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Fantasy High School for the Supernatural and Gifted

(Great job on thee exam, brother!)

Vel snarled in irritation, her wing almost fully grown back already as she slunk out of the room and left the two. Hmph, stupid evil male! Rips her wing off then decides to get all lovey with her new friend. She was going to hurt him sometime, she was planning. She crawled down the building, her claws scratching over Revnoir's window and in her irritation her tail slammed into his window, causing it to crack slightly. She stopped, hearing the noise of the glass breaking and turned around, her size blocking any light coming into the window as she hissed. She tapped the window with her beak, then slammed her head into it, shattering it. Slinking inside, growling at the scratches she got from the broken glass, she climbed to the ceiling and hung upside down in a corner. She was way too pissed off to realize anyone was in the room. @Umbra Regalia
Revnoir sat on the sofa in the room, sipping coffee, staring at the creature that just came into his room by the window and was now handing in the corner of his room. He stared with wide eyes, mid-sip, while Xillia tried to hide between the sofa cushions. Revnoir couldn't make a noise, his surprise was catching his voice in his throat.
Vel snarled every time she exhaled. She didnt have eyes, but she sensed things like pit vipers do by heat. Her great sense of smell could scent coffee and she looked up. She dropped from the ceiling, slobber dripping on the ground like a running faucet. She then saw Revnoir and snarled, though didnt attack. She smelled him, pressing her beak to his shoulder and hissed before pulling back. She nipped at the coffee cup's edge, pulling on it slightly.
Revnoir oddly wasn't freaking out, and let the creature take the coffee. He could make more anyway. He stood up and quickly stood a few feet away. He didn't want to be anywhere near the thing. Xillia scurried over and climbed up his legs and sat on his head. She was small and light enough to not cause him any discomfort. "The hell..?" Revnoir muttered under his breath, an eyebrow raised.
Vel put her jaws around the cup and leaned her head upward, the coffee spilling down her throat and on the floor. She dropped the cup and screamed, standing her biggest. She stretched her growing wing out, the bone was done reconstructing and muscle was starting to cover the bone. She smelled around before moving to the kitchen and nudging the door open. She pulled out any meat she could find, tearing into it hunger and snarled as she ate. She was prone to making big messes.
Revnoir just sat back down on the couch, still staring at the...


... in his kitchen. He was only internally freaking out, mouthing the words 'what the hell is going on..?'. He was completely confused.

(gtg for tonight, sry! Bad timing on my part)

Vel had her fill, standing up and walked back to the living room. She sat down by the couch, laying her head beside him. She chirped sometimes, making small noises and not screaming, snarling or hissing like she usually did. She nudged his hand, chirping again.
Zero heard the fox next door. That fox is so loud Zero said to himself. Zeus sat next to him. He boy, Zero said as he patted the hell hound on the head. You want so food boy? Zero asked. Zeus barked in excitement. Ok boy here Zero said as he gave the dog a soul.
Revnoir looked a little disgusted, and scooted away. He pulled Xillia away when she tried to go near the creature, not wanting her to get eaten.

He never was great with animals. The only way he could control Xillia was because she could actually speak the human language. Even if only when she was alone with him.
Vel lifted her head and snarled. She flattened her ears at the rejection, this person judged her for her appearance! She screamed in frustration, standing to her full height. She looked down at Revnoir, her spines standing up straight. The only person who as accepted her was Winter, and she had hoped that others would have that sense of acceptance too. She thrust her face into his, slobber dripping into his lap as she snarled. Her tail smacked the ground, lashing and threw the coffee mug across the room and shattered it.
He jumped from surprise and pushed himself away from her. The arm of the sofa kept him from going too far from her, and he reacted with his instincts - to form a thin barrier between him and the monster out of his Shadow Threads. They were harder to break than you'd expect, having some properties of metal. The barrier curved around Vel's face, but didn't touch her. To her it would have looked like she had gone blind, as the Threads were pitch black. Xillia ran off into a corner, curling up underneath a piece of furniture.
Winter heard a noise coming from one of the other rooms so she stood up and walked till she found the door, she unlocked it with an ice pick (get it, lock pick, ice haha... I'll let myself out) and she goes inside "Vel! Stop scaring the poor guy!" She glances at the guy and sees the shield around Vels face "she means no harm I promise"
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Rev looked at the girl, then the creature, then back at the girl. He grumbled and looked at the monster again. "How the hell do I make friends with a monster?" He muttered under his breath. The barrier opened a little only big enough for him to see the thing's face slightly. He looked extremely unsure. "Why can't you just get your pet out of my room?" He asked the girl without looking her way.
Vel hissed, shaking her head and screaming with irritation and panic. She backed up,then hearing Winter she chirped for the girl to help her. Feeling her pet her head she purred, nuzzling her head against Winter's hand. She heard the guy call her a monster over and over again and she hissed at him. She violently shook her head again, trying to get the thing off her face.
Revnoir sighed and crawled away from the thing. "Alright alright, tell your friend to get out of my room. Please? She's scaring my familiar." He nodded towards Xillia, who's fur was on end and she had fox fire swirling around in case Vel tried to attack her.
Winter sighed "Come on Vel" she looked at the small creature in the corner "you're safe ok? Vel just got excited" she looked at the boy again. "My names Winter Lucas" I walked out of the room with Vel closing the door
Revnoir just stood there, staring at the door that closed behind her. "What was that about..?" He asked himself, or maybe Xillia, nobody would ever know.

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