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Fantasy House of Cards| Open

Kiara chuckled, Yeah because that makes me feel sooo muck better" She said jokingly." And yes, I did stay up all night" she said while finishing up her cereal. "I've been looking up our powers." she said. "So what have you been up to?" She asked whiled putting her bowl away in the sink.
Goulde raised an eyebrow as she began to drag him along, but groaned as they started to run. It had been awhile since he had done that, and it hurt his legs. He hated that feeling. Eventually they stopped inside some sort of....abandoned factory. Ria looked as if she was about to pass out, and began to swear because of it. He rolled his eyes, but he grew concerned. This is the first he's seen of her getting weary from her ability. She began to walk up the stairs and pretty much asked if she could trust him, to which he smiled. Even though she couldn't see it, he nodded as he began to follow her.

"Sure, as long as no one tempts me with snacks."

Tyde grinned widely, letting out a gentle laugh at the girl's remark.

"Just pointing out the obvious, my bad." He wasn't one to be very careful with his wording, even when he tried. "You've been looking up your powers?" He questioned, a brow raised high. "Maybe that's where all my damn nightmares come from." He shivered. "That undead stuff you play around with gives me the heeby-jeebies, y'know." Anything that had to do with reanimating nonliving objects actually freaked him out. Things are non-living for a reason.

"Haven't been up to much lately. Got high last night and passed out on the couch, had to carry myself to bed around two. The usual." Tyde said casually. He glanced down at his wrist and noticed the time. "Class started a while ago, you plannin' to skip first period?"



"F*ck you," She called back, not really meaning it. She smiled at the thought that their relationship consisted of insults and awkward, uncomfortable moments.

The second floor looked worse than the first, and a few more people were there, mostly the ones being hunted down. Someone shot nearby her, and she phased a force field for a few seconds at a time, not wanting to repeat what happened.

She ran ahead, and, turning a corner, she saw her reflection.

But it really wasn't.



Noticing that Ria was sweating, it didn't take long for her to realize why. Sia immediately began stripping her clothes, and, mimicking Ria's cocky voice, shouted, "Stay back! There's more up here." This was in case she was still with Goulde. If Ria was the one hunting, she didn't need to use the field, and possibly get hurt.

Ria watched for a second before catching on, and she swapped her clothes for the enemy uniform, giving Sia a hug. She said a quick thanks before hurrying off to the third and last floor of the factory, with machines covering the area.

Sia went around the corner and found Goulde.

Clearing her throat, she said with confidence, "They're going to the top floor. We should stay here for a while."



@Knight Nate
Kiara laughed at his comment about her powers. "what are you afraid I'm going to make your grandmother haunt you?" she jokingly. The dead wasn't a problem to her. Instead it fascinated her, and she wanted to know more. "Yeah I'll think I'll skip first period. I'm to damn tired to sit through some boring ass lecture." she said as she went to make coffee. It was her 14th cup, sine she's been drinking it all last night. @MisterUniverse
Goulde raised an eyebrow, but the shots were undeniable. He stayed at the bottom of the stairs, his hand tightly gripping his weapon just in case. He stood there for a few seconds, tapping his foot on the floor. Eventually, Ria came back down and spoke to him. But.....something felt....off. He couldn't put his finger on it but....still. He agreed with her by giving her a small nod.

"If you say so. You're the thinker here, not me........right?"

Goulde spoke casually, but listened intently at her response. If it was indeed who he thought it was..........



For a millisecond, she panicked, before saying with a smirk, "You know it." She wanted to cuss at the end, but Sia didn't cuss. It wasn't her thing. Ria didn't do it constantly...

She was mostly afraid of getting caught because it was kind of a shady thing to do, and it was very different from her usual self.

"Alright. Sia's around her, and I'm pretty sure she saw me. She has the same uniform as you." To add to this, she used her normal, annoyed voice combined with her puppetry ability to throw her voice to the staircase.

"Ria!" A voice echoed down the staircase, and Sia began walking toward the stairs to the first floor.

Closing her eyes once she wasn't facing him, she exhaled slowly, hurrying down the stairs.

@Knight Nate
Goulde scratched his head as he watched....Ria walk down the stairs. The sneaking suspicion was still there....but what reason would Sia have to...switch out with Ria? Augh, the whole thing made his head hurt.........oh well. He was sure they would explain it later, if it was true. He held his weapon tightly and walked down the stairs after 'Ria'.


Tyde's cheeks became somewhat scarlet at the sound of Kiara pointing out his fear of the undead.

"Wha- Psh! Not at all. I don't know what fear is!" He scoffed confidently, gazing over at the girl. He decided he was going to accompany the girl in the house this morning, it was only physical education they were going to miss after all. He followed Kiara into the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee that she had made and seated himself on the marble counter. He admittedly had little to no respect for the furniture in the house, which probably explains the extra check his parents had to send to the school. "Did you learn anything special?" He once again asked curiously, taking a sip from his mug. "There ain't much info to read up on the archane, I'd assume."
Jack sits at in the schools stairwell.

A look of utter focus is drawn across his face, his fingers are a blur as he plays his 3DS.

