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Fantasy House of Cards| Open



Akito woke up less than eight minutes ago, checking the time to find that it was already almost one in the afternoon.

The boy quickly got breakfast, cereal without milk, and left the House of Diamonds, feeling like a ghost of a human until arriving to the House of Hearts.

In the school, he knew three people, two of which were Ria, and her sister whose name he could only remember because of the relation it had to her twin's name.

Around other houses, it was usually required to knock, but no one ever really answered when they heard a knock, because they knew it was someone from another house.

Stepping in without any warning, he found Ria facing away from him on the couch, almost asleep.

Akito panicked, not wanting her to go to sleep and be unable to talk to him, as she was the only one he ever interacted with.

"RIA!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, sending her flying into a standing position and spinning around to face him, her eyes wide for a few seconds. Ria blinked for a second before saying, "You didn't knock."

He didn't answer this, instead asking, "Did you eat? It's time to eat... lunch, I mean."

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Alois yawned and stretched just a bit, finally ripping the sheets off of himself as he rose from his slumber. This was the second time he woke up today as before he was having a nightmare about something chasing him and the boredom jolted him awake. Checking his phone for the time, he realized that he missed nothing too important, just his first two classes. Wiping the sleep away from his eyes and throwing on some clothes, Alois considered on going to school. Was there anything even happening? Anything that actually has him give a damn? Then again, he doesn't know anyone, and strength in numbers was a better idea then powering through it like a fool.

Alois kicked open his door and headed down stairs; wondering whether he should barge in on the other houses. He needed a distraction. His pristine surroundings and fancy furnishing tempted him to completely trash the place, just to see the reactions. But he remembered his mother's clear command; to behave. Alois sighed as he left, not bothering to eat. He aimlessly wanders around outside, uncaring where he was currently as he called out to no one in particular,

"Ugh... What the hell a guy gotta do for some entertainment?"
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Tyde stuffed the small slip of paper into his back pocket and picked up the skateboard from under his desk. He quickly slid the board under his feet and pedaled out the classroom and into the school halls. Papers flew up here, people threw themselves on the ground there, Tyde was anything but careful when he was skating. The boy soon blasted out the school exit and out onto the streets, heading towards his house for lunch. In the moment, he began to slowly close his eyes in order to enjoy the sweet feeling of air hitting his face. He loved the feeling of the wind tossing his blue hair and-

"SH*T" Tyde cursed, recklessly tripping on a pedestrian's foot and crashing onto the ground. He yelped, getting scratched up from the concrete sidewalk. "Crap man! You could'ave called out or-" He looked back at the tall man he had tripped on, realizing who it was almost immediately. "Oh man." The boy said, looking up at Alois from the floor. "Mi Reino. I thought you were sleeping...."

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Ian sighs. Time to eat... he was on the living room when he saw her. Though he didn't like her sister, he did like Sia more. She was smart and worked alot more than her sister. How can they be twins... they are so different from each other.

Ian smiles "Hello Sia. How are you?" he waves at her, walking until he is in front of her.

Well Sia and Ria were different inside but outside... it was almost impossible to know who was who...

I should invite her to the party as well... She would be cool to have, even if she isn't a King, Queen or Jack. Ian thought, as he waited for her answer. She for sure knew who he was so it wouldn't be awkward, though they never talked. Ian made sure that he knew all faces and names of his House. Since he was the K♠, it only made sense if he knew all the members of his house.

Alois looked over to the guy who tripped on his foot, and he was almost glad to who he saw. Someone that was actually worth a damn. A smile was almost tugging at his lips as he chuckles,

"Well I was planning to."

Offering a hand to help him up, Alois noticed he had a few scrapes from the crash. Instead of normal people who would express concern or some kind of sympathy, he says with a clear voice,

"Speak up if you're hurt or you might bleed out on the pavement. Kidding."

Alois smirked at his rather disturbing joke; his smile being lighthearted but his eyes were serious. He knew that the scrapes weren't deadly, so it's okay to poke fun. After all, he would actually help him get to medical attention if he needed it. Probably. Alois' smirk didn't cease as he asked,

"So anything worth while happening?"

