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Fantasy High School Of The Greek Gods

"Why my beauty she's just a low life" Aeolus said as held her in the air "she's just a low life godess" he said as he stared into her eyes


Thana started to silently cry at the words "l-l-leave me Alone" she said softly trying not to show that she was crying
She Held The Sword At His Head "She's My Friend And Nobody Picks On My Friends Put Her Down."She Frowned
Aeolus just smiled as a wind came and blew the sword from her hands as he lauphed before droping thana to the ground and lauphing "really athena your so much better that her why be freinds with her when you can be with me" he said before looking down at Thana with a evil glare



Thana sat there on the ground and held her self the tightly as she silently cried at him bullying her "go away go away go away" she wispered to her self as she looked down at the ground
Athena Started Laughing So Hard Her Wings Popped Out. "Suit Up." Then Her Armour Appeared And She Pulled Out Her Other Sword "You Are Nothing But A Pest And If I Was Thana I Would Send You Straight To Hades And Watch Your Soul Slowly Decay . @Daniel reaver
Aeolus just chuckled "she's just a weakling....a nobody.....a usless godess that diserves to die" he said coldly as he walked away chuckling at how he made Thana cry "see you around beautiful" he said happy with his work


Thana still sat there and broke when he called her usless "go away go away" she said through the tears as she cryed out loud
Eros was brought out of his daydream by what sounded like f III ghting. Frowning he headed toward the sounds and found Thana crying and Athena leaving. "Thana are you Alright?"
Thana just sat there "it's against rules" she said softly as she slowly stood up "they won't let me use my powers unless it's in battles" she said quietly before she looked over at Eros and nodded before she started to walk away

@kira blackthorn

Eris wandered into the school. "Looks boring." She muttered to herself. "Too....orderly. I may have to shake a few things around." She smiled as she thought about plans to cause anarchy.
Athena Sat By The Front Gate Her Eyes Began To Fill With Tears "How Dare He ..." She Sat In Her Armour Holding Her Legs
Thana walked into the woods and leaned against a tree before it started to shrivel up and die "why me" she said as symbols appered all around her before she walked back to her dorm and layed on the bed

Athena Stopped And Looked Up "Father I Will Make You Proud,"She Stood And Walked Towards The Dorm."
Apollo found himself entering his new school late. "Good grief, I am late and that's not perfect." he sighed and entered the front gate. Scratch that, he was about to enter the front gate when he saw a crying lady there. "Good morning?" he greeted her nervously while trying to catch up with her, a smile present on his face.

Pan sighed to himself as he slowly stood up and streached. He looked down at his flute again a sly smile forming on his face as he recalls the memories they shared together. The flute was cursed. It gave an eerie sound,causing travelers of the forest to feel unsettled. The face that they could not sense pan was also a factor. But that wasn't it's curse. If you hear it when you're alone it is it have strange effects on you. Pan hasn't tride it on everyone. He does know that it lures water nymphs,much to his delight. And will cause young men to strip there clothes and dance. As pan continues his walk he puts the flute away,planning to use it soon and often.
"Have we met before?" he curiously asked her while pointing at her then his self, "If ever we had, I don't quite remember." he continued while shrugging.
Me-me was frantic in her movements. She brushed by people not giving any exuse why,she simply kept saying pen. The anxiety rose to greater heights and she looked around the floor,in dorms, and everywhere else she could think of. She made her way out side having some hope that there was a magic pen tree around. "Nope,don't remeber any pen trees. Sombody around here has to have a pen"

Me-me in the middle of writing had fallen asleep. She arose to find that she had lost her pen,no not lost she remebers exactly where she put it, someone had stolen it. At this point she did not care she was just seconds from breaking down and using her own blood. She slumped down by the gate. She laid there stiff as a board her face in the grass. This was me-me's way of throwing a fit when she didn't get her way.
"Wait, what?" his eyes widened in surprise and started pointing at the top of his head, "That was you!? Wow...I mean, sorry that you had to live alone." he hung his head low. He was never fund of his own father himself, anyways. That old womanizer...geez.
Thana sat there in her dorm with her hands to her chest as a black smoke swarmed her and turned her into her true form (see cs for true form) "why do they do that to me" he said as he slowly got up and looked out the window and down at the yard in the school and down at Athena and some guy

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She Smiled "Yes That Was Me But It's Okay I Think I Turned Out Fine And I Consider Hades More Of A Father ." She Laughed .
Aeolus walked around with a proud look on his face as he sat down on a bench in the court yard "ahh my work is done" he said happily
He chuckled lightly yet stopped when he felt somebody spying them. He sharply turned around and spotted a girl staring down at them. 'First impressions, Apollo, perfect first impressions.' he told his self inside his mind silently as he waved at the girl, and by the way is that black smoke? Wait, what?
Thana saw the boy and quickly hid as she changed back to normal and hid with a small blush on her face "he smiled at me" she said before she pulled her knees to her chest
Athena Had Seen A Glimpse Of The Boy "I'm Curious Who Was That." Athena Scratched Her Head And Yelled "THANA."

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