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Fantasy Hickory Grove


10000 bees in a trench coat


Welcome to Hickory Grove, a town you go to when you've got a secret to keep. A town so small everyone knows their neighbors. Or so it seems to be. What they don't know is that dear Mrs.Henrietta stages occult meeting in the basement three times a week. Sweet Mr.Jones down the road is a wolf in a suit, quite literally, ask the sheep at the Robert's farm. The Rosenthals down the road happen to find the best part of any meal is red and straight from a vein. Of course the town has it's own selection of humans as well. Some of them know, others live in a blissful ignorance,but one thing remains the same.

Whatever you are, Hickory Grove welcomes you with outstretched arms, and always watching eyes.


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The balmy day was turning out to be quite the interesting thing for Micah Alvarez. He'd awoken with the distinct feeling of disaster looming just out of sight, paired with the small taste of electric in the air. Something that usually spelled for a good storm in the later hours of the day. The clock read in it's neon green 3:30 am, this was far too early to be awake. The sun had yet to make the steep climb into the air, but sleep had already slid out of his grasp. A small groan was his reply to the thickly humid weather. When he got out of bed, after another ten minutes of begging the sandman to return him to the world of the sleeping, he set to work prepping himself for the day. On the mirror was a list of things for him to do, courtesy of his mother. He had several deliveries to make, and upon completing his usual morning rituals, he was headed out at ten til four. The sun would come up in a few hours, and he was painfully aware that a few of these deliveries were indeed time sensitive.

On foot, Micah was around ten minutes from the main stretch of town. He was almost always on foot, despite the rather classy antique Camaro that sits in the garage. Around his shoulder he had a messenger bag, and in his right hand he had a cigarette between two fingers. Walking always becomes an experience with the fog that threatens to blanket the town. Micah generally carries a charm or two (although his mother has never revealed where she acquired such objects) to keep visibility high. It's amazing what people can do with a touch of magic and some good will. It's also beyond impressive what people can do with a touch of magic and a lack of morals. Is mother, usually after a few cups of wine, is always quick to tell him how glad she is that his magic is very much lacking in the ability to harm others, physically at least. Micah huffs softly as he stares down the main street, street lamps glowing in the muggy air. His gaze flickers up to the sky, too dark to see any clouds at the moment. He rubs the back of his neck, setting off down the street, always a gamble. It's hard to know who you'll run into in Hickory Grove at four in the morning. In the far distance he hears a crack of thunder, or perhaps a gun shot in the deep wooded area, and he shivers.
Janum was leaning on the wall of a closed-down (and most likely human owned) convenient store. He was looking about the street, fiddling with the pocket of his hoodie between his fingers. He had been waiting for someone to come walking down. In most towns, four AM was by no means a place for a homeless, begging child. But Janum trusted this town, and his capacity for self defense.

He'd been standing there for about fifteen minutes, almost deciding to try out one of the late night diners for food when Micah happened down the street.

Now, Janum was well aware of Micah's mean streak, but he was also aware that he wasn't heartless.

I haven't asked anything of him recently, either...

Janum straightened his back, tossing his head backwards to slip the hood of the hoodie to the base of his neck.

His green eyes gleamed in the dark as he made his way over to the messenger, his red curly hair bouncing in his wake.

On Main Street, it was a rare occasion to see the lights turned on in the tiny, homey little shop that always smelled of cinnamon and nutmeg when you passed. Tonight was one of those nights, though. A warm glow dominated the little shop, with candles in the windows and the lights on. A sign in the window read "Open" and above was the title "Hickory Tea Shoppe." Inside sat a young woman in a dress, long hair pulled back in a bun as she worked on something at the table, blending together several herbs. At her side was a mug of steaming tea smelling strongly of cinnamon and licorice, and her grey eyes continually flitted across the room and around. Tali was focused on her work, though her mix was not for drinking. What she was making now would be used to make a talisman.

If you knew the guy who knows the guy, you would know that when Tali sells you one of her Talismans good things tend to come your way. This one was intended for the beggar boy she often saw on the streets — perhaps he could do for a bit of luck tossed his way.

She kept looking up and around nervously, though, as if she suspected she may not be alone in her tiny tea shop.

