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Fantasy High School Of The Greek Gods

"like I said, you'll be the better man if you apologize."

She tried to give a comforting smile to the boy.

Do you think he'll really listen, Chrona?

We can only hope so.

@Daniel reaver
Aeolus sighed then nodded before leaning forward off the ledg and freed aling before wind caught him and placed him up right before he smiled up at the girl

He laughed and smiled at her. "I am sure it is just as beautiful and stunning as you are now." He kissed her hand. "Now I am off to my dorm to prepare myself."
She smiled and thought to herself .. "Isn't he wonderul looking already??" She giggled as he kissed her hand, blushing a bit "And I'm off to mine. Would you like to meet here?"
"Sure" he smiles and turns toward his dorm room. When he gets there he looks there his stuff and finds a semi fancy auit that was gifted to him some time ago.
Rainy went to her dorm and quickly went through her clothes "No..No.. Maybe.. Aha!!" She pulled out a light blue dress with white diamonds on the top. She quickly showered and brushed her hair. Then changing and looking for her shoes.
Thana layed there napping under a tree as she dreamt while shadow forms appeared as many creatures and flew and ran around her as she slept
Phoenix smiled at the though of actually going on a date with someone he genuinely cared for. When he was done preparing himeself with brand of human body spray called "phoenix" he left and went to where they agreed to meet.
Phoenix already being there looked over at her with a smile on his face and eyes that were studying her every move and look. "W-wow you look..." He smirked. "Godly." He put his arm in a loop next to his torso so she could put her arm there like the old fashioned thing they do.
Rainy smiled and gave a soft laugh as he complimented her "And you, very handsome and godly." She put her arm through his "Ready to go?" looking around for a minute and making sure she didn't wobble in her shoes.
Rainy began to worry about how'd she look in her human form and gave a small huff . "To be honest I'm a bit nervous.." she looked at him and smiled a little,noting that they were just about to enter the human world.

Phoenix smiled. "I am too." He looked into her eyes right as they went into the human world. They were in an allieway in a city next to a fancy restaurant.


[QUOTE="Daniel reaver](Rawwwwr where is every one!!!!!!)

(I can't help I have school xD )

Rainy looked down at herself and the to phoenid. She found him very handsome,she then looked at the restaraunt and nudged him forward with her. She had a wide smile on her face "Wow.."
(I am currently in school :P )

Phoenix smiled and looked at Rainy up and down. "Wow your just as beautiful. As your god form. I didnt think that possible." He took a step forward with her encouragement and smiled more seeing her in the light.
(I'm at home. Sorry for the typos.)

Rainy blushed deeply as she was complimented "Thank you.." she smiled and gave a small laugh. Opening the door she walked with him inside and she was dazzled by the resteraunt.
(It is fine :0) what is your time zone? And what time is it at the time I post this? For me it is pacific west coast 3:06 pm )

Phoenix smiled as they stepped into the resteraunt looking around not sure what to do past this poinr never having actually been in one he walked up to someone that looked official standing at a booth and asked for a seat. They were shown to their seats and he took his seat smiling as he looked around at the modern look.
(I'm in eastern. You posted this at 6:10 .. its 6:27 pm. )

Rainy stayed close to Phoenix as they walked and took her seat once shown were to go. "This is much different than what I'm used to.." she looked around and then back to Phoenix with a happy but a bit confused expression.

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