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Realistic or Modern High School [Open]

The alarm in Jonah's room was blaring very loudly. He couldn't believe that he was late. He quickly woke up and started to put his dark blue jeans, orange and blue hoodie, and his Nike high tops and quickly looked in the mirror to make sure that everything was looking right. He couldn't believe that his thick dirty blonde hair sticking up. So he quickly put on a little bit of gel and swiftly rushed downstairs. When he got downstairs his mother was waiting for him with a bowl of cereal in her hand and a spoon in the other. 

"Eat Up" said his mother with a very stern voice.

"Yes Mom!" he said angrily.

He quickly gulped his food down and grabbed his backpack.

"Bye Mom see you after school!"

"Bye honey" she said
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"Liam... Mr. Harold is... Dead!" Mitchell said weakly

"Stabbed... 7 times... Chest... murderer still here..." Mitchell said

Mitchell then passes out.

he then started to dream.

he was walking again to school it was still the first day he opened the door to the school to see Mr. Harold alive walking around and he was in his class room working to see a black figure with some scissors it was approaching Mr. Harold the black figure asked him a question its not clear but Mitchell approaches and sees that its not human it was just all black no face no color... It then stabs the dead teacher 7 times. Then locking the door and it left a prescription bottle on the floor in Harolds hand.

Mitchell wakes up with sweat drops covering his head.

he then sees this girl with Liam is starting to freak out even worse

@Rock And Roll Boy @Cal Rader
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( @Mouseemouse I dont see why not )

"Mitchel what the hell are you ok. We need to get help" Liam said looking back up at Hermione " I don't know what the hell is going on but if Mr. Harold is dead thats not good the school is gonna have to go on lock down. c'mon lets get into the office" Liam said helping Mitchel into the office. "whats going on?" the lady in the office questioned them as they walked. " ummm... I don't really know ma'am but Mitchel said he found Mr. Harold dead...said he was umm murdered." Liam said rather calmly considering the situation he helped Mitchel  over to a chair before returning to the desk where the lady was freaking out trying to figure out what to do " ma'am you need to calm down can I use the phone I need to call my mom..and you need to begin lock down procedures" Liam said speaking as if he had experience in such a situation. "No absolutely not...w..we need to call the police we can't be letting kids call their parents right now" the woman frantically shouted "ma'am you don't understand my mom is the police I need to call her she has experience dealing with a situation like this." He said picking up the phone dialing his moms number "mom something happened at school....WHAT NO MOM...MOM YOU NEED TO BE QUIET AND LISTEN TO ME...a teacher was killed we are going in lock down....no I don't know what happened that's why I am calling you mom...NO MOM WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR YOU TO BELIEVE THAT I AM NOT LYING FOR ONCE PLEASE YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME I NEED YOU!!!!" a few tears began to roll down Liams' face by the end of the conversation he composed himself and spoke calmly "ok the police are on their way" he announced as the alarm for the lock down began.
@Cal Rader

Danny as is per usual self had remained unseen and unheard in all the commotion. Remaining unnoticed in his black hood and expert blending into his surroundings. A teacher had been stabbed to death. Danny did not particularly LIKE teachers or ANY authority figures... But THIS, this was just straight up haunting. Murdered in cold blood. Dead. He could go on and on. Somebody had been murdered.... And beleive it or not... It WASNT by Danny's doing. My first day in high school and somebody gets stabbed to death, I'm never coming back to school ever again after this. This was awful.

He saw Liam crying. Danny pulled down his hood and ran over to Liam and suddenly hugged him with all his might. I don't know why I did that... But I did.

he wanted to comfort the boy.
(Heh, okay then.)

Adaline sat in her car at the parking lot, her elbow was placed on the wheel, she sighed as she saw other students cheerfully exiting from the main entrance. Well, here goes nothing. she thought, as her seat belt went quickly into its place. She gently grabbed her bag, as it was practically empty besides a few notebooks and pens. Ada got out of her Honda Accord LX Sedan car. Of course, she couldn't have done that without dropping her keys. "At least I'm barely clumsy anymore." she mentioned sarcastically as she bent and picked them up. Adaline finally entered the school, as her eyes got filled with unfamiliar faces.