Elsewhere was Bael. Easy to miss as he sat in the antique shop, surrounded by beautiful shelves full of beautiful objects, hiding in the shadows of the corners drinking a mug of Tali's tea. It always bothered her: no matter what the weather, the brews he bought were always described as ones "to chase away the cold and warm the body." Typically they didn't sell to anyone else in the south. He watched the shop, feet propped on a table, as he sat back waiting to see if he would go home without being bothered today. Oftentimes the antique shop didn't see a visitor in a day.
When he heard the other boy approach him, he allowed his sunglasses to slip down ever so slightly so he could stare over the rims of them at him. Micah wrinkled his nose slightly, he wasn't the best, by any means, at social interaction. Especially not while on a run for his mother, he had business on his mind. The sooner he finished this, the sooner he could get back home and go back to sleep. He had every intent on crashing on the sofa the moment he finished up the list that was folded in his breast pocket. When it was completed, there was a bottle of whiskey, and a comfortable sofa calling his name. His glare continued for another solid minute before he huffed softly and scowled, brows knitting together in a grimace of sorts. It's certainly a grimace. He's got no real affection for the beggar child, granted even his own amoral heart can't let the kid just stand there and stare. Although Micah does clutch his bag protectively. You can never be too safe while holding your mother's livelihood. "What do you want, kid? " He finally asks after a moment.

His gaze flickers upwards to the lit up shop, and as he thinks of it, it's on the list. He's got to hit up two shops tonight, and tomorrow he's got a less interesting job to do. A small motel run, which means sneaking in. Witches aren't allowed, after all. A sign that Micah has, in his youth, defiled more than once. He'd even spray painted it more than once. He'd spent a night in the police station for that one, getting off on a warning on account of the fact that the former sheriff had been in a similar situation as Micah. His scowl deepened slightly and he took a few shuffling steps towards the lit up shop where the girl sat.
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Janum looks up at him, softening his expression. He's gotta get on his A-game if he's gonna win this one over.

He puts a hand on his stomach, then holds a hand out in front of him, his emerald eyes twinkling up at Micah. Though sometimes the kid's been known to beg even when he has what seems like enough food already (though for Janum, no amount of food is ever enough), tonight he genuinely hadn't eaten anything since three o' clock, only having a couple bites of a turkey sandwich and a coke a cola. Everyone seemed to busy or too tight on cash to offer him all that much.

In all honesty, he would've preferred cash, as you cant exactly exchange food for packs of blood at the local donation clinic (or if you could, Janum had never thought to try that... maybe he should...) which is why he was particularly trolling the streets tonight instead of the open late-night diners.

He gives a slight purse of his lips, barely scrunching up his eyebrows a half a millimeter closer yet managing to make that expression all the harder to resist.

He wasn't sure how he felt about manipulating people like this. Part of him gets a kick out of it, yet another feels... kind of bad.

No matter. He's starving, he'll think about it later and reap the benefits now.

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Accaica Benson

Silver eyes snapped open, staring at the wall in front of her, feeling freshed and anew. A look of what seemed to be satisfaction spread across her face as she rose from meditating, stretching her arms, getting ready for the day.

The young woman did her usual hygiene, brushing hair, teeth, washing her face, makeup. Then, with a flick of her dainty wrist, her closet door flung open, her outfit automatically sprawled on her bed.

A small smile reached across her lips, slipping on the
black dress. She chuckled slightly as she put in the cross like earrings, knowing it'll piss off the religious townsies. Some of them already suspect she's not human, some claiming she's a vampire due to her lack of liking towards light.

Silly humans

The dark haired female shook her head, stepping into her heels and pulling on her hat, door opening for her.

A smile of content took place on her face as she took in the foggy weather. She loved these kind of days. Grey, rainy, cloudy.

A perfect day to get tea..

Accacia began heading towards her friends' -and probably her only- tea shop, earning a few stares for her outfit. The young witch really didn't care, she knew she stood out, but was currently too lost in her thoughts to notice.

Maybe I could visit the Antique shop later...

She's always had a love for old trinkets and doodads.

