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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

@Echo Dreamsong[/URL]
Ty had enough of this. They were gonna burn the house down. "OK STOP!" He snapped his fingers, channeling just a drop of Silence's energy draining the oxygen out of the flames. He also took Cha...Chawice and put him in a small sound barrier. The oxygen removal wasn't enough for the others to suffocate, but just enough to smother the flames.
Otakubeats said:
Ty had enough of this. They were gonna burn the house down. "OK STOP!" He snapped his fingers, channeling just a drop of Silence's energy draining the oxygen out of the flames. He also took Cha...Chawice and put him in a small sound barrier. The oxygen removal wasn't enough for the others to suffocate, but just enough to smother the flames.
Astra trembled on the suddenly cold ground before smiling at her brother. The memories were hazy, but she had begun to remember with the pain. Probably not a good thing for the kid to discover.
Quillicious said:
"Astra! No!"
Quill quickly leapt up, but immediately grew nauseous with the pain and crumpled in front of Astra. He grimaced and held his foot. It was literally sideways. He held Astra's hands in his, anyway, ignoring the pain.

"You...you shouldn't have d-done that..."

@Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock
Astra winced at the contact on the horrid burns, but still she smiled.

"Thank God!"

Quill hugged her tight, being careful not to hurt her again. He sighed.

"Glad you're back, my little tinderbox. I missed you. I really shouldn't have gone away for so long, I'm sorry."

@Echo Dreamsong
Astra lay against Quill, shivering. Seriously, the kid needed a lot more meat. The constant throb probably wasn't as bad as Quill's, but the fire had never hurt her like this before. So she sobbed quietly, contemplating why the fire had hated her so much.

Quillicious said:
Quill kept hugging her as he looked up at Bolt. He smiled weakly at him.
"Does Mommy wanna join in?"

He laughed quietly to himself before slowly rocking Astra back and forth. As he did so, he whistled a lullaby to her.

@Echo Dreamsong @Shammy the Shamrock
Astra smiled softly before the numb feeling overwhelmed her and she drifted into a deep sleep.

(Night all!)
Bolt saw them, he first shocked ty as if he was a defibrillator before running up. He sat down on the ground and looked at Quill "Thanks! You put her to sleep for a bit. I'll see how she is doing when she wakes up," he said stroking Astra's hair before getting back up, staying silent as he flipped Ty from behind his back.

@Quillicious @Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats
With the whole crisis over, Hibiki would be at the apartment reading a good book. He wondered what Ty was up to, but he was sure to come back.
Black turned to the side as he released Psycho from his hold and went to sleep. He floated off the ground and was soon sleeping on the ceiling, drool dripping from his mouth. He curled up, his head tucked into his chest as he slept.

Quill smirked at Bolt before flopping his useless foot around. He raised an eyebrow at him before leaning forward over Astra and grabbing hold of his foot. He breathed quickly a few times before snapping it back into place. Quill teared up and grunted as he but back a yell.

"The only way I can put her to bed myself is if you pick me up and bring me there. I'm goin' nowhere fast with this ankle."

His black eye had shrunk a lot, the bruise only the size of a quarter and not very protruding at all. His puncture wound wasn't bothering him much since it was bandaged up.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Quillicious said:
Quill smirked at Bolt before flopping his useless foot around. He raised an eyebrow at him before leaning forward over Astra and grabbing hold of his foot. He breathed quickly a few times before snapping it back into place. Quill teared up and grunted as he but back a yell.
"The only way I can put her to bed myself is if you pick me up and bring me there. I'm goin' nowhere fast with this ankle."

His black eye had shrunk a lot, the bruise only the size of a quarter and not very protruding at all. His puncture wound wasn't bothering him much since it was bandaged up.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"You should be moving at all but you're stubborn."
Bolt crossed his arms and snapped his fingers. He lifted his hands as his gauntlets appeared and he picked them both up "I've got it," he said going over to Astra's room and setting her down on her bed. He teleported and placed her wheelchair next to her "Want me to take you to your room or put you here?" He asked with a laugh, using only one hand to hold Quill.

@Quillicious @Echo Dreamsong
Quillicious said:
"I'm a big boy, thank you very much."
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Quillicious said:
Quill scoffed at Ty.
"I'm a big boy, thank you very much."

"Yea whatever." Ty gave him a plate of chicken and rice as well as some to bolt. "I need to go, Hibiki's probably reading and I want to bug him. See you later!" He walked off, and went to the apartment him and Hibiki were in.
Quill raised his eyebrows at Bolt and laughed nervously. He was poking fun at him, but whatever. As Bolt held him with one hand, his eyebrows raised even higher.

"Somebody's been practicing. And when will you get it through your thick skull that I'm not a hero? I don't have a room here."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt smirked "I have rooms for everyone, you just haven't been in it yet. Hell, I don't have a room, I sleep in the living room in case anyone new comes. Do you want to sleep with Astra?" He asked with a smirk, he looked back at the door.

"Oh. Well, then. I'll sleep in my room, I guess."

Quill thought Astra would be okay. She needed to sleep, and Quill would only hinder that. Another thought crossed his mind, but he dismissed it almost immediately.

"She's fine."

@Shammy the Shamrock

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