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Fantasy House of Cards| Open

"I would say no problem but II hope you actually try to do them next time. I know you are a King and you are busy but still..." he sighs. It was good that he was happy. It made his work not be that bad.

When he hears his next sentence he says "Oh I am sorry. She was just sleeping in your room and by the looks of the bed it was you. But hey she is Ria herself so I shouldn't be suprised. Sorry once again"

@Knight Nate
Goulde began to file his homework into specific manilla folders for each of his classes as he responded.

"Yeah, I would try it, but.............I don't want to."

He shrugged as the small pile got thinner and thinner.

"Well, Ria doesn't have a definition of personal space, heheh. I'm sure she wouldn't deny that either, would you Ria? Hehe."



A bit annoyed that they seemed to "HA! So true! You two are just so... so funny," Ria said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She went back to the bed and grabbed her stuffed bear. Throwing her arms around Ian a little too tight, she whispered, "I'm sure you know of my reputation with punishment. I'm the best. Don't screw around with me." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and took a few steps back, looking at Goulde as she said, "I have to get ready for school, okay? Make sure to be ready by five tonight, and we can go someplace.

After saying this she pushed past Ian and left, walking down the hallway, where a few people had begun to appear, some getting ready for school and others deciding to skip it.

School wasn't required, as they had already paid, so even if less people showed up, they still got the same amount of money.

She went to her room and closed the door carefully to get dressed.

@Knight Nate

"but you should. You are supposed to be an example for everyone on your house" he says to him and looks at her. "Guess she doesn't. I just don't understand how you let her do that to you"

He sighs. She is such a kid for her age he thinks. Then she puts her arms him, making him blush a bit. Personal space was a thing he liked. She then started saying those words "I actually know you for other reasons but th-" he is interrupted by her kiss, that makes him really embarrassed. She then leaves, for his relief. "Goodbye Miss Q♥" he says it a bit nervous and angry. He didn't like girls getting close to him at all.

He sighs and looks at him once again "I just don't understand you at all." he smiles of his thought "I am expecting that you need me for the next homework right?"

@Quarantine @Knight Nate
Steve knocked on rias door softly." I haven't talk to the queen of hearts all day yet." He said to himself as he waited at the door hoping he didn't disturb her or anything because she know how she can get already. @Quarantine


Ria quickly changed before hearing a knock on her door. She opened it and looked him up and down judgmentally.

"What? I'm kind of busy. Why are you on this floor?" She asked, a bit annoyed that he wanted to speak with her so early in the morning. From behind him appeared her sister. Sia reached past Steve and pulled her sister out into the hallway.

(Sorry for tagging! I quoted my last comment.)



"She can't talk right now," Sia explained. She pulled Ria down the hallway, and down the staircase to the boy's floor, and the kept going until reaching the main floor. Ria stopped walking and pulled her arm back.

"You're a lifesaver." She didn't want to talk to anyone she didn't like right now. Her eyes lit up when Sia pulled out a stack of papers and shoved them towards her.

"Give me your bear." Sia demanded, holding out her hand. Ria reluctantly handed it over as a Sia whispered something.

The bear, which Ria had named, "Bear," jolted to life, letting out a giggle, which never seemed not disturbing.

Holding Bear tightly, Sia quickly walked out of the building, heading towards the House of Spades.

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Goulde waved his hand absentmindedly as Ria told him to be free. He made it seem like he didn't care, but he would at least try to build up the motivation to go out with her. He turned and pointed at Ian again with a friendly smile.

"That would be most appreciated, thank you."

He turned back and continued shuffling papers into folders.

"I'll see you at school, I guess. Don't let anyone trip you on the way out. If they do, let me know."

he chuckles "Thank you but I believe not even a Heart member would do that to a King" he smiles

"See ya around. Good luck on that date. And yes I'll call it that" he laughs and leaves his room. He then screams "Text me what is the homework!" he then gets out of the house walking towards his own

@Knight Nate
Steve was tooken by surprise." So what was that about. Your sister just pulled you away out of nowhere." He said looking confused." Why am I always the one to witness weird stuff all the time." He whispered to himself @Quarantine
Goulde chuckled and spoke to himself.

"You'd be surprised what they do..."

He sighed as he walked to his drawer and dug around in it, pulling out a fresh pair or clothes. It was his usual attire; a purple sweatshirt with some gray sweatpants. He set it on his bed and walked over to the door to his left where his bathroom was located. It was small, made of polished white marble and contained a large bathtub, big enough to contain two people, a toilet, and a very large glass shower. He looked to his watch. Only 8:30....he had time. He turned it on a stripped down, stepping into the shower and letting the still cold water run down his skin as he began to think about what it was he needed to do today....


Ria noticed where they were heading and snatched Bear away, shaking her head.

"I'm going to school. See you there."

The girl quickly headed across campus, ignoring Bear's comments. "Hey, your sister's kinda . Why are you going to school? Oh. Wait, don't we have a while before class starts?" She stopped. He had a point there. After entering the school building, she turned towards the gym and hurried onto the empty floor.