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She let out a shuddered breath as she hugged her jacket around herself, walking around the outskirts of time. Ever since she was bitten it had become a habit for her to go on these late night walks and after three years she was beginning to enjoy them; it was just her, the moon, the stars and her music. Fia nodded her head slightly in rhythm with her music, taking in the crisp night air as she did. She found it oddly quiet but she wasn't disturbed; she lived on the outskirts of Hickory Grove so she never really expected much activity at night time to happen. Glancing around her, she slowed her pace and took a turn to her left, heading into the center of town. There were some shady areas she always avoided; vampires weren't normally hospitable and she didn't want to associate with the occult any more than she had to.

It had taken her about half an hour to walk to the center of town, and she noted that the moon was starting to fall. She allowed herself a slight smile as she spotted an antique was open. She'd seen it before but had never really had the courage to go in and check it out, she was going to change that. Fia stood outside the door for a moment, thinking. Maybe there would be something for Laikas in there, he was a fan of history, maybe there were some old items in there he might like for his birthday next month. Curiousity encouraged forwards and she pushed open the door, stepping inside.

Micah scoffs at first, he usually does. He continues taking a few steps back. From time to time he forgets where it is he lives. While he's not human, and that does offer him a whole host of benefits, such as avoidance of this type of situation generally, it appears he's walked into quite the predicament. He grunts softly, and his hand twitches on the bag. He knows he should beyond anything, clutch one of the charms in his pocket. His mother has prepped him for this in the past, but that's such a stretch at this point. Besides, not tossing the kid a dollar or two would make him seem perhaps more cold hearted than usual. That, and his mother would seriously, beyond anything, be angry if were to return and tell her about the fiasco. After a moment, he slid a hand into his back pocket and removed his wallet. Frowning at the rather lack of money there, he fished out two dollars and tossed them to the ground. He wasn't perhaps the kindest by any means, and he nodded before heading towards the tea shoppe.

"Don't waste it, kid." That was his gentle response as he walked. He slid his hands into his pockets, humming softly as he strolled forwards. After a moment he paused so he could remove the list from his pocket. It, was very much vague on what it was that he was doing. It simply said, in the neat cursive his mother always wrote in 'Delivery.' Although it hardly specified what it was he was to deliver, in either cases. How awfully annoying of her. He'd confront her about this sort of thing, soon. Or so he said now, but it was very much unlikely that he'd ever, in a million years, confront her on anything. While Micah himself could do minimal things with his powers, his mother was different thing entirely. He had no idea what the limits of her powers were, or if he waned to cross her.
Janum looks as the green slips of paper down to the floor. Nonetheless, he gives a small smile. Seeming ungrateful doesnt make for a good reputation when you're a beggar.

However, he was a little annoyed with the fashion that he was given the cash. He bends over and picks up the bills, swiftly standing back up with them in hand. He looks up, shaking his head in response to Micah's request. And once he walks away, he turns his head to the Hickory Tea Shoppe. The lady in there was nice. Maybe she'd have something to give in return for volunteer work. So, he headed on in, the bell ringing overheard as he pushed the door open.
Upon stepping into the antique shop one would think it was empty. Bael was obscured not only by shadows but also the rows of cabinets and book shelves. He didn't immediately stand when someone entered the little store, pushing out a false breath and stood, standing back. Perhaps he could startle his visitor when she walked further in by appearing behind her.

Among the baubles of the store were kettles, teapots, porcelain dolls and kitchenware, a section dedicated to Chinese yixing teapots(which he seemed oddly disdainful toward), his favorite — pocket watches, some on a necklace chain. There were of course plenty of other things, too.

Tali looked up from her work as she noticed people approaching. She stood up and pressed her work aside. "good morning, Accaica," she greeted readily, then looked at Micah. "What cannI do for the both of you?" She was always hoped to get to make custom brews(something she intended to do for Bael, however leery she was of his unusually chilly nature), and whatever the custom teas or brews were she was always up for the challenge.

Of course, she was also ready to assist if one of them needed something special too. She was honestly hoping for payment to come in the form of something she could use as an anchor for a charm on that account.