Kiara was where she was once again, in the Library. She refused to give up on finding her power. "Ugh, why is there nothing! Completely Nothing" She yelled. "THIS LIBRARY IS FULL OF SHI-" She yelled but then saw something come out of the page. She first thought it was he magic but she saw it was another page! She quickly ran over and picked up the book. She took out a pocket knife out of her pocket. She then used the knife to cut open the page and saw an folded up paper. The top said necromancy in bold words. "YES! FINALLY!!!" She celebrated.

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Tyde smiled back up at the rather tall teen.

"I'm all good." He responded, referring to the small scrapes on himself. He dabbed his hand onto his cheek, a small pool of blood sticking on to his fingertips. Nothing too serious. "More scars. More stories." He accepted the boys offer to help, latching onto his hand and plopping his feat back on ground. Tyde spoke casually with the king, not phased too much about his somewhat cruel humor. After living in the same house with Alois for X amount of time, you actually begin to think some of his jokes are a little charming. "You wouldn't let me bleed out like that, you'd miss me too much." He teased, brushing a hand through his hair to get any dust or dirt out.

"Today's report doesn't have anything of too much interest." Tyde thought about what to report to Alois, much like what his role of joker implied him to do. He made up a small list of things on the spot.

"I got a chick's number today, she's got a twin an' everything.... Mistress Vox has been studying her freaky necromancy again..." He pouted, placing his skateboard under his arm. "But nothing else of interest, I'm afraid."

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He snickered at Tyde's tease; snidely remarking,

"Remind me to leave you for the vultures."

Perhaps he'll go bother Kiara, he was bored enough for anything. But most of all he'd rather just make entertainment for himself, like punching someone he didn't like. Alois gritted his teeth as he wished deep in his heart that his mother didn't forbid him to start fights. Especially since his garden back home was in danger of becoming a pool if he did decide to slam his fist into someone's face. Alois groaned in agony as a response to the report; looks like he'll go to school after all, since nothing important was happening. Maybe he'll try learning how to read in French so he'll actually know what is happening in this country. He needs a tutor though, so a drop by the Spades' house for a mentor could be called for. It'll be useful; talking can only cover his illiteracy for so long. He'll consider this later but for now, it's time to be a completely mocking jerk or in other words, being himself. After all, he's a little intrigued by the news of this girl; especially with twins in the mix. Alois' smirk widened as he jokingly asked Tyde,

"You sure she didn't just write down some nonsense and gave it to ya? 'Cause it sounds like it's too good to be true."

His stomach growled frustrated that it was not fed; loudly announcing for all to hear that the owner was hungry. Sighing once more, being annoyed then embarrassment; he turned towards the dormitory and motioning his head for Tyde to follow since he figures that's where he was going anyways.

"Haha. Very funny." Tyde's voice came out rough and sarcastic, yet his face remained soft and playful. He was proud of himself with this catch and almost felt like it was his duty to prove his reino wrong. "You're not the only one with game in the house, bro." His lips curled into a proud and smug smile as he followed the grumbling of Alois' stomach into the house. "It's a legit number, trust me. I'ma text her tomorrow and you'll see."

He decided to change the subject and entered the kitchen, beginning to rummage through the freezer for a quick meal to eat. "How about a.... burger?" He said to no one in particular, pulling out a box of veggie burgers. "You want any?" He gave a nod towards Alois, getting ready to pop a few in the microwave.
Alois' expression noticeably changed from playful to disbelief when Tyde mentioned that had 'game'. Last time he checked, the girls backed away about 3 steps from him on the first day and he wasn't able find any guys willing to swing. But he really didn't mind this, not like he has enough time to just waste on one person alone out of some emotion. Shaking this off he mumbles with a shrug,

"Well, don't bawl if it turns out she tricked you."