The girl sat down in the middle of the gymnasium, and set Bear down, trying to listen to his thoughts. Finally, she said, "You're kind of empty headed. But you have a really dirty mind." Bear answered her with his thoughts, creating a strange and confusing conversation.

"Ew. That wouldn't work anyway, she's a vegan. Yeah, I keep forgetting that. It's still gross. We're kind of twins. How the hell is she that much better? I didn't need to hear that." Though she didn't exactly enjoy 'talking' to him, he was good practice. And, a bit like her in some ways.



Sia watched them leave, a bit jealous. She loved animating Bear, but she didn't really have anything to practice on besides clay, which broke down quickly. There were a few games set up in preparation for a school party being held that night, and she scanned the stands set up for some sort of toy. The Anime Club set out a booth, and her eyes lit up seeing Kon. She snatched the toy from the unsupervised game stand, and said, "Prendre mon souffle." Nothing happened for almost four minutes. She stood there in silence. It was hard for the creature. They weren't alive, and hen all of a sudden, they were. It was more traumatic than being born, and for less talented animators, it often didn't work for certain inanimate objects.

Ayumi roamed the halls of the House of Spades, greeting and checking on anybody passing by. She looked outside a big window, looking down. She saw the stands that were beginning to set up, and made a mental note to visit and take a better look at the attractions later on.

Tyde shuffled in bed restlessly, much like a little boy would squirm and wiggle in the middle of a nightmare. All his dreams had been adorned with nothing but indescribable beasts of the night. A single ray of light passed through the blinds of his window and had hit his eyes, he pressed his tongue against the back of his front teeth, letting out sharp hiss in response.

"Ugh... Damn sun." He muttered, his voice groggy and hoarse. The boy lifted himself up stiffly, like a vampire rising from his coffin on the night of a blood moon. Checking his alarm clock, he noted the fact that it was about 8:45. He had slept through the blares of his clock once again. His legs had quickly lifted the boy out of bed and tossed him into the bathroom, where he lazily brushed his teeth. "Herro der, shekshy." Tyde said into the mirror, his mouth somewhat muffled by loads of white and minty paste. It didn't take him long to finish washing up and change into a pair of jeans and a tank top before making a dash into the main hall of the House of Clubs. He stiffly climbed onto rails of the double staircase, seating himself at the top with a large huff. Tyde analyzed the somewhat vacant main hall, in search of one person in particular.

"Where's Mistress Vox?" He asked himself, searching for the one and only Queen of Clubs.
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After a ten minute shower, Goulde got dressed, collected his items, put his folders into his duffel bag, and made his way to school. He put his earbuds in and began bobbing along with the beat of his music as he walked.

School was unnaturally quiet when he arrived. He walked through the empty halls without a sound and made his way to the door of the boys' locker room. He hated how P.E was first; he was too tired to do pretty much anything they were scheduled to do. He stepped inside only to see it was empty as well. It seems he had gotten here early, which was extremely unlike him. It seems falling off his bed had made him early. He set his duffle bag by his gym locker and sat down on one of the benches, focusing solely on his music...
After checking on everyone, like usual, she head back to her own room. She was almost ready; waking up early in the morning almost everyday. After double checking she had all her homework, and everything she could need for the day, she walked out, her small bag floating behind her. She head downstairs, passing the new stands, and heading to the locker rooms to change. Her bag dropped on the benches, and her locker door clicked open.
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Kiara been awake all night in the library, trying to look up anything about her powers. "Ugh There's nothing!" She said while through the very little books about necromancy across the room. She got up and walked to her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror to see her purple hair tangled up. She got closer and saw bags under her eyes. She sighed and quickly jumped into the shower and got dressed. When she got down stairs she heard someone calling out her name. "I'm here"She said as she got cereal.
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"Kiara!" Tyde called out in a sing-song fashion, seeing the girl return from her night out. He slid down the rails of the double staircase, landing on the marble floors with ease. He glanced in her direction, observing her face momentarily and noting the dark circles that decorated the undersides of her eyes. "You look.... um," He attempted to choose his words carefully. "Worn out." He finally said, munching on a piece of toast with jam. She looked worse than he did, to say the least. "Did you even sleep last night?" He questioned her curiously, continuing to chomp on the piece of toast while tossing his pretty much empty bag over his shoulder. "Looks like you didn't."

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Bear thought for a moment, or so it seemed. Things ran through his head about how to upset Ria. He didn't mean any harm, and was trying to make her use a physical attack.

"Sia's hot, don't you think?"

Ria placed her hands on the gym floor and formed a physical shield without warning. The bear flew back and hit the wall on the other side of the gym.

She watched him for a moment, but he didn't move. She quickly walked over and picked up the limp thing, who seemed to have run out of life force. It was just in time, since people began entering coming from the locker rooms and waiting in line for instruction. After a few seconds she got in line as well, just as the instructor entered and blew his whistle a bit too loudly, announcing for them to sit down on the bleachers. Within moments, she was put into a sort of simulation game, where she was the one being hunted. This was shown with a yellow star sewn to her shirt.