She was a bit surprised when the beggar boy appeared in her doorway too. She was curious as to what he might need from her; after all, what could he have to offer? Perhaps he hoped for some work, or...?
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Micah was, in truth, not entirely there. His thoughts were drifting, as if anchored to sand. He did this often enough, and he was painfully aware that he'd need to snap out of it soon. Micah had, since he was a child, had trouble keeping himself in the present at all times. Especially during the early hours. That, and he hadn't downed a cup of coffee. It was hard to keep himself from losing sight of the present. He moved to idly rub his eyes with his fingers before sliding his sunglasses off and tucking them into his pocket. The pocket that was of course free of charms or talismans his mother packed his jacket with. He needs to move out sooner or later but she can hardly walk, and it's left him in the home. It's part of the reason in truth he lingers in the town, so he says. Micah finally starts forward, moving to take a seat, and crack his knuckles before slinging the bag off his shoulder and onto the table. He has no idea what it is he's here for, which is beyond annoying for him.

"You tell me. My mother sent me your way, Dina Alvarez. I'm her kid, Micah. You're on the list." He produced the (now slightly crumpled) piece of paper from his pocket and offered it to her. His gaze, now no longer hidden behind the brown reflective lenses, searched her face. He'd managed to anchor himself to the present once more, no longer so distracted, and no longer feeling the too familiar swell of something creeping up in the dark edges of his vision. His free hand went to clutch the small metal charm that hung around his neck. Forged in the shape of a cross, although he was very much aware his mother hadn't simply bought him a cross necklace all those years ago. He cocked his head to the side, and offered up a lazy grin of sorts. "I'm assuming you ordered something. Secondly, do you serve coffee?" Likely a long stretch in a tea shoppe, but one could hope.

Accaica Benson

The corners of her red lipsticked lips tugged upwards when she heard Talis greeting. "Good morning to you too dearest" She nodded her head in small greeting, noticing a male in front of her.


She use to go to school with him, but never really talked to him. Never really talked to many actually.

But, she has heard not so pleasant things about this dark haired boy. That didn't change her thoughts on him, still neutral as ever.

Accacia adjusted her silver gaze back to her one of her only friends, crossing her arms in waiting.

As she stood behind Micah, something felt...off...Her Divination was kicking in.

Maybe he's a non-human too..?

She quirked an eyebrow, quite curious now.

The only way I could identify his species is if I was very close to him or touching him...

I doubt this guy will want any of that though.

;; @Sleipnir @Amaranthium
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Winona Tearle

She glanced up at the clock, seeing the second hand continue to tick away. Winnie sighed, looking out of the window. It was still dark, luckily. She pulled on a black t-shirt, and then paired it with a red flannel and blue skinny jeans. She put light makeup on her face after brushing her hair and teeth. She looked back at the clock and out the window. It was still dark out, but she'd bring an umbrella just in case.

Winona took her black, leather bag and slung it onto her left shoulder. Taking the umbrella in her right hand, she opened the door to her apartment and locked it, and decided to walk rather than take her car to one of the diners. This one always seemed to be opened all day, which was quite nice. She sat down at one of the bar stools, and ordered an iced tea. She then sipped from the glass that was given to her, noticing how empty it was. Only a couple workers were here, and after serving her, they walked back into the back of the place.

Winnie sighed, glancing at her watch. She took another sip of her iced tea, and pulled her book out of her bag. Sure, she could have gone to the tea shop, which seemed to be open, but she wanted somewhere quiet to read, which happened to be this diner early in the morning or late at night. She turned the page in her book.
Fia closed the door behind her and rolled her shoulders back slightly, trying to relaxe. Meeting new people was always a bit awkward for Fia; she preferred being approached by others instead of starting conversations herself. She let out a sigh and ventured deeper into the shop, taking a glance from side to side at the wares around her, there were some things she was sure Laikas would like but maybe the shop owner would be more apt at slecting something for her brother. Stopping, she noticed how ominous the store seemed now: it seemed strangely dark with an abundance of shadows that all the antiques seemed to contribute to. Some pocket watches caught her eye but what worried her was that the shop seemed empty, suggesting someone had some sort of malicious idea in mind.

