typhoomerang "We should get him to dad, he'll want to know this" she says and gets closer to it, Starlight scanning the area "But we have to know if it can fly" she says and looks around as well, hunters could still be nearby, she sees some other dragons approaching the wounded dragon and Starlight sends them a warning shot to make sure they don't get too close "There are too many wild dragons here, we have to take it somewhere save" Rose says and she looks at Star "I'll get dad and tell him that there's a wounded dragon, you stay here".
Erin decided to go where his bewilderbeast usually slept, it was a little off the coast of the island, if he could wake him up they could search for his sisters skrill "If you get some fish out of stock you can try coaxing Marwolaeth out, or Grayscale can command him and some of our cargo to come to him" he said. As he suspected though, his bewilderbeast was under the water sleeping he could feel the cold come off the water. He growled and quickly fetched a bugle and blew into it causing it to make a loud harsh sound.

The water began to stir violently and Grayscale rose his head out of the water staring harshly at Astros and Erin, it was probably enjoying its slumber and did not appreciate being awaken without reason, Grayscale snorted cold air towards the siblings and growled.


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