[Open for interaction]
Hermione barely knew where she was running to but ended slamming into another innocent female student (Adaline), Hermione falling to the ground. Her knee took the most damage, aside from her glasses that she heard crack as they fell off her face and onto the ground. They weren't a strong pair of glasses. "I'm sorry" she whispered softly.

Alaska quickly found the school. Two beautiful girls were outside in the parking lot. She scurried up to them both, noticing one seemed off and shaky after a small fall. "Hey, are you okay?" Alaska crouches down to the girl and picks up her cracked glasses. "Oh, here.." She clears her throats and awkwardly gave the gal her broken glasses. 
Alex ran inside the school right before the lockdown drill. From where she was talking to who ever the hell she was talking to she noticed 2 boys one dressed rather drably the other one was blonde as far a she could tell. As she was going to ask about what she should do seeing as she was new their they went in to lockdown. This caused her to the closet bathroom and lock herself in their. It was a girls bathroom of course even if she was scared she wasn't stupid unlike this one guy who yelled during the middle of a lockdown causing her to get shot.

(This is what Alex looks like)

Alaska shook when she heard a shot and saw police storming in. She sprinting into the building, leaving the two girls behind. She looked for someone to explain, shaking hard and clutching herself for comfort. "What's going on? What happened???" She kept saying loudly waiting for someone to hear her. There was barely anybody in the halls as everyone was already locked away in their classes. "Anyone?" She shouted shakily. All the doors were locked and she didn't know her way around the school yet. Tears started to roll down her cheeks, ruining her makeup. 
Liam caught completely off guard by this boy hugging him just stood their for a moment not sure what to do. He then embraced the boys hug as he notice a girl in tears standing in the hall. "Thanks...but I gotta go." Liam said pushing the boy off him as he headed to the hall the woman in the office tried to stop him but he wasn't interested. He quickly ran out into the hall Looking every direction to make sure it was safe he ran over to the girl and calmly approached decpite his heart pounding inside his chest. "Hey...it's going to be alright" he comforted the girl "everything will be alright just come with me" he calmly ensured the girl leading her back to the office "we'll be safe in here" he said as they entered he quickly gave the boy from before another hug. He pulled back rather embarrassed about what he did "s...s..sorry I don't know what got into me." He said looking around then he saw something under the papers on the woman's desk he looked closer sizzers and he could swear he saw blood then it hit him the name tag on the desk Mrs. Harold. Could she have...but why...an affair maybe? A thousand questions raced through his head. "So Mrs. Harold is it where you and Mr. Harold related?" He questioned but she didn't respond 
@Cal Rader

Danny saw the situation that was and practically glided toward the general area where Liam was around, silently. He saw the potential outcomes of the situation and didn't like them one bit. For now he just stood by unnoticed, watching, waiting. He secretly hid nearby and brought out his can of axe body spray. He couldn't bring actual weapons on campus so actual pepper-spray was out of the question. He also prepared his sturdy metal flashlight. Nothing illegal about carrying THAT with you at school. If the lady attacked Liam, he would be ready to swoop in and save him.
Hermione was trembling, arms cuddling herself, her glasses gripped in one hand. She was still on the floor. She had no idea what was happening but she knew this wasn't a regular occurrence. Getting back up, slipping on her broken glasses, she made her way back inside the school, trying to avoid detection from from what looked like police. She couldn't tell due to her cracked lenses. 
(Oh, I apologize for forgetting to answer.)

Ada was slightly startled by the girl who bumped into her, before she could apologize and take the blame upon herself, the student disappeared out of her sight. Leaving Ada alone at the entrance. She suddenly noticed that the glassed- girl dropped a notebook. "Hey, wait!" she called her, picking up the notebook and lifting it up - upon students' heads. "Your notebook!" she explained, desperately trying to get through the crowd. 