Being a werewolf had its benefits of course, and she knew somebody was in the shop with her. She let out a sigh as she spoke, "If you're not open I can always come back another time." She paused for a moment, waiting for a response, standing in the same spot. The town was full of supernaturals, some were dangerous, some weren't, but Fia didn't really trust any of them. She waited patiently for an answer; most first responses revealed a lot about a person.

Janum stood behind the two adults in front of him, patiently waiting for the adults in front to fulfill their needs.

He looks around, appreciating the small tea shop. He wanders over to a wall that has a counter holding many kinds of tea on it, observing the different flavors.

Chai, peppermint... Earl gray...

Janum has rarely had tea in his life, only giving himself the luxury on occasion when he felt he could splurge, or when someone was feeling especially generous...
"Dina Alveraz...?" She pushed her fringe of light brown bangs out of her eyes, studying the page. Of course it was like the woman not to tell her son what it was she wanted. "...Yes. I do believe I have something for her here—" she dropped to look into her undercabinets below the bar she stood behind. There was a small box labelled for Alveraz, and she grabbed it, sliding it to Micah. "There. No coffee, but a fresh pot of one of my personal favorite blends. I've been told it has quite a kick when it comes to energy," she assured him with a wink, pouring a mug. It smelled very much of chocolate and cinnamon. "I made this for myself, so anyone who wants some is welcome to a cup," she told the other to customers. She stood to one side to help Accaica while Micah took the box and left payment. "Now, how might I help you, then?"

Bael was disappointed that he failed in his goal, but brushed it off. "No, miss. We're open," he assured her, slipping in next to her almost out of nowhere. "Are you looking for anything in particular?" He was a touch suspicious of her; most people didn't notice Bael so easily. He tried to push that aside though, and leaned against a pillar and scanned the girl with sharp green eyes.
In all honestly, Declan had no idea where this place was on the map nor knew about it much. It was an odd town that his uncle had landed them. After being here for a few days, he was bored already and found himself in the forest late at night. He walked around, dodging low hanging branches that were almost hidden by thick, moist fog. It was so quiet, music could be heard coming from his earbuds. Something had to prove interesting in this town, maybe it would add some excitement to his life, although he doubted it.

Declan heard a branch snap not to far away from him, making his feet freeze in place and put a hand on the damp tree trunk next to him. It seemed calling out was always a bad idea, so he kept quiet in case it was something that felt like devouring him. There was a sense of dread clinging to him, so he decided to leave. Picking up the pace a bit, he ran back to the edge of the forest and stared back to the dark, shadowing the trees.

That's the last time I take a walk in there at night...

Declan thought to himself, shaking the shiver out of his bones. He was surprised to see people were out this late, it seemed more were out at night rather than day. Standing at the edge, he removed his earbuds in fear of hearing something again, scowling around to figure out what to do next.
Lex's eyes slowly peeled open at the alarm clock's whining in her ears. Sharply smacking the machine until it ceased to annoy her she swung her legs out of bed and stretched letting out a monstrous yawn and checked the time, she never really looked at the alarm clock just cursed it mostly. Three o'clock.

"Damn, I'm going to be late" She whispered to herself an tip toed to the bathroom where she saw her blonde hair in a horrible knot. After a few minutes tugging and dragging a brush through it she put it into a bun and tip toed to her closet.

Though she lived alone she lived above the most horrible land lord she had ever heard of, Mr. Bucklin. He was a crotchety old human with a temper and if Lex made ANY noise in the mornings her rent was up ten bucks that month. Grabbing her overalls and sliding into them and a white shirt she snapped the buttons closed and grabbed her apron hanging on the door handle. Her boots were outside her front door to not be so loud when she put them on but today when she poked her head out to grab them they were gone.

"Oh great!" she hissed under her breath and settled for some old sneakers at the bottom of her closet. After grabbing her keys and carefully shutting the door she tiptoed down the stairs to the door of the flat to hear a sudden bang. Turning around slowly, there were her boots which had been thrown at her door loudly by her devilish neighbor's child Fanny. Giggling evilly she stuck her tongue out at Lex and disappeared back into her own door as Mr. Bucklin's shouting rose from the floor below them. Not waiting to be hollered at Lex ran out the door and around the block corner and decided to deal with all that later.

