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Fantasy High School Of The Greek Gods

Nike jumped when Pan's arm touched him. " Hey...I remember you. Pan, wasn't it?" He gave out a sigh and smiled, His teeth a shiny white, his wings relaxed around him, as the stares suddenly broke off.

@aja maji@kira blackthorn
"Yeah... I mean, yeah! I haven't seen a dragon since I left Olympus." Apollo began as he stared at the dragon with adoration as Euloria scratched it's chin. "Are there more cute dragons under your sleeves?" he asked her playfully. Seriously though, where did that dragon came from?

She chuckled "No, but I can make it happen" she chimed. "Oh, right , he was in my book bag, he just hatched yesterday morning ~" she held it up. The tiny dragon stumbled its way across the table, chirping at Apollo.

"Hey there little guy. How are you?" Apollo started rubbing the dragon's back softly and gently. Back at Olympus he also pets much larger dragon than this one- though baby dragons tends to bite him at first. And that is what exactly the little guy did, it bit him. But it's toothless so it doesn't really hurt- instead Apollo chuckled at it and smiled afterwards.

Euloria crossed her arms, resting them on the table, her head resting in her crossed arms. "He doesn't have a name yet though" The little dragon chirped and curled up beside Apollo.

He smiled at it then looked back at her, "Huh? Then let's decide for a name for it!" Apollo fist pumped at the air once more. He can't let this dragon spend another minute without a name.

"Alright" she sat up straight in her chair. "Any ideas?" She asked with a smile.

Polemos was able to spawn a wooden soldier figurine (They used these on boards long ago to create strategies) and a arrow. He put the small figurine down and tossed an arrow into it's head. He than looked over and noticed the two playing around with a small dragon, probably just a hatchling. "What type of dragon is that? is it fire, water, ice, or what?", he asked.
Euloria turned to polemos "Ah, he's a little ice dragon!" She replied, smiling politely.

Polemos looked down and scratched his chin, " how about Págos?", he said while picking up the small toy soldier and arrow that was thrown.


(It is prenounced "Pah-gos")
"Is there some form of training facility here?", he asked. He then looked over to Apollo, "please stop fist pumping into the sky, you look like a mentally ill patient.", Polemos said.

"Im sure there is around here sonewhere.." Euloria pouted at the boy, that comment to Apollo was unnecessary to say, and a bit rude in her opinion, but she said nothing more.

"Its great to meet you as well... Eros was it?" Nike smiled, his thoughts drifting away slowly from mind.
"Yes." Eros simply stated not seeking to continue this conversation any longer. It was the second day of school and about time he put his plans in action.
Hekate enters the school building without hesitation. She walks through the halls and immediately takes notice of the previous chaos of this school in just one day. "It's a tragedy.... The moment they turn into teenagers it's like they forget who they were before and turn into teenagers at heart. Who knows, I might just meet someone worth my time." Hekate continues down the hall, trying to find the nearest garden if there was one. She has things to do.
Morpheus arrived at the school and gave it one look around before sighing deeply. As much as he liked the gods and their quirks he would much rather be in his home realm but he had to be at this school. Morpheus entered the school and looked around once before deciding to give himself a tour.
Polemos tilted his head at the face Euloria made at him. "Fine i am sorry of rude quote, but was the fist pumping really necessary? (sorry when i got that image i was like HECK NO! xD ), and i am not the god of peace and tranquility, i am a god of war and conflict!, i don't make friends i kill enemies, so you have to imagine how hard it is for me to make a friend through emotion and not threats.", he said calmly as he got up and walked away. He just wanted to find one place where he could practice to and so he found a garden. 'FINALLY!', he thought to himself as he entered from the other side, unaware of the other person coming in. He sat down and channeled a silky red liquid from the cracks of the ground and it encircled him. He got up and he was taller and much stronger as the liquid became tore silk and strapped to his back as a cape. He was wearing golden spartan armor with red glowing eyes and no face showing. He summoned ashes from the shadows of a tree and then there stood 4 dark roman legionnaire soldiers that charge at him. He rammed one with his shield and kicked another into the one behind him. The other one stood there next to a tree as the three picked themselves up near the flower beds and got back into position under the tree.


Familiar? Eros wondered as excitement curled up in his chest. As in an animal? I love animals! Grinning toothily he practically hopped in place. "Let's go get a familiar."
Morbuskid said:
Polemos tilted his head at the face Euloria made at him. "Fine i am sorry of rude quote, but was the fist pumping really necessary? (sorry when i got that image i was like HECK NO! xD ), and i am not the god of peace and tranquility, i am a god of war and conflict!, i don't make friends i kill enemies, so you have to imagine how hard it is for me to make a friend through emotion and not threats.", he said calmly as he got up and walked away. He just wanted to find one place where he could practice to and so he found a garden. 'FINALLY!', he thought to himself as he entered from the other side, unaware of the other person coming in. He sat down and channeled a silky red liquid from the cracks of the ground and it encircled him. He got up and he was taller and much stronger as the liquid became tore silk and strapped to his back as a cape. He was wearing golden spartan armor with red glowing eyes and no face showing. He summoned ashes from the shadows of a tree and then there stood 4 dark roman legionnaire soldiers that charge at him. He rammed one with his shield and kicked another into the one behind him. The other one stood there next to a tree as the three picked themselves up near the flower beds and got back into position under the tree.

AlmighTy said:
Hekate raises her hand and uses magic to put up a protect the flowers since she does need them. "The barbarian. I'll be on my way then." Hekate makes her way to room 380. She never thought about a familiar.
Zeus Sits In A Chair With 10 Pieces Of Paper "Child Or Teenagers ." (Males Are Really Rare And Familiars Are Chosen At Random And Can Be Used In Fights)
Morpheus wandered into room 380 and walked up to Zeus he then cleared his throat and said in a voice exactly like Zeus. "King of the gods here and I was wondering what you mean by child or teenagers?" Morpheus then smiled at Zeus hoping he wouldn't get angry.
Polemos heard the announcement and despawned the roman soldiers. He changed back to normal and headed to the room. He was wandering what it was about and so that is when he approached the door. He wanted to enter but at the same time he did not. He walked into the door way and stopped as he asked, "Permission to come in sir?".

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