Alois glanced the frozen food and quickly shook his head. He wasn't a big fan of burgers, and he really has to crave them to willingly get one. He just grabbed the little plastic bag of ripe strawberries in the fridge and started to munch on the fruit. He just needs to satiate his appetite for now, and plus he gets an excuse to eat all the strawberries. Leaning on the wall, Alois glanced out the window a little bored and asked,

"What's next period anyways? Anything fun?"

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Tyde shrugged, dismissing the conversation about the girl and popping a single burger into the microwave for himself.

"Your loss, big guy." As he waited for his food to warm up, he pulled out a schedule from his back pocket. Despite being in the school for quite a while already, he still wasn't able to remember his classes by heart. "Third period..." He mumbled silently to himself "Combat." He nodded his head approvingly, expressing the fact that this was one of the few classes he didn't actually hate. A loud ding came from the microwave, notifying Tyde he could finally chow down. He pulled out the burger, seated himself on the kitchen counter once again, and devoured the meal in a dog-like fashion. "Sounds fun enough to you?" The boy asked curiously, noting the fact that Alois had a habit of wanting to be constantly entertained.

"Combat, eh? Hm... Might be promising." Alois grins as his interest was piqued. Now that's different, something that's worth his time in school. He actually felt a tinge of excitement, or maybe even anticipation? After all, it was funny when someone who really got on his nerves loses to him, or even when he's defeated in the end. Alois doesn't care who technically won because he know how to spoil their victory or to indulge in his own. He was absolutely attending school today, even for a little while. Finished with his quick snack, he walked out the kitchen to leave Tyde to eat. Saying without turning his head,

"I'm gonna go see what Kiara found out."

Either Alois didn't want to watch the jack consume his food or was just curious about the girl's studies. He enjoyed learning about others' powers, as odd as that may be. Turning to the right and entering the library, he confirms his guess of Kiara being here. Her face seemed ecstatic as she held a paper in one hand and a pocket knife in the other. Leaning on a book shelf while tilting his head as he chimes,

"You seem like a happy camper. Mind sharing?"

@Tola @MisterUniverse
Kiara looked at the paper it looked hand written,as if someone was taking notes.she was interrupted when someone spoke. She turned to see Alois. "Oh it's just you" she said feelings relived. " It just some kind of diary page on my powers. She said turning back to the paper. (Sorry I'm doing this on my phone)

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Looking at the note for a moment, Alois fought back the urge to snatch it and read it to himself. After all, pissing off the queen wasn't very wise. Although he did take a few steps closer with interest. Alois knew necromancy is rare, so learning something about the power would be smart for him after all; in case someone would've crossed him, he would understand the weaknesses. He raised an eyebrow at her comment that it was just him and with a grin he asked,

"Am I not a threat anymore? After all, it's not smart to underestimate people."

It was only teasing, but his words had somewhat amount of truth. Alois can be a little scary when he wants to know something but he decided to play it cool instead of interrogating her like he would anyone else. He patiently wanted for her to read the note, his face remaining friendly. Making friendly conversation, he adds,

"Tyde told me next class is combat, interested?"


Kiara looked back to see Alois step closer. She chuckled at his reply, "Please, to me your not close to scary" and turned to the paper. She quickly read it over and frowned, "This is it? Just this! This is useless!" She yelled while looking for any more papers like it. "I've spent the WHOLE day looking for something on my powers and all I could find is this!" She yelled again.

She turned to see Alois still curious and surprised at her outburst. "Oh sorry, It just says notes about what they learned. Like what to aviod and who to avoid in the underworld. And who to summon." She said. "Hmm combat? You know what that actually seems fun. That might get my mind of this too, so yeah I'll join!" She said.

Momo woke up abruptly from her sleep "My head hurts" she said with a groan. She tilted her head to see that it was 12:30 "Oh Sh♥t I'm gonna be late!" She quickly put on her white shirt and matching booty shorts, hastily she put on her black cloak that grazed the ground and tried to mange her long af blue hair she made her way out of the her room put some ice on the railing, using the water from her water bottle then quickly sliding down it "Hello everyone your queen has... wait there's like no one here, bye" she basically ran to the school fearing that she would miss her favorite class. Combat.

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