@Rock And Roll Boy
"Gang way!!!" a voice broke through the crowd of students. Tobias sent a lot of the surprised students hurtling as he arrived on his customized boost-it board(real.picture below). There were angry yells aimed at the back of the of the young Asian boy and to his surprise he saw a girl who hadn't cleared out of the way so he curved around her. She seemed pre-occupied but the crowd around her had dispersed so she managed to rush past them. @ParalyzedEnchantress

'Guess I'm not the only one in a hurry he thought' he thought. Not paying attention he almost missed the turn to his new class. He held/used a tough looking dude as leverage @xpstitch(Not at the same timeline I'm guessing, what with all that's happening on your end) shouting back,"Thanks man! Owe you one!"

He looked down to his old g-shock while mentally swearing. 4 minutes late. He turned off his board and slid it into the loop of his bag before trying to go in quietly for class. Luckily the Prof looked preoccupied, though he got some odd looks. He found a desk by the window and looked down.

He saw a lone kid @Sharkato18 run just as they were about to close the front gate.

Taking out his books and arranging them around him he took a deep breath and plonked his head down for a nap.

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Alaska saw the boy and as he guided her to the office she wiped her tears away. Her makeup was messy still but at least her black streams were away. "Thank you." She managed to mutter. She sat down in the corner of the room with her knees to her chest. She was breathing deeply, trying to calm herself down. Alaska hated gun. Hated crime. Hated being scared. 
Tobias had the shortest nap before he heard the gun go off. Their prof ran to the door before latching it shut. He ordered them to barricade the door with desks as he was still groggy. He could hear a girl panicking at the door and a few students hesitating to open the door or not. @Cat Fitzpatrixk

Tobs went forward but one of the bigger kids shoved him back and he fell over. "Sit the fuck back down!No one is opening the door!" yelled the Brutus-look alike.

The Prof was trying to call someone as were the rest of them. He hoped the girl got somewhere safe. Looking out the window he could see some cop cars pulling in and crowds running out. At least those kids got away. He rubbed his arm. Looks like he landed badly on it. Fucking lardass!  

He shot his newest enemy a dirty look as he sat back down an went through his bag. His board. Some snacks and a swiss army knife. Oh his wood carving gloves! 

By the looks of things the others where not gonna be leaving this room. He went to the window and studied the ledge on the buildings side. Popping his head out he noted an fold-out window to the washroom next door. Not paying attention to the others he but on his gloves and checked his boards charge. 70%. 

Without telling anyone he quietly got from the window onto the ledge. Luckily he wasn't too high up. Waddling in an odd pose he reached the window on the adjacent side and plopped inside the wash room landing face first to the grimy floor rather on his back with the board and stuff. "Ewww ... I need a wash", he thought.

Turning to see the sink on his right. Convenient. After washing up he tidied up and lifted his hoody to his face. Checking to see if the coast was clear he got his board out on the floor and then laid flat down on it. Turning it to the most silent setting he slid down the hall, sticking to the lockered walls rather than right down the middle.

Now to help that girl.
Alaska sat in the office, rather frightened still. The boy who guided her here was in another part of the office, talking to some older lady. Everybody was whispering, spreading rumors and exaggerating the incident. Alaska pulled her knees really close to her chest and put her head down, silently starting to cry once again. 'What the hell is happening.' She thought to herself. All she knew was there was a gunshot and then tons of screaming and a lockdown. 

(First photo is Alaska and second is her outift. Just so it's clear..)


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"Ah, screw it." Adaline mumbled as a guy shoved her in the hall. She put the girl's notebook back in her backpack and quickly took a glance at the signs that were hanging on the door - representing which subject is learned there. 'Jesus, it's only 7:50 why are people in such a hurry?' she thought as she stumbled upon a few legs, making her fall to the side. "Great, just great." Ada murmured sarcastically,

@Mathias No Bias

[open for interaction]
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Hermione heard someone calling for... someone. But she felt like the calls and cries were for her. She stopped trying to avoid detection and went back to where the cries were coming from. Was that the student I bumped into? She reached Adaline. She didn't know what to say, only discarding her glasses since they weren't helping her anymore. 


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