He is playing online, super smash bros his second favorite game...

The other online players have been focusing on him specifically since the first minute. Even still he had yet to loose a single life.

As he sends the last opponent flying and ends the game bright red numbers appear over his head


He pockets the game checking his watch "just a few minutes until class..." He says rising and scooping up his back pack.

He then leaps up the stairwell in a single bound leaving a strange sound effect resounding through the stairwell.


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Sia felt dizzy as the simulation disappeared, and a bell rang for them to go to their next class. Looking around the room, she saw Ria, and realized she made a big mistake that someone who noticed details could catch. The girl sent a smile at Goulde and waved to him as a sort of goodbye. Quickly, she left the gym and hurried to her Tech class, sliding into a chair. She really did not want to do this right now.

Tools, scrap metal, and wires were thrown across the table haphazardly, suggesting that they would be building something manually.

@Knight Nate
Goulde raised an eyebrow as he watched the girl wave goodbye. Yep, that definitely wasn't Ria; Ria never gave a friendly looking goodbye. It was usually like something along the lines of 'See ya, retard.' or something close to it. So they switched outfits then? But for what reason? And why didn't they tell him? Hm.....he was going to have to keep an eye on them both for the time being. Then again, that sounded like a lot of work......no, he had to. The suspense was killing him. He looked down at his watch; sure enough, an hour had passed. Sometimes time flies too quickly....

Since Goulde never really changed into his gym clothes, all he had to do was jog back inside the locker room and grab his duffel bag before continuing on his way. Technology Class was next; his second least favorite subject. He marched his way along the school halls until he reached the room, where he opened the door and found himself an empty desk at the back, where he promptly sat down and let his head fall into his desk. It was time for his nap; he always had one after P.E. He let out a small yawn as he fell into a light slumber...
Ian wasn't in class. He didn't need to. They were studying about a subject he had learned already. He sighs, thinking about the Kings, Queens and Jacks. Should he have a party? Maybe invite some normal members too...

That seemed like a good idea... but who would show up. I should message K♥... he is probably not paying attencion to his class so it won't make a change. K♥ is someone everyone likes so it probably is a good idea if I talk with him first.

He grabs his phone and messages him:

Hey. Ian here, the one who does your homework if you don't remember. Anyways I had an idea. A Party with members from every house. What do you think?

He lays on his bed reading a book. That girl... the Q♥... she reminded him of something, though she probably didn't noticed. He needed to relax and have fun. It's been a long time since that. Always learning and studying... it made him a bit of a nerd and no girl would ever like him. Maybe another Spades House member but he considered them more like brothers and sisters. He touches his cheek where the Q♥ kissed him. That girl is the opposite of what he is but made Ian feel insecured, something that never happened to him. Tch... come on Ian... think of the book you are reading!

@Knight Nate
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Tyde took one last sip from his mug before picking his head up attentively. A faint bell could be heard, signaling the end of the first period. "Ugh. You'll have to tell me about it later." He notified Kiara before sliding off the marble counter. "I'll meet you in the tech room." He said before making a dash out of the House of Clubs, his skateboard in hand. He was surprised at how fast he had made it to the tech room.

"Hey, bella." Tyde greeted Ria.... Or was it Sia? He wasn't able to tell the difference between them half of the time, so he would just call them by a Spanish nickname he would make up on the spot. He seated himself next to the girl and looked at the pile of wires and pieces of metal in front of him. "Just looks like a bunch of trash..." He said in a monotone voice. What was he supposed to make out of this?
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Sia looked up, noticing that someone spoke to her. She caught the last word and smirked in amusement, realizing why he called her this. Mimicking Ria's confidence, she called out, "Mi amado! Muy lindo." She had said something along the lines of, "My love... so cute."

Instructions were written on the front of the board, and the teacher was no where to be seen.

"I think... we have to make something that can move without us touching it. Using electricity." She sighed, knowing that her animation could make it go so much faster.

The girl connected a wire to an outlet, twisting them together and sprouting off pieces of copper to create a current.

"Partner?" She asked, meaning to ask him if he wanted to create something with her.

Goulde let out a low groan as a buzzing filled his pocket. He raised his head and pulled his phone out of his pocket. It was Ian, King of Spades.......when did Goulde give him his number? Oh well. He'd figure it out later. He texted him back quickly as he read his message.

'A party? Well, well. I wouldn't expect a Spade to want to organize a party. I thought you guys were all work and no play. I think it would be a good idea. Maybe something on the weekend?"

He set his phone on the table along with his head.

Tyde glanced at the girl once again, raising a brow towards her. He smiled, somewhat satisfied by the girl's comment. He admittedly had quite the big ego and loved having it stroked.

"Sure, bella." The blue haired boy had responded. He certainly didn't mind working with someone who complimented him, especially in his native tongue. The fact that she seemed to know what she was doing was also a plus. He put out his middle and pointer finger in a scissor like fashion, in an instant they both became blade like pieces of ice. He used the ice blades to cut rubber insulated wires and pieces of thin metal, handing them over to the girl each time. He was quite surprised at how skilled she was in tech. One would think that this would be enough of a hint for Tyde that this certainly wasn't the Queen of Hearts; too bad he wasn't exactly observant in matters like these.