Sia knew why he wasn't moving, and knew that the Kon toy would likely wake up in a delayed reaction and search for her. The bell rang and she cursed, sprinting into the gym and sitting down on the bleacher. The teacher was tall with black hair, and probably hated his job. He assigned two teams, the Reds and the Blues. Reds were "Nazis" and Blues were "Jews." It was a historically inaccurate game of hide and seek.

His illusion abilities were completely convincing, however, as three large factories formed around the students, with signs of being destroyed by warfare. Looking down, she saw a large swastika on her left arm, and let out a groan, watching as the teens scattered, some using magic, and some using weapons. The guns weren't real, but anyone "hit" with a bullet would feel slight pain, leading to an instant disqualification. Elimination by magic wasn't allowed, as that could truly hurt someone. However, using it to give you an advantage(like using telepathy to find where one is, or gravity manipulation to slow someone down) was allowed.

She brought her gun to her eye, looking down the scope. Having no clue how to use a gun, she was more than a bit surprised when she almost lost her balance due to the incredible backfire.


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After being spotted by the security guards for wandering around the premises late at night, Speedy was sent back to his dorm room and ended up sleeping.



The sound of an alarm clock was still unusual for Speedy, but it was enough to do the job. After stretching for a bit, he went to the bathroom to prepare for the day. His first class was P.E. which he thought was an odd subject. Why do people need to learn how to move their bodies? Shouldn't everyone already know how to do that? With his bag and a school map in hand, he left his dorm and headed to the gymnasium.

When he arrived, the instructor was already there. Speedy entered the locked room and speedily changed to his gym uniform. But when he got out, the gym was turned into a warzone. The students ran around and used whatever ability they had to run. Speedy also noticed that his shirt turned blue and he was holding a blue pistol. Confused, Speedy tried to find the instructor. "Um, excuse me Sir!", he yelled as he hoped to catch the instructor's attention. "I just got here yesterday. Is this PE class or am I in the wrong-", but before he could finish his sentence a bullet whizzed in front of him.

Panicking, Speedy instinctively turned to where he thinks the bullet came from and fired his pistol. Then, he ran to the nearest cover he could find. So much for his first day.

@whoever's in the gym @Quarantine
Goulde let out a loud groan as he heard the Gym Teachers' loud, shrill whistle. Great; he just remembered they were doing a simulation today. He put his hands into his pockets and walked out into the gymnasium, where everyone had already taken a seat on the bleachers. He sat on the very end of one and watched as everyone scattered when the simulation started. He looked down to his sleeve; yep, that's a swastika. He sighed; probably because he was half German. However, he didn't really feel like participating at the moment. He sat down against a tree and put his earbuds back into his ears and began bobbing along with his music as he examined the Firearm in his hands.

@(Anyone participating)


Ria looked at the yellow star sewn into her shirt. That was kinda... She looked up, trying to think as a bullet flew towards her. Letting out a noise of surprise, her field was activated. Many ignored her, seeing this, but some waited for it to wear off.

She looked around for someone she knew, and saw Goulde.

The girl sighed in relief and ran over to him, sitting down beside him, and shifting the field so he wasn't thrown out of it.

"I hate him," she whined, bringing her knees to her chest. It was more than likely that if she didn't get someone out of the game, she would lose her points. No... she probably just had to survive the rest of the hour. She looked over to him and said quietly, "I have about twenty seconds left before I start to feel pain. It hurts like hell, so I'll have to run if I want to stay in the game. Do you want to stay with me, or not?" She sent him a look daring him to say no.

@Knight Nate


Goulde began to whistle the tune he was listening to, spinning his weapon on his finger. He raised an eyebrow as he saw Ria approach and was surprised to see her sit down next to him. He pulled an earbud to listen to her request. He noticed the field around them; must've been from her powers. He rolled his eyes as she pretty much commanded him to pair up with her.

"As long as you don't shoot me. I have to be in tip top shape for the Führer. Hehe."

A small smile crawled onto his face as he made a strange joke and stood up, the bullets still flying but mysteriously not hitting him.

"Where shall we go, m'lady?"



Ria growled under her breath, "That's not funny." She stood up and grabbed his hand, wincing as she began walking towards the closest factory, a few bullets bouncing off of the field like coins off of rubber. She broke into a sprint, pulling him along. By the time she got into the factory, she was panting in pain. "Goddammit." She put her hand to her head and let out a groan, then another curse. Finally she looked up at Goulde and said, "It would be more fun if we could try to kill each other. But..." Her voice trailed off realizing people had tried to shoot her. Her, of all people. She clenched her fist in anger, but calmed down quickly. "Hey, you like me, right? You're not going to try to shoot me, are you?" Rethinking it, and remembering that it was just class, she stretched and began walking towards the stairs without another word.

@Knight Nate


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