Looking down at her watch, three forty five. "ARRRRGH!" breaking into a heavy trot she pushed through the fog down main street and swung into Cory's and stepped behind the corner, switching the neon sign to OPEN. Sighing she took a seat at the stool behind the counter and looked at the raw meat hanging in the glass display case in the window and caught sight of the tea shop across the shop and saw Micah, the delivery boy going in with the begger not far behind.
Regardless of the fact she was prepared for something like it, Fia still jumped slightly when he appeared next her, seemingly just phasing into existence. She relaxed slightly afterwards, noting his sudden appearance as something to help her identify what he was. Smiling slightly when he called her 'Miss', she thought for a moment when he asked her if she was looking for anything specific. Fia shook her head, "Not really; my brother's in to his history stuff so I was just hoping to get him something simple. Maybe an antique pocket-watch or something like that."

She glanced at him, he seemed odd, even in this town, maybe he was a ghost. Fia hadn't met many and that would certainly explain his strange presence. She studied, he seemed about her age which caused a wave of questions to flow through her head the most prominent being: how did he end up here?

He couldn't help but let a small smile tug at his mouth when she jumped a bit, though it was an arrogant, self-satisfied sort of smile. "Pocket watches — that's a favorite of mine. They all have stories to them, and they keep time perfectly well. See this one?" He picked up one of the more ornate watches. "Rumor behind this one's that it belonged to a serial killer. People dying in town, he stopped showing up and so did the dead bodies. Some people broke into his home for the estate sale and found it this, eventually made its way down to Hickory Grove via multiple dead owners. No one's bought it yet, they avoid it like the plague when they learn the story. Doubt I could sell it for a jitney these days." He let it fall back to a hanging position, folding his arms and examining the girl again. "...So it's got a history, if he wants it."
Janum whipped his head over once Tali spoke that the tea was for anyone in the shop, a flurry of red and black curls swirling behind him. He made his way over, because lord knows this boy won't pass up anything that's completely free.

He makes his way over to the counter, standing on very edge of the checkout space on the right as he looks to the tea, pointing to the pot as if to say "Can I have some?"

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Fia tilted her head slightly, another habit she had gotten into after she had been bitten, studying the pocket watch for a moment. The act itself was one of curiousity, but one she normally did as a wolf and rarely one she did as a human. The man seemed to have a lot of experience in his trade, though if he was bluffing he was definitely a professional at that as well. Laikas was interested in old-style jewelry to the best of Fia's knowledge and the decoration on the pocket watch he was presenting her did appeal to her eye. The story intrigued her but it wouldn't put her off. She was tempted to buy it, but she had heard a lot about antique shops and knew the watch would be expensive.

She sighed and looked him in the eye, "How much is it going to cost?"

Fia checked her pockets pre-emptively, waiting for him to say a price.

Tali gave the boy a smile and handed him a cup of the tea, deciding she'd give him the lucky amulet once she had tended to her other customers. She then turned her attention back to Micah and Accaica, wondering if there was anything else they needed.

Bael nodded. Of course he had taken the pocket watch to Tali some time ago to check it out — neither said it but both knew that Bael had her figured out, though he was uncertain how much about him she knew. As far as some curse to the watch, she had returned it insisting it would cause no problems. He wasn't about to sell cursed objects, after all.

"Oh," he began somewhat loftily. Like he had said, he wasn't expecting to get rid of it for more than a nickel. "25?" He examined her mannerisms. Head tilting — a few people did that in the shop. He was certain she was no more mundane than he was himself, and that mannerism made him wonder if she was a touch closer to a canine than most. But that was none of his business as long as she didn't come crashing through the antique shop as a giant wolf-beast.
Fia nodded with a sigh, "Twenty five." She paused, feeling around in her left pocket for some notes, eventually grasping hold of two notes. Pulling them out of her pocket, she turned the two notes over in her hands and cursed herself quietly; two tens. She dug around in her right pocket for any more to no avail and she lowered her face in slight disappointment, "How about twenty?"

She was slightly embarrassed by this turn of events; she was never short of money, this was the first time it had ever happened and she wasn't going to come along tomorrow night either. Fia looked back up at him, "Sorry I haven't asked for your name yet, I'm Fia."


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