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Ian sighs. He was right. A ♠ member shouldn't create a party, but Ia nwas bored with his life. Always studying and working, no breaks or no fun. He would try to change. He just hoped the other members of his house would agree with him

Hey. Ian here, the one who does your homework if you don't remember. Anyways I had an idea. A Party with members from every house. What do you think?
A party? Well, well. I wouldn't expect a Spade to want to organize a party. I thought you guys were all work and no play. I think it would be a good idea. Maybe something on the weekend?
Yeah I know... we are but I'm thinking of changing. I am sure you know what everyone says in the back of our House. Yes the weekend would be great... maybe everyone could sleep in our house? So the party lasts all weekend? What do you think?

he sighs. He was nervous... that was a new feeling for him. He puts his phone away and looks at his book. Suddently, it didn't seem very interesting. He sighs once again, feeling something wrong in his heart but at the same time... something right. "And I feel something so right by doing the wrong thing". Now he understanded that verse.

@Knight Nate[/message][/textmessage]
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She watched him carefully, not paying very much attention to her hands until touching a live wire, making her cry out in surprise.

The girl shook her hand as if to shake off the pain, and laughed a bit before returning her attention to what she was making.

Sia began molding the metal plates together, forming a spherical shape, with wires twisting around it. She placed a premade microchip inside, pressing it against the side and clipping a wire to it.

"Do you have any plans tomorrow?" After she said this, she realized that she had pretty much set Ria up for an appointment with Tyde.

Tyde continued to cut the wires for the girl until hearing the petite yelp that escaped her lips. He picked his head up almost immediately, morphing his fingers back to their normal state.

"Careful, Reina." Tyde warned. He was quite particular with the nickname he gave the girl this time. If she truly wasn't the Queen of Hearts, she would correct him, right? Either way, he felt bad for the girl after she got shocked and decided to be more hands on in completing the small machine.

"Tomorrow?" He began to add small details here and there, folding the sprouts of wire into rubber insulators around the sphere. "Well, I suppose I have some now." He answered the girl, but kept his eyes away from her teasingly. He kept his attention on the project, which was odd to say the least, admiring the almost planet like shape it took, with the wires looking like the rings that revolved around Saturn.

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A bit amused at the nicknames he was giving her, Sia was about to speak after hearing that, but stayed quiet. Seeing that Goulde wasn't in the room, she closed her eyes and said, "No, amor. I think you have me confused with my sister." After all, she hadn't told him she was Ria... Just wore her clothes and acted like her. Not a lie... exactly.

To change the subject, she quickly grabbed the project and threw it onto the ground. There was a sharp clink before it rocketed up into the air with a shower of sparks, coming down and staying still for a moment before shooting back up, powered by the change of kinetic and gravitational energy.

Glad, not for the first time, that she was as intelligent as she was, Sia picked up the ball, feeling a slight shock, though it wasn't painful.

The girl turned to Tyde and said, "We have a couple of minutes until lunch. I'd love to spend time with you tomorrow- maybe skip school. Do you want to keep it after its graded?" She bit her lip, desperately hoping he would decline, though she would let him have it if he wanted.



Ria sat in the hallway, flipping through her book, when she noticed it was almost lunch time. She could've left at any time, but wanted to read a bit, while it was quiet.

The teen stood up and stretched, leaving the school. She walked to the House of Hearts, feeling dizzy. Ria reached into her bag and stopped walking, grabbing a few pills from a yellow bottle, not caring how many there were. She shook her head before swallowing them quickly, staying still for a moment before entering her dorm building. It was mostly quiet, many were either at school or sleeping. She walked over to the couch and sat down, closing her eyes.


Tyde gazed back up at the girl from his seat, even more impressed by the acts she preformed, one after the other in quick succession. He laid his arms on the table and rested his head on top of them, pondering for a moment about what he should do. "Hmm." He teased, enjoying the awkward silence he kept between them while the last few minutes of the period ticked by. "How about you keep it, it'll be a memento." He chuckled to himself.

The boy was glad he got the expected response from Sia, now he actually knew who he was talking to. Then again, there was something off about the interactions between the two. He had heard that Ria, the true Queen of Hearts, was the flirty type, not her sister. Had this all been a part of her ruse the whole time? Was this girl some type of devious mad scientist who just enjoyed exploiting her sister's reputation? It didn't matter to Tyde either way. He was far too deep in a land of curiosity and wonder to turn back.

"It's a deal." He finally said before passing the girl a slip of paper. "How about you give me your digits?"

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"Right. Thanks." As she pulled a pen out of her pocket, the bell rang. Sia quickly scribbled down a phone number and grabbed her backpack, quickly saluting him in a goodbye before hurrying out of her room and down the crowded halls to the front doors, heading back to the House of Spades to have lunch.

As she pushed open the doors, finding that a few people were already there, she kicked off her shoes and walked to the living room, holding the metal ball tightly, as if it would fall if she decided to hold it with